MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 16 Fat cats can jump lightly

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叹 Zheng Tan's expression is inexplicable. He doesn't even know who is "Buddha". Originally, I thought Dad Jiao would say that he left home, but now instead of mentioning leaving home, what is the meaning of "Buddha"?

"Oh, forget it, it doesn't look like I know it." Jiao Ma returned to the kitchen to continue making dinner. She didn't think that a cat could change Chu Hua's famous "Buddha" attitude.

Dao Jiao sat down on the sofa and described the general situation of "Buddha" with Zheng Tan.

As soon as Dao Jiao said that a woman in her fifties with a serious face, Zheng Tan thought of the old woman who went to the artificial lake.

I should be that person.

The original name of "Buddha" was Ye He, the dean of the School of Physics, which overlaps with the name of the old Lafayette Yehenara of the Qing Dynasty. In addition, it is more serious, the gas field is too strong, everyone in the School of Physics is in awe. The dean's husband is now the president of Chuhua University. I do not know when he was named "Buddha".

叹 Zheng Tan thought about Dean Ye's appearance and style of work.

Father Jiao Jiao didn't ask about Zheng Tan's departure from the family, and he didn't delve into the matter of "Faye laughed" anyway, anyway, looking at "Faye" doesn't look like a bad thing.

小孩 The two children woke up during dinner and got better. The first thing Jiao Yuan woke up was to go to the refrigerator to check "baby".

"Oh, Shet !!!"

Jiao Yuan wailed, and was just heard by Jiao Ma who was holding the vegetable plate. After leaving the dish, he twisted Jiao Yuan's ears.

"Ah, don't ah, isn't it unreasonable for me to be incapable?" Jiao Yuan rubbed his twisted ears and said.

Regardless of how Jiao Yuan explained, his pocket money was still deducted. Zheng Tan saw how Jiao Yuan gritted his teeth while eating, and it is estimated that he will find those three accounts at school tomorrow.

After seven days of neglect, Jiao's family was lively again, and the popularity returned.

After dinner, the two children watched the TV for a while to go to their rooms to review their homework. They did n’t go to school for a week, and some homework had to be made up.

After finishing the chopsticks, Mother Jiao went out to find her colleagues and sisters. Jiao Ma was an English teacher in a junior high school near Chu Hua. During the time of leaving, I was looking for someone to help me with my lesson. When I came back, I would also like to thank others. They are from the family compound. Carry fruit.

As for Jiao Dad, he is sitting at his desk and reading a collection of articles.

叹 Zheng Tan walked over and looked at the cover of the book, which is Mr. Zhou's anthology. So, Dao Jiao is not in a good mood right now.

People always have various negative emotions such as dissatisfaction, depression, and boredom, but the way of venting is different. Some people like swearing, some people like drinking, some people like fighting or doing some strenuous exercise, etc. I've heard Dad Jiao swear or vent with other intense sports. Because he has children at home, he rarely smokes and doesn't drink alcohol often, only when some close friends come over.

Unlike others, Dao Jiao will read Mr. Zhou's anthology every time when he is in a bad mood and is upset without any solution. Zheng Tan remembers the most recent time, in August, when Dao Jiao waited for the National Natural Science Foundation to release the list. That time, Zheng Tan watched Dao Jiao holding Mr. Zhou's anthology and watch "The True Story of Ah Q." Fortunately, a few days later, the National Natural Science Foundation of China was on the list, and Dao Jiao's name was listed.

As for today ...

Zheng Tan jumped into the desk and looked at it, Dad Jiao was watching today-"On" Fuck ".

[... After all, the times are advancing, and we ca n’t go back to the era of "fuck". After various thoughts, coupled with the profound and long-standing cultural heritage, I finally found a word that is "more elegant", "more civilized", and more enjoyable than cool-"比" . "My uncle" was shouted comfortably ...]

Seeing this text, Zheng Tan glanced at Jiao Dad who was looking at the book seriously, and tore his ears. Well, everyone has a different way to vent their depression. He doesn't understand Dao's thinking operation.

叹 Zheng Tan jumped off the desk and came to the balcony to ventilate. The air at night was cool and there was some faint flower fragrance. Before Zheng Tan took a deep breath, he heard the unique singing voice from the fourth floor.

"I planted a melon under the root of the wall, and watered it every day ~ I came to see it every day ~ Sprouting ~ Blossoming ~ Fruiting ~ Big watermelon ~ Big watermelon ~ I couldn't hold it ~ ~ "

Zheng Zhengtan: "..."

Hug your grandma with a claw!

The parrot was holding a small watering can while it was watering. When it ate watermelon in the summer, it spit some watermelon seeds in a flower pot on the balcony. As a result, it unintentionally found a long melon seedling. Sing "Melon" when watering.

It is very strange that this melon seedling has actually survived. You must know that the parrot and its owner sometimes go for a few weeks on a business trip. No one is watering it. It is entirely by God ’s will. Point of moisture.

As for fertilizing, huh, there is so much guano, no need to worry about it.

叹 Zheng Tan looked over there, the seedlings have grown a lot, just do not know how long the poor seedlings will continue to grow.

Before the parrot found him, Zheng Tan slipped back to the living room, rolled on the sofa, closed his eyes and was sleepy. Tomorrow I have to get up early to run. I have recently run a full circle around the school and I am not as tired as I did at the beginning. I heard Wei Ling said that in the next few days, he needs to increase the training intensity and have to train climbing trees. A long way to go ...

A good night's dream.

The next day, Zheng Tan couldn't wait to shed tears in front of a bowl of San Xian Nian. Sure enough, someone at home would be nice, no need to eat in the cafeteria.

叹 Zheng Tan slowly walked over to the lawn, where Wei Ling was waiting to warm up.

"Fifteen minutes later than yesterday."

叹 Zheng Tan ignored it, took a break, and consumed food.

I walked around the lawn for a long time and started the daily school running. The recent run made Zheng Tan's foot mats a lot rougher. It hurt a few days at first, but later he got better.

The distance of today's ring school is not the same as usual. If I change a relatively branch line, I need to climb up the stairs and take the stairs. The distance is increased and tired.

After the run, Zheng Tan's limbs were almost worn on the ground, and she was weak, walking slowly to the east family area. Wei Ling followed, and at this time, if no one was standing by, a little Chihuahua would kill Zheng Tan's life.

As soon as he reached the compound of the East Family Zone, Zheng Tan looked over to the grove. A Huang rolled in the grass, and the sheriff stared at the turtledove on the branch. As for fatness, Zheng Tan swept around, and the guy still slept there.

There are weeds and stones piled there. I ca n’t see a cat squatting there without looking carefully. He is squatting on his legs and shrinking into a peanut meter to sleep on the ground squatting in the grass.

Zheng Tan was preparing to lift his feet and walk to the other side, where the fat man had his ears swollen because of his lowered sleeping position. He immediately jumped up, his eyelids no longer pulled, and he looked in the direction of the road with great energy. After looking at it, it didn't look like I just woke up.

Since the fat has grown more and more horizontally, there is more meat on the face, and the head looks bigger. When the hair is fluffy, the ears become much smaller, but the guy's ear strength is still so good.

When Zheng Tan was wondering, Fatty had already rushed over to this side. At the same time, a familiar car with a military license plate slowly drove to the side of the road and stopped next to Zheng Tan.

The closed window slowly lowered, half of the glass window hadn't lowered yet. The fat man who ran over jumped, and rushed into the car just from the open space.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Zheng Tan wouldn't have thought that this fat man could jump so lightly, and also calculated very accurately. The gap just opened could let it jump in.

I can't ...

Big fat, can't you wait for the window to come down completely before jumping? This is dangerous!

This one is a trembling M, rushing to be abused. I'll probably see it again when I go back to squat instant noodles.

叹 Zheng Tan was thinking about being fat and pitiful for a while. 唧 Squat instant noodles, Wei Ling beside him slammed a standard military salute until the car went away.

Zheng Zheng stunnedly looked at Wei Ling, and then looked at the distant car, puzzled.

"The former old leader, he later rose up, and now he is also a big man." Were Zheng Zheng stunned, Wei Ling said. No wonder I felt weird when I saw the fat cat for the first time. I didn't expect it to be taught by him. The cat's performance at that time was understandable. It seems that fat cat is hiding deep enough.

Zheng Tan was still in surprise. I didn't expect that the relatives of Big Fat were still big men.

Tong Weiling threw the mineral water bottle in his hand into the trash can. Although he has retired, his military salute just now is completely conditioned.

"Can you jump so accurately?" Wei Ling asked.

Zheng Tan knew that he was asking about the fat jump that was just fat. If you pull your ears, it looks like you are jumping, the probability is not too high. If the window is fully open, he can definitely jump in easily, but according to the width of the gap just opened by the window ... it is not difficult, it may hit your head, or you may trip your hands and feet.

It stands to reason, Zheng Tan is not as fat as fat, and the difficulty should be less, but Zheng Tan is completely unconscious.

所以 "So, you're far less than that fat man." Wei Ling concluded. I just saw the tip of the iceberg that the fat cat showed. He believes that the fat cat is definitely more capable. Although I have n’t seen how it moves after coming to Chuhua University, he has a keen awareness and vigilance. And computing power, plus the jumping power of other cats, although not fat,, show that this cat is different.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!" Putting aside, Wei Ling ran away, and did not continue to run around the school as he did a few days ago. Today's news.

叹 Zheng Tan has also slowed down now, and climbed trees in the grass, waiting for lunch at noon.

At the same time, Dao Jiao went home because he wanted to copy a file, just to see Wei Ling saluting in the car. He heard Yi Xin talk about his cat running and exercising with a person in the morning, and Mrs. Zhai also told him that she was thinking about how to investigate Wei Ling, but she saw this scene unexpectedly.

Just know it.

After returning home to copy the data, Jiao Dad went to his fat on the first floor and came out ten minutes later.

When the Jiao couple talked about Zheng Tan that night, Dao Jiao said: "Rest assured, although the specific identity of Wei Ling is not clear, it can certainly be trusted, so that Hei Tan can learn something and save the province. Traveling frustrated. "


Thanks to the wooden people, medical angels, 谶 墨 〓van, Orpheus, Night of the Night, lx Beiyue, lazyorange, nego118, s0514024, the cats! Thanks for the number of evaluation votes! Thank you all for your support ~~

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