MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 7 This Dutch pig cannot eat!

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叹 Zheng Tan climbed up the tree and stood high looking at the direction of the human voice.

After a while, Zheng Tan knew about it. It was similar to the eight o'clock plot that Jiao Ma watched a while ago. The only difference was that the woman didn't cry.

After looking at Zheng Tan, I was impatient, went down the tree to bend, and let the idle egg-pain parrot continue to stay on the tree to watch the real version of the eight o'clock. At least this way, it wo n’t come to noisy Zheng Tan, Zheng Tan. I hope that the eight o'clock stall over there will be "released" all day or continuously. This kind of thinking is very unethical, but what is it? That stuff has been stuck in the corner since Zheng Tan's memo, and occasionally pick it up to see if it doesn't involve his own interests, the stuff stays in the corner moldy and Zheng Tan won't take a look at it.

Under the cypress tree, only the fat man was lying there in a "peasant hoe" pose, squinting his eyes as if he was falling asleep. As for the sheriff and A Huang, it is estimated that he could not find a place to play.

Around this area, there are only a few cats who often go, so Zheng Tan doesn't have to worry about finding those two, even if they can't find them for a while, they will respond with two beeps and won't run away.

He licked his tail with a big fat, and signaled it to keep up. This guy seemed to have insufficient sleep all day. At first Zheng Tan thought it was caused by excessive brain use, but later he found that even if he did n’t use his brain much, it was still this. Shit looks. But who can imagine such a fat cat that looks sleepy and proficient in Morse code?

It's ridiculous, and so is the cat.

There is a small supermarket called "Dongyuan Supermarket" not far from the family courtyard of Dong's family. Recently, Dongyuan Supermarket was recently renovated. Some sandstones were piled up at the back door. Today the workers are resting and there are no people here at the back door of the supermarket.

When Zheng Tan came to the back door of Dongyuan Supermarket, he saw A Huang squatting on the pile of sand, his eyes were solemn, and he was respectful. After pulling, bury the sand with paws and bury it, then shake the hair, and leave casually.

Ahuang does not urinate after surgery, but her nature is still there. She always likes to **** in some unexpected places.

叹 Zheng Tan imagined that if those workers came over tomorrow and saw a pile of cat **** with a **** shovel, I didn't know what expression it would be, or if the workers didn't notice it, they would just brush this **** into the wall ...

If Zheng Tan is the owner of this supermarket, he will definitely kill Ah Huang's second product.

Dongyuan Supermarket will see a large lawn, but usually Zheng Tan wo n’t go there, because there are often many people on that large lawn, both adults and children. They went there for pure uncomfortable, no The sensible little fart is a natural enemy of all kinds of pets. You can't scratch your tail after catching it. It is still a cat who is beaten by mistake.

So basically Zheng Tan, if they come here, they will play in the grove between Dongyuan Supermarket and the big lawn.

A Huang was scratching the tree, changing one tree after another, and the sheriff was searching for food, looking for some small insects as snacks. As for the big fat, it had its forelimbs inside, and lay in the grass in a peasant shivering posture, and seemed not interested in everything that happened around it.

叹 Zheng Tan swept around, but found no one approaching, jumped to a stone table in the woods, and crouched and rested on the piece that the sun could get.

The scent of osmanthus flowers faintly came from the squall wind. The hustle and bustle on the lawn did not affect this grove area, and the sound of flapping and claw grinding by the two cats occasionally sounded around.

The warm sunshine shone Zheng Tan a bit drowsy.

Suddenly, strange sounds came from the grass not far away, which sounded like bird sounds, but it sounded different from bird sounds. Zheng Tan has never heard such sounds in this film for so long .

叹 Zheng Tan opened his eyes, where the call came, A Huang was lifting a front leg, his neck twisted left and right, it seemed to be weighing where to lower his paw.

The sheriff on the other side heard the sound and ran to the other side. The next moment, a hair ball ran out from there.

Guinea pig?

In the words of the locals, it is also called a Dutch pig.

However, this guinea pig is a little different from usual. The hair is relatively long, and a pair of white hairs on the head are put forward like bangs, almost covering the eyes. It may be the cause of regular exercise. This guinea pig did not move as slowly as those fat guinea pigs that Zheng Tan had seen in cages all day long, and it ran much faster.

It's just that even though it's faster than other guinea pigs, it can't escape the cat's claws in front of two cats that have been too vigorous.

Sheriff Ning and A Huang blocked the guinea pig in the middle, and as long as the guinea pig was about to run outside, they forced it back to its original place with their paws.

Zheng Tan thought for a while, but stopped when the sheriff and A Huang were ready to quit. The guinea pigs on the campus are kept as pets. They are not white rats. You ca n’t play as much as you want. how to eat. What's more, this breed is special. Zheng Tan just observed the guinea pig's hair. It is very clean and should be carefully combed. The breeder values ​​this guinea pig. No one can guarantee that it will not stay. The next trace, if the owner comes to the door, it will definitely cause trouble. The big lawn is nearby, and the guinea pig should come from there.

When Zheng Tan patted A Huang, the guinea pig did not immediately take the opportunity to run away, but stayed in place, watched a few cats vigilantly, and finally decided to move little by little to Zheng Tan .

Zheng sigh: "..." Does this mean that he won't eat it?

I have to say that animals sometimes have a very good sixth sense.

Zheng Zheng flicked his tail and was about to stay away from the guinea pig. Yu Guang glanced at a figure, a stranger's figure!

If it is just a stranger, Zheng Tan is not so shocked. The reason for his shock is that he and the other three cats just didn't notice anyone approaching? !! I don't even know how long this person has been here. Was he hiding nearby just now? !!

叹 Zheng Tan's gaze fell on the man's hand. The man's palms were inward and his body slightly blocked his right hand.

When staggering with that person's eyes, Zheng Tan thought about Dad Jiao's eyes when he killed the white rat that night, but Dad Jiao only showed those eyes to those white rats, and the man in front of him made Zheng Tan's chill deeper, This man ... it wasn't just a rat!

A Huang was startled by those who suddenly appeared, and then he turned his attention to the hair dumplings hiding next to Zheng Tan, and raised his paw to try, but it still seemed undead.

叹 Zheng Tan slaps towards A Huang Fan. Does this idiot see a dangerous person here? !!

Even during Fan Huang, Zheng Tan's eyes did not leave the stranger. This person felt too dangerous to him. Some of them were like the little white mice that were put on the experimental table that night. , Can not escape, waiting to be choked off his neck.

Fatty is no longer lying in the grass, and he bounces up, bows his back, his hair explodes, his ears are pulled back, his eyes are no longer unawakened, he is exposed to fierce light, and his throat utters "Woo ——Woo—— ”warning sound, just like the enemy. This is the first time Zheng Tan has seen it since he knew Big Fat.

Maybe affected by Zheng Tan and Big Fat, the other two looked at that person vigilantly. Although he was a little bit nervous and his nerves were a little bit bigger, at the critical moment, A Huang and the sheriff did not run away alone, enough to be envious! The sheriff was actually going to run away and found that the other three were not moving, and she stayed here with her hair frosted.

What should I do?

叹 Zheng Tan's head turned sharply.

Escaping immediately is one of the better ways, and it ’s the most commonly used, but Zheng Tan is really not sure that he can leave safely, and the other person ’s eyes are locked on his own, as if any change would affect that crisis line, the other person Zheng's hand, which has not been exposed in the front, feels extremely dangerous.

The two sides confronted each other for about two minutes, and the man smiled. With the smile, the atmosphere around him seemed a lot more relaxed. The man shook his arms and shook his hands up. "The kittens don't need to be so nervous, I just came here to find pets."

He said that the man pointed at the Dutch pig hiding behind Zheng Tan. However, the Dutch pig was obviously not ready to give the man a face, and he moved closer to Zheng Tan, as if avoiding the man.

Zheng Tan breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't dare to care, he felt that this stranger should have taken something in his hand ~ ~ Maybe it was a blade, or something else. Hidden.

到底 Who is this person? Zheng Tan wondered.

"Chestnut, come here quickly, and your master will be in a hurry if you don't go back." The man shouted at a hairy dumpling-like Dutch pig hiding behind Zheng Tan.

The Dutch pig did not respond, his face was not exposed, and there was no response.

"Chestnuts—" The man leaned down and squatted, and called the hair again.

叹 Zheng Tan scolded a few words in his heart, leaned to the side, and exposed the hair dumplings hiding behind him. He didn't want to put himself in crisis because of this hair dumplings.

Seeing that Mao Tuanzi was still motionless, Zheng Tan pushed it a few times with his tail. You go fast!

Finally, the Mao Tuanzi pushed out by Zheng Tan seemed to be very reluctant, slowly moving in the direction of that person.

After **** back the pet, the man didn't stay anymore, turned around and left on the lawn.

Zheng Tan was completely relieved until he could not see the figure. I thought it would be better to come here less often.

On the other side, those who were treated by Zheng Tan as if they were near enemies, ignored the resistance of the hair dumpling on his hand, twisted it out of the wood, and looked back into the wood. He thought that the two cats were special ... especially the black one.



Cough, I'm sorry I overslept and forgot more, eh ...

Thanks 谶 墨 〓 van, lazyorange, AtmanX for their rewards! Thank you all for your votes and support!

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