MTL - Stratholme God-v2 Chapter 1486 Someone pulls the banner as a tiger's skin

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   Chapter 1486 Someone pulls the banner and becomes a tiger's skin

   "Kill these guys!" Darion Mograine pointed to the coast from his flagship.

  Unexpectedly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and an extremely viscous energy escaped over the beach, and a stream of steam-like green energy boiled like porridge, 'nourishing' in the crevices of the rocks all over the beach.

   The thick green fog covered the entire beach in less than half a minute.

I had tried Wanling's artillery before, but it suddenly failed - the shells blasted into the cloud of fel energy, either they were directly stimulated, and they exploded before they reached the target, or it was like being hit by [Slow Down] , Well, a cannonball that can only see a glimpse, directly turns into a kite as 'fast'.

   A direct consequence of the failure of long-range cover, that is, the Doomguard swarmed through the fel cloud and flew over the heads of the landing troops in the shallow sea.

   They started circling in midair almost immediately, and then attacked the sea clan and earth element troops in the shallow sea area below.

   The sea clan under the water responded almost instantly. Not to mention the rookie murlocs. In fact, the only ones who can resist are female Naga, deep-sea giants, and some earth element soldiers who throw stones.

   is just a face-to-face, and the sea boils.

   Countless shadow arrows and fel light beams slammed into the sea water. After the sea water violently tossed for a while, I don’t know how many stumps and floating corpses floated up.

  The murlocs were so frightened that they screamed "ga oh". They scurried around like blind flies.

   It seemed that this was about to turn into a big chaos, and even the subsequent massacre could be foreseen. At this moment, huge metal figures washed up from the shallow sea area to the shore.

   "Crash--" A large amount of water poured down from all corners of the huge body of the metal giant, and the water that fell from the turtle and the magic crab looked like a waterfall for a moment.

   "Die!" [God of Tulips] drove a Tortoise fighter and jumped out loudly.

   In mid-air, his turtle tyrant was slashed by a sword from the Doomsday Guard.

   In the eyes of this big devil, the other party should be split like a piece of butter, who would have expected...

   "Duang!" With a crisp sound, the beheading sword actually bounced!

   The Doomsday Guard's eyes widened. He never expected that the metal shell made of thunder silver was not only very hard, but this metal blessed by the sage of the sea had a lot of water elements attached to it. Most of the shadow energy attached to him when he slashed up was forcibly offset by the water element.

   The turtle tyrant, who looks the same shape, has more than doubled its combat power.

   Just in the consternation of the Doomsday Guard, Turtle Ba's Thunder Silver claws caught him fiercely.

   "Ah! You lowly human..." Before the Doomsday Guard finished scolding, Turtle Ba's mechanical arms worked together.

   In the next instant, the 10-meter-high Doomsday Guard was like a figure that was torn apart by a bear child, and it was torn apart on the spot.

   This scene is just a microcosm of the battlefield.

   Few demons can penetrate the armor of these amphibious mechs unless they are elite demons. When the sharpest weapon of the demon cannot take effect, the Burning Legion is very passive.

  The devil can only attack with [Shadow Arrow], [Fel Blast] and other magic attacks, and try to reduce the defense of the human mecha to a certain extent, in order to obtain certain results.

   In hand-to-hand combat, even if the bigger party can’t do whatever he wants, the bigger size often means a longer blood bar.

   As we all know, long health bars mean more chances of making mistakes.

   And the demons, as long as one misses, it is "missing in the underworld".


Does    sound good?

  A good sound is a good devil.

  Each explosion means that a demon has been smashed to the ground.

  The murlocs in the shallow waters are best at seeing the wind and ruddering. Seeing that the human mecha troops are so mighty, the murlocs made a strange "quack" sound under the cry of the murlocs and began to charge in groups.

   There are too many murlocs.

   It can’t be said that these guys are not afraid of death, it can only be said that the murlocs are always on the side of the winner.

Hundreds of thousands of murlocs stepped on their strange short legs and rushed to the beach, filling almost every inch of the gap between the turtle tyrant and the devil crab. From time to time, one or two piles of murlocs will be trampled to death.

  The thing is, even if the murloc was trampled to death by his own people, he still didn't realize it, holding the magic iron spear and fork, and continued to charge towards the demons.

In terms of individual strength, a murloc can never beat any demon, even a little devil can easily hang and beat a murloc, often throwing a small fireball, the murloc will scream and run away, allowing the opponent to kick his ass. dare not look back.

   One hundred thousand murlocs are enough to form a terrifying murloc wave, swallowing all the demons who dare to come to the shore.

   Not to mention the 'petite' little devils and hellhounds, and even the burly demon guards who are more than two meters tall and nearly three meters tall, are also correct.

  The huge one-handed axe of the Demon Guard goes down, yes, it can kill several murlocs. But when hundreds of murlocs rushed up at the same time and poked the sharp spears and forks at the blind chickens, they couldn't stop these sharp-edged demon guards, and they couldn't avoid being killed by the round.

   It is not that the Burning Legion did not organize a counterattack, or pulled up the blocking line.

  However, all of their magical mechas were blown up, unless they dispatched a larger high-level demon like the abyss lord, they really couldn't help the alliance's mecha troops.

  The fierce battle lasted for three hours. When the Gundam troops began to attack, the Burning Legion could no longer withstand it, and left 200,000 corpses, large and small, and retreated in embarrassment.

  The coalition led by the Sea Clan killed nearly five kilometers from the coastline before stopping to rest and let the follow-up mechanized troops begin to land.



   Countless murlocs, Naga, and deep sea giants raised their weapons high and celebrated their victory in various languages. Even if most of the demons killed today were legion cannon fodder like little devils and hellhounds, that would be a victory for the mortal race!

The    Alliance sent elite teams one after another to remove the portals around the beach to investigate whether there was anything unusual in the ground. Not to mention the tedious work.

On a hill about five kilometers away from the Broken Beach, a female elf holding a gorgeous purple light staff, all over her body, from her clothes to her skin, was a dark purple elf, looking at the huge alliance fleet that covered the sky, Couldn't speak for a long time.

  [Sniper No. 11] put his arms around her waist from behind and leaned over to kiss her neck.

   Her body stiffened a little, and then eagerly responded to the human man.

   "Talyssa, how is it? I didn't lie to you. Our boss is here." He pointed to the trident battle flag flying on the largest floating island in the air: "And that is where our main force is."

   "Sniper, I listen to you." Talyssa looks like a very gentle little daughter-in-law...

   (end of this chapter)