MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 491 Attractive arm

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"Can I sit down here?" Xiao Yao stood next to He Wanyi, looking at He Wanyi's face deeply, because she drank too much, her face was a little reddish, looking at him The light of his eyes also became a little blurred, looking unexpectedly charming, Xiao Yao stayed in a moment for a moment. & 1t; /

He Wanyi looked at Xiao Yao for a few seconds. Just when Xiao Yao thought she was going to open her eyes, she suddenly raised her hand to support her chin, looked at Xiao Yao in confusion, and laughed, "Then if I say, no Will you sit here, will you stop sitting? "& 1t; /

Xiao Yao froze, yes, if she did not agree with him, he would not sit here, lest she feel uncomfortable. After a brief moment, Xiao Yao nodded, He Wanyi smiled, and she pointed at herself. The chair next to it, "Sit down." & 1t; /

Xiao Yao looked at He Wanyi accidentally. He didn't know if it was because he was drunk or intentional. After Xiao Yao sat down, she leaned her head on Xiao Yao's shoulder and smiled silly. "I knew that you would definitely come over. In fact, I had long wanted to pull you to sit next to me, so that I could do this." Xiao Yao also firmly held his arm after finishing his hand. & 1t; /

I have n’t paid attention to the two of them. At this moment, when I saw the two of them, they took a cool breath. He Wanzhou pointed at the two, and his face was aggressive, "How did the two of them return? Matter? "& 1t; /

Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow at Xiao Yao, who was sitting there stiffly, and looked at Xiao Yao's He Wanyi like an octopus, raised his glass and took a sip of wine, and smiled, "To see Xiao Yao's stiff, I know it ’s not my brother who posted it. "& 1t; /

He Wanzhou's eyes narrowed, he suddenly stood up and walked towards the two men, trying to pull He Wanyi up. They were girls in Hejia's family, but they couldn't post it. When it came to Xiao Yao, it was his sister who posted it? Not so good. & 1t; /

Others haven't seen He Wanzhou like this, so happy to watch the show, but this is the time when Qiao Liang, who was sitting in the corner, didn't know when a flash over blocked the way of He Wanzhou. He Wanzhou frowned and looked at Stop Qiao Liang with one hand, "Why?" Push Qiao Liang's hand with one hand, "Get out of the way." & 1t; /

Qiao Liang's hand was motionless and no one moved. Qiao Liang looked at He Wanzhou with an expressionless expression, "Go back and drink." & 1t; /

He Wanzhou had originally drank a little wine, was drinking wine, saw Qiao Liang motionless, and soberly asked him to go back to drink, immediately pointed at Xiao Yao they roared, "I did not see my sister is now posting "When did our child's family post it, it was someone else who posted it to us, and she must not post it." & 1t; /

Qiao Liang: "..." continued to remain indifferent. & 1t; /

He Wanzhou Jiu Jin is here, pushing Qiao Liang's hand hard ... & 1t; /

Do n’t push! & 1t; /

Is this a hand made of rebar! & 1t; /

Push again! & 1t; /

Still can't push! & 1t; /

He Wanzhou's attention was suddenly attracted by Qiao Liang's hand. The whole person lowered his head and began to watch Qiao Liang's hand. This was not enough. He shouted his second brother, "He Wanning, come and see, Qiao Liang This is incredible! "& 1t; /

He Wanning: "..." A glance at everyone, "I don't want to be his brother tonight." & 1t; /

"Well ..." Xiao Jing gave a thumbs up to He Wanning. "He Er, come out and play with us later. I think you are more reliable than He Da. How much is it to marry someone like our boss?" Ah, it's so immoral for him to stop your sister from posting backwards. "& 1t; /

He Wanning shrugged and raised an eyebrow, "It doesn't necessarily matter who posted it. My sister has been sitting there drinking alone." & 1t; /

The implication is that if Xiao Yao didn't walk over, how could her sister make such an action? Who else seduce? & 1t; /

"But one thing you can't deny is that your sister has loved my boss for many years!" Xiao Jing proudly raised his chin and snorted. & 1t; /

He Wanning heard the news that made him desperate, pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised the glass .... & 1t; /

Qiao Liang looked at the naive He Wanzhou, his eyes twitched, walked back to the corner and sat down, He Wanzhou Fiddian Er Fiddian chased after him, "Qiao Liang honestly explained, in which gym are you working out? Ah! "& 1t; /

Qiao Liang ignored him and was too lazy to talk to him. He Wanzhou shook his head and sighed, "It's perfect, it's perfect, it has strength but it doesn't lose its beauty, it has muscle, but it doesn't look terrifying, it's almost Hurry up, tell me, where did you get it! "& 1t; /

Xiao Jing looked at He Wanzhou's shameless appearance and snorted. He walked over and pulled He Wanzhou to stand up. "Just pretend. You have the ability to look like Qiao Liang. You fight every day and night. If you do n’t become like this, I will do it for you! "& 1t; /

As he recently became a companion to Qiao Liang because of nothing, he has greatly improved his skills. It is conceivable what kind of special training Qiao Liang experienced before! & 1t; /

Tang Xi, who was sitting next to Ning Min, narrowed his eyes and looked up at Xiao Jing. Xiao Jing knew that he was guilty and quickly remedied, "Even me, he was the target of his killing. You can see that Lao Tzu ’s recent close combat has grown a lot. Just know! "& 1t; /

Tang Xi withdrew her gaze and suddenly thought of one thing, which was a matter of months ago ~ ~ but there has been no movement, she will soon forget that if it was n’t just for killing, Suddenly, she thought of the way Ning Yue had been eager to kill the man, and she would forget it! & 1t; /

"Ning Dao, you dealt with the incident last time in Paris?" Tang Xi actually didn't want to ask, but suddenly thought that they were going to make a movie again, and if that person came again to make some moths, then it would be miserable. !! & 1t; /

Ning Min did not expect that Tang Xi was thinking about it. He retracted his gaze and raised a glance at Tang Xi. "No, it's just that I grabbed a little part of the film and submitted it to the Film Association. Then The side judges also gave it. I think that because of this evidence, those foreign judges should not let this film be shortlisted, and they will not be broadcast on the film festival. Of course, that person, the time has not yet come. Waiting for time ... "& 1t; /

Ning Yue ’s voice did n’t end. When a phone came in, Tang Xi motioned for him to answer the phone and turned around to chat with other people. After a while, Ning Yue suddenly stood up and looked at everyone in a good mood. “Let ’s change the scene and continue playing ? "& 1t; /

He Wanzhou was upset immediately, "You don't take care of Lao Tzu's voice, where do you want to drink!" & 1t; /

Ning took a tick at the corner of his mouth and spit out two words, "Charming Night." & 1t; /

Ning Yun spit out these two words, everyone frowned, Xiao Yan disagreed first, "It's too messy over there, it's not suitable for Xiaorou. They just drink here and go back." & 1t; /

Tang Xi immediately said, "Isn't there so many of you guys protecting us!" & 1t; /

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