MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 17 . Poolside storm

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Reese's voice was cold, which made Carlo feel his immorality again.

"How could I be a teammate with you guy?"

At this time, Nie Chuan, while dribbling, turned over to keep alert. He knew that he only had one chance, and once Peter was intercepted, or he didn't lay up before Peter controlled the rim, he was completely finished.

The only thing he is thankful for now is that Peter didn't know he would miss the shot.

Nie Chuan knows that even the best skills must be supported by explosive power and speed, but the time and number of his outbreaks will not be too much. He must grasp the timing of that moment, and he must not make mistakes!

Peter was just a door, shoulder to shoulder, shoulder to hip, and then he would pass him!

Nie Chuan came to Peter at a speed never before. He stopped suddenly when Peter stepped forward, followed by a McGregor cross-disguised step. The ball was carried three times between his legs. Peter was too fast. He dared not rush the ball, and Nie Chuan's last dribble changed suddenly, like a hurricane, and swept past Peter's side. Peter even had the illusion of being taken away by the opponent.

Peter responded quickly to catch up, seeing that Nie Chuan was going to make a layup again, he jumped without hesitation and covered to Nie Chuan.

Carter turned to his face and sighed in his heart: he knew it would happen like this!

However, something unexpected happened for everyone. Nie Chuan did not shoot, but landed, and at the next moment he quickly took off again.

Everyone widened their eyes and watched Nie Chuan throw the ball.

Peter did not hesitate to take off again, seeing that he would overtake Nie Chuan.

Everyone had their eyes widened and their necks stretched, and they couldn't even breathe.

That ball was thrown out and hit the rim.

Nie Chuan's eyes are full of hope ... please come in! go in!

The ball was bounced back and fell into the basket.

"Oh-" Carter opened his mouth wide. He never expected Nie Chuan to make a shot.

When the two fell to the ground, Peter slammed into Nie Chuan's body, and with such intensity, Nie Chuan's bones and frames were scattered.

"Alan ..." It was too late for Carlo, who had found something wrong.

Nie Chuan has been knocked out of balance.

It's over!

Just when Nie Chuan was thinking about how unpleasant the landing would be, someone caught him from behind, and he ran into the man's arms smoothly.

The opponent stood still, catching him and not even stooping backwards.

who is it?

Before Nie Chuan turned around, he heard a cold voice over his head: "It's over, Peter. He has scored three goals."

Peter stood there, everyone around him looked at him.

He knew how ugly his impulse was, not only lost the ball, but even his face.

He clenched his fists, and the scene was extremely awkward.

And Nie Chuan was stupid ... How did the voice behind him seem to be Reese Redington?

He looked at Carlo, who was standing next to an unknown student, but it was Reese who was standing there!

At this time, cheerleader Lili clapped her hands and walked towards them: "Haha! This oneonone is really wonderful! Now everyone can continue the party!"

At this time, the palm that originally held Nie Chuan's waist was loosened, and Nie Chuan turned around with a stiff neck, then raised his head, facing Liz's eyes.

"That ... thank you ..."

Reese's lip line curved a radiating arc that made his heart beat faster, and he leaned down. For the first time, Nie Chuan could clearly see the outline of his eyes.

Obviously soft and beautiful lines, what kind of momentum makes them look so sharp?

"Next time, I'd love to see you fracture."

After speaking, Reese turned away.

"Hey, Reese! Where are you going?"

"Home, it's so boring here."

"The pool party is about to dawn, and you're leaving now? Maybe it's too disappointing?" Carlo spread his hands, hoping to keep Reese.

And Lily they looked forward.

Nie Chuan didn't understand. What's so good about Reis, the guy with higher eyes?

Well, there are so many good things for him: handsome, tall, and long enough. Basketball is not one of the best among college students in the country, even in the city, right? Plus it still looks like learning to dominate! Wait, this guy is driving a Land Rover! What a college student drives a ghost Land Rover! It must have been bought by his dad! So he is still a rich second generation?

Thinking of this, Nie Chuan's heart is getting more and more unbalanced!

"Allen! Allen!" Carlo's hand shook in front of Nie Chuan. "Why don't you answer me every time I call you Allen?"

"Ah ... I just don't get used to my English name ..." Nie Chuan turned back, remembering that he didn't really want to continue that pool party. "By Carlo, I think I'm going home, too. "

"Hey! I'll take you back tomorrow morning! How fun here!"

All the beauties are around you, of course you find it fun!

"My mother will be worried."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Carlo laughed out loud: "You are still a mummy's baby!"

Nie Chuan's face suddenly turned red, and Carlow was so speechless.

"Carlow, you can continue playing. I will take Nie Chuan home," Reese said.

Nie Chuan suddenly became nervous, what? Reese takes him home? he does not want!

"Okay ... that's fine." Carlo nodded regretfully.

Hey! Don't make decisions for me! What does this mean?

"That ... my coat is in Lili's swimming pool, and I have to get it back! Or Reese, you go first, I'll go back by myself!" Nie Chuan came up with such a lame reason.

"Then I'll go with you and get the clothes back," Reese said lightly.

Nie Chuan's face didn't break down ... I don't want you to get clothes with me, OK?

No one can understand the desolation in Nie Chuan's heart.

Looking at the back of the two of them, Carlo tilted his head and said to himself: "Well ... isn't Reese having a oneonone showdown today? How come? Isn't he saying that Allen needs a little lesson? Why did you just catch him just now? Wait, I could n’t even react, but he rushed forward one step! I see, this guy just wanted to brush his sense of presence in front of Alan and win his trust! Say Something like "learning" is just to paralyze me-this guy, Reese, is too deep! "

By the pool, the party is still going on, and the games in the pool are getting more and more hot.

Nie Chuan would have liked to stop and take a look, but when he thought of Reese, he was standing on the other side of the swimming pool and watching him, completely uninterested. He returned to his original position, found his coat, and went in the direction of Reese.

Reese was standing in a bright place at the moment. He was carrying his pockets and half-upwardly, perhaps looking at the stars in the sky, or maybe he didn't look at anything.

He is very clear in the loud music and laughter.

Nie Chuan didn't even understand why he was waiting for himself.

Several girls were chased away by the boy with a water gun, and Nie Chuan could only lean towards the pool to avoid them.

The boy chasing the girl ran past Nie Chuan and banged his elbow on him. Nie Chuan immediately lost his balance. He wanted to stabilize himself aside, but did not expect the next step was the swimming pool.

He hadn't even screamed "Fuck-" and fell into the water, splashing a lot of water.

Everyone looked over, followed by laughter.

Even Carlo, who was carrying a beer, shuddered and laughed.

At that time, Rees, who had been standing opposite him, suddenly rushed forward. No one could see what was happening. He jumped into the pool like a sharp blade and swam quickly towards Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan, who didn't know what happened, swam toward the pool, but it felt like someone had come to him within two seconds, holding his chin up and taking him out of the water.

This location is in the deep water area, two meters deep. Nie Chuan wiped away the water stains on his face. When he saw who the person who had lifted himself out of the water was, he took a big sip.

"Reese ... you ... how did you come?"

"I'll take you ashore."

Nie Chuan frowned for the first time. The water meandered from his forehead to his chin, refracting light that was not very bright.

There seemed to be a heartbeat in the heart.

"I can swim ..." Nie Chuan stammered and answered.

Reese loosened Nie Chuan, and Nie Chuan swam to the shore like a flight.

At this time everyone was talking.

"what happened?"

"Why did Reese jump into the water?"

"Do you see Reese's speed just now? It's too fast!"

"Isn't that Asian boy able to swim?"

Nie Chuan has already landed, and his body is ticking all the time.

He turned back and found that Reese was still there. After a few seconds, I swam ashore in a hurry.

Nie Chuan lowered himself and wanted Larry to come up, but Reese ignored Nie Chuan's meaning at all and easily went ashore.

At this time, Carlo was dumbfounded. He didn't figure it out at first, but now he figured it out. He remembered saying to Reese that Nie Chuan could not swim. But it is obvious ... Nie Chuan is very good ...

There was a sad cry in Carlo's heart: It's over!

Sure enough, Reese's face was expressionless, step by step towards Carlo.

His t-shirt fits perfectly on his body, even basketball pants. The whole person's body was almost sketched out.

Every time he took a step, the girls in the pool and beside the pool couldn't help looking at him. For the first time, Nie Chuan realized the true definition of the word "sexy."

"Hey ... Reese, are you okay?"

Carlo grinned and stepped back.

Reese shot abruptly and hit Carlo's face with a punch, which completely surprised Nie Chuan.

what's the problem?

Why does Reese want Carlo! What the **** happened?

Carlo covered his face and almost sat on the ground, and everyone hurried forward to persuade him.

"Hey! Tell me what happened!"