MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 18 .Frosted glass door

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Carlo shook his head, got up and looked at Reese, and swallowed, "No ... it's okay ... It's not good for me ... That Reese, I'm just kidding, I didn't expect you to take that sentence seriously!"

"Joke? What joke?" Nie Chuan came behind them.

He felt that Carlo and Reese knew what was going on, and only he didn't know what happened.

This feels super bad!

"That, I ..."

Just as Carlow wanted to say something, Reese stopped him. "Shut up."

Carlo was afraid to speak at once.

Nie Chuan suddenly felt that Reese was like a man. Why did he say what it was, even Carlo dare not resist?

Catherine did not know when she came behind Reese, and handed him a bath towel: "That ... Reese, can you wipe it?"

This made Nie Chuan sad.

It's not just Reese who is dripping all over the body ...

Seeing that Serene had crossed over to contact Reese, Lily hurriedly greeted him: "Hey, Reese and Ellen, you might as well use the bathroom on the second floor! Then you can dry your clothes!"

The atmosphere finally relaxed.

Lily returned to the villa with Reese and Nie Chuan, walked up to the second floor, and then she stood at the door, wondering what was waiting.

Although Nie Chuan was embarrassed, it was really uncomfortable for the t-shirt to be wet and clinging to his body, while Reese stood still.

Lili enthusiastically explained the hot and cold water switches and told them how to use the washing machine.

When she saw Lili, she was about to leave. Nie Chuan fished the hem of the t-shirt with her back to Lili. Before she reached the position of her chest, she was yanked by her other hand.

"Ah?" Nie Chuan looked aside, and Reese's face was cold. He suddenly understood what he said, "Oh, you wash first ... you wash first ..."

He exited the bathroom backwards, colliding with Lili standing in the doorway, and they both smiled awkwardly.

"Then I'll go down first!" Lily swiftly retired when she saw that Reese was standing still.

This was originally a guest room. Nie Chuan hadn't dared to sit down yet, but Reese closed the bathroom door happily.

But this door turned out to be frosted!

Behind the door, Nie Chuan could clearly watch Reese take off his wet jacket from bottom to top. The lines drawn by his back and shoulders were too ...

Don't look at it! Not Serine, what's so nice about it!

Nie Chuan turned, but couldn't help being curious. How good is Reese's figure? What does his abs look like? This guy's mermaid line must be particularly ugly, right?

When Yu Guang of Nie Chuan's sight swept across the frosted glass door again, he almost collapsed. Although Reis was just a shadow at this time, he had wide shoulders and narrow hips, and legs that showed the lines completely. Nie Chuan once again realized what was deep jealousy.

Nie Chuan lowered his head, took his own t-shirt and looked at him. He also has muscles! It's just not as good-looking as Reese ...

The sound of the water sounded, and fortunately, Rees had already reached the other side of the glass door, otherwise Nie Chuan really did not know where he should look.

Lily's family is really emotional! What to do with a frosted door? Do people still need to take a good bath?

It didn't take long for the sound of water to stop, and Reese walked out around the white towel.

Nie Chuan lowered her head and could only see the calf and ankle of the other party.

Reese's ankle also has a sharp beauty. As for his calf, Nie Chuan has been silently jealous many times.

"I ... I went in to wash!"

Nie Chuan rushed into the bathroom, closed the frosted door, and quickly took off his wet clothes.

The moment he had nothing on his body, he suddenly turned around and reacted: he was also **** in front of the frosted door!

But after thinking about it, Reese would not envy and envy his figure through the frosted door ... because he didn't look at it compared with Reese!

He simply rinsed one, and then sadly found that he really was not used to walking around with a towel around his waist like a foreigner and just walking around ... wait, for them, is he a foreigner?

But he can't stay in the bathroom forever!

So Nie Chuan opened the door hard, and found that Reese was sitting on the sofa with her legs slightly open, so she had a relaxed attitude.

He had no clothes on his upper body, and Nie Chuan could clearly see his muscle lines, and then was hit with pride again.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Hello Mr. Redington, I'm here to fetch your clothes for washing."

Reese raised an eyebrow at Nie Chuan: "What about your clothes?"

"I'll get it now!"

Nie Chuan quickly walked back to the bathroom. Before he walked two steps, the bath towel fell down. He reached out in horror and covered the front, but most of the back was exposed.

Mom! Can it be more embarrassing!

He quickly pulled up the bath towel. At this time, Reese, who had been sitting on the sofa, got up. The more he walked in, the more nervous Nie Chuan could only look up at Reese while holding the bath towel.

Reese did not speak, but took one end of the towel from Nie Chuan's hand, pulled it slightly, and then tightened around Nie Chuan's waist.

Nie Chuan was dumbfounded, and Reese had turned around and took out Nie Chuan's clothes, and handed them over to the people outside.


The thank you was not finished yet, and Nie Chuan realized suddenly that when Liz helped himself to organize the bath towel, he seemed to open it again ... So did he see his little brother?

The more Nie Chuan thought, the redder his ears became.

Saw? did not see it?

What about seeing it?

Obviously he is not as big as the other person, so he didn't look at all!

Nie Chuan burst into tears.

Reese just turned back to the sofa, fetched the magazine on the table, and flipped quietly.

"How do you feel against Peter?" Rhys, who had been quiet, suddenly said.

Nie Chuan did not expect that the other party would talk to himself, and he blurted out and answered, "Very nervous!"

"What kind of tension?"

Brother, how do you answer this question?

Rees turned the magazine in his hand to the next page and said without delay: "Some tensions, you never want to go through the second time. For example, being flooded, such as a truck coming on. And some tension, Will make you addicted. "

Nie Chuandun lived. The last goal he had won from Peter emerged from his mind.

The feeling of the heart hanging in the line, as long as you think back, the blood will still accelerate in an instant.

"You don't need to answer my question now. But after playing against Peter, have you found out what is the biggest gap between you and him?"

Without Rees reminding, Nie Chuan already knew where his fatal weakness was.

"I lack explosiveness. And my shots have barely shot."

"So are you going to overcome them? Or is that it?"

"... but am I too late? These are not all at once. Your coach Gordon can see it at a glance?"

"Do you mind being noticed by him?" Reese asked.

Nie Chuan was caught. Even if I didn't care about it in the past, but practiced so hard these past few days, if I was rejected by Coach Gordon who hadn't seen him in a word, how could I not be worried?

"Tomorrow starts endurance and explosive power training."

Li Si Leng Buding threw down such a sentence, Nie Chuan stopped.

"Training ... who trained me?"

"Who do you want to train for you, cheerleaders?" Reese put down the magazine in his hand and looked into Nie Chuan's eyes a deep chill.

Nie Chuan begged in his heart: Do not raise eyebrows! Don't raise your eyebrows!

Reese's eyebrows were calm, and the presence of this person was a sense of oppression.

He doesn't want to be trained by Reese! Why does this guy never ask him what he thinks?

When Nie Chuan was sent home by Reese, it was already twelve in the evening.

When he got out of the car, Reese watched Nie Chuan quickly open his seat belt and jumped off the Land Rover like an escape. At the moment he closed the door, he reminded: "I will pick you up at nine tomorrow morning. I will give you eight hours of adequate sleep. "

Nie Chuan felt trapped instantly, and he wanted to play online games tonight!

Reese stated that heaven would torture ... Ah, no, it was training him, then he would be there on time.

Nie Chuan returned to the room, lifted the quilt, and went straight to sleep.

The more he wanted to sleep, the more he couldn't sleep. He counted the lambs in his heart, from the lambs to the puppies, and from the puppies to ... Reese ...

One Reese played basketball, two Reese played basketball, three Reese played basketball ... One hundred Reese played basketball ...

Nie Chuan who was about to fall asleep suddenly woke up, my mother! There must be a hundred Rees in this world, and no one lives!

Taking a deep breath, Nie Chuan got up, opened the nightstand, and took out a bar of chocolate.

As soon as he was nervous or unhappy, he would want to eat chocolate. This habit has not changed since childhood.

With chocolate, Nie Chuan's mind finally calmed down and slowly slid into his dreamland.

There was a rhythmic but fast dribble in his ear, and the moment he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the basketball court again. The lights were bright, and the audience shouted around. Nie Chuan stared blankly, and on the opposite side of him, Liz drew the ball and came to him in front of him. He was as imposing as a mountain and as turbulent as the sea. Overturn.