MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 20 .I bite you ~

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"I hope that no matter how hard you train you, you can continue."

"I ... I try to ..."

Nie Chuan always felt that the training plan formulated by Rice must be inhumane. He can imagine that he is tied with a rope, and the other end of the rope is connected to a truck. He has to pull the truck to walk forward, and Ries beat the picture from time to time with his whip.

Reese leaned over her face, her lips twitched, and took his usual cold and spirited field: "You try?"

"I must! Haha, you must stick to it!"

Reese skipped Nie Chuan's suggestion directly and said, "Besides the strength and speed of your dribble, you must exercise your bottom plate first. The frog jump can increase the strength of your thighs, and it also has the muscle key group for the calf exercise. effective."

Nie Chuan remembered the scene of being punished by a teacher for jumping frogs on the playground because he forgot to hand in his homework in middle school. It felt like hell!

Nie Chuan instantly merged the image of Reese's and mean class teacher.

But what Nie Chuan didn't expect was that Reese was not a bystander, but was doing it with him.

Reese drove and took him to the warehouse where he had practiced dribbling with him.

Nie Chuan thought that this would be his unilateral abuse, but he did not expect that Reese would stand in front of him and teach him the correct frog jump.

"Your legs are open, the same width as your shoulders, and you have to squat completely. When exerting force, your heels must be completely off the ground, and you must use the greatest strength and speed to move forward. Remember, every time you jump out, you must be correct. You do n’t need to be in a hurry, you just have to be right. That way you wo n’t waste your energy. Understand? ”

There was no ups and downs in Reese's voice, but he had an inexplicable sense of authority.


Nie Chuan put his hands behind his back. He had just squatted down, but he did not expect that Rees was beside him and squatted down.

"Be careful to adjust your breathing. Let's jump half a circle around the basketball court."

When Reese took Nie Chuan to jump out for the first time, Nie Chuan's comments on him seemed to be suddenly absent.

Reese's take-off is very strong, and Nie Chuan on the side can feel the tension of his muscles.

He didn't jump very hard, but each jump was much farther than Nie Chuan.

Basically, Reese had to stop for two steps and waited for Nie Chuan to follow himself in the third step.

Nie Chuan always thought that the frog jump was really ugly, but Reese's frog jump was very beautiful.

It seems that it is unfair between people!

Even the frog jump also reflects the gap between the two. He is a clown and Reese is a nobleman.

Nie Chuan jumped a quarter and his legs became sore that he was about to lose balance and could not hold on. And Reese was clearly at home, and there was absolutely no problem jumping a full circle around the basketball court.

When Nie Chuan fell back on the ground and patted his leg, he was worried that Reese would scold him, but did not expect that Reese just walked back and stood beside him, waiting for his muscles to relax.

Nie Chuan originally thought that the pride of the sky like Reese should be very impatient. When he looked forward, he would not hesitate to throw off all those who could not keep up with him.

But Nie Chuan was wrong, and Reese seemed to be very good at waiting.

Until Nie Chuan's legs had been relaxed, he deliberately pretended to frown, but Liz held his pockets of sports pants and looked at him coolly.

"My time can be taken, but it must not be wasted."

Hearing this sentence, Nie Chuan could only stand up bitterly, and continue to do frog jumping exercises with Reese.

When Nie Chuan followed Reese to jump around the basketball court for a whole week, Reese just kicked and kicked leisurely, but Nie Chuan sat down on the ground directly.

When Nie Chuan felt that his legs finally came back, Reese took him for about half an hour to touch the height quickly and continuously.

Reese's take-off is flexible, and the release of strength makes people feel heartfelt and refreshing.

Nie Chuan imitated his appearance and jumped with Rhys high-five.

Reese's height makes it easy to dunk, but Nie Chuan struggles to reach the rim.

According to Rice, Nie Chuan takes ten seconds as a unit and must jump up as quickly and efficiently as possible during this time.

In the first ten minutes, Nie Chuan was very serious, but later, Nie Chuan found that the rhythm of Reese's high-five was getting faster and faster, and he couldn't keep up with it. He simply slowed down and consumed time.

He jumped mechanically, not knowing when it started, Reese stopped high-fiving.

Nie Chuan panted and turned around, while Reese looked at him coldly with his pockets in his back, an instant of coolness appeared on his back.

"What ... what happened?"

"Did you come to this exercise, would it be pointless if you didn't go all out every time?"

"... Okay, I know." Nie Chuan is really tired, and such exercises are boring. Even if he puts on some music or watches a movie or TV show, it is good to at least divert his attention, but at this moment, he even The fear of Reese was gone, "but I'm tired. Maybe in your opinion, I've done a terrible job ... but this is already the height I can go all out ..."

"Well, after letting the muscles relax, we are going to do the next round of exercises."

What ... is there another round?

Nie Chuan looked at Reese in amazement. In fact, now he doesn't even want to stand up and walk.

If it wasn't for agreeing to see some ghost Gordon coach, today he should be asleep at home, eating Xiaolongbao and carrying a chocolate bar to play games! The dream of being drunk is what he dreamed of!

It's almost masochistic now!

Nie Chuan wants to tell Reese that not everything you can do requires others to do the same! I don't love what you love!

"What's wrong? Regret promised this exercise?" Reese's eyes fell on Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan wanted to answer no, but he couldn't say. Because he was really breathless.

Reese bent down and looked straight into Nie Chuan's eyes.

"Have you tried everything?" Liz turned his face, the light and shadow cut like a blade. "It still takes effort to do it, just tell yourself that you don't need it. If you feel tired, you say you have worked hard. pass?"

Reese's words are not serious, just like the teacher is teaching lazy students.

Nie Chuan stared at Reese fiercely. He really hated him for taking it for granted. He hated him for imposing his will on others.

"You seem to hate me."

Reese leaned down, his eyes were calm, he did not take Nie Chuan's hatred at all.

"Hit me? Bite me? Or get off?"

Li Si Li Nie Chuan is too close, even his eyelashes Nie Chuan can be counted clearly.

This cold and handsome face once again stimulated Nie Chuan, and in his mind flashed all the expectations that Serene faced Reese, as well as Reese's own slam dunk, not to mention the moment Abuse known as "training".

Even if you want to train, Nie Chuan can refer to the training tutorial by yourself! Can report to a specialized basketball school! You can even let Carlow train yourself!

Why are you Reese Redington?

Do you think you are the authority?

Why do you become the master of his life?

This is not the life he wants at all!

The anger rushed to the top of his head from all directions of the body, making Nie Chuan's unexpected events happen.

He was originally exhausted sitting on the ground, and did not know where the power came from. He bounced up and bit him on the right arm of Reese with a thunderbolt!

I can't beat you! I'm not willing to just get off! I'll kill you!

Nie Chuan's teeth fell into Reese's skin, and that was the hardest bite of Nie Chuan's life!

Reese paused slightly, but stood still.

And Nie Chuan finally tasted the **** taste.

The impulse was extinguished in an instant, and he realized ... that he was finished!

He let go of his mouth and took a step back stupidly.

How will Reese treat him? To die?

Nie Chuan remembered how Reese easily subdued the captain of the football team in the school's Asian restaurant, thinking of himself ... All his bones would be crushed by Reese!

Nie Chuan's left leg took a step to the side, always ready to flee Lisi past the situation!

But Reese didn't seem to feel the pain at all, he just lowered his head and looked indifferently at the two rows of teeth marks on his forearm.

The more he was silent, the more embarrassing Nie Chuan was.

It was like the peace before the storm.

Nie Chuan swallowed saliva, and his throat smelled of Reese's blood, as if burning his body.

Reese finally moved, and he shook his arm. Every time Nie Chuan shook, he shrugged his shoulders once, for fear that Reese would throw a punch and hit his face.

But Reese just walked out of the field, scooped out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the bottle cap, poured water on his wound, then opened the medicine box prepared earlier, disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, and put the bandage on There was a twist around the forearm.

Throughout the process, Nie Chuan stood still and looked at it.

Ries didn't turn around, but said in a still calm tone: "Nie Chuan, not everyone has the talent you have. Don't waste it."

Nie Chuan is stupid, isn't Reese angry?

Most importantly, it was the first time since childhood that someone said he was talented in some way.

"You can give up a million times. Of course, if you just think about it, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't really give up."

Nie Chuan's eyes suddenly became sour.

"If you want to stop there, you can go now."

Nie Chuan looked at the other's back and suddenly couldn't step forward.

"But if you choose to stay, don't flinch."

Nie Chuan licked his teeth subconsciously. He really wanted to ask Reese's muscles. His alveolar pain was so bad now.

"Is there anything else I can do to boost my power?"

When Nie Chuan asked this sentence, he felt that he must have Stockholm syndrome!