MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 6 .Nie Chuan vs Montenegro

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Carlo loosened Nie Chuan's back collar and turned around his shoulders. Of course, it was better not to give Nie Chuan a chance to slip away than to do so.

"Hey! Ewing! This is Allen! Allen, this is the draft player of our dk basketball team, shooting guard Ewing Kyle! Definitely in the top ten in the league!"

Carlo introduced it cheerfully, but the boy named Ewing seemed more angry.

"Did you just say 'Top Ten'?" Ewing got up and turned his fingers toward Carlo.

Only then did Nie Chuan find that although Ewing had a baby face, her height was definitely over 180 cm.

He chewed the gum hard, it seemed that Carlo was in his mouth, and he blew a bubble, deliberately making a popping sound when he was close to Carlo.

Carlo finally realized what, and quickly changed his mouth: "It's the top five! The top five! Haha!"

"Top five?" Ewing stretched his arms and patted Carlow's back. "Believe it or not, I play your head as a basketball?"

"That ... the first three ... you can't say you're yourself!" Carlow covered his head.

"Huh." Ewing snorted, and made a half circle around Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan feels like a piece of meat.

And Ewing reached out his hand and compared with Nie Chuan's head and said, "This child is really short."

Ewing's words touched two thunder points in Niechuan. First, he described Nie Chuan as a "child", and second, he said Nie Chuan was "short."

But Nie Chuan can only bear his anger, for a simple reason. I ca n’t escape if I ca n’t escape!

Ewing skipped Nie Chuan's reaction directly, came to Liz, and banged him with his elbow: "Hey, don't you agree with this little thing called" Allen "?"

"No," Reese replied lightly.

"Hey—Reese!" Carlo turned dissatisfied. "If you don't agree, what are you going to do with it?"

"I'm afraid you ruined him. Don't be suspended."

Nie Chuan was dumbfounded.

What ... what is "playing bad"?

At this time, another guy who was tall and big and needed Nie Chuan to look up came over.

Ewing trot up and stunned the other side: "Montenegro! You are here! Look at who Carlo is looking for! Is his head smashed by a basketball!"

"Where?" The big man named Heishan looked around, and his eyes did not stop on Nie Chuan.

"Here." Carlo patted Nie Chuan.

As Montenegro moved closer and closer, Nie Chuan had to swallow.

God ... this guy is too tall ...

Compared with Ewing's disapproval of Nie Chuan, Montenegro actually lowered his head and took Nie Chuan's feet seriously.

"Allen, this is the center of our team, Blake Stanley, nicknamed Montenegro." Carlo seriously introduced his teammates to Nie Chuan. "Montenegro, this is Allen. His dribble is extraordinary. it's actually very good!"

Ewing came to Montenegro, chewing gum with his head against Montenegro, while despising not so much: "Montenegro! Do you believe this guy can really do it? I don't see any sense of explosiveness and power in him You will be smashed before you even take a shot! I really want to go to the court. I'm afraid I can't even touch a basketball except being overturned! "

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm not one level with you! Well, I'm back! I still have group work!"

Nie Chuan just wanted to slip away. He did not expect Montenegro to pull off his sportswear jacket and hand it to Ewing aside.

"If you have the ability, just try it."

Montenegro wriggled his wrist and lowered the center, making a defensive posture.

Nie Chuan was dumbfounded.

Carlomin had a neurosis, did this Montenegro also fall ill with him?

"Allen! Come on! Let Montenegro look at you great! You just need to treat him as the guy who played against you on the court that day!"

Montenegro opened his arms and his defensive radius completely exceeded Mark. Nie Chuan did not see any need to "struggle to death" no matter whether it was before or after the sky entered the ground.

He stepped back, and even stuttered in English: "I ... I really asked someone to meet in the library ... to meet ..."

Ewing snorted, and Carlo was still trying to persuade Nie Chuan.

At this time, Lis, who had been standing by the side of the court holding her arms coldly watching all this, suddenly said to Zhou Bin, "You look much smarter than Nie Chuan."

Zhou Bin froze, because Reese directly pronounced Nie Chuan's Chinese name, and his pronunciation was quite accurate.

"Ah ... it should be ... my sat is taller than him ..."

"You should know that dk's basketball teams often reach the top eight of the ncaa basketball league."

"Uh ... I know." Zhou Bin nodded.

"You should also know, ncaa is the cradle of nba?" Reese asked again.

Zhou Bin continued to nod. He was different from Nie Chuan's fool who only knew that eating chocolate and playing video games lived in two dimensions. He nodded vigorously: "Of course I know."

"A lot of people dream of wanting to enter NBA, but most people are far away from it. Maybe Nie Chuan has no interest in NBA, but it may also be another turning point to glory in his life. You are sure he does not need Catch? "

Zhou Bin froze. Reese Redington's voice was very sensible, sensible and cold.

Because of this, it is inexplicable.

"Nie Chuan ... can he do it?"

"He can do it, I don't know. But Carlo always believed that Nie Chuan could walk past God."

Zhou Bin looked at Reese's face and swallowed hard.

A few seconds later, Zhou Bin suddenly shouted to Nie Chuan in Chinese: "A Chuan! I told you, they are betting! If you can really take the ball through Montenegro, I will give you a whole set of" Breaking Dawn " Level clearance equipment! "

"Ha? What?" Nie Chuan's eyes widened suddenly, he looked in the direction of Zhou Bin.

Zhou Bin nodded vigorously: "Really! Get Montenegro! Once we're done, we will go back through the customs!"

"Breaking the Dawn" is an online game that Nie Chuanzhen is obsessed with, but unfortunately, at the ninth level, because of insufficient equipment, he did not clear the level for a month. Anxious Nie Chuan ate a whole bottle of old godmother, and many on his forehead acne……

Thinking of those gears, Nie Chuan turned to look at Montenegro.

Well, if you shake this guy yourself, you can get the equipment you want!

If you ca n’t shake it, there will be no less meat!

Nie Chuan took a deep breath and took the basketball from Carlo. His original fear of facing Montenegro was much smaller.

He approached Montenegro tentatively and made a vacillating motion, but recovered in an instant.

This action is done several times in a row, and the amplitude is greater than once.

Ewing chewed the gum and snorted softly: "I also know how to test the range of Montenegro's defense. It seems that his brain is easier to use than you, Carlo."

"Hey. Don't underestimate him, or you will regret it." Carlow's voice sank.

Gum stopped between Ewing's teeth. He frowned and looked at Nie Chuan's figure. He couldn't think of how Nie Chuan would defend through the dead end of Montenegro.

Nie Chuan kept trying, and Montenegro's serious expression surprised him. He originally thought that he was like a Xiaoqiang who was stepped on at any time in front of Montenegro, but Montenegro was very cautious in defending each test of Nie Chuan, which brought Nie Chuan into the atmosphere of confrontation.

At a certain moment, Nie Chuan suddenly speeded up, dribbling the ball between his legs very quickly twice, and was blocked by Montenegro immediately after breaking out to the left.

But Nie Chuan stopped suddenly and then swayed to the other side. Everyone thought it was a fake action, including Montenegro. Just when Nie Chuan was about to adjust the center of gravity back to the right, he turned the center of gravity back. A After the semicircle, it completely passed Montenegro and ran to the basket.

"Oh-" Ewing opened his eyes and stretched his neck.

Carlo raised his hands and applauded.

Nie Chuan was about to make a layup in three steps. He only heard a bang—he was easily covered by a hot pot from the back by Montenegro.

At that intensity, Nie Chuan almost didn't sit on the ground.

"I rub-is he a fool! Is Coca-Cola still in his head!" Ewing sat up sharply, yelling at Nie Chuan mercilessly, "Is there such an idiot? I know I have one behind me Da Heishan, even three steps to make a layup? Does he particularly like to be blocked by others! He has a forehand and no trick! Can he use his brain to think about his own back! He thought he was alone on the basketball court! A shit! "

A baby-faced Ewing burst out swearing to be completely unambiguous!

"Okay! Alright! Didn't you see? He just changed the direction of Montenegro twice in an attempt to break through Montenegro, and it was an arc that broke through the defensive range of Montenegro! Already great! Ewing, you can Is it? "Asked Carlow.

Immediately, Ewing knocked his head.

"Crap! You say I can do it?"

"... Of course you do ..." Carlo felt he was going to be stupid by Ewing.

Nie Chuan exhaled.

He can't help it. A three-step layup is his most secure scoring method.

Is it a jumper?

The probability of miss is 100%.

Montenegro threw the ball back to Nie Chuan, clapped his hands and said, "Hey, come again!"


Is there still a chance?

Nie Chuan exhaled, he knew that he had to throw Montenegro farther, otherwise he couldn't get the shot time even if he passed the ball with Montenegro.

Facing Montenegro, he drove out his left angle sharply. Montenegro followed him in the same direction, but obviously had reservations, and seemed to see through Nie Chuan's fake moves. Because Nie Chuan's left foot was not an attack.

Just as Ewing was crazy about Nie Chuan's false test step in his heart, Nie Chuan turned his focus back to the right. Montenegro responded very quickly, but everyone was surprised that Nie Chuan quickly returned to the left. Shake through Montenegro, layup quickly.