MTL - Summoning In the Snow, My Harem is Too Dangerous-Chapter 169

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In this way, the national fortune controlled by Xia Ji has grown.

Only in this way can Da Xia stand upright in a real sense.

Hearing this, Xia Ji also frowned.

He thought for a while, and then said coldly: "The remaining vassal kings should also start to be subdued. In a few days, go to the Qing Dynasty and go to see the Qing King Kangxi."

Now, although it is said that Zhao Ji, the king of Song, has been subdued and the national strength of Daxia has grown, there is no need to worry about money, food and grass.

He also dispatched Li Chungang to behead Genghis Khan, the king of Yuan, but the vassal kings who were suppressed did not dare to do anything.

But in fact, it is not enough for Daxia to fight other vassal kings.

Xia Ji has tyrannical land gods in his hands, but all of these people are Daxia people.

Wanton slaughter is only reducing the strength of the big (ahfa) summer.

Therefore, Xia Ji chose to let Deng Tai'a go to contact Kangxi, the king of the Qing Dynasty, so that Daxia's national strength could be improved again.

As for the territory under the jurisdiction of King Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, its forces in the rivers and lakes have already been suppressed by Wang Xianzhi.

With Wei Xiaobao, who was dispatched earlier, as an inner responder, there must be no difficulty.

As for the Manqing dragon veins, Xia Ji didn't take it to heart at all.

As long as it is subdued, its dragon veins will naturally approach the Daxia dragon veins, and then merge with the Daxia dragon veins.

Previously, conquering King Song had already brought about a huge change in the dragon veins of Daxia.

The gold liquid condensed on the dragon veins is like a trickle.

On an average day, one hundred drops can be produced.

This means that Daxia can create hundreds of innate-level masters every day.

Even if he really encounters the invasion of the demon kingdom, Xia Ji is not too worried.

"Okay, then I'll leave early tomorrow morning." Deng Tai'a said respectfully.

Xia Ji shook his head and said, "No hurry, too much has happened during this time, and you should give those vassal kings some breathing time."

Subduing the Song King, beheading the Yuan King, plus the current action to destroy the Buddha.

It has already made those vassal kings like birds of a feather.

If there is any big move, it will often be counterproductive.

If those vassal kings started to form a group because of Daxia's actions, it would only develop into a war in the end.

Although there is Chen Zhibao, there is also the Great Snow Dragon Rider in the world.

But conquering the vassal king by war is the most inferior way.

It was neither what Xia Ji wished nor what he thought.

"Then I will go to the Qing Dynasty in January?" Deng Tai'a asked.

"Yeah." Xia Ji nodded, a month was enough as a buffer.

Deng Tai'a left quickly, but then Xia Ji called Li Chungang.

After telling Li Chungang what Deng Tai'a noticed after Tianmen.

Li Chungang said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. Although the pinnacle of land gods can enter the gate of heaven, it is not so easy to get out of the gate of heaven."

Hearing this, Xia Ji was also taken aback.

It seems that Li Chungang knows a little more information.

Li Chungang then said: "If you want to come out from behind the Tianmen, his cultivation must be above the peak of the land gods, and even, like me, you need to be able to knock on the Tianmen at will."

"And after Tianmen, not all are ascended people, there are also aborigines among them."

"Even if the other party invades, at most only a few people will be sent. With the power under Daxia's control, it can be completely resisted."

"What's more, after I comprehend the ultimate sword, I can already cover half of the Kyushu continent with divine will. As long as I guard Tianmen, I can buy enough time."

"When the time comes, it's not them that invade, but His Majesty will lead us to fight!"

At the time of the famous sword conference, Li Chungang Zeng Jian opened the gate of heaven.

A trace of divine will once passed through the gate of heaven.

But that trace of divine intent has not been extinguished, but returned when the gate of heaven was opened again a few days ago.

Let Li Chungang master a small amount of information after Tianmen.

In it, he also noticed something.

That is after Tianmen is another world, not all terrestrial gods.

Therefore, it will appear so relaxed, and will say the words that will hit the gate of heaven in the future.

Li Chungang said this, and Xia Ji was relieved.

Although this matter is serious, it also brings pressure to Da Xia, but as long as it is not unbearable.

Xia Ji also stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Instead, the conversation turned around and said, "There will be more than a month before the previous martial arts conference, and this martial arts conference will be handled by you."

Martial Arts Conference.

This was previously ordered by Xia Ji, intending to build momentum for Wang Xianzhi.

However, he did not expect that what happened in Wudang Mountain this time made Wang Xianzhi famous.


This martial arts conference has also become a way for Daxia to win over talents from all corners of the world.

"Then, Your Majesty, who is the best name in the world for?" Li Chungang suddenly asked with a smile.

Xia Ji also laughed lightly: "Is it not long ago that it was decided to be Wang Xianzhi? Is it possible that you want it?"

Li Chungang waved his hands again and again and said, "Your Majesty's arrangement is just right. In the past, Wang Xianzhi left the world's No. 1 in the air for 60 years to repay his kindness. Now, His Majesty can be regarded as a knot in his heart."

Most of the people he summoned were people who valued friendship.

But only Wang Xianzhi has only Martial Dao in his heart.

Since ancient times, there has been no first in writing, and no second in martial arts.

Wang Xianzhi made a letter hanging in the rivers and lakes in the snow, but in this world, Li Chungang wanted him to truly become the number one in the world.

Chapter 169 Since then, everyone in Daxia is like a dragon!

The next morning.

above the hall.

All those ministers have heard of what happened on the rivers and lakes.

Hearing such news, everyone was extremely shocked by Wang Xianzhi's strength.

Unexpectedly, it was to suppress Buddhism completely by one person.

But what surprised them the most was the sudden appearance of Deng Tai'a.

This is not the first time that the land fairy appeared suddenly.

It stands to reason that they are all used to it.

But every terrestrial fairy who suddenly appeared has such terrifying combat power that they are completely unable to calm down.

But now the power of the emperor is too terrifying.

Even just sitting there quietly gave them an irresistible feeling.

There were no blind-eyed people to ask.

However, everyone knows one thing.

That is, Daxia will really break the prophecy of 800 years of destruction, and it will flourish again in the hands of the current emperor Xia Ji.


Today's meeting can be described as very lively.

But as King Song surrendered, the barrier between Song and Daxia disappeared.

A large number of literati poured into Daxia. Regarding the imperial examination, there are still some things that need to be discussed with Xia Ji.

The usual imperial examinations were held every three years, but Daxia had a vast territory, covering the entire continent of Kyushu.

Therefore, the imperial examination was held once a year.

But this time, because of King Song's submission, the imperial examination was held half a year ahead of schedule.

This made many ministers want to stop this from happening.

For them, holding the imperial examination means that someone has to hand over their powers.

If it is placed before, they will not care about it.

After all, it is rumored that the Great Summer is about to perish.

But now it's different.

Since the emperor Xia Ji ascended the throne, the things he has done have changed the situation in the world.

It is also because of the recent events that made Da Xia's power out of control.

This led to the higher and higher gold content of Daxia's official position.

A minister in the court stood up and said, "Your Majesty, it's only been more than a hundred days since the last imperial examination. Is it a bit too frequent now that it is reopened?"

When the man spoke, his eyes looked towards He Shen.

But He Shen lowered his head and said nothing.

Since the last time his **** was beaten, he was barely able to walk down the ground until now.

Now, naturally, I dare not say a word.

However, even if He Shen did not speak, there were others who supported the minister who spoke.

"That's right, Your Majesty's words are worth a lot of money. If you continue to implement them, I'm afraid that in the future, all the imperial examinations will need to be held once every six months."

"Your Majesty, although the Daxia Academy has been established, there are still some inconsistencies. Once every six months, it is a bit too frequent."

Several ministers have all found suitable excuses.

But Xia Ji waved his hand.

Suddenly all the voices disappeared, all listening to Xia Ji's decision.

Just listen to Xia Jidao: "Why not once every six months? What I want to reform is not just the old laws of Daxia, some habits also need to be changed."

"For example, in this imperial examination, you only saw the frequency of time, but ignored the benefits it brought to Daxia."

Now that Da Xia has stabilized, Xia Ji can also take out some things in his memory.

Xia Ji continued: "I have already discussed with several scholars yesterday to divide the world's students into twelve grades according to their age."

"The age of six to ten is the enlightenment stage. After the age of ten, there will be an exam every six months. Those who pass the exam can enter the next level and learn new textbooks."

"And those who participate in the imperial examinations and become officials in the court must be those who have learned all the twelfth-class textbooks and passed the examination."

Regarding these ministers, although Xia Ji was too lazy to explain, he had to make it clear to them.

After all, the imperial examination is about the future of Daxia.

Xia Ji will not be stingy on this matter.

Hearing Xia Ji's words, all the ministers were silent.

What they had feared being replaced did not happen.

Therefore, there is no objection.

And after Xia Ji's voice fell.

Then a scholar of the Hanlin Academy stood up and announced the academic grade that was negotiated with Xia Ji.