MTL - Summoning In the Snow, My Harem is Too Dangerous-Chapter 170

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Among them, each level has strict requirements.

After hearing this, all the ministers also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Such a division will undoubtedly increase the number of people who enter the dynasty as officials, but correspondingly, it greatly raises the threshold for entering the dynasty as an official.

"Your Majesty's re-establishment of the imperial examination can be said to be a journey of benefit in the future."

Bao Zheng praised.

Wang Anshi is also full of praise.

Even Xin Qiji, who had just entered the court and became an official soon after, praised him again and again.

Xia Ji didn't care about this.

Instead, he continued: "These things don't have to be dealt with seriously. If there is something wrong, I will definitely cut it!"

"However, in addition to this matter today, there is one more thing that you need to do."

"The martial arts conference is about to start, and I want you to spread this news throughout the world."


All the ministers nodded.

They also knew that Xia Ji valued this martial arts conference so much because he wanted to use it to subdue a large number of people in the arena.

In this regard, there is no objection in the hearts of the people.

Because, since Xia Ji ascended the throne to the present, everyone in the rivers and lakes that he has recruited has other arrangements.

Except for Li Xunhuan who passed the imperial examination to the court.

All the others were placed all over the imperial city by Xia Ji.

It's almost like a doorman, and it doesn't give them much power.

This also reassured many officials.

Next, is the normal meeting process.

Some things that require Xia Ji's decision began to be communicated.

And Xia Ji quickly gave an answer.


The meeting will disperse.

And Xia Ji also went to the bedroom.

Today's Da Xia is already on the right track, and a lot of knowledge from his previous life can be started arbitrarily.

It is good that this world is the world of Xianwu, but many things cannot be solved by the word "Xianwu".

For example, the most basic livelihood issues.

How to increase grain output and how to solve the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

These are all top priorities.

Think here.

Xia Ji was the one who called Xue Nu.

Xue Nu was not only his concubine, but also Xia Ji's link to the Mo family.

"Why did Your Majesty think of your concubine today?"

Snow Maiden bowed, but there was some taste on her face.

Xia Ji had not looked for her for several days, which made Xue Nu feel a little empty in her heart.

Before she knew it, she couldn't leave Xia Ji at all.

Xia Ji chuckled and hugged her in his arms: "It's just been too busy these days."

He continued: "I called you here today because I have something serious to say. Regarding the blueprints that I told you before, the Mo family can start construction."

"Drawings?" Xue Nu was taken aback.

Then she remembered some wonderful tricks that Xia Ji had told her before.

The iron car that can travel thousands of miles a day, and the tools that can soar in the sky, are extremely attractive to the Mo family.

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Although Xia Ji only drew a few sketches, when Xue Nu brought it back, it shocked everyone in the Mo family.

Now that Xia Ji said that she was going to start construction, she was also curious in her heart.


Xue Nu frowned slightly and said, "To be honest with Your Majesty, the Mo Family disciples have already cast a set of those things, but they can't move at all, and their motivation cannot be resolved."

With regard to the sketches drawn by Xia Ji, the senior Mohists immediately drew them in fine detail after reading them.

But in the end, he found that he couldn't move at all.

Even when assembled, it seems like something is missing.

It's just that I have been busy with post-disaster reconstruction before, and I didn't have the opportunity to ask.

"Naturally it is impossible to move." Xia Ji chuckled lightly.

The sketch of the mechanism he gave was different from the mechanism of Mohism in this world.

Although the Mo family also used the mechanical beasts cast by the mechanical technique, but the actual power comes from the mechanical brackets, which also requires a lot of manual manipulation.

But Xia Ji's sketches need another kind of motivation.

Xia Ji continued: "Those organs, if you want them to move, you must first study a steam engine."


"Steam.... machine?" Xue Nu was completely stunned.

She had never heard of such an institution.

Xia Ji pointed to the burning teapot in the distance and said, "Why does the lid toss when the fire boils water? In this steam, there is a huge power..."

As he said that, he explained the principle of the steam engine to Snow Maiden once again.

Although it was just a theory, it shocked the Snow Maiden.

She did not expect that the steam that can be seen everywhere in life could hide such a powerful force.

This world is still ancient after all, and the martial arts are prosperous. These details are easy to be ignored.

Xia Ji saw that she didn't know much, so he simply drew a sketch with pen and paper.

With these sketches, presumably because of the Mo family's sensitivity to mechanical techniques, they could soon be able to develop them.

But Snow Maiden looked even more confused.

Xia Ji lightly smiled and flicked the Snow Maiden's forehead and said, "It turns out that you are also a half-assed person when it comes to mechanics."

"My concubine didn't learn much tricks..." Xue Nu was a little embarrassed, but she had a different kind of temptation.

But now Xia Ji has no such thoughts.

From now on, Daxia is going to a new chapter.

I don't know if this is an industrial revolution in this world?

But there is no doubt that after all these things have been built successfully.

Daxia's national strength will be further enhanced.

Prosperity of martial arts is not a bad thing, but if it is beyond control, it is not good.

Today the world is so chaotic, and there is a reason why martial arts are too prosperous.

In this regard, Xia Ji's approach is not to suppress or weaken.

Instead, we want to use the power of technology and machinery to check and balance.

In this way, the gap between the warriors and the common people in this world was broken.

This can also make Daxia live longer.

"Go ahead, I just said, don't miss anything, and pass it on to the Mo family."

Xia Ji instructed a few words.

Snow Maiden cast a resentful look: "Your Majesty..."

Xia Ji was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly: "Come over to sleep tonight."

After hearing this, Xue Nu left with satisfaction.

After the snow girl left.

However, Xia Ji sent someone to call Concubine Yan over.

This time, the Yin-Yang family was destroyed.

Concubine Yan is the lord of the Yin-Yang family, so she might know some secrets of Emperor Taiyi of the East.

Chapter 170 The growth of national fortunes, call again!

"I have seen Your Majesty."

Concubine Yan stood in front of Xia Ji, but there was neither sorrow nor joy in her eyes.

It seems that there is no feeling about the destruction of the Yin Yang family.

In other words, I don't know yet.

Seeing her like this, Xia Ji said, "The leader of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai, died, and everyone else was beheaded. Do you know about this?"

Concubine Yan's eyes trembled for a while, but she said, "I would like to thank your majesty for this matter, and give everyone in the Yin-Yang family a relief."

"Tell me in detail." Hearing this, Xia Ji also became curious.

He looked at Concubine Yan with interest.

Concubine Yan continued: "Being able to be selected as your majesty's concubine, it is because the concubine made a mistake when she was in the Yin Yang family."

"Because I accidentally saw Donghuang Taiyi's handwriting, I learned that the three guardians of the sun, moon and stars of the Yin-Yang family and the elders of the five elements are all containers that Donghuang Taiyi carried himself."

"After the end of Dong's "730" Huang Taiyi's lifespan, he will be able to be reborn!"

Speaking of this, her face flushed a little.

But Concubine Yan continued: "So, everyone in the Yin-Yang family has been cursed by Dong Huangtai. Even if Dong Huangtai is completely destroyed, everyone in the Yin-Yang family will not be able to survive for long."

"And the concubine is because of His Majesty's favor. Under the washing of Long... Long Yuan, the curse seal lost its effect by accidental hits."

"Afterwards, it was completely stripped off because of the spirit of the emperor on His Majesty's body."

heard here.

Xia Ji also probably understood.

From this point of view, this Concubine Yan is also a poor person.

He suddenly understood why there was such a big contrast in Concubine Yan's character.

"You said you've read Donghuang Taiyi's manuscript, what other news is there?" Xia Ji spoke again.

Concubine Yan then said, "East Emperor Taiyi has been researching a thing over the years, which he calls the Canglong Qiju."

"And the so-called Canglong Qisu refers to the dragon veins born out of the territories under the jurisdiction of the seven great vassals."

"These things have different shapes, each of which is an extremely tyrannical magic weapon. According to legend, if you can collect them all, you can make the world change hands!"

What Concubine Yan said also made Xia Ji narrow his eyes.

The fortune of the country is not false, but something that really exists.

And dragon veins.

It is the physical product produced by the gathering of people's movements.