MTL - Summoning the Strongest Emperor of the Heavens-Chapter 29 Attacking Zhao Kuo

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Li Jue took out the sword from the chest of a heavily armored soldier, blood splashed on his face, but Li Jue didn't care.

At this time, the last heavy armored soldier, 200 people is still a bit small after all, although the archers and heavy armored soldiers are both infantry, but there are still omissions, it is a bit difficult to kill all of them with only 200 people. of.

On the other side, Zhao Kuo led 6,000 soldiers and marched towards Li Jue.

"Chioran, what should we do next?"

Guo Si walked to Li Jue's side and asked while wiping the blood on the knife.

Li Jue rolled his eyes, rushing over to kill, it was an instinctive reaction, and now after killing, he naturally went back.

But this is Hu Che'er pointing in the direction of the barracks and saying, "General Li, General Guo, don't you think that's one of ours?"

At the same time, Li Jue and Guo Si looked up and looked back, and it turned out that they were his own soldiers, but what are they still doing here after they have been killed here?

On the other side, Zhao Kuo naturally saw the corpses all over the place and the Flying Bear Army standing on the pile of corpses.

Brutal, cold, this is the most intuitive impression imprinted on Zhao Kuo's mind by this peerless elite at this time. Zhao Kuo only remembered that he had seen it in the eyes of that man on the Changping battlefield.

It may be different, but the ruthlessness of ignoring the common people is the same, and it is also a nightmare that Zhao Kuo has never forgotten.

Just when Zhao Kuo was in a trance, they had already arrived in front of the Flying Bear Army.

"General Li's Flying Bear Army is really brave."

There was blood in the breeze, Zhao Kuo glanced at the brutal scene and felt emotional.

Speaking of which, Zhao Kuo has always been quite critical of Li Jue and Guo Si's style of doing things. Zhao Kuo asked himself to be a Confucian general. Although he has a dark history of talking about soldiers and the Battle of Changping, it is considered a shame. But in fact, at that time that If you want to blame Zhao Kuo for the situation, it is not objective.

However, the Qin army had an advantage, but the Zhao army was not weak. At least in the eyes of the king of Zhao at the time, he had a chance of winning, and Lian Po's blindly insisted that the king of Zhao could not see the chance of winning, so he was replaced by him. Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kuowei will carry King Zhao's vision of turning defeat into victory. Naturally, it is impossible to hold on like Lian Po, and all this is expected by the Qin army, secretly changing the general Bai Qi and fighting Changping in the first battle. Zhao State has never recovered.

Of course, there is a reason for Zhao Kuo's lack of ability, but whoever makes his opponent Bai Qi, in that situation, I'm afraid that Lian Po will not be much better than Zhao Kuo.

Poor Zhao Kuo's first battle in his life, and the only battle, achieved Bai Qi's name as a killing god, and made him a joke for the ages.

But this does not mean that Zhao Kuo is really useless. If he were to construct a useless piece of shit, would King Zhao entrust the fate of a country to him?

The system rated Zhao Kuo as purple, which also showed Zhao Kuo's ability.

"You two, are you going back to the military camp?"

Zhao Kuo's sudden question shocked Li Jue and Guo Si.

"What?" Li Jue asked Zhao Kuo suspiciously.

Zhao Kuo smiled slightly and said, "Zhao is willing to make a contribution to the two generals."

Li Jue and Guo Bian's eyes instantly lit up a bit. Although they felt that Zhao Kuo, who was hanged and beaten by Wu Anjun, was not very reliable, they felt that their strength was very reliable. Under the Heavenly King Laozi, they also dare to draw swords.

"Why do you two think Fang Yi attacked us?" Zhao Kuo asked Li Jue and Guo Si.

Li Jue and Guo Bi heard the words, his face darkened a bit, and he secretly slandered in his heart: "Yes, this kid, we two have come here to show our intelligence.

However, Zhao Kuoxiu was above them after all, and he didn't turn his back on the fact that he might have to take credit for the two of them.

"Also ask Brother Zhao to point out the maze!"

Li Jue's words are smooth, whether he treated Li Ru in his previous life, or Jia Xu did not say much about it.

But Zhao Kuo listened to it very much, and the expression on his face was full of looks that you really don't know, and Li Jue and Guo Si were angry.

Fortunately, even though Zhao Kuo had a bashful look on his face, it wasn't too much.

Immediately explained: "Although Fang Yi had a good timing for this attack, there was no follow-up, which is very strange, because if it is just a wave of arrows, the actual damage is not large, at best it will hit our spirits a little bit. That's all, and this time Fang Yi has attacked every camp with arrows. It's not worth the effort to mobilize the army, just to attack the spirit, and they retreated decisively after a wave of arrows. It's better to retreat. It is said to lure the enemy. I have seen that there is a Fenglei Gorge not far in front of the map. It is a good place for ambush. Their arrow rain is likely to be a provocative lead. , and then annihilate the pursuers in one fell swoop."

Li Jue touched his chin and thought it made sense.

"Since it's an ambush, why don't we go back?" Guo Si also listened to it and said immediately.

Zhao Kuo revealed a sinister smile and said, "Since they have set up a scheme, wouldn't it make sense if we didn't express it?"

That's right, Zhao Kuo is going to play a big game. In fact, Fang Yi's trap is not really clever. Zhao Kuo believes that Ning Xuanwu can also see it, but due to the particularity of Ning Xuanwu's side, his so-called '' The alliance leader's binding force on many forces is actually quite limited, and Fang Yi is sure about this. Even if you see through Ning Xuanwu, you can't stop everyone from chasing, and as long as you get a little bit, then this wave of Fang Yi It's not a loss.

And the result was indeed the case. The factions were originally scattered. Ning Xuanwu understood that when he came to send people to stop them, many forces had already sent troops to pursue them. Although there were still a few that had not yet had time to send troops, But at this time, the anger was already burning, and he did not stop Ning Xuanwu at all, and sent people to pursue it.

And just when the Flying Bear Army will be responsible for shooting their 3,000 heavy armored soldiers and the 5,000 archers slaughtered, many other forces are chasing the location of Fenglei Gorge.

At this time, on Fenglei Gorge, Fang Yi couldn't wait for a long time for the heavy armored soldiers and archers sent to Liu Yan's camp to return, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Yi estimated that there were as many as tens of thousands of horses in this wave. As long as they were all eaten, even Fang Yi, who had 8,000 troops, was wiped out.

"The whole army is ready, the fish has entered the net!"

Fang Yi's voice was filled with excitement. If he ate this wave of people, Ning Xuanwu would definitely suffer heavy losses, and his odds of winning in the next battle would be even higher.

At the same time, Zhao Kuo took his subordinates to bypass Fenglei Gorge far away and came to the rear of Fang Yi's ambush.

Maybe Zhao Kuo really sees too much in the art of war, is not flexible, and is not clever enough. He will be defeated when he encounters a great **** like Bai Qi and Han Xin, but you Fang Yi is not. His military books may not be lost to Fang Yi and Ning Xuanwu.

Detours and outflanking, sticking a knife behind the back is easy to use no matter what era.

Since someone is the bait, and there are super elites like the Flying Bear Army as the blade, I dare not say such a great god, but Zhao Kuo has the confidence to cut a piece of meat against a famous general of Lian Po's level. down.

With excitement, Zhao Kuo launched his attack towards his first victory since his birth!