MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 18 Youth perpetually rebels against innate

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   Chapter 18 Youth Permanent Rebellion Congenital

With a thought of   , the invisible attribute panel instantly unfolded in front of Zhao Yinshun.

  【God】: 7+1

  【Force】: 9+1

  【Qi】: 5+1

  【The Secret Record of Zhenwu】: LV.31

   A breakthrough actually increased 3 points of attributes, and the upgrade across the realm is really different!

   Admiring his progress, Zhao Yinshun suddenly found an unprecedented record on the attribute panel.

  【The Secret Record of True Martial Arts】The 12th Layer 【Emblem of Truth】is solidified, and the Specialty【Permanent Youth】is obtained.

  【Permanent Youth】(Class A)

   Slightly prolongs the peak physiological period, and Shouyuan +5.

  【Reverse Innate】


   Comprehension +1


   root bone+1

   bouncing off the bed, Zhao Yinshun breathing heavily, with red eyes, staring at the attribute panel, confirming the information he saw over and over again.

   After a long time, his excitement gradually calmed down. He took two deep breaths and suppressed his trembling body.

  【Shouyuan】: 84

   Once again confirming that his lifespan has increased, Zhao Yinshun raised his head, took a slow and long deep breath, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly uncontrollably.

  Youth forever!

   Reverse innate!

   Is this the legal tradition passed down by the ninth-order saint [Taiqing Daode Tianzun]?

  Love it! love it!

   Originally thought that only when the rank is promoted can one obtain life sublimation and prolong life, but I didn't expect [True Martial Secret Record] to be able to do the same thing!

With a thought of   , Zhao Yinshun's eyes couldn't help but turn to the remaining two methods that were stuck in a bottleneck.

   But after a little thought, he gave up his unrealistic fantasies.

   Only the top-level exercises that point directly to the source can transform the spiritual flesh!

  [Basic Swordsmanship] and [Eagle Claw Technique] are just superficial physical skills, no matter the difficulty or intention, they are not on the same level as [True Martial Secret Record]!

   In a trance, Zhao Yinshun finally understood why most of the Taoist transcendents lived a long time, and they looked like children.

   Their exercises are aimed at immortality!

   With a sigh of emotion, Zhao Yinshun's eyes swept across the [Permanent Youth], and his movements suddenly froze.

   Wait, the extended physiological peak period here seems to be subtly different from what I understand...

   Rubbing his chin, relevant knowledge gradually emerged in his mind.

  In this world, no matter the east or the west, the physiology of all things is divided into 7 stages.

They are infancy, 0-10% of life expectancy, adolescence, 10-20%, youth 20-30%, prime-age 30-40%, middle-age 40-60%, and 60-80% Old age, and 80-100% decline.

   If we calculate according to the normal 80-year lifespan of a human being, that is, 0 to 8 years old is young, 8 to 16 years old is juvenile, 16 to 24 years old is youth, 24 to 32 years old is prime...

   Among them, life will reach its physiological peak at a certain time point in the prime of life, and then it will maintain its strongest state for a long period of time until it begins to weaken slowly after entering middle age.

   And once you enter the twilight period, the speed of decay will accelerate in a straight line, and reach the lowest point of your life during the decay period.

   From a mathematical point of view, the whole process is very much like a parabola.

   Except for the gods who step into the upper three realms, no life can escape this rule.

   But even the gods who have stepped into the upper three realms have only solidified their physiological stage at the moment of ascension, and are immune to the "aging" of old age and decay.

   When they reach the end of their lifespan, they still have to meet the [Five Decays of Heaven and Man] and fall into eternal silence.

  No life can last forever!

   What is immortal is the [Tao] passed down by them!

   Heart throbbing, Zhao Yinshun suddenly had a hint of enlightenment, and had a deeper understanding of the preciousness of [Youth Perseverance].

   It does not simply extend its entire life cycle, but invests life in the most golden stages!

   Those 5 years of lifespan were almost proportionally integrated into his youth, youth, and prime!

   And the teenagers and youths are the fastest growing stage of the extraordinary, which means that Zhao Yinshun has a larger time window to attack the extreme wall of the mortal world!

   Also more time to climb the stairs to the Throne!

   Don’t look at each stage being extended for only a mere one or two years. If the overlord Xiang Yu has one or two years, he might not have awakened from the four poles, but from the five poles and six poles!

After being excited, Zhao Yinshun had a little doubt in his heart.

   Does the prolongation of the physiological stage mean that your own development will also be delayed?

   Even in the future, I will get more lifespan, and my actual age has dropped back to [infancy] in the overall lifespan ratio. Will that…


  's heart jumped, Zhao Yinshun was both happy and worried.

  A man likes to be a teenager until his death, but he doesn't like to be a little brother until his death...

   Pulling open his pants, Zhao Yinshun looked down and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, I am talented, and there is still a huge room for regression...


  The abdominal cramps brought Zhao Yinshun's attention back to reality. He grabbed a roll of toilet paper and rushed into the bathroom, swept away the filthy poison produced by washing tendons and bones.

   After taking a hot shower again to remove the grease and dirt metabolized by the pores, a white and tender young man appeared in the mirror.

   Looking at the new-looking young man in the mirror, Zhao Yinshun was inexplicably lost for a moment.

   Am I so good looking?

Why did    feel normal before?

  It is said that people will be inexplicably narcissistic for a minute when they look in the mirror after taking a shower, but this change is too exaggerated, right? !

   Looking carefully, the nose is still the same nose, and the eyes are still the same eyes, but the combination of some untraceable changes caused his facial features to have an amazing chemical reaction, and his appearance suddenly rose to a higher level!

   frowned, Zhao Yinshun suddenly reacted, and looked at his attribute panel.


  The only explicit attribute among the four innate attributes!

   was also called [Natural Affinity] in ancient times, and some naturally charismatic beings were called [Sons of Gaia] by Western sects!

The improvement of   's appearance is just one of its most superficial features.

   In the dark, it can directly affect and even distort the perception of the world and everything in it.

  Control, Summon, Charm, Illusion…

   There are many genres developed based on this attribute, both in the East and the West.

   However, is the effect of 1 point of charm so obvious?

   So what was my original charm value?


   scratched his head, Zhao Yinshun quickly forgot about it, for him as a martial artist, [Charm] is probably the most tasteless innate attribute.

   If possible, he would like to exchange this 1 attribute for other innate attributes!

   sighed, Zhao Yinshun walked out of the bathroom, put on clean clothes, and took a good look at himself.

  Today is an important day, educate the bear children...have a sense of ritual!


   Thanks for the rewards from book friends such as Joyful Five Sacred Mountains, Gusu Fox, Junzi Siyu, and Zhongyi Zhang Ke…

   In addition, there are not enough tickets, call for support~call for support~ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷~



   (end of this chapter)