MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 17 【The Secret Record of Zhenwu】The Thirteenth Heaven

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   Chapter 17 [True Martial Secret Record] Thirteenth Heaven


   There was a slight buzzing in his ear, and a trembling wave of terror swept across his body like an electric current, making Zhao Yinshun's hair stand on end.

   turned back suddenly, his eyes crossed the high wall, Zhao Yinshun seemed to see some kind of terrifying creature wantonly venting his anger.

   But this breath came and went quickly, like the moon in a mirror, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and it even made people wonder if it was his own illusion.

   frowned and watched for a long time before Zhao Yinshun retracted his gaze and walked to the front yard with a heavy heart.

  The safflower is delicate and beautiful, and the world is competing to cultivate it…

  My own piece of "rough jade" showed a little bit of extraordinaryness, which attracted the attention of President Qin Yushi...

   This is honor, responsibility, and cause and effect!

   Zhao Yinshun is not a real child, he has a mature soul in his body, he knows that all the gifts of fate have already marked the price in secret!

  Why would he rather be hungry than borrow money from He Yubo unless it was a last resort?

  Because he accepted this gift, then he also accepted this cause and effect...

   staring blankly at his palm, Zhao Yinshun suddenly raised a relieved smile.

   If you accept it, just accept it. People give me peach wood, and I repay it with Qiong Ju!

  Since your V is 50, then I will take you to eat the Happy Family Bucket!

   stretched contentedly, and suddenly felt a force coming from behind, Zhao Yinshun swayed slightly, and turned to look at Jiang Ailun, who had no good intentions.

   "Long time no see, Junior Brother Zhao, what are you busy with every day? Shenlong sees the beginning but not the end? Did he hide from us on purpose?"

Watching his performance calmly, after a few seconds, he found that Zhao Yinshun was not only not afraid, but looked at him with eyes like watching a monkey show. The sarcastic smile on Jiang Ailun's face slowly disappeared, and his expression was so gloomy that water could drip. .

   "Jiang Ailun, what are you doing?"

   At the critical moment, a crisp voice sounded not far away, and Jiang He led a group of classmates to watch them from a distance.

   "Nothing, I'm chatting with Junior Brother Zhao."

  Jiang Ailun squeezed out a stiff smile, then turned his back to everyone, his facial features became twisted and hideous.

From an angle that others can't see, he attached to Zhao Yinshun's ear and said gloomily: "Junior Brother Zhao, I like your arrogant look, I hope you can maintain this attitude during the big competition, don't kneel on the ground and beg for mercy. ."


   Hearing Jiang Ailun's threat, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help laughing, but immediately lowered the corner of his mouth and looked at him seriously.

   "I'm sorry, I thought of something happy, you continue."

   The blue veins on Jiang Ailun's forehead began to jump out one by one. He could sense that Zhao Yinshun really didn't take his threat seriously, and he didn't take him seriously from the bottom of his heart.

   He has never been treated with such contempt in his entire life, Jiang Ailun's fists were clenched white, his eyes were filled with resentment and fierceness, and the corners of his mouth evoked a twisted smile.

   "Very good, I hope you can laugh when you compete."

   "Don't worry, I'm professionally trained and generally don't laugh unless I can't help it."

   a little bit~

   Looking at Zhao Yinshun's serious appearance, Jiang Ailun's rational string almost broke. He trembled back two steps, took a deep breath, and used all his strength to suppress the urge to shoot on the spot.

   didn't speak so quickly, he just took a deep look at Zhao Yinshun, turned his head and left.

   Behind him, Zhao Yinshun looked at his trembling back and shook his head helplessly.

  If you don't do it, you won't die...Why don't you understand such a simple truth?

  A big kid just pretends to be vicious and learns from others to go beyond society. You haven't been beaten by society before~


  As a benevolent elder, it seems that I have to teach him some philosophy of life...


   Moon Star Rare

  In the dark courtyard, Zhao Yinshun sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at the starry sky through the bright moonlight, but all kinds of thoughts were in his mind.

   Dean's food is really good, all the accumulated attributes have been refined in just a few days.

   Next, you must choose a practice method to break through...

   What is the best choice?

  's thoughts came to an end, Zhao Yinshun's eyes gradually focused, and an attribute panel that others could not observe appeared in his sight.

  【Zhao Yinshun】

  【God】: 7

  【Min】: 10 (limit)

  【Force】: 9

  【Fine】: 6

  【Qi】: 5

  【body】: 8

  【Shouyuan】: 79

  【The Secret Record of Zhenwu】: LV.30 (bottleneck)

  【Basic Swordsmanship】: LV.30 (Bottleneck)

  【Eagle Claw Skill】: LV.30 (Bottleneck)

   glanced around, Zhao Yinshun faintly had the answer in his heart.

   In order to improve his attributes as soon as possible, he did not choose the most difficult [True Martial Record] before, but sprinted the relatively simple [Eagle Claw Technique] to level 30.

   But unlike the [True Martial Secret Record], which developed in a balanced way and pointed directly to the avenue, [Basic Swordsmanship] and [Eagle Claw Technique] are only [skills], and they are only physical skills!

   They all exercise the body, and a considerable part of the practice area overlaps, which is invalid repetition.

   This also broke his evil thoughts of learning hundreds of simple exercises.

   In the future, he will try his best to avoid overlapping exercises, and only choose a main practice based on different emphasis to maximize efficiency.

   And because of the excessive training of [Physical Technique], his six-dimensional attributes are now completely out of balance, and the three-dimensional [Strength], [Physical], and [Sensitivity] far exceed [Essence], [Qi], and [God]!

   If it is an ordinary martial artist, then this ratio is understandable.

   But Zhao Yinshun is different. In a sense, the three-dimensionality of [God] is more important to him than the three-dimensionality of [body]!

   Therefore, for the next six-pole awakening, he can only choose the most difficult breakthrough—【True Martial Secret Record】!

   It was just these few days that he was refining his attributes. He didn't use his extra-dimensional senses. The [God] attribute had returned to its peak state, full and full, enough for him to hit the bottleneck in one go.

   After making a decision, Zhao Yinshun immediately closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and held Yuan to guard one.

   "Sit with your eyes closed, meditate on your mind, and meditate on your mind."

   "Heavenly drums from left and right, holding Kunlun in both hands."

   "The door of the rocker is opened, and the door of the dragon is closed."


  The boring practice lasted for a whole night, and Zhao Yinshun only slowly opened his eyes when the sun shone through the window the next morning.


  In an instant, thousands of glorious light leaked from the crystal pupils, which actually blocked the light of the sun and illuminated the entire room in pure white.

   But the amazing vision only lasted for a short moment, and even Zhao Yinshun himself did not notice the magnificent light overflowing in his eyes.

   A stench visible to the naked eye spewed from his nose and mouth, and endless joy emerged from his heart. Zhao Yinshun raised his pure smile from the heart, and fell on the bed with his head up.

   finally broke through!

  【The Secret Record of True Martial Arts】Every 12 days, one step, I finally broke through to a new stage!

   (end of this chapter)