MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 291 People from harm

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  Chapter 291 Eliminate harm for the people

  Qinglongjing · Yufu

  In a luxurious and secluded secret room, a group of people are gathering together to discuss in low voice, their brows are full of sorrow.

   "Zheng Ye, don't shake it, it gives me a headache!"

  The middle-aged man who was anxiously pacing back and forth froze in his pace, sat down upset and took a sip of his tea.

   "Isn't it here yet?"

   "Not yet, the time should be almost here..."

  Before the words were finished, the door of the secret room opened quietly, and Yu Gaoge led a group of blond and blue-eyed white men into the room.

   "Chairman Joseph, welcome!"

   "Ambassador Willie..."

   "Ambassador Marcus..."


  After a handshake and greetings, everyone sat down one by one, accompanied by a hidden mysterious ripple, a translucent light blue film spread on the wall and floor, quickly isolating the room into an independent small world.

  Yu Gaoge looked around and spoke solemnly first.

   "The purpose of calling everyone here this time must be known to everyone, so I won't talk nonsense. Chairman Joseph will introduce the latest situation to us."

  Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to the chairman of the Yangzhou Sacred Gold Union in unanimous agreement.

   Pushing the monocle on his face, Joseph let out a long sigh.

   "The situation is not optimistic. Mr. Wu An has invested tens of thousands of troops, spread over hundreds of cities along the coast, and forcibly searched for the goods in our hands at a price far below the market, causing us huge losses."

  “It is initially estimated that our profit this year will drop sharply, and the loss will be in the tens of millions.”

  Hearing the words "millions of dollars", everyone present gasped in unison, and some even subconsciously covered their chests, feeling their hearts bleeding.

  That is a big golden circle!

  Heavy breathing echoed in the room, everyone gritted their teeth, and bloodshot eyes gradually spread.

   After decades of good weather and good weather, I finally waited for an opportunity to squeeze out the oil and water of the mud legs, and someone actually cut off their money!

   "Alas... Taking advantage of the good market conditions this year, our profit is expected to increase by more than ten times, but unfortunately after Mr. Wu An's disturbance, the profit will drop by at least 70%..."

  Listening to Joseph's leisurely sigh, the anger in everyone's hearts was completely detonated.

   "Damn you little bastard, you and I are at odds!"

  Seeing the incompetence and fury of the crowd, the mature and prudent Yu Gaoge twirled his beard and asked unhurriedly.

   "Mr. Chairman, didn't San Jinlian activate the covenant before? Is there any follow-up?"

   "Alas... Only the Demon Sect Sanctuary responded to our call. In Yangzhou, there happened to be a demon child who was directly descended from the Heavenly Demon Sect..."

  Hearing the conversation between the two, the noisy secret room fell silent.

   Bathed in the sight of everyone's expectation, Joseph smiled self-deprecatingly.

   "However, not long after receiving this mission, his life light was completely extinguished."

"Afterwards, people from the Demon Sect found traces of a battle in a valley outside Chongyungang City. It is said that the scale of the damage was extremely terrifying. It didn't look like a battle between two legends at all, but like a fierce battle between two mythical creatures. Days and nights!"

"However, no matter what happened, the result is obvious. The devil who was about to ascend to the realm of the gods fell completely, and Lord Wu An, who was two levels lower than him, was still alive and well, and led his army to rob our coastal city. over and over..."


  After the death-like silence, Zheng Ye couldn't help punching the table hard.

   "The sixth-order fight against the fourth-order was counter-killed! Demonic waste!"

  Afterwards, Zheng Ye cast his eyes on Joseph and asked puzzledly.

   "Chairman Joseph, why did only the Demon Gate Sanctuary respond to the covenant, and the Three Buddhas and Five Ways? Maoshan is in Yangzhou, why didn't they respond?"

   "Mr. Zheng is unaware that the covenant is just a loose covenant and has no enforcement power. Whether to respond or not depends entirely on the wishes of the major sanctuaries, but..."

   Changing the subject, Joseph looked around the crowd, showing a meaningful smile.

   "Your families have noble bloodlines, which have been passed down for thousands of years, and have deep connections with the major forces in Yangzhou. If you exert influence, the next time you activate the covenant, there may be different results."

  After understanding his hint, everyone hurriedly patted their chests and said.

   "No problem, someone from our family is in the Maoshan Sanctuary, I will write a letter immediately when I get back!"

"Me too…"

   Having received everyone's promise, Joseph adjusted the monocle on his face, and a mocking smile shone under the reflective lens.

   "Everyone, Mr. Wu An will arrive at [Qinglongjing] soon, I think we should teach him what the rules are."


   da da da ~

The tall snow-white horse was walking on the wide street. The boy sitting on the horse looked around curiously. His dignified demeanor made him feel ashamed. Countless passers-by subconsciously stepped aside when they saw it from a distance, and made way for him. Straight passage.

   "Senior sister, have you been to [Qinglongjing] before?"

   "I've been here, it seems to be more prosperous than before."

  At the hem of the dress, a cat's head looked around, and its crystal clear vertical pupils carefully observed the colorful archway.

   "It is indeed very prosperous, but it is abnormally prosperous."

  Looking around, Zhao Yinshun shook his head with emotion.

  Under the surface of the burning oil, there are naked beggars in the corner, and corpses and bones that can occasionally be glimpsed in the gutter.

   Walking on the street are blond and blue-eyed Thais, elves with long ears, and even monsters with beast heads and human bodies!

  But the pedestrians around seem to have gotten used to this scene, haggling without any sense of disobedience, and even soliciting monsters as guests.

   I don’t know whether to say that they have good intentions or want money rather than life. There are a few monsters with green faces and fangs who are obviously cannibals, and the **** monsters on their bodies can be smelled from far away.

   "Ah... not every monster is as good as a cat."

"What did you say?"


Scratching the cat's head, Zhao Yinshun smiled perfunctorily, and suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes. He looked up, and saw a monster with a bull's head and a human body standing in front of him, his eyes were greedy and bloodthirsty. shift.

   "Boy! I am..."


  Just as the urgency of the words was spoken, the sound of piercing the air as thin as a mosquito disappeared in a flash, and the huge monster froze in place in an instant.

   Bang Dang~

  The giant steel ax hit the bluestone slab, and the Minotaur opened his mouth to speak, but dense blood lines appeared on his body, and he couldn't make a sound.

  The next second, its huge body collapsed on the spot as if melting, shattered and disintegrated into uniform pieces of meat the size of a thumb.


   Lightly pinching the horse's belly, Ao Baibai jumped over the pile of marinated minced meat in disgust, not even the horse's hoof was stained with a trace of dirt.


  It wasn't until this time that the passers-by around reacted and let out suppressed exclamations.

   And this exclamation attracted more people's attention, and soon a few minotaurs with bloodshot eyes rushed over screaming.

   "Who? Who killed my brother..."


  The angry roar stopped abruptly, and the young man in fresh clothes and angry horse walked forward slowly, passing by the Minotaur that instantly solidified into a stone sculpture.

   It wasn't until he walked a long way that this group of ferocious monsters crashed to the ground, with a faint trace of blood appearing between his brows.

  Such a strange scene caused commotion among the crowd. It took a long time before a group of lazy police officers arrived at the scene and began to clean up and interrogate the incident.

  But at this time, the culprit had already crossed the city and came to a bustling pier.

   Didn't take the episode just now to heart at all, Zhao Yinshun was teasing the kitten with a lazy and comfortable expression.

   "Don't you really need to rest in [Qinglongjing] for a few days? You haven't had a good rest during this time."

   Dodging the hand that moved her head, Su Lingyi climbed on top of the boy's head, and licked his fur with some distress.

   "No, but... Before leaving, I still have to greet you, otherwise you will say that I, Mr. Wu An, don't understand etiquette."

   Raising his head, Zhao Yinshun quietly looked at the sky, whispering meaningfully.

And in the spiritual vision that cannot be observed by the naked eye, a majestic and holy green dragon traverses the sky, entrenched in the sky above [Qinglong Jing]. The terrifying divine light shines on the whole world like the sun, spreading to the end of the line of sight, covering thousands of miles around it. under the brilliance!

   "Are you the [Eastern Yuzhu Kingdom] that suppresses the east of the empire?"

  In the faint raving, Zhao Yinshun's spiritual thought moved, and a dark sun and a pure gold giant cauldron instantly appeared in the spiritual dimension, blooming their own brilliance without showing any weakness.

  【Army Soul·Wuan】

  【Army Soul·Champion】


  Three different beams of divine light collided, and the originally illusory rays of light rubbed against each other like substance, and at the same time, they collided and aroused the mysterious resonance of the same root.


  In an instant, the kitten lying on top of Zhao Yinshun's head was covered in fur, its pupils shrunk into a slit, and it slipped into the collar, shivering while holding Zhu Xiangxiang, who was sleeping soundly.

   In the outside world, staring at the void, the boundless and ruthless Qinglong slowly lowered his head, and the appearance of a boy in white was reflected in the majestic and sacred blue-gold vertical pupils.

   Just by looking down, Zhao Yinshun felt a mountain fall on him, and an unparalleled sense of oppression enveloped his whole body, making his body and soul groan.

  However, the young man didn't seem to realize it. He looked directly at the pair of ruthless blue-gold vertical pupils, smiled and nodded to the towering green dragon covering the sky.

  After looking at each other for a short time, Qinglong also nodded imperceptibly, then slowly moved his eyes away and stared at the void again.


   When the mountain-like eyes moved away, Zhao Yinshun heaved a long sigh of relief, retracted the dark sun and the giant golden cauldron, and raised the corners of his mouth in relief.

   "Okay, I've said hello, let's go."

   Gently pulling the reins, Ao Baibai stood up, waved his hooves, rushed up the river like a sharp arrow, and went upstream along the torrential river.

  The river surface is like a wide highway, and the row upon row of boats are like heavy trucks, which are swiftly overtaken by a white "supercar", and are thrown far away in a blink of an eye.

  Even with Ao Baibai's terrifying speed, it took several hours for Zhao Yinshun to completely leave [Qinglongjing], and he could no longer see the majestic green dragon that traversed the sky.

   "The eighth-level sub-sage, there is something..."

   Looking back from behind, Zhao Yinshun sighed with emotion, and suddenly his eyes froze.

  Not far in front of him, a tall and cold figure floated on the water, an inexplicable chill soaked into the bone marrow, making Ao Baibai stop involuntarily, and sniffed uneasily.

   "You are Wu Anjun Zhao Yinshun?"

  A soft and waxy voice that didn't quite match her appearance came to her ears, and the tall and beautiful figure raised her head faintly, revealing a pair of cold pupils like the cold moon.

   " can't see any of them when you're not busy, but now I'm in a hurry to go back and line up to deliver it. You guys have negotiated, right?"

   Sighing tiredly, Zhao Yinshun shrugged helplessly as he looked at the beautiful woman with knotted brows.

   "So? Who the **** are you?"

   "Maoshan, Kui Qianhan."

   "Okay, I see, you can go."

   Waved his hand casually, Zhao Yinshun urged his horse forward, but a light blue thunder blasted not far in front of him, cutting off the river several hundred meters wide!


  The wall of water soaring up to the sky covered the sky and the sun, and when the mist cleared, the young man in white clothes, who was not dripping with water, stared at Kui Qianhan, pursing his mouth impatiently.

   "Seeing that you don't have any grudges, I will give you another chance. This is my last mercy."


  What responded to the young man was a shrill sword cry, and the cold sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, was wrapped with a light blue arc, pointing at his eyebrows.

   "Sure enough, cruel and ferocious, killing Yingye!"

  The cold pupils saw through the undisguised monstrous blood on the young man's body, Kui Qianhan's eyes became colder and colder, with a faint hint of disgust.

   "I have harmed the common people at a young age, and when I grow up, I will become a devil who harms the common people. Today, I will do justice for the heavens..."

   "Wait, who told you that I killed the people?"

   Feeling something wrong, Zhao Yinshun asked patiently.

   "Hmph! You have harmed the court's loyalists, treated the people like pigs and dogs, extorted money, and killed people for fun. This is a well-known fact!"


   After a long silence, Zhao Yinshun rubbed his temples painfully.

   "There are so many slots, I don't know where to start..."

"What's there to argue about? You blocked [Chongyun Port] to massacre the city, hung the corpses on the street lamps for decoration, and the whole city was killed by you. This is what my Maoshan disciple saw with his own eyes. Is there any fake? ?”

  Kui Qianhan smiled coldly, thunder rolled on the sword in his hand, shaking the air with the sound of electric current.

   "Originally I thought you were at least a hero, but I didn't expect you to be a cowardly rat who dares to act!"


   Sighing faintly, Zhao Yinshun lowered his head in distress, feeling that his patience had been exhausted.

   "If I didn't feel that someone was planning behind this, I wouldn't be too lazy to talk nonsense with you... Forget it, whatever you think, I will give you one last chance..."

  Slowly opened his lazy pupils, a pathetic and sinister purple-gold divine light bloomed in the young man's eyes.


  The gloomy vision swept across the skin like materialized ripples, Kui Qianhan was inexplicably shivered, and goosebumps stood up all over his body.

  But in the blink of an eye, the throbbing fear in his heart was suppressed, and the cold pupils like a cold moon froze fiercely.

   "Tyrant! Today I will eliminate harm for the people!"

   Thanks to [Celestrail] [Dreams of Happyness] [Always Speechless] [V Uncle Tang’s V] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will still be in the tomb and shout out with this decayed vocal cord—ask for a ticket~ヽ(≧≦)ノ



  (end of this chapter)