MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 373 enlightenment

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  Chapter 373 Education

  In the dense woods, several embarrassed figures were moving quickly, looking back in horror from time to time.

  A young man with a pale complexion and sloppy steps staggered and looked at the burly figure in front of him with lingering fear.

   "Brother Lu, have those officers and soldiers caught up?"

  Lucky in his eyes, Lu Pei glanced behind him and shook his head solemnly.

   "I haven't caught up yet."

  The pale-faced young man heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he didn't notice a trace of despair and powerlessness in Lu Pei's expression.

Because on a larger scale, the thin **** aura covered thousands of miles as if covering the sky and the sun, as if turning the whole world into a cage. No matter how they escaped, it was just a meaningless struggle. It is impossible to break out of this net of heaven and earth.

  Is this the [Shenwu Army]'s way of fighting?

  My majestic legendary martial artist can't even kill a single person...

   "Go on, as long as we sneak a few hundred miles along the mountains, we have a chance to escape from Weili County."

   Breathing out a deep breath, Lu Peiqiang cheered up, as if he was talking to the youth, and seemed to be hypnotizing himself.

  But upon hearing his words, the pale young man believed it and clenched his fists fiercely.

   "When I get to the state capital, I will definitely expose the atrocities of that beast to the big families!"

   "I don't believe that no one can cure him in this bright world!"

  Five fingers clenched dead white, thinking of those soldiers who rushed into his house like wolves like tigers, the young man gritted his teeth, his pupils gleamed with hatred and coldness.

  But the warriors beside him looked at each other and sighed quietly.

   The reward of eating the king, the matter of loyalty to the king, accepting the support of others, and at the critical moment, you have to repay the kindness of others...

   "My son, let's go, we will send you to the state capital even if we try our best."

   Sensing that there were pursuers approaching from behind, Lu Pei let out a long sigh, setting up the young man to shuttle through the jungle like a ray of light.

  But in the next few hours, they kept bumping into the pursuers surrounded on all sides, like trapped animals caught in a fishing net, they frantically turned and fled, but the space for them to move was getting smaller and smaller.

  Seeing the encirclement shrink and close, and the thick blood and evil power began to resonate, Lu Pei drew out his long knife and let out a long sigh of despair.

   "Get ready to break out!"

  The next second, the sturdy soldiers armed to the teeth spotted them and raised their spears without hesitation.

   "Brother Lu! Take your son and go first! Kill!"

  Several legendary fighters broke out with all their strength, pulling out afterimages in the air, and solemnly pounced on the enemy.

   Bang bang bang!

【雷银】Explosion, the hot bullet spins out of the chamber, and the highly compressed blood demon wraps the bullet, like a sharp blade tearing away the body protection strength of the martial artist, piercing through the flesh and blood as hard as fine steel, and getting stuck in their bones .


   With a muffled snort, two legendary fighters lost their fighting power on the spot, but the remaining few rushed to the soldiers against the hail of bullets.

  The speed of the legendary martial artist was as fast as thunder, and there was no time to fire the second shot, but the soldiers in the front row did not panic at all, and tacitly gave way to a passage, revealing the hideous killing machine behind.

   Pupils shrank, before the warriors had time to react, the steel giant over three meters tall started at a speed that did not conform to the laws of physics, and instantly killed them.

  The huge sword with a wide door panel roared towards it, and the **** red light covering the blade was a foot thick.

   "Get out of the way!"

   Realizing that this was a fatal blow from the gathering blood demons, Lu Pei, who was distracted by them, was tearing his eyes and howling in grief.

  But the battle-experienced mana knights mobilized the army formation, and the **** aura within a radius of nearly a hundred meters instantly solidified, forming a glue-like mud, which made the movements of several warriors stagnate.

  The three-meter-tall steel giant swept across with his sword, and the violent blood-red aura tore through all obstacles, cut off the weapons of the warriors, and then crushed the strength of the body in their desperate eyes, tearing the flesh and bones...


  The sky filled with broken bones and rotten meat mixed with viscous plasma jets, covering the fan-shaped area tens of meters in front like a fountain, coating the emerald green forest with a stinky red.

   Several enemies were slashed into the air, and the tall magic knight moved the sword flower with a flexibility that did not conform to the system, making a muffled sound of disdain.

   "Warrior charge into battle? Who gave you the courage? Do you think you are the king?"

  On the other side, seeing several old men die tragically by the enemy's sword, Lu Pei had no time to be sad, so he could only hold on to the ashen-faced young man and speed up his escape.

  However, when he rushed out of the woods, what he saw made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

  Hundreds of soldiers in armor surrounded him in a fan shape, and the hideous spear in their hands locked him at a distance. From a distance of hundreds of meters, he could feel the thorn-piercing threat from the black hole of the gun.

   But this was not what made him most desperate. What really made him unable to resist were the ferocious and terrifying steel giants.

  One, two, three...

   Nearly ten killing machines sealed off a radius of one kilometer, and encircled the pursuers behind them, forming a military killing formation that was hard to fly.

   "Lu... Brother Lu, take me away!"

  The youth around him screamed in horror, like a frightened rabbit watching the oppressive steel giant slowly approaching.

  Boom boom boom~

Footsteps weighing more than ten tons made deep marks on the ground. A magic knight over five meters in size walked in front of the two of them. With the unlocking of the airtight door, layers of complex armor burst open. A man in his early twenties The robust young man jumped out of the vehicle and looked at the two with a half-smile.

   "We wasted a battalion of our time chasing you for two days, you really know how to run..."

  Looking at the young man approaching unhurriedly, Lu Pei clenched the long knife in his hand, and cold sweat broke out from his vest.

  Obviously the enemy's aura was not strong, but the thick murderous aura in the dark seemed to glue his mouth and nose, making it difficult for him to breathe.

  How many people does this horse have to kill to develop this level of murderous aura?

   Not only [Zhen Guogong] himself is a monster, even the army under him is a monster!

  The hand holding the knife trembled slightly. As the young man approached, Lu Pei was like a spring being gradually compressed, and the fierce light in his eyes became stronger and stronger.


  He didn't care about protecting the Lord at all. Lu Pei knew that if he didn't attack again, even his will would be crushed. All his true energy poured into the blade, turning into a pathetic aura and slashing out fiercely.

  However, in the face of this blow that was enough to split the hill, the young man just mobilized the **** aura, condensed a layer of translucent dark red aura on his fist, and punched it without fear.


The crisp crackling sound exploded in the mountains, the air trembled, and the violent shock wave expanded instantly. The milky white shock wave spread like a materialized wall in a spherical shape, flattening the trees within a radius of more than ten meters, and killing the screaming pale young man. It was blown to a height of several meters, and its nose was bruised and its face was swollen.

And in the center of the battlefield, Yin Hong's fist crushed the light of the blade, and the blade made of black iron shattered into fragments the size of fingernails and splashed everywhere. The remaining power poured directly into Lu Pei's arm, distorting half of his body. look like.


  A mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments spurted out of his throat. He didn't pay attention to Lu Pei, who was seriously injured and dying. The young man took out the wanted warrant, compared with the prisoner not far away, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Bu Ming, twenty-seven years old, the fourth son of the Bu family. He began to **** women at the age of fifteen. As he grew older, his behavior became more and more brutal, and gradually developed into **** and murder... Tsk tsk, the total number of cases filed against you exceeds two. Hundreds of pieces, all of which were suppressed by your father, you are indeed a wealthy and famous family who can cover the sky with one hand..."

   Walking in front of the fugitive with a bruised nose and swollen face, the playful expression on the face of the robust young man suddenly withdrew, and an unforgettable fierce light burst into his eyes.



   Stomped the fugitive's knee to pieces, listening to his scream, the young man smiled happily.

   "Do you know? I have an older sister. She gave me everything good since she was a child. She is gentle and beautiful. I love her very much."

   "But there is a young man in our county who likes the same as you. One day he took my sister away in the street. When we found her again, she was already a corpse."

   "'s a bit inaccurate to say that the corpse is a bunch of residual limbs."

   Slowly lowered his head, seeing his devil-like distorted smile reflected in the fugitive's pupils, the young and soft patted him on the shoulder.

   "Don't be afraid, you are not him, I will not dismember you bit by bit..."

  However, the soft comfort was like a red-hot iron, and Bu Ming was so frightened that tears ran down his face and he screamed crazily.

   "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

   "I told you not to be afraid, don't you understand? Ah?!"

  Watching Bu Ming wriggling with difficulty dragging a stump, the young man's eyes surged with anger, and he smashed his other knee with one foot.


   "I told you not to be afraid!"

   Subconsciously raised his hand, a thick hand grasped his wrist, making the young man's movements suddenly stop.

   "Teng Hao, calm down, don't be invaded by demons."

  The huge force on his wrist made Teng Hao unable to move. As the heavy panting subsided, the rolling fierce light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

   "I'm sorry, boss, I lost my composure."

   "I can understand, but you have to learn to overcome that shadow."

   Let go of Teng Hao's hand, and a burly strong Chinese gave a serious warning.

   "Your talent is outstanding, and you are brave in combat. Your Majesty has even heard of your name. In the future, you may even have the opportunity to attack the gods. Don't let the misery of the past solidify into a demon that you can't get rid of."


  Take a slow and deep breath, and it took a long time before Teng Hao nodded his head.

   "I see, boss, thank you."

   "Well, Your Majesty still needs the blood of these beasts to fill the ceremony, so let's push them back first."

   Reaching out a hand, several soldiers not far away understood and dragged the two seriously injured fugitives down.

  Similar scenes were staged all over the land of more than one million square kilometers in Weili County.

  The aristocratic wealthy families, green forest heroes, and even demons and ghosts who originally rode on the heads of the common people to do their best were all crushed to pieces by the [Shenwu Army].

  【Move like thunder】The power of military power hooked up millions of troops, covering more than half of the entire Weili County, and the remaining fish who slipped through the net could not escape the net, and were arrested one by one.

  A few days later, in the bleak autumn wind, a high platform stood beside the big river outside the city of Weili County. Tens of thousands of people knelt on the bank of the river and lined up for tens of miles.

"Your Majesty, all the prisoners with lives in their hands are basically here, a total of 78,103 people, and more than 10,000 people violently resisted during the arrest process and were killed by the [Shenwu Army]. "

  Listening to Chu Qinfen's report, Zhao Yinshun sat on the high platform, looking at the long dragon at his feet with great interest.

   Red to black, they are all good insects!

  Recalling that similar "activities" were held in Linbo County back then, Zhao Yinshun laughed and muttered to himself.

   "Shouldn't there be anyone who is not open-eyed this time and asks me to keep someone under the sword?"

  However, as soon as he finished speaking, a cold and solemn voice appeared directly in his mind.

   "[Zhen Guogong]'s move hurts the peace of heaven, isn't he afraid of karma?"

   Looking down the stage without squinting, Zhao Yinshun patted his lips helplessly.

   My mouth is open, right?

  Beside the young man in white, a middle-aged man in a Confucian robe watched him look directly at the audience, with a crazy and strange black light flashing in his eyes.

  “[Zhen Guogong] is the symbol of the country. When practicing benevolence, how can you act tyrannically?”

  Zhao Yinshun finally turned his head slowly, and looked at him with frowning eyebrows.

   "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

  The middle-aged man in the Confucian robe smiled and bowed, whispering neither humble nor overbearing.

   "I just can't bear [Zhen Guogong] to go astray."

   "What are you? Do you dare to speak against the deity?"

  The smile on his face froze slightly, and the middle-aged man in the Confucian robe instantly calmed down, and he continued to advise gently.

   "Caomin is a great Confucian, and he should educate the common people."

   "Educate the common people? Do you want to educate me?"

  Looking up and down at the elegant and easy-going middle-aged man, Zhao Yinshun made no secret of the sarcasm on his face.

   "You deserve it too?"

   "Although the grassroots are humble, they are proficient in the classics of sages and sages. As the saying goes, three people must have my teacher, [Zhen Guogong]..."

   Not bothering to talk nonsense with him at all, Zhao Yinshun's pupils suddenly shrank, turning into a pair of majestic and ferocious purple-gold vertical pupils.

   "Rotten Confucianism and ants! Get out!"

  The illusory language condensed into substantive power, and the middle-aged man in the Confucian robe, who was always neither humble nor overbearing, finally changed his face, and waved out a bamboo slip.

   "I have a noble spirit, and all evil is inviolable!"


  The majestic and heavy divinity condenses around the middle-aged man, turning it into a layer of conceptual protection, deflecting and releasing Zhao Yinshun's tyrannical and murderous aura.

  Like a reef standing in the stormy sea, the middle-aged man in the Confucian robe stood still, despite the young man's killing intent, he looked straight at the pair of purple-gold vertical pupils without fear.

   "[Duke Zhen] is so young, but so tyrannical, it seems that Duan Musui failed to teach you well."

  When the name of master was mentioned, Zhao Yinshun's eyes froze, and finally he was really angry.

"Can you say that again?"

   Aware of the young man's emotional changes, the middle-aged man in the Confucian robe didn't seem to notice the anger in his eyes, and still smiled unhurriedly.

   "If you don't teach well, you don't teach well. Even in front of the demon master, I have to speak out."

   There seems to be a problem with the last few dozen words. If you see duplicate book friends, please refresh them.



  (end of this chapter)