MTL - Super Dragon Cultivation System-Chapter 2500 All dragons advance to Tier 6

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As Mu Zifeng's indifferent voice floated out, a scene of battleship versus battleship, battleship versus dragon battle began.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Five hundred battleships of the Immortal Crane Sect went out and killed more than two thousand battleships to the Yinshan Sect!

"Boom! Boom!"

The five battleships lined up with a hundred guns on the starboard side.

In an instant, there was a lot of light shining in the sky above the Hidden Mountain Religion, and the space here was all white and white illuminated.

At the same time, one thousand battleships of the Yinshan Sect opened fire at the same time.


After hundreds of loud bangs, the 1,000 battleships that the Yinshanjiao fought lost two-thirds, and none of the protective shields on the Xianhezong battleship was broken, and not one was damaged.

The first round was won.

On Zhang Xing's side, after the light shone, there was no dragon in the sky.

Just when the people of Xianhezong were looking for their figure, suddenly, all the dragons appeared on the spot again, still in the original formation.

Mu Zifeng couldn't help but take another look at this scene, and it also surprised the other members of the Crane Sect.

"What's the hurry, it's not time for lunch, and I can't keep up with the hot meal after the fight!"

Hei Bao shook his tail with a mocking expression on his face.

"Their attack is indeed more powerful than the five-layer battleship, everyone feels it, don't be careless!"

Zhang Xing smiled faintly, and countless divine crystal dots floated between his waves.

On the Xianhezong battleship that was about to continue the attack, some elders suddenly felt the abnormal fluctuations in space, and they all stopped to observe the situation.

"this is……"

All the people of the Hidden Mountain Sect, including the onlookers, looked up at the sky at the same time.

"No way! Another dragon is going to be upgraded?"

Those who have experienced the dragon's promotion once have their eyes dull.



The remaining 138 dragons were promoted to the sixth rank of the gods almost at the same time!

If the promotion of sixty dragons is the explosion of sixty nuclear bombs, then the promotion of 138 dragons is the explosion of a planet.

Of course, these dragons of Zhang Xing are a special kind of existence, and they cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

The visions generated by their advancement will naturally be different.

As far as Zhang Xing knows, those monsters with ancient bloodlines will suffer calamities every time they advance.

Some are Heaven Tribulation, some are Soul Tribulation, some are large in scale, and some are small in scale.

But these dragons of his seemed to have had thunder tribulations only when they were young, and for some reason, no tribulations appeared.

Zhang Xing didn't even bother about this, as long as he could advance it.

However, their visions when they advanced were never less.

At this time, it is the dragons that can cause such a spectacular vision to exude their breath to the extreme.

The reason they did this was because the powerful pressure brought by the 12,000 warships of the Xianhe Sect made them too uncomfortable.

The morale of the enemy is high, then our morale must also be high, and it must surpass the enemy!

The dragons are not the losers, and of course they can't lag behind in momentum.

Storms, lightning and thunder, icebergs and seas of fire, the group of dragons showed their talents.

They can't do this for the poisonous dragon dragon five, they can only cast the powerful dragon energy brought by the upgrade.

The poison of the poisonous dragon is too strong. Zhang Xing used it twice when he was in the sacred dragon continent, but the place where the poison was scattered turned into a sea of ​​poison, which was too destructive and lasted for too long.

This has little effect on those who have a high level of cultivation, but low-level cultivators and ordinary people will suffer greatly. As long as they get close to it, they will immediately turn into poisonous gas, and even a bit of bone will not be left.

Later, Zhang Xing rarely let Long Wu and his brothers poison.

This scene made people like Mu Zifeng, who rarely moved, watched intently.

"These dragons are really extraordinary. I must take them as my own. How can a mountain man like Zhang Xing be worthy of having so many dragons!"

Looking at the group of dragons whose breath was soaring, Mu Zifeng's ambition to capture the dragon was strengthened.

If Zhang Xing is a powerhouse in the eight or nine levels of the gods, Mu Zifeng would not dare to touch this mind. If Zhang Xing was in the seventh level, Mu Zifeng would not dare to do it clearly, but would secretly design to kill Zhang Xing and grab the dragon!

Greed can completely lose one's nature!

Mu Zifeng knew that once he set foot on the seventh heaven, all the auras would be gone!

He is like Zhang Xing, a man who is looked down upon and regarded as a wild mountain.

The only way to straighten yourself up as a human being is to keep yourself strong.

If you can learn about Zhang Xing's secrets and how to quickly advance the dragon, then Seventh Heaven will soon have a place of its own.

Coupled with his own talents, I believe that it will not take long for him to shine in the seventh heaven and restore his status in the sixth heaven.

"Don't move Zhang Xing, leave this person to me, you go to deal with those dragons, remember, you have to live!"

All the disciples and elders on the Six Thousand Battle Boat bowed in unison to lead their orders.

Mu Zifeng no longer paid attention to the people of the Hidden Mountain Sect, squinted at Zhang Xing and observed.

The second round of the war began again.

Zhang Xing stood in the air with a seemingly calm appearance, but he was actually busy exchanging the seized spoils for magic points.

Although the system store can only be exchanged one by one, the same item can be recycled in batches.

For example, those lower-grade **** crystals that are brought together can be automatically exchanged into **** crystal points with just a single thought, instead of changing them one by one.

For example, all kinds of magic weapons can be successfully exchanged instantly as long as the mind can be wrapped up.

Qunlong was just a fresh picture at first, and they wanted to try different things with their hands. After a few days of playing, they lost interest.

They have nothing to do, part of the dragon is responsible for sorting and sorting, and the other part is responsible for exchange.

In the past few days, they have exchanged 80% of the wealth collected from Ten Thousand Fa Sect, Galaxy Gate, and Divine Artifact Sect.

A total of more than 300 billion crystal points.

Originally, if the Hidden Mountain was destroyed, 500 billion points could be collected, but now it is still close to 200 billion. It is estimated that the remaining spoils will be around 20 billion.

While Zhang Xing was busy calculating, suddenly there was a strange feeling that made his whole body blow up.

That feeling comes from...

Zhang Xing slowly raised his head to look at the war boat ahead.

I saw a cold and greedy gaze staring at him motionless.

"Mu Zifeng!" Zhang Xing's expression moved, and he gave him a surprised look.

That's right, the person staring at him is Mu Zifeng.

Even if it was discovered by Zhang Xing, Mu Zifeng did not hide the greed in his eyes.

Zhang Xing had seen such a look too much, and he couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that Mu Zifeng, who looks like a dog, also wants to fight the dragon!

However, it was difficult to be caught by him, Mu Zifeng exuded like a vast sea of ​​stars, which made him unable to see clearly.

Obviously, this person's cultivation base has surpassed that of some other late stage elders of the gods.

Zhang Xing is not afraid of the late elders of the God Realm, but he is not sure to fight Mu Zifeng.

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