MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 730 Virus God

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Yan Fei felt the tremendous lethality that Zhu Yong brought to human beings. Although he wanted to kill Zhu Yong, he didn't start immediately, so he decided to figure out Zhu Yong's ability first, so that he could take precautions.

Yan Fei asked: "The virus strains are very small. They consist of a simple protein shell and the DNA inside them. They belong to semi-living organisms. They have no consciousness at all and cannot generate consciousness. How do you control them? And let them obey your orders? "

Zhu Yong was also a otaku before. He usually devoted himself to research. He could only utter social anonymity on the Internet in an anonymous way. There was no chance for him to get approval from others. Now encountering Yan Fei, who is most interested in his specialty, Zhu Yong immediately became interested, and received great spiritual satisfaction.

So Zhu Yong began to spread the professional knowledge for Yan Fei. He said: "Everyone knows that our human body is composed of various small particles, then the question arises, why do these small particles combine to produce consciousness, And form your own thoughts so that everyone is unique? "

This knowledge point is too advanced. Yan Fei has never considered this question before. Even if he asks "Fantasy", he can't get an answer, so he can only shake his head, saying that he doesn't know.

Zhu Yong was very satisfied with Yan Fei's attitude. He explained, "These small particles in the human body constitute a most critical organ, and this organ is our brain. The human brain is by far the most complex organ, and humans have not been able to Study it clearly. In the brain, there are more than 12 billion brain cells alone, and brain cells will also be connected to synapses, forming a huge "net". Human thought and consciousness is in this giant Produced in the net. "

"If we put the human brain to the limit and think of the brain as an earth, we will find that the particles that make up our brain are like tiny stones on the earth. They are almost independent and they are all half-life. Body, the particles are very far apart, and they are not related to each other. But they are not essentially unrelated, but they are connected in a way that we do n’t understand yet, under their combined action , The human brain produces the most unique consciousness. "

Yan Fei began to imagine the assumption that Zhu Yong said ...

Zhu Yong said, "The small particles that make up the human brain are very similar to the viruses in nature. They all exist as individuals, are semi-living, and they don't seem to be related to each other. But if you make up the human brain, Various particles are replaced with various viruses, and the world is infinitely reduced, and you will find that these viruses form a huge viral brain. The smallest component of this viral brain is all kinds of viruses. "

"Like the constituent particles of the human brain, there is no connection between these virus individuals and no independent consciousness. But when these viruses come together, a magical reaction occurs between them, letting the virus brain It has the same magical functions as the human brain and produces unique viral thinking. The activities of all viruses in this world are the result of this viral thinking. "

"The main difference between a viral brain and a human brain is that the viral brain is very large. It is not even much smaller than our universe. The human brain is much smaller in size than the viral brain. But they are not worth mentioning. The common function is that they are composed of tiny particles, and then magically generates their own thinking. "

Yan Fei is a little dazed. Although he agrees with Zhu Yong's interpretation of the human brain's thinking, he cannot imagine that various viruses will form an alternative viral brain and produce a illusory virus big mind that controls all viral activities in this world.

Seeing that Yan Fei still didn't understand his metaphor, Zhu Yong was not angry, but tried his best to help Yan Fei understand the existence of this big virus thinking, and he began to explain the big virus thinking from another angle.

"Plagues have erupted many times in human history, causing a large number of deaths and injuries. From our current perspective, it was actually caused by the infection of highly infectious viruses at that time. We all know that viruses are entering the human body. Later, there is an incubation period. Once the number of viruses replicates to a certain degree, the virus will enter an outbreak period and the human body will become ill. Then the problem comes, even if these viruses are replicated by the same virus, but each of them They are single individuals, and they have no connection with each other. How do they know that their numbers have been copied enough, and then they all enter an outbreak? "

Yan Fei froze, and he really didn't expect this. In his opinion, isn't it normal for the virus to enter the human body after the incubation period and the final outbreak period? But this is indeed a problem. There is no connection between viruses. How do they perform a unified action? He couldn't answer at all, and could only ask for advice with an open mind: "Why is this?"

Zhu Yong said: "This is the best example of the existence of viral thinking, which shows that viral thinking has always existed. From the time when viruses enter the human body, until they enter the incubation period, to the final outbreak period, they are all viral thinking. It ’s under control, so these viruses can act in unison. This also indirectly proves that the inference that all the viruses that I mentioned earlier constitute a viral brain is correct, and it also shows that the virus ’s thinking always exists, and all the actions of viruses are Controlled by the viral mind. "

After this explanation by Zhu Yong, Yan Fei understands a bit, but he still can't imagine that there is a super huge viral brain outside the earth. He said: "This should only be your guess! And no one can confirm it. The existence of this viral brain and viral thinking ... "

Zhu Yong said: "Others will never have the means to verify the existence of this viral brain, they will not even be able to contact this viral brain. But I am different, I have an adventure, and I can prove the existence of viral brains and viral thinking. Because I Having felt the viral brain in the universe, I came into contact with the viral mindset, and successfully got in touch with them and controlled them so that they can do anything for me. "

Yan Fei said curiously: "You let the virus evolve according to your ideas, is it the virus's great thinking ability that you rely on?"

Zhu Yong said: "Yes, my ability is to control the action of various viruses through the thinking of the virus, just as human beings can use the consciousness generated by the brain to control their own bodies. No matter how far away I am from the virus Far, as long as I have a thought, I can control the virus, and there is no limit on the distance between me and them. "

"The reason I didn't bring this capability out before was because I was just unfamiliar with it, so I couldn't reach their limits, but as I became familiar with this capability, I Slowly, you can exert the full power of this ability. This situation is like a human child. It cannot control its body when it is just born, but after a period of time, the child can control it when he grows up. All kinds of movements came out of my body. "

With this metaphor, Yan Fei could barely understand Zhu Yong's ability, and then he asked another question: "Can your body resist the attack of the perfect virus?"

Zhu Yong said, "No."

Yan Fei frowned: "Even if you can't resist the perfect virus attack, then even if the two viruses you made kill all the earth ’s humans and apes, you wo n’t be able to escape in the end, how can you build what you want What is the ideal society? "

Zhu Yong said: "The perfect virus is made by me. I am familiar with all its characteristics, so the primary antibody of perfect virus appeared in my body. But the reason why perfect virus is called perfect virus is that it is always changing. Even if a primary antibody appears in my body, it will fail in a short period of time. Although I can live longer than a normal human infected with the perfect virus, it will also die in the end. "

"But my death is not real death. After getting rid of my body, I will completely integrate into the viral brain and turn myself into a viral thinking. Then I will become the **** of all viruses in the world, I can control Viruses do whatever they want. By that time, I will be everywhere and everywhere. "

Yan Fei said: "You destroyed all human beings and you died. How can human beings be reborn and build the ideal society you want?"

Zhu Yong smiled again on his face. He controlled it on the operating platform. After a sound of mechanical sounds, he opened many hidden metal doors on the surrounding walls. He said, "Yan Fei, look inside the wall."

Yan Fei looked over and found that there were huge rooms behind the walls, and the rooms were full of biological cultivation chambers. These biological cultivation chambers grew like trees and were stacked on top of each other. Each culture chamber was filled with culture fluid, and a human baby was soaked in the culture fluid. Yan Fei only made a rough estimation and found that the number of these human infants reached more than 50,000.

Zhu Yong pointed at these human babies and said aloud, "Look! This is the seed I left for the new humans. Even if I die, they will continue to grow under the program I set up, until they become When they mature, they will be released by automatic programs and grow up in the ape base. When they start to develop, I will control the mutated viruses into their bodies, let these viruses modify their bodies, and Instill the idea of ​​an ideal society into their subconscious minds. When these new humans grow up, they will build the ideal society I imagine according to what I have instilled. "

Yan Fei woke up from the shock of seeing so many human babies. He said, "How could the chimpanzee at the Ape Base let you train so many human babies here?"

Zhu Yong laughed: "That's because I lied to it and said that researching the perfect virus requires a large number of human tests, and this kind of human test is not just a few people, but the most unique genes. So I list The list of all the outstanding humans in the world, let it help me get these people ’s genes back. Fortunately, the ape gene technology is very powerful, I just clone the outstanding humans simply by performing operations. But I will actually clone They are regarded as the founders of my ideal society and have not been tested in any human body on them. "

Yan Fei said: "If these seeds you expect have betrayed you and their final development has deviated from the direction you hoped for, what do you do?"

Zhu Yong said: "I will pay attention to their development from the perspective of God. As long as I find that they have deviated from the right direction of development, I will select the best human genes from them and leave them as seeds. And others People will be killed by the perfect virus coming back, and then I will start the construction of a new civilization. After I get rid of the shackles of the human body, my life is endless, and I can carry out countless plans until there is what I expect In the perfect society. "

Yan Fei did not expect that Zhu Yong was so crazy, he actually came up with such an incredible evil plan. In Zhu Yong's eyes, these people are no longer human, but he is used as a tool to build the ideal society he wants, so their life and death are completely out of Zhu Yong's heart.

Yan Fei looked at the densely packed training room around him and said, "Isn't there any copy of me in these clones?"

Zhu Yong glanced at Yan Fei, with a puzzled expression in his eyes, and said, "By the means of the Ape Base, I did get a blood sample of blood donation from your school days, and I also got your gene sample. But your genes are very Strange, no matter what I do, I cannot clone you successfully. "

Yan Fei froze and said, "Why is this?"

Zhu Yong shook his head ~ ~ and said, "I don't know what it is. I used to think that your genes are different from the people on earth. But after I researched your genes, I found that your genes are The genes of ordinary humans on the earth cannot be trivial, but they cannot be cloned. So I gave up cloning you, but unfortunately, in the new ideal society, you will not exist. "

By this time, Yan Fei had a full understanding of Zhu Yong's situation and knew all of Zhu Yong's plans. Naturally, he would no longer listen to Zhu Yong's nonsense. Because Zhu Yong was obviously crazy at this time, a scientist who could control the perfect virus was crazy, and the harm he caused to the entire human race was far more serious than the rise of the ape.

Yan Fei held up the laser weapon on the super combat armor and saw that the laser weapon began to flash blue light. Zhu Yong was not afraid. Instead, he raised his hands and showed a frantic expression on his face. Kill me! Let me be fully integrated into the world of the virus, let me be the **** of the virus. After I die once, I will live forever, I will see the death of your generation of humans, I will see an ideal The birth of human society. "

Yan Fei pulled the trigger and a laser weapon was fired, breaking Zhu Yong's head completely. After losing his support, Zhu Yong's body fell to the ground like a sack, and his brain and blood splashed everywhere ...