MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 8189 travel around the world

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"Disciple Lu Yuntian, thank your teacher for passing on his art!" Lu Yuntian knelt in front of Ye Qian and gave a big salute.

This time, Ye Qian did not refuse, of course, and accepted his apprenticeship.

"Go, rescue your family, and put them in place. After ten days, come here to find me." Ye Qian nodded with satisfaction and gave him ten days to deal with personal affairs.

"Yes, teacher!" Lu Yuntian nodded, did not leave, but continued: "Master, I don't know how I should mention your name to the world?"

"Nameless!" After Ye Qian said, he disappeared from Lu Yuntian's eyes.

Lu Yuntian, who has entered the god-level realm, is naturally reborn, and Yun Jinyi is no longer a threat to him.

A month has not yet come, and the prohibition left by Ye Qian in the prison has not disappeared, so Lu Yuntian was not in a hurry to go to the prison to save people, but came to the palace as soon as possible and found Yun Jinyi who was in retreat.

Although there is only one realm gap between God-level and Emperor Wu, the strengths of the two are vastly different. Yun Jinyi couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Lu Yuntian who suddenly appeared.

A young man who has only entered the Martial Emperor level not long ago, in less than a month, he is already a god-level powerhouse.

"You..." Yun Jinyi was shocked, looked at Lu Yuntian in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible, how can you, a warrior who has just entered the Martial Emperor Realm, enter the God-level in such a short period of time?"

Yun Jinyi had been trapped for hundreds of years at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, but in the end he still failed. Isn't he a martial arts prodigy?

"Today is your day of death, and it's time for Yun Guo to change the host." Lu Yuntian snorted coldly, without much explanation, he shot directly. Yun Jinyi wanted to resist, but he didn't have the ability at all.

After solving Yun Jinyi, Lu Yuntian took the rest of the Martial Emperors in the palace and the Majesty of the Yun Kingdom into the Heavenly Prison together.

The Heavenly Prison has restrictions, and only Lu Yuntian can unlock it. He imprisoned these Emperor Wu and His Majesty into the prison he joined, and then rescued his family...

In the end, His Majesty Yun Guo abdicated and returned the throne to his eldest brother, while Lu Yuntian's father not only resumed his official position, but also added the post of Superintendent of the State, which means that the Lu family has the authority to supervise the royal family of Yun State.

Although Lu Yuntian did not make the Lu family a royal family, he had the right to supervise the country, which was equivalent to the royal family status of the Yun country. As long as Lu Yuntian doesn't die, or if no one in the Yun family can surpass Lu Yuntian, then the person who really has a word in the Yun Kingdom is not the Yun family's royal family, but Lu Yuntian.

Ye Qian saw all this, and did not have any objection to Lu Yuntian's approach. Not to replace the royal family of Yun Kingdom, but not to give up the qualification to supervise Yun Kingdom, this is actually the best choice.

At least in the eyes of many people, the country of Yun is still the country of Yun, and not much has changed.

Before the ten-day period came, Lu Yuntian had already arranged everything. He beheaded Yun Jinyi and killed another Martial Emperor. Naturally, the remaining four Martial Emperors of Yun Kingdom did not dare to have any dissent and surrendered one after another.

Lu Yuntian once again came to the jungle that changed his fate, and he saw his nameless teacher again.

"My disciple pays respects to my teacher!" Lu Yuntian saluted Ye Qian.

"You said back then that as long as I could change your destiny, you would be willing to follow my lead. Does that count?" Ye Qian asked.

"Of course!" Lu Yuntian nodded affirmatively, "Even if my teacher told me to die now, my disciple would never hesitate."

Lu Yuntian said this from the heart, otherwise Ye Qian could naturally beat him back to his original form. Ye Qian was of course satisfied with such an attitude, so he said: "I now ask you to help me with one thing, as long as you complete it, then you will repay my gift of teaching art, from now on I will not I'll tell you to do anything for me."

"Teacher, one day is a teacher and a father for life. No matter how much the disciple has done for you, it will not be able to repay the kindness of the teacher for teaching art." Lu Yuntian was never willing to draw a clear line with Ye Qian, the teacher in front of him was too deep and unfathomable. , Even if he is already a god-level cultivation base, he can't see through his teacher.

Ye Qian didn't say more, but according to Huo Linger's method, he handed a special spar to Lu Yuntian, and said to him: "You take this spar and travel the world, when did you meet it? This spar is warning, so you can send me a message immediately."

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Lu Yuntian took this special spar, but he couldn't see anything unusual at all, he just thought it was an ordinary stone. But the more this is the case, the more surprised he is. Ordinary stones can still warn?

"Disciple takes orders." Lu Yuntian didn't ask any further questions, put away the stone, and then started his journey around the world.

Of course, Ye Qian and Huo Linger didn't follow Lu Yuntian. With their abilities, as long as they were willing, the whole world was under their attention. However, the power of the source of the illusory rules is extremely special, and even if the two of them are powerful, it is difficult to find its hiding place.

Only the chosen sons who have been favored by the heavens of this world can sense the origin of the power of the illusory rules by virtue of the induction stones they carry.

The fantasy world is very big for mortals, but for Lu Yuntian, who is already a god-level warrior, it is no longer that big. He only needs ten years to travel to every city in the world.

Before that, Ye Qian and Huo Linger could only find a place to live in seclusion at will, live the life of ordinary people, and experience the mundane life of this world.

Lu Yuntian, on the other hand, is a ranger who cultivates as he walks. When encountering injustices, he will not hesitate to take action. When he sees a genius he likes, he will not hesitate to teach martial arts skills...

Three years is a long time for Lu Yuntian, and he is only thirty years old now. Along the way, he did not forget his teacher's instructions, but the more places he went and the more he saw, his Taiyi martial arts was also steadily improving, and the more he felt his teacher's extraordinaryness.

These years were precious days for him. He met the girl he loved, and took the girl he loved on the road to travel the world.

Until the fourth year, he was practicing swordsmanship by the river when he suddenly sensed something strange. It was the stone that Ye Qian handed him to warn him.



"finally come!"

Lu Yuntian has not forgotten his purpose of traveling the world all the way. Now four years have passed, the ordinary stone in his arms finally showed a warning, and he finally completed the task of his mentor.

Immediately, Lu Yuntian stopped cultivating, and immediately passed the news to his teacher.