MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 45 secret tree

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After feeling the simplicity and kindness of these people, I made up my mind that even if I could never remember the past, I would definitely take back their place in the new world for these people.

When Kong Cheng heard this, he did not explain everyone's misunderstanding of him, but said: "Thank you, Chen Shenyi, I believe that with you by your side, our old art line will definitely make a comeback."

I said, "With me here, the new technique will never try to bully the old technique."

Everyone saw my strength last night, and their eyes were filled with fiery expectations.

I know they are all looking forward to my miracles.

So, in addition to getting out of here, I set a new goal.

Kong Cheng said at this time: "Okay, everyone don't crowd around here, and quickly let someone go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the genius doctor."

I knew that Kong Cheng must have something he wanted to tell me privately, so he said that I was indeed a little hungry, so everyone thoughtfully left, and he took me to the room to rest.

On the way, Kong Cheng lowered his voice and said, "Sir, the room I have prepared for you is in Miss Moxi's west courtyard. Don't mind, everyone in the east courtyard is reserved for you by default, but after all, they don't know your identity. …”

I raised my hand to signal that he didn't need to say anything, I naturally don't care about these superficial things.

When I came to the west courtyard, I saw that there was a huge crystal tree here. The crystal tree was blooming, but it was a real flower.

However, compared to the beauty of the crystal tree, there are only a few flowers, and it looks very slack, as if it has lost its vitality.

However, I felt a strong spiritual energy from the crystal tree, and I even felt that the flesh and blood in my body seemed to resonate with it.

But my body is a paper man after all, and no matter how good my paper tying skills are, it will not be able to become a real person in the end.

So, my body turned off after resonating for a while, and I also felt extremely tired, like a helpless waste who got a beautiful girl.

Seeing me staring at this tree, Kong Cheng said, "This crystal tree has existed since we moved here, and no one knows its origin. We originally thought it was just the former owner of this courtyard, and asked someone to do it. Art, but yesterday it bloomed."

"We went up to see it. It's a real flower. It's simply amazing. It's not a big deal if the crystal tree can bloom. It's not a crystal flower. Do you think it's strange?"

I said lightly: "That is to say, before I came here, the crystal tree did not bloom?"

Kong Cheng nodded and said, "That's why I arranged this yard for you. I think this crystal tree must be related to you. Did you feel anything after coming in?"

Of course I wouldn't tell Kong Cheng what I felt from the crystal tree.

Shaking my head, I said, "I will explore this tree a lot. Are you trying to tell me this when you spread the crowd?"

Kong Cheng nodded and said, "Yes."

I said, "I see. Originally, I planned to move in a few days. It seems that I have to live here for a while."

Kong Cheng said curiously: "Moving? Didn't you say that there will be some time before you leave? Why are you going to move in a few days?"

I gave him a mysterious look and said, "You'll know soon."

Then, we entered the room, Kong Cheng poured me a cup of tea and chatted with me.

Not long after, there were bursts of warm voices outside, and Kong Cheng worried: "Could it be that the **** Huang family is here again?"

Said to go out.

I motioned him to stay calm and continue to drink tea calmly.

Seeing that I was confident, he guessed something, so he sat down with peace of mind and asked in a low voice, "You said moving, shouldn't it be moving to the Huang family? Could it be that you went out last night to move the Huang family? The old nest has been brought?"

I smiled and shook my head and said, "Don't wrong me, I just went to the mountain to practice."

Someone hurriedly knocked on the door.

Kong Cheng said "Come in", and the next moment, a person pushed the door and entered, with overjoyed expression on his face, and said: "Elder Kong, the genius doctor, outside... Suddenly a lot of people came outside, saying that they want to join us and worship the name of the genius doctor. down!"