MTL - Superman Delta’s Life Diary-Chapter 28

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Xingguang didn't think much about it, he ran to the side of the pool and jumped down to save people.


Starlight jumped into the water one by one, and the water in the pool was cooler than he thought.

Before he could swim a few times, suddenly his legs started to cramp.

Oops, I did so much exercise before I came here, and now I get a cramp when I get cold water.

Seeing that Xing Guangyi was also thumping and sinking in the water, Xia Luzhen jumped down without saying a word.

He was sinking faster than the starlight, and he forgot he couldn't swim.

"Gululululu." Only a string of bubbles remained on the water.

There was no other way. Hou Xianxing, who was still on the sidelines, could only go into the water himself, and fished up these two shameful fellows and the one who fell into the water at the beginning.

After launching into the water, Hou Xianxing discovered that the water in this pool is not too deep, and the deepest area is only 3.5 meters.

The two of them went down to drink some water at the most. How could they look at their performance as if they were in an abyss.

Hou Xianxing carried one on his back and held one in each hand, and swam back to the shore.

As soon as he arrived at the shore, Hou Xianxing looked up and saw Malco squatting on the shore looking at him helplessly.

"What are you three doing?"


After explaining the purpose of the three of them to Melco, Melco was really speechless.

"Do you really think I'm an idiot? You can even forget about eating a devil fruit, and you can't forget the taste, okay? Forget it, it seems that you really think I'm an idiot, otherwise you won't. coming."

Originally, the practice of jumping into the swimming pool wearing clothes like Xingguangyi and the others was quite illegal, but objectively they were also trying to save people.

The girl who was rescued by Hou Xianxing also helped them explain the situation to the swimming pool, and by the way asked Hou Xianxing for his mobile phone number.

The staff of the swimming pool also expressed their gratitude to Hou Xianxing and the others.

Because Malco's work was not over yet, only Xingguang and the three of them left first.

When I came outside, the wind blowing outside made Xingguang feel a little cold.

Although the staff just borrowed a hairdryer for them, the clothes were still damp.

In any case, the journey has gone through twists and turns, but the goal has been achieved, and they can go home in peace.

Chapter 42 Is it possible that the food delivery industry has launched a new service?

Around mid-January, a new bakery quietly appeared on Sunflower Road.

In fact, this road was not originally called Sunflower Road. It was originally called Dongjian Road by the cliché name.

About 20 years ago, a young couple surnamed Ning opened a shop called "Sunflower Dim Sum House" here. The dim sum they made were delicious and affordable. In that era when there was no news, this was considered a A major event in the city.

Soon, this small shop became famous, and many people came to the east of the city to buy dim sum from this shop, and there were long queues of elders.

Over time, the road in front of the store has been dubbed Sunflower Road by residents.

It's a pity to say that, after six or seven years of this shop, suddenly one morning, people found that the shop was closed.

There was a piece of paper on the door that said, "Thank you for your support on weekdays. We are going on a trip, and there will be an appointment later."

After that, no one saw the manager and his wife of that store again.

As for why the couple left, people nearby also have different opinions.

Some people say that the manager's wife took the manager to a foreign country to treat her eyes. After all, it is a well-known secret that the manager's eyes have congenital cataracts.

It was also said that the store manager and his wife are not from here, and they may have returned to their hometown.

Anyway, there is everything that is said. Although the dim sum shop is gone, life will go on.

As you go by, you forget some things.

Especially in more than 20 years, some people have left, some people are old, and some people are old. Things from the early years have also fallen into the dust.

After so many years of closing Sunflower Snacks, a new shop called "Winter Sunshine Bakery" has suddenly opened here.

Many elderly people who have been living here are pleasantly surprised and want to see if the store manager and his wife in memory are back.

To their disappointment, it was not the person they remembered.

The current Winter Sunshine Bakery is also run by a young couple, but both of them are foreigners and can speak Chinese very well.

The bread sold in the store is very serious, and there are no Internet celebrity products. The price is relatively affordable, and the bread is not made in the direction of luxury. The main thing is that the bread tastes good too.

The store suddenly became the new favorite of these old customers looking for memories.


Barney put a tray of pineapple buns in the oven, and after setting the time, he was finally able to take a break for a while.

It has been a few days since my and Christina's bakery opened. When it first opened, many people came to inquire about the previous store manager, but Barney really didn't know who those two were, so he could only find a way. Get mixed up.

Business in the store is tepid now, but even so, Barney is exhausted.

After all, neither he nor Christina have experience in opening a store, so they can only explore step by step.

Tired, but Barney was happy.

He felt more meaningful standing in front of the oven than sitting in the cab of the Mobile Suit.

With that in mind, Barney looked through the glass at Christina who was busy in the store.

Maybe it's the strange connection between lovers that Christina felt when Barney looked at Christina.

She also raised her head to look at Barney, with a smile on her face, and made a victorious V-sign at Barney.

Barney also smiled and returned a V-sign.

Just as the two were distributing dog food in the air, on the cashier counter, the bread unicorn sat and was fed by the dog food.

While chewing on the licorice stick, it looked at the couple who were you and me in an unhappy manner while holding her cheeks.

The bread unicorn is now the mascot in the store. Its main job is to be cute, but it is not allowed to talk to customers.

In order to take care of its "virgin chef" mood, a sign was hung on the body of the bread unicorn, with the words "please do not feed and touch, thank you" written by Xingguangyi himself, or both Shenzhou and Yingwen. written.

After more than an hour of work, Barney took the last tray of bread out of the oven and handed it over to Christina to place it. His morning work was over.

There are generally not many guests in the morning, and Barney has prepared enough bread to sell in the morning.

"Here, hard work."

Christina handed the cup to Barney.

Watching Barney gulp water, Christina couldn't help reminding: "Drink slowly, no one is robbing you, don't choke."

The bread unicorn can't stand it. It is also ready to go to work with the sign on it, and it will not eat dog food here.

Thinking so, it jumped off the cashier.

After saying hello to Barney and Christina, it jumped on the stair railing and went up to the second floor.

Christina also took a break for a while after putting the bread on the shelf.

Two people are sitting behind the cashier, each wearing a headset, watching a movie on a mobile phone, a suspenseful movie.

Originally, Barney wanted to find a love movie to watch together, but Kristina actually likes to watch suspenseful detective crime movies.

Just when the movie was about to play a wonderful place, suddenly, a takeaway message was received in the background of the mobile phone.

Speaking of which, Barney was having a hard time learning to use the new mobile app, and Christina finally taught him.

Most of the time it is normal teaching, and occasionally the two of them are tired of teaching in bed.

Speaking of this order information, as usual, the order is taken directly, but this time Barney did not take the order immediately, but was thinking.

When Barney saw the order, Christina naturally saw it too.

"….Today is my sister's fifth birthday. I want to accompany my sister to blow out birthday candles and eat birthday cake before my dad catches the plane. Can the store deliver the cake as soon as possible, preferably within fifteen minutes, Many thanks."

Christina read out the contents of the note.

The items on this order are not complicated, a small fruit cake, but this remark is a bit special.

Christina looked at the delivery address of the order. It was not too far away, but it was still some distance away.

"How long will it take to get there?" Barney asked.

"Fifteen minutes is definitely not possible, it usually takes at least half an hour, and I don't know what riots have happened on the street just now, I heard people say 'the car flew', and it's very crowded now." Christina shook his head.

"Then please ask Mr. Xingguangyi and the others, they should be able to come up with something." Barney said again.

"They're out, I'll give them a call to try," Christina said, finding out Xingguang's mobile phone numbers and calling them one by one, but most of them were turned off. Malco's cell phone was not turned off, but no one answered.

Before Xingguang, they jumped into the water to save people, and the mobile phones entered the water to varying degrees.

"No way, something must have happened to them, they are all turned off." Christina put down the phone.

"Well, I'll reject this order first." Barney could only say.

"Remember to call back and apologize." Christina reminded.

Barney nodded and dialed the phone back. The phone just beeped twice, and the other party connected immediately.

"Hello, this is Winter Sunshine Bakery..."

"Hello, is there something wrong with the cake I ordered?"

The other party lowered his voice, listening to his young age, he was a little excited when he talked about the cake.

"Uh, it's not..."

Barney didn't have time to speak again, when he heard someone arguing vaguely on the other end of the phone.

"...How many times can you go home throughout the year? In a hurry, what plane to catch, what's going on in such a hurry, you can't even have a cake with your daughter."

"I can't do anything about it. I have a temporary task. Don't make trouble unreasonably. This birthday didn't go well. I'll just compensate her next time."

In addition to these two voices, the sobbing of children could be vaguely heard.

Hearing this, Barney couldn't say anything about his refusal.

Seeing that Barney didn't answer for a long time, the little **** the other end of the phone asked cautiously, for fear that the bakery staff would refuse, "That... Mr. Manager, are you still there? Are you... Please don't refuse, This is already the fifth one I have contacted... Please..."

"Don't worry, we will deliver the cake right away."

On impulse, the words blurted out from Barney's mouth.

The earphones hadn't been taken off yet, and she heard everything Barney heard.

Hanging up the phone, Barney scratched his head with a wry smile, "After Chrissy, I seem to be in trouble again."

"No, this is like the fool who challenged Gundam alone," Christina shook her head, "What are you going to do?"

"You should be able to guess," Barney stood up and went to prepare the cake. "Chris, discuss something. When Mr. Xingguang Yi and the others come back, you should go back to your room first. My apology may not look good."

"Sure enough," Christina sighed, then laughed, "Fool, here's to you."

Christina took out what looked like a small candy bar phone from her pocket, threw it to Barney, and said, "I'm going to prepare the cake, you go to start the fuselage first, since you made an agreement, you need to Follow it well and don't betray that little girl's trust."

"Well, I see."

Barney caught what looked like a candy bar phone, ran to the stairwell on the first floor, opened the hidden elevator and took it up.

The elevator quickly reached the underground space, and Barney took his legs and ran to the side of Gundam NT-1, boarded Gundam NT-1 through the automatic rope ladder, and entered the cockpit.

Barney found a socket on the console and inserted the "candy bar", which was actually a starter.

After a "beep", all the screens in Gundam NT-1 turned on, and the system entered the loading state.

Gundam NT-1 raised his head, his eyes glowed, and the various external cables on his body were disconnected one by one.

At this time, Christina also dragged the escalator to the cockpit. She handed the packaged cake to Barney, helped Barney fasten the seat belt, and kissed his cheek by the way.

"Be safe and come back early."

"Well, I see."

With Barney's answer, Christina left the cockpit and took the rope ladder back to the ground.

She looked up and watched as Barney closed the cockpit door.

Barney reached out and flipped several safety switches above, lifting the movement restrictions, thruster restrictions, and power restrictions on the Gundam NT-1.

He pushed the power grip on his left hand to a third of its height, then placed his hands on the left and right operating grips.