MTL - Superman Delta’s Life Diary-Chapter 44

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"No discussion, that's not something you can learn at your age, at least you can say it when you are my age." Xingguangyi said.

He Chunmiao looked at Xingguangyi and felt that he was only eighteen or nineteen years old, so he said, "It's okay, it's been a few years, I've grown very fast."

"Huh? Forget it, I won't explain it to you," Xingguang rubbed his temples, pointed to a branch diagonally above, and said, "Just stand here, concentrate, pose casually, and see if you can You can't knock down that branch. If I can, I'll take you as a disciple."

"Yes! Master Xingguang Yi."

The silly girl stood up, in the classic Spexium pose, aimed at the branch.

When she made this move, she really startled Xingguang.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Finally, this silly girl stopped posing, she was a little dejected, obviously disappointed.

"Look, you go back first, have a good year, and talk about apprenticeships later." Xingguang patted the **** the shoulder.

"I...I won't give up, Master Xingguangyi!" After He Chunmiao finished speaking, she blushed and ran away.

Sure enough, it's a girl, and her defense is still weak, far worse than Superman Ah Z.

Watching He Chunmiao leave, Xingguang turned around and prepared to continue walking home.

Suddenly, a "pop" sound came from behind, and Xingguang jumped again.

He looked back and saw that the branch he pointed to just now was completely broken and fell off.

Xingguangyi was a little unbelievable, he stroked his hair: "Really?"

He hurried over and picked up the branch, observed it, and found that the branch should have been crushed by the snow.

"Huh, I'm scared to death. I really thought that there are people who have passed through here. It seems that I am suspicious." Xingguang dropped the branch, let out a sigh of relief, and then left.

The group of people in the dormitory of the traveler have no relatives in this world, so they don't go out for walks. In the two days of the first and second days of the new year, except for Xingguang, who went to Uncle Deng's house, the others basically just eat and play. Play.

In a blink of an eye, it was the third day of the new year.

This morning, Ling Shuangqi woke up early.

After hurriedly washing up, Ling Shuangqi began to rummage through the closet to find the newly bought clothes.

She spread out her clothes on the bed, looking at how to wear them one by one.

After choosing the clothes, she squatted down again and took out a shoe box from under the bed.

Open the shoe box, inside is a pair of newly bought apricot low-heeled leather shoes.

She took off the cotton slippers and put her feet into the small leather shoes for an interview. The shoes were a little tight but not bad.

It shouldn't be that I'm fat, um, definitely not.

Ling Shuangqi took off her pajamas and put on the prepared lavender sweater and beige cropped trousers. If she goes out later, she can put on a coat outside.

She has already made up her mind, she will contact Xingguang Yi later, saying that she has two movie tickets, and ask him if he wants to go with him.

Ling Shuangqi pondered word by word, thinking about how to make Xingguang not refuse.

When she finally considered a long paragraph and was about to send it out, a "bang" sounded suddenly behind her.

She jerked abruptly, then looked back.

A thing that looked like a drink can fell to the ground.

Ling Shuangqi's expression immediately became painful, reluctant and helpless.

It's like being forced to work overtime.

"Is there anything that can't be dealt with in the next year?" Ling Shuangqi complained, her face wrinkled into a ball.

But there was no way, Ling Shuangqi put on her shoes and walked over to pick up the drink can.

There is no logo or text on the drink can, it is purple as a whole, with green patterns on it.

Ling Shuangqi shook the jar up and down, then pulled up the tab and opened the bottle.

She held the jar upside down, and the liquid flowing from the jar gathered into a circular plane in the air.

Ling Shuangqi picked up a bracelet from her desk and put it on her wrist.

Without wasting too much time, she took the drink can and walked directly to the circular plane.

After all, she has other private affairs today, so she has to hurry up.

Thinking so, she directly stepped over the circular plane.

There were ripples on the plane, Ling Shuangqi just walked in and disappeared from the room.


Life is like a box of chocolates, you don't know what you're going to get.

Ling Shuangqi has heard of this sentence, but she has not checked the source.

For her current situation, this sentence can be changed, life is like an unknown jar, you don't know what will come out of it.


Cicadas chirping.

The season suddenly switched to summer, which made Ling Shuangqi very uncomfortable.

Her expression was ugly, unlike in the room just now, Ling Shuangqi was really gloomy now.

She gritted her teeth, her brows were wrinkled, and the blue veins were bulging near her temples.

If there are words written in her eyes, it must be "anger" in the left eye and "disgust" in the right eye.

Chapter 68 That's right, crossed over

The current Ling Shuangqi looks like a big girl in her twenties, but she is only three years old when she is full, and she is only four years old in terms of years.

Although she has an amazing learning ability and a massive knowledge reserve, she still has some childish characteristics in her personality.

For example, pretending to be arrogant in front of outsiders, acting arrogant in front of people you like, or being too clear about likes and dislikes, and stubborn temper.

Ling Shuangqi, who is a clone, hates things related to "Evangelion" extremely, even her own body.

Shaking her head, Ling Shuangqi suppressed her negative emotions.

After she calmed down, she observed the world again.

The sky is blue and the sea should be red, but she can't see the sea at this position.

The air was hot and had a strange, unpleasant smell.

Ling Shuangqi was a little fortunate, fortunately she didn't wear a coat outside.

The last time she crossed, Ling Shuangqi was directly transported to the desert. At that time, she also put on a padded jacket outside, and immediately sweated like rain.

Although I didn't wear a coat this time, the long sleeves on my body were still hot enough.

She rolled up her sleeves and brushed up the bangs in front of her forehead.

As soon as she turned her hand, the special drink can that made her pass through disappeared.

Speaking of which, she just became angry with patronizing, and now she wants to verify one thing.

So she closed her eyes, and after a while nothing happened.

"It looks like this is not the world I came from." Ling Shuangqi opened her eyes and muttered to herself.

A certain big man once told Ling Shuangqi that if she returned to the world where she came from, there would be a special feeling, which the big man called "resonance".

"Resonance" is a rather mysterious thing to say, but at this moment Ling Shuangqi doesn't have any special feeling, so this should not be where she came from.

Anyway, now that I am in a better mood, I don't have to stand in the sun and be a fool.

Ling Shuangqi looked around, and happened to see a vending machine. What's more, there was a shade and a bench under the shade.

"Uncomfortable, I can't scan the code. It's obvious that such an unscientific weapon has been developed. The development of civilian technology is a bit too slow."

Looking at the old-fashioned vending machine, Ling Shuangqi put away her mobile phone, and out of nowhere, she conjured a banknote and stuffed it into the vending machine.

"There is actually a Pepsi here. It's really rare. It's not impossible to drink it once."

Ling Shuangqi was a little happy when she saw the ice cola, and her finger directly clicked on the button under the cola.


Ling Shuangqi heard the sound, but there was nothing in the shipping warehouse.

She lay on the glass and looked inside, the can of Coke was stuck above the shipping bin.

There was no way, Ling Shuangqi could only click the button two more times, hoping that the next two cans would smash the bottom can down.



Two more cans were smashed down, but it didn't go down as smoothly as Ling Shuangqi expected.

There are now three bottles stuck on it.

Ling Shuangqi looked left and right, there was no one around.


She raised her foot and kicked it straight up on the vending machine.

"Beep, beep, beep."

Three cans of Coke fell one after another.

Ling Shuangqi squatted down slowly, and quickly rubbed her legs. The kick just now hurt.

It's not the vending machine that hurts, it's her who hurts, her legs and feet hurt.

But the only thing that can be fortunate is that cola is indeed ice, ice cola is orthodox, and normal temperature cola is heresy.

Ling Shuangqi stood under the shade of the tree, opened a can of Coke and sipped, and held the remaining two cans in her arms so that she could drive away the heat from her body.

As for why not sit on the bench, the bench is iron framed, it is already hot, and sitting on it will burn your butt.

It was estimated that it was thirty-seven or eight degrees on this day, and the cicadas on the trees were annoying.

At this time, a convoy of construction trucks drove by on the road in front of Ling Shuangqi.

One of them stopped beside Ling Shuangqi.

"Hey, little girl, it should be forbidden to pass here, you should leave quickly."

The glass of the car was shaken down, and a beautiful young woman with blue hair leaned out and said to Ling Shuangqi.

This young woman is also kind. When the vehicles behind with special wreckage come over, if this little girl is still standing here, then this little girl will probably be in trouble.

After all, the above is still choosing to hide the real facts, and these wrecks cannot be seen by ordinary people.

"Understood, many thanks." Ling Shuangqi raised her head, expressing her gratitude on her face.

After finishing speaking, Ling Shuangqi hugged Coke and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

The blue-haired young woman suddenly stopped Ling Shuangqi. Seeing that Ling Shuangqi did not intend to stop, the young woman opened the door and jumped out of the car.

No way, the more the blue-haired young woman looked, the more she felt that this little girl looked like someone she knew. Apart from the different hair color, she also looked too similar, especially her expressionless face.

"It's so hot, why are you crazy?" The blond woman who was traveling with the blue-haired young woman complained about the loss of air-conditioning in the car. She didn't see Ling Shuangqi's appearance and didn't know what happened.

"Please wait a moment." The blue-haired young woman chased after him.

"Tsk." Ling Shuangqi tutted lightly. She didn't want to meet the characters in the plot, but she did.

She turned around and looked at the blue-haired young woman.

Her hair was simply tied into a ponytail, and there was sweat on her face and neck. The lower body is work clothes, and the upper body is a simple dark blue camisole. There are two sweat marks on the suspenders that frame the good figure of the young woman.

"It's really hot today, isn't it." Ling Shuangqi threw a can of ice Coke to the blue-haired young woman.

"Oh, thank you." The young woman hurriedly caught the Ice Coke, and then she remembered that she had been diverted from the subject, "It's not this, I want to ask who you are. No other meaning, you know me A little girl who looks alike."

"Tsk." Ling Shuangqi threw the empty can into the trash can and opened another one, "I'm just an ordinary person who was pulled over to work while on vacation."

"Who are you talking to? Come up quickly, it's very hot outside, and the cold air is almost gone," said the blonde woman in the car.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Katsuragi Miri replied towards the car, and when she turned around again, the girl who looked very much like Ayanami had disappeared.

If it weren't for the Coke in his hand, Katsuragi Misato would have thought that he was dizzy.