MTL - Supreme Demon-Chapter 208 Desperate killing

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In the canyon, the Su people have forced the Lingfeng and the proud birds to force them to the bottom of the cliff. They are full of faces and laughter. If the hunters catch their own prey, in their eyes, Lingfeng is undoubtedly a prey.

"It's time!" The proud bird flew into the sky, and the glare of the glare was shining in the eyes. These guys wounded them all and paid the price.

"Kid, do you still want to dying?" Su cold face, not afraid at all, no matter what the other side used to kill, they are dead.

The next moment, he decisively shot, the sword in the air, drawn a beautiful arc, carrying the sound of the air breaking, killing three giant pythons, each one is very large, suddenly fell, will Lingfeng They all played and flew out.


This is the top of the Su family's coffin, the power is huge, in the hands of the half-step Wu Emperor, it is not Lingfeng can resist, his 'chest' mouth is marked with a blood mark, deep visible bone, blood like spring water , so that Lingfeng's face 'color' paled.

"Indeed, you are very strong, and you have laid the squad!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the demon in his heart was completely awakened.

His eyes were blood red, and a suffocating out of his bones made him look like a demon. "Unfortunately, it will not be me, but you!"

At the time of his voice, Lingfeng's six-way fire was full of light, rushing to the back of the spine. For a time, a purple light rushed out and opened a little. Then, the purple wing slowly opened, with With a strong gas 'wave', it suddenly rushed.

"Purple Wings!"

Su and others were shocked and their eyelids jumped. They didn't think of the latter. They couldn't bear it until now. But unfortunately, is this OK? !

"Is this your killer?"

Su smiled indifferently. He has always been very vigilant. He thought that Lingfeng had any powerful cards, but now he found that this purple wing.

It’s just that he has more than one wing!


An orange light flew out from behind him, and a wing slowly opened. Like Dapeng, it was a little bigger than the purple wing. It set off a gust of wind and opposed the Lingfeng, as if ridiculing the latter. .


Ling Feng eyes tight, he still a little underestimated the latter, even the first son of the cold family has a purple wing, then, how can the Su family genius not?

However, he did not hesitate, the sharp blade in his hand smashed the burning blade, and the six spirits burned with anger, and even the golden light flew in, the power increased greatly, and one hit and killed.


Ling Feng burst into a pop, fanning the purple wing directly close to the battle, holding a sword, playing a punch in one hand, to the power of the hegemony, between the two, burst into the air.

At the same time, the arrogant bird also rushed in. It smashed a knives and smashed the phoenix knives. It was a blow behind the su, which made the latter's face 'color' change, and suddenly turned back and lifted. The hand is a punch.


A strong explosion, the mountains and rocks in the valley were washed down, and the arrogant bird screamed and was kicked out by a punch. However, it also divided the strength of the Soviet Union.

The Lingfeng's burning blade cuts the giant python and sends out the sound of the general tearing of the cloth. Immediately, he rushed over, and the tyrants took all the power of the golden treasure. Two giant pythons.


For a moment, the huge scorpion silent long scorpion, planted down, in the process, cracked in an inch, **** went out, beat the surrounding valleys, and the other four were retired. A few steps.


One word fell, the five-handed dagger with the burning golden 'color' flame, together, turned into a long-footed broken blade, and the "squeaky" smashed the third giant python. They opened up, and they also collapsed and broke into the gravel.

"It's a bit of strength. It's no wonder that Su Yun has suffered, but in front of me, you still don't have enough to watch!"

Su Lengao said that the latter has a purple wing. In the case of unexpected, it is very possible to kill Su Yun. After all, only the genius in the family will be given high hopes to give flying weapons, and like Su Yunren. In the year, it is only a half-step of the Emperor, and is not qualified to own.


He took a step, and the sword fell into the air. The light of all people condensed on the sword, making it even more terrifying. It can definitely kill the 9th-level Wuling. This is the true strength of the half-step Wuhuang. what.

"All explosion!"

Lingfeng pupils became more and more bloodthirsty. With both hands holding swords and slamming down, he knocked out the full strength of the gold treasure, which made the sword have 30,000 pounds, and in the process of cutting out The blade is skewed.


When the two weapons are struck, the sound can destroy the human eardrum. The air blew up a cloud and swayed out to the wave. Ling Feng retreated a foot, while Su Shi It was a sigh, and the face 'color' suddenly changed. The power of the violent blood 'meat' was not something he could stop. The whole person was hit and slammed into the mountain wall.


The orange 'color' wings tore open the mountain wall and embedded in it, which made the body of Susu also stiff for a moment.


At this moment, Ling Feng exhibited a flying ‘flower’ folding leaf step, fanning the purple wing, and immediately rushed out, wanting to meet with the proud bird.

"It’s not that easy to run!"

The four men were angry and screamed. They rushed to the aura, and they appeared on the weapons. They quickly smashed into the sky and formed a barrier to block the wind.

Immediately, the nine-way arrow smashed from the ground and shot straight.

"Gold, broken!"

Ling Feng killed the mad, the blade was a slash, and the four arrows were cut off. At the same time, he punched a punch and made two arrows. He immediately settled, and then, in the eyes of everyone, one inch. Broken.


He gently stepped on a leaf with one foot, and instantly vacated and escaped two sharp arrows. However, the last sharp arrow did not escape, and he slammed into it. The shoulders made his body sway and almost planted it.

The next moment, before he rushed to the barrier, he threw away the sharp blade directly, and both fists glowed. Then he didn't need it.


He squatted in the sky, and the hair was 'chaotic' flying. Then, two punches hit the barrier. The tens of thousands of pounds of giant force broke out in an instant. In the "bang" loud noise, the barrier broke and joined. The three warriors are all white-faced, and their bodies are shaking.

"Physical repair, he is a physical repair!"

The middle-aged man in the gray coat screamed and his eyes suddenly blew up. Like Su Yun, he also gave birth to greed.

"No wonder, this is your killer!"

At this time, the Su wings shook, and the mountain stone collapsed and flew over. His eyes also plucked the ecstasy of ecstasy. The body was too little. If he had such a body, he could fight with the Emperor.

"Kid, don't run, ‘transfer’ and practice the law!” Su ‘sports’ move.

"Oh, it really is the same thing ‘color’.”

Ling Feng stood in the air and snorted. "Who said that I want to run? I said it before. Today is not my death, but your demise!"

"Is it by you?" The five people at the Yancheng auction laughed. The latter were hurt like that. They even dared to be so mad, but as long as he didn't run, he would die.

"I am enough!"

Lingfeng eyes are hot, six spirits are flying and dancing, such as a fire dragon, the golden light is also shining, and in the soul sea, Xuanyang is boiling like a ‘tidal’ water, and the road rushes out.

Nowadays, the five people of the Soviet Union have been stopped by him in the canyon. Even if they want to escape, it is impossible. This is the killing of Ling Feng and the proud bird.

Although they were seriously injured for this, at this moment, everything is worth it.


All the light flew into the brow of Ling Feng, and there was a black stone, which trembled sharply, followed by it, and slowly flew out. At the beginning, it was as thin as a flap, only nail-sized reads;

In an instant, it turned into a hill, black and lacquered, and there seemed to be mysterious lines shining, and a heavy pressure finally swooped down.

A heavy stone!

Ling Feng is now the strongest killer!

The sun was completely covered, like a 'yin' cloud shrouded, the entire canyon was filled, and the wings of the Su can not dodge, they are too confident, because the wind is physical and serious injury, Their last vigilance also disappeared.

And between the electric and the flint, a heavy stone has fallen!

"not good!"

At this moment, Su and other people were shocked by the ‘color’. They never thought that there would be such a large piece of stone falling, but it was too late when they wanted to rush out.

Since the killer has been used, how can Lingfeng give them a chance to escape? !

This is a dead end. It was decided three days ago. Moreover, it was still Su’s own digging and jumping. This is a desperate killing.

"Break it, rush out, kill the boy!"

Su Dazhen, his face is 'color' pale, they naturally feel the huge force on the heavy stone, but they do not want to die, so they are dying.


A line of aura has been killed and ushered in a heavy stone, but... everything is in vain.


A heavy stone fell, and it was unstoppable. It was heavy and weighed 60,000 jins. It was hard and scary. It was not the movement of the knives. In the snoring, two nine-level martial arts were immediately pressed down. Fragmentation, and then, Su Sanming half-step Wu Emperor, the aura of his body also extinguished, can not stop this pressure.


In the quiet canyon, there was a roar, the surrounding rock fell, and a heavy stone fell completely, blooming five blood 'flowers', and the last screams, along with the last sunset, a little bit Almost annihilated...
