MTL - Supreme Martial Dao-Chapter 17 Defect

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Han Yu is gone with a dying Korean wind!

The onlookers walked with complex eyes, and the martial arts field instantly entered the silence from the previous enthusiasm, leaving a few people. (.win q coins,)

But today, it is destined to be an extraordinary day. Today, in this performance field, everyone witnessed a test that surprised them!

The small waste that resided in the Han family, Wang Chen, who could not condense the real yuan, was shot in the air by three shots, causing him to be seriously injured. In the end, he signed up for the family ratio and declared war on Han Yu.

Everything is so crazy, people have some clouds in the fog, if you dream.

"Be careful with Han Yu!" Han Jin, standing next to Wang Chen, took a deep look at the teenager who was very surprised, with a hint of worry, and then left the show.

In the twinkling of an eye, there is only Wang Chen and another beautiful figure in the big performance field. Look at the girl, Wang Chen slightly frowned, turned and left.

"Why are you going to participate in the family ratio!" The voice of the clear spirit came from behind!

"Do you want to be called waste in your life, be looked down on, be ridiculed?" Stopped and turned to look at the girl, Wang Chen's mouth showed a sneer.

"You..." When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the girl’s face flashed a complex look with a hint of anger.

"You know that Han Yu will find you trouble, you are not his opponent?" After a long time, the girl took a long breath and said faintly, and restored the cold breath of the past.

Are you always avoiding it? Before you tried, did you expect me to beat the Korean wind? Are you not waiting to see jokes at the time? But it is a pity that you are disappointed.

Now should it be a joke that many people are waiting for a month later? I can disappoint you once and let you down for the second time! "Showing a ridiculous smile, Wang Chen said slowly. (Genius can be remembered in only 3 seconds)

The voice fell, Wang Chen did not take a trace of nostalgia and walked outside the battlefield.

Leaving a lonely girl, standing in the martial arts field, watching the lonely figure go away, his face flashed a trace of loss.

"You, still angry about that thing!" Sighing sigh, as if there is a kind of bitterness that can't be said.

"Yes, you won't forget it so easily, no one will forget it so easily, maybe the father was really wrong!" Long sighed, the girl showed a lonely expression that ordinary people could not see.


After leaving the military field, Wang Chenxin had a lot of ease in an instant. He returned to the small yard and rushed to the back of the Han family.

There is a spirit of spirit, and Wang Chen has changed too much at the moment. He has begun the essential transformation since he took the first step.

"Hey, kid, yes, it’s okay today, I haven’t lost my face!” The sound of the battle was finally coming out of the cave where the cultivation was coming.

The phantom appeared in front of Wang Chen, with a look of relief, everything he saw in his eyes, and his performance on Wang Chen was quite satisfactory. Especially when the three fists hit the Korean style, it is a hearty and happy person.

"This is just the first step, there are second and third steps to take, my road is still very long!" Wang Chen is unexpectedly calm. Thinking of the next month's ethnic ratio, there is a firm belief in his eyebrows.

One month is enough for yourself to do a lot of things, and that Han Yu, you can't avoid it. You must pay close attention to this month's time to make a breakthrough. Otherwise, with the strength of your eyes, you will lose more and more. Thinking of this, Wang Chen seems to have a strong sense of war.

Feeling the transformation of Wang Chen, seeing his series of performances, the side of the battle secretly nodded, this little guy constantly brought him one after another accident, so that he is very happy.

Ordinary 15-year-old boy, if he can get the victory of this test, he said that he has to celebrate, but Wang Chen is very calm, knowing that there is still a long way to go. This firm will and belief is the most precious.

The road of martial arts, how many people lost their own heart and finally sink, a firm will is the ticket to the Hall of Glory, which he knows better than anyone else.

"What do you have to gain from today's battle?" With a mysterious look at Wang Chen, Ling war took a deep breath and asked slowly.

A good warrior can always find his own inadequacies from any battle, find the advantages of the enemy, learn and improve, continue to progress in such a path, and finally win the peak. And is the difference between genius and ordinary people.

The battle is very much like seeing what Wang Chen has gained after the first match.

When he heard the battle, Wang Chen bowed his head and thought about the previous battle.

A scene is like a slide in the middle of my mind, a little analysis.

"Wu martial arts, and there is not enough mastery of the ghost step!" Wang Chen slowly said after Shen Yu for a long time.

Today's comparison test clearly understands the importance of martial arts. If it is not because of the advanced footwork such as ghost steps, the battle will never be so easy.

At the beginning, Han Feng’s crazy attack, fierce tiger boxing and rushing to the palm of the hand, two martial arts display, the offensive force can not be underestimated, they are completely relying on the ingenious pace of ghost steps in the continuous avoidance, and no positive Confrontation!

Wang Chen knows that if he confronts him at that time and relies on his own punches and kicks, he will fall into extremely unsatisfactory scenes, even falling into the wind or even failing. A set of martial arts is for a warrior. It is too important to say. This is the case with the slap in the face, the horrible offensive speed, which makes people breathe, even if there is a ghost step, it is difficult to dodge yourself.

This battle, his victory is the mystery of the ghost step, it is the sentence that is fulfilled: "It is better to take a step!"

It is because of the delay of the pace that Han Feng consumes too much energy and physical strength. After a long time of attack, I will give myself the opportunity to face myself.

At the end, relying on the strength of all people do not know the strength of the three punches easily win. It can be said that there is no previous paving, and the latter cannot be so easy.

"Well, yes, that's it. Now that you have gathered the true power, you can learn some simple martial arts. You can't let go of the ghost steps. You also realize that His mystery and benefits should be more urgently cultivated. If you can practice the ghosts to the point of Xiaocheng, even if you face Han Yu with the strength of today, there is also a chance to fight!" Listening to Wang Chen's analysis, Ling war did The final summary.

"Where is the martial art so good to find, especially suitable!" Grin, Wang Chen sighed.

Any martial arts and exercises are hard to find. For example, Han family, even members of their own family want to learn to be approved, let alone their own outsiders? As for the rest of the place, it is even less important.

At the same time, the right martial arts are more likely to be met, but it is hard to add.

Speaking, Wang Chen put his eyes on the body of the battle, revealing a wicked smile, while spreading and expanding.

"Cough and cough...Bastard kid, call me to say early! Damn, remove the disgusting eyes!" Feel the eyes of Wang Chen, complaining loudly.

"Your kid gives me a mind, give you a set!" Grin, continue to dissatisfy.

"Good!" Get the answer you want, Wang Chen is busy letting go of his own sea of ​​consciousness, let the **** of Ling war into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, a vast amount of information poured into his mind, so that Wang Chen couldn’t help but scream a few times. This kind of infusion has a high demand for mental strength and a strong attachment to the nerves. Pain is inevitable.

"Break the mountain!" After a long time, Wang Chen, who finished the work, showed a hint of excitement and muttered to himself.
