MTL - Supreme Martial Dao-Chapter 18 Banshan Boxing

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"Break the mountain!" After a long time, Wang Chen, who finished the work, showed a hint of excitement and muttered to himself. (!Winning fee)

When the information that was introduced into his mind was finished, Wang Chen had a strong interest in this boxing method.

"No, boss, Huang Jie senior?" The next moment, Wang Chen could not help but scream. Why do you have to come up with a set of martial arts!

There is a set of boxing methods that are not easy to get, but it is inevitably let him have some disappointment.

"Kids, don't know how to be good, now how do you know your strength yourself, do you have high-level martial arts, do you have real support? Don't be so tall, don't want to go and want to run?" Seeing Wang Chen's expression, Complaints about the dissatisfaction of the war.

A set of high-level martial arts is powerful, but in the same way, he needs strong real power as a backing to be able to exert the greatest power, otherwise the **** is not.

This is why some military martial arts are good, but they are not as good as the low-level martial arts in the fight, because the real yuan did not reach that point, the use of the hands and feet, but the reason to trap themselves.

A set of suitable boxing methods is not only suitable for a route taken by a warrior, such as fierce or feminine, but more importantly, it must be matched with strength so that it can do more with less, and maximize its power.

In the case of Wang Chen, this set of martial arts is already a limit. The martial arts battle is not without it, but it is useless even if it is given to him.

"Oh... I was wrong, so I am going to practice this one!" He smiled, and Wang Chen said embarrassedly. There are indeed some urgency to ignore the strength of today.

After getting comfort, continue to look down, Chongshan Boxing, Huangjie advanced martial arts, training to Dacheng, fists can be broken!

Looking at this introduction, Wang Chen has some small excitement and looks very powerful! Moreover, this is my first set of fighting martial arts, which means great to myself, next month is the family ratio! If you can practice this set of boxing skills, it can have a huge effect.

"Well, start practicing today! Bumper Mountain Boxing, you should know that the most important thing is the momentum and strength. You should see that when this boxing is out, you have to take a momentum that has no way to go forward. With the domineering of who I am!" Seeing Wang Chen after reading the introduction, Ling war continued to add. (.win q coins,)

For the collapse of the mountain fist, the momentum is its god, the momentum is not yet, no matter how you practice it is futile, can not exert that power.

After everything was clear, Wang Chen was put into cultivation, and it was already noon.

The sun ruthlessly bakes the entire land, in the summer, the whole earth is like a huge steamer, making people sweat.

Because of the scorching sun, Wang Chen’s figure is firmly fixed on the hillside. He clenches his hands and constantly swings out, starting from the most basic.


The fists burst into flames, and each punch was blasted with the strength of the whole body, igniting the roar of the air.

After the sun sets, the young man is exhausted and sits on the floor and gasps.

However, it was quickly screamed by the war, and as before, it was thrown into the barrel full of potions.

The recipient's tortoise bites the torment, and for an hour, Wang Chen bite his teeth and hardly slammed it until the final force was completely absorbed, and the sky was already dark.

The sky is full of stars, the breeze is slowly, and after the hot day, it is finally a refreshing.

"Go here today, continue tomorrow!" Wang Chen, who wants to continue to practice in the cold hole, stopped the battle.

Today, almost, let him have a good day off. For Wang Chen’s hard-working attitude, Ling Zhan deeply feels gratified, and there are apprentices who are so eager to ask for it? Already satisfied.


Back to the small yard, the yellow light reflected the whole small yard highlighting a trace of simplicity.

After grooming, I heard the voice of my aunt. Wang Chen came to the hall with a smile. The dinner time arrived. At noon, I forgot the lunch because of the cultivation. Now I am really hungry.

"Aunt, what's wrong?" When he came to the hall, Wang Chen immediately felt that something was wrong. Today, my aunt looked at her eyes and something was wrong.

"Xiao Chen, can you really condense the real yuan?" Wang Lin asked Wang Chen with a look of hope and nervousness.

Today, there was a news from Hana that was like a bombing, so that she could not calm down all day.

Wang Chen played the fifth-order Korean style of the three-boxed martial arts in the battlefield, winning with absolute advantage.

This news has caused the Korean government to boil in an instant. At the beginning, everyone still doesn't believe it, but in a blink of an eye, after the confirmation of the younger generation, the Han government is stunned.

The Wang family’s small waste can condense the real yuan and easily defeat the Korean wind. What a huge news.

In the past two years, he has not achieved any progress. He has reached this point. Whether it is deliberately hidden or has no reason. This has become the hottest topic.

Although in this lonely small yard, Wang Lin inevitably heard some news. It was unbelievable before. With confirmation, his heart could not be calmed and he was waiting for Wang Chen to return.

"Well, yes, last month, so I have been practicing this month!" Wang Chen said without concealment.

"Really!" Get Wang Chen's confirmation, Wang Lin's figure suddenly shocked!

"Good! Good... I... I still have hope in my family!" Then she couldn't help but say with a trembling voice.

The corner of the eye crossed a line of tears, clutching Wang Chen’s hand: “We waited for two years on this day, and finally did not let the big brother down, Xiaochen, you can really condense the real yuan!” Wang Lin Unable to control your emotions.

From the destruction of the royal family, she has shouldered too heavy burdens for two years. The hope of family rejuvenation is pinned on Wang Chen and his brother, especially Wang Chen, remembering the night when the door was extinguished, when he fled the royal family. Big Brother's jealousy: In any case, I have to leave with Wang Chen, even if I sacrifice Wang Yan, the Wang family's hope is on him.

And Wang Jiada’s elders, he also said that although he was puzzled about this, but Wang Lin was resolutely executed, even Wang Chen’s brother, Wang Yan, who was only 20 years old at the time. They all made a desperate fight to protect Wang Chen from the escape.

Fortunately, the hard work is no longer a concern, let them escape.

Unfortunately, in the past two years, Wang Chen could not condense the real yuan. This made Wang Lin feel that the sky was falling, as if the end of the world was coming, and the hope of the Wang family could not condense the true yuan? How ridiculous this is.

It is called a small waste, and it is crowded everywhere. It was an unprecedented shame on the day two years ago! All this, Wang Lin looked in the eyes, Wang Chen's efforts he also looked in the eyes, always thought that this is God's will, God wants to perish the king's family, she even despaired, even gave up! However, at such a moment, I can always hear the last embarrassment of my eldest brother. The revival of the Wang family can only be pinned on Wang Chen! Every time I saw the stubborn eyes and unremitting efforts of the boy.

At this time, Wang Lin always waited with a glimmer of expectation, and she continued to wait for disappointment, which made her feel like a collapse. Now it is raining and the weather is fine. The hope of the Wang family can really condense the real yuan! No sound is already a blockbuster, he did it!

"'s wrong with you?" Seeing Wang Lin's tears flowing constantly, her body trembled a little, Wang Chen asked anxiously.

"Nothing, I am fine, I am happy, our Wang family has hope, I have not lived up to the expectations of my eldest brother, I have not lived up to the expectations of the family!" Take a deep breath, wipe away the tears in the corner of the eye, revealing the smiling smile king Lynn comforted.

Tears and smiles are compatible. At this moment, she is even more proud!

"Aunt, you can rest assured that Chen Er will no longer let you suffer. Starting from today, I will not let anyone bully you!" I know how much my aunt has suffered in the past two years, how much has been suffered White-eyed, Wang Chen said, this is his vow to himself.

After a bit of comfort, Wang Lin was able to return to normal, calm down, but the spirit of the whole person has undergone a huge change, and the corner of the mouth has a little smile that is not common in the past. The atmosphere once again harmonized.
