MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 34 The tide of corpses

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Jiang Feng looked at her enchanting back with amusement. Who would have thought that such a fascinating scholar is homosexual, which is a shame.

After Lan Zixuan left, Zhao Qibai was excited and said, "Citylord, with mutant bananas, we no longer have to worry about food."

"Well, arrange it and let the evolution team of the guardian team help to open up a special place to grow mutant bananas. Also, to recruit banana farmers, you must ensure banana yield," Jiang Feng instructed.

"Well, by the way, why are you staring at Dean Lan and not letting her see Liu Pianran?" Zhao Qibai asked strangely.

Jiang Feng grinned, "Nothing, there is some misunderstanding between them."

"Oh," Zhao Qibai didn't doubt anything, and arranged it quickly.

Jiang Feng was relieved. Another piece of space-time preparedness for Lan Zixuan to play with Liu Pianran is Liu Batian. Now it ’s her turn, but it ’s worth it. How can Liu Pianran's girl make Lan Zixuan bad, thinking of Liu Pianran, Jiang Feng smiled unconsciously.

Outside the door, Yuan Jia took the tea and went into the chamber, "City Master, have a cup of tea."

When he saw Yuan Jia, Jiang Feng looked completely, and he uttered a hum.

"The city owner, there are too many survivors in the second district, the management is a bit messy, there are frequent brawls, and several large groups have been born, with evolutionaries in them," Yuan Jiahui reports.

Jiang Feng nodded. The second district accommodated so many people. Whether it was supplies, housing or sanitation, it was really a headache. Zhao Qibai had to manage the entire gathering place and mobilize the groups to maintain the normal operation of the gathering place. Tan Yan ’s old The guy is not trustworthy and too selfish. There is no good candidate to think about going to Jiang Feng.

At this time, Jiang Feng felt a softness on his feet, glanced at it, and sure enough, Yuan Jia took off his shoes and his stockings rubbed against Jiang Feng's feet. He was very comfortable and looked up. Jiang Feng found that Yuan Jia had a slight tilt besides his body. , The other did not see any problems, with a serious face.

By the way, Yuan Jia, thinking, Jiang Feng coughed and said, "Secretary Yuan, what do you think of the second district?".

Yuan Jia's eyes flashed, since the channel "Second area staff is too cluttered. In addition to establishing a complete management system, you need to pay attention in the dark to prevent someone from deliberately inducing survivors to do extraordinary things, as well as health problems and housing. Question, I think ... ".

Yuan Jia was well prepared. She conducted a detailed investigation of the second district, so she only mentioned the second district today.

Jiang Feng raised his hand to stop Yuan Jia, saying "Since you are so familiar with the second district, then you will be the second district director and manage the second district issues. I will let the guard group cooperate with you, how?"

"Yes, the city master" Yuan Jia Qiao said a few times, and stepped on Jiang Feng with his stockings feet, smiled charmingly, turned and left, Jiang Feng smiled, this fairy! Immediately after, Jiang Feng told Zhao Qibai that he would not get too involved in the following things. Only Zhao Qibai could cooperate with Yuan Jia.

After spending half a day dealing with the chores of the gathering place, Jiang Feng stretched his arms and planned to leave the gathering place and go to Suyang City to kill three or more creatures.

Over time, high-level creatures appear more and more in the city. Jiang Feng believes that up to two months, third-level creatures will appear frequently, and fourth-level creatures will also be traced. At that time, whoever is strong is weak. Can open the gap, only to break through the fourth level to compete for the throne of the strong.

On the highway, the first two groups were opened to speed up the cleaning up of zombies. Tan Feng tirelessly killed the zombies. The evolutionaries around him rotated in batches. Ten or more secondary evolutionaries did not kill Tan Feng alone.

On the truck not far behind, Chai Wen exclaimed, "Brother Tan is becoming more and more powerful."

"Well, do you know what a strong man looks like?" Zhang Wei cried.

"Haha, firewood, do you say I have a strong style?" Su An immediately laughed and joked.

Chai Wen's face turned red, and he was furious and said "I just feel bad."

"Okay, you don't have to make fun of other people's firewood, a few old men are also embarrassed," said a pretty teenage girl in her twenties.

"Oh, our Xiaoqing is angry" shouted Zhang Dachang.

"Shut up, it's your turn to clean up the zombies later. You look at Brother Tan, you never cry out, why don't you learn from others," Xiao Qing said angrily.

"Xiao Qing, this is your fault. Are you hurting Zhang Wei or admiring Brother Tan? You see, the firewood is jealous." Someone immediately coaxed.

Chai Wen's complexion turned aside unnaturally.

Xiaoqing's face changed slightly. "I, I didn't worship Brother Tan, don't talk blindly." Then, Xiaoqing looked carefully at Chai Wen and saw that his face was a little ugly. The girl suddenly felt very happy. Is he really jealous? Thinking about it, the girl was very sweet.

At this time, Ye Mo's voice came from the truck, "Zhang Wei, Su An, it's your turn, come down to take over."

Zhang Wei both nodded towards Chai Wen, and walked out of the car with a smile.

Suddenly, Chai Wen's face changed, and he said loudly, "Captain, there are high-level zombies approaching. This kind of footsteps should be third-level zombies."

Ye Mo's face changed greatly, and he turned to the front line and shouted, "Note, the third-level zombies were approaching," and said he rushed to the front.

"Captain" Chai Wen hurriedly yelled before he could finish speaking.

"Firewood, what's wrong? His face is so pale?" Xiao Qing anxiously.

Chai Wen pulled Zhang Wei and said urgently, "Brother Zhang, go and inform the captain that a large number of zombies are approaching, the number is unknown, and there are at least tens of thousands of zombies."

Zhang Wei's face changed greatly, and he rushed to Ye Mo immediately.

At the forefront, an evolutionist killed an zombie with an iron rod. He was about to see if there was a star in the zombies. A dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. The stench pervaded, and the evolutionary subconsciously retreated. He remembered the smell. The stench on his body, he has smelled too much these months! Although the evolutionist responded quickly, he still took a slow step. A rotten right hand passed through the chest of the evolutionist and slowly pulled it out. The evolutionist's eyes were weak and he looked forward. There, a zombie face was facing Holding him.

Not far away, several evolutionists shouted and waved iron rods to attack the zombies. At this time, Ye Mo's voice came. Level 3 zombies? Several evolvers sweated coldly, hurried back, the zombies rushed towards the several evolvers, punched out fiercely, the fierce fist wind was stirred up, and the rotting fist became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the evolver. To be killed, Tan Feng arrived in time, kicking the afterimage with the zombie fist and hitting it with a bang, the ground cracked, and the waves of air generated by the impact spread out and shook away several evolutionists. Other evolutions The person hurried back, and did not pull Tan Feng back.

The zombies failed to hit, screaming and rushing towards Tan Feng. Tan Feng appeared next to the zombies, flung out, and the zombies were not able to respond to being kicked and flew out. The neck was bent, and just about to get up, Tan Feng again. Appearing behind the zombie, the strong wind brought by Tan's legs tore the fence, and the zombie was stepped into the ground by one foot, leaving only his lower body exposed on the ground.

It is also a third-level creature, and the third-level zombies have no power to fight back in front of the speed ability Tan Feng.

Other evolutionaries looked at this scene in astonishment. They were helpless in the face of the third-level zombies, but the third-level zombies were full of helplessness in the face of Tan Feng.

Taking out the star crystal, Tan Feng smiled slightly, this star crystal is enough to make a second-level peak evolutionary breakthrough to become the third level.

At this point, Ye Mo arrived, followed by Zhang Wei, "Everyone hurried away, the zombies were approaching, and it was very likely that the third-level zombies were just pioneers."

Led by Ye Mo, the members of the second group of members immediately got on the truck and waited for the zombies. They needed to see what size zombies were, as if they were gathering to report.

Twenty kilometers away, Lin Long gathered the army and the evolutionary. Through the drone, they discovered the corpse tide in advance, especially the king of corpses, and the combat power came-one hundred and seventy-five. You know, the army or Jinling Hong Ding, the strongest in the gathering place, has only one hundred fighting powers. With the ability, the peak can exert more than one hundred and ten fighting powers, which is not comparable to this zombie.

"Report, the news came from the drone. The corpse tide was caused by the corpse king. The corpse king was initially determined to be a fourth-level creature. There were five third-level zombies in the corpse tide and nearly a hundred second-level zombies. The loss of the first level is about 100,000. "

An officer changed his face and said, "Hundreds of thousands? Did he gather all the zombies from all the villages and towns on both sides of the expressway from Jinling to Suyang?"

"No, if more than 100,000 are gathered, let the drones detect the movement of the zombies. I suspect they are about to impact a certain gathering place," Lin Long ordered, and immediately reported to Jinling after speaking.

On the side of the second group, all the people were on the truck, looking away. As time went by, a black line appeared in the distance. It was a tide of corpses. Xiao Qing, "a lot of zombies," turned pale and looked at the approaching corpse in horror Tide, the sky is overcast in the distance.

"Come on, three zombies are approaching quickly," Chai Wen said anxiously.