MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 35 Mutant mice

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The truck whistled and moved away from the tide of corpses. In less than a minute, two third-level zombies appeared in the place where the truck was originally, roaring angrily.

The truck was not fast, and the tide was hanging all the time, while using the intercom to report the situation.

After half an hour, the tide of corpses suddenly stopped without warning.

In the middle of the corpse tide, a zombie with a strong body looks over his head, spraying his gas, not seeing his original appearance, leaving only a rotting face, it is the king of corpses.

A drone hovered over the corpse tide, making a slight whistling sound, and the corpse king roared. Although it produced wisdom, it was similar to a two-year-old child. The creature could have made him feel provoked. As if with a sharp sword, the air was repelled like a water pattern, and the drone was hit and it exploded instantly.

"Report, the drone was destroyed, suspected of sonic attack, the battle value of the Corpse King has been measured, 179"

Lin Long's face was ugly. The mighty corpse king combined with sonic attack was a disaster for them, even if Hong Ding couldn't carry the corpse king.

"Send another drone, hang from a distance, do not approach," Lin Long ordered.



"Why did the corpse tide stop?" Ye Mo looked at Chai Wen and asked.

Chai Wen closed his eyes, tried to listen to something, and then shook his head, "I don't know, but there was an explosion in the center of the tide just now. Judging from the sound, it came from high altitude."

Ye Mo and others meditate.

"You said it would not be a plane!" Zhang Wei said suddenly.

Other people's eyes brightened, not impossible.

"The probability is very low. Most of the electronic systems fail after the radiation. Even if the engineer can't be found in a short period of time, the engineers may have turned into zombies."

"It may not be a large aircraft. I have seen an unmanned aerial vehicle with a small size that can be repaired by an engineer."

"It is possible that if it is a drone, it means that the military is not far from here," Chai Wen concluded.

Ye Mo's face changed, and then he gritted his teeth. "Driving, bypassing the corpse tide, and turning to Jinling from the other side, we must determine whether the people in the Jinling Military Region are south."

"It's too dangerous for the captain, and it's just speculation, it's unlikely." Some people objected.

"It won't be very dangerous. As long as we can bypass the tide of corpses, there should be no zombies elsewhere. We have a lot of space for activities," Chai Wen said.

Tan Feng looked up and Shen said "If we go back now and find nothing, how can we tell the gathering place?".

The others were silent for a while, and Ye Mo consulted again and ordered the truck to go down at a high speed and drive through the dense forest on both sides to bypass the tide and head south.

The tide of corpses is very large. One hundred thousand zombies are scattered and scattered around the highway. It is not easy to get around the tide.

After more than an hour and Chai Wen's constant monitoring, the three trucks finally bypassed the corpse tide.

Coincidentally, the drone captured this scene aerially.

"Reported that three trucks came straight to Jinling"

"What?" Lin Long was pleasantly surprised. There was a survivor when there was a truck, and there must be a gathering place ahead.

"Always monitoring."



A dark shadow flashed through, and the tire of a truck in the front burst, Chai Wen said "cat-shaped mutant beast, be careful".

Tan Feng jumped out of the truck immediately, suddenly, there was a whistling in his ears, his sharp claws flickered to Han Feng's cheek, Tan Feng's body fluttered away from the blow, kicked out one leg, the mutant cat was kicked in the abdomen, He slammed on the wall not far away, and fled with a tragic sound. An iron rod was in the center of the cat's head, and the mutant cat was nailed to the wall.

At the moment of the cat's death, not far away, green pupils opened in the dark parts of the abandoned village, and snoring kept coming.

"No, there are many mutant mice, and we are surrounded," Chai Wen said in surprise.

Just as Chai Wen's words fell, countless basin-sized mice rushed towards the truck, and bloodthirsty pupils stared at the crowd as if they saw a delicious meal.

"Get off the whole car, kill the mutant mice, and we will rush out to form a queue." Ye Mo drank, and the members of the second group organized methodically according to the queue that killed the zombies.

One mutant mouse was killed. These mutant mice have only a level of strength, but the number of winners is extremely large. They ca n’t be killed at all. “I would n’t have slaughtered that cat if I knew it, and one cat would have so many mice. Not dare to move, biological nature "Zhang Wei said bitterly, that iron rod is still his."

"Who knows so many mice, kill them quickly," Su An comforted.

Xiao Qing and several other girls were hiding in the center, looking around in horror, pale and bloodless, even more scared than seeing the tide of corpses.

唧唧 唧唧 ~~

There are more and more mutant rat groups. Although everyone has the star crystal obtained by killing the zombies, the supplement of star power still can't keep up. After killing countless rats, they can walk out less than a kilometer. These mice are not afraid of death. He fluttered, and even Tan Feng felt very tired. He didn't use Tan's legs, and killed the rats with iron rods.

After half an hour, the mutant mice still did not decrease. The ground was covered with layers of mouse corpses, and the air was permeated with acrid blood, which made people nauseous. Ye Mo and others were exhausted and supported by their will.

At this time, a neat running sound came from the south, and Ye Mo and others were shocked. At this time, even the zombies came, not to mention that this running sound reminded them of the military. Only the military running sound was so neat.

"Aim, fire", the shells fell in front of Ye Mo and others, the bombardment came one after another, and the shells smashed the ground out of the potholes. The smell of gunpowder replaced the **** gas. Although the power of artillery can't keep up with the evolved ones, it is the best choice to deal with these mutant mice. The mutant mice that were not afraid of death fled in panic and disappeared in no time.

Ye Mo and others almost got down, tired, panting heavily, feeling a little like the rest of their lives.

After a while, the army appeared in front of the second group and so on. A captain officer saluted Ye Mojing, respectfully saying, "Are you a survivor in Suyang City?".

Ye Mo replied, "Yes, we are survivors in Suyang. Are you soldiers in the Jinling Military Region?"

"Yes, our sir is waiting for you, please come with us." After finishing, several soldiers repaired Ye Mo's truck and led the way. Ye Mo and others followed and headed south.

"Leader, we are not mistaken. They are really military people," Chai Wen said happily.

Others agree that the security of the army and artillery cannot give any more evolutionaries.

Only a few people, such as Tan Feng, had the same complexion and some worries in their eyes.

"What happened to Brother Tan?" Xiao Qing asked curiously.

"You guys, forgot Yan Xu?" Tan Feng said lowly.

As soon as this remark came out, the others were silent. Yeah, when the military area appeared, how could civilians be able to control the power of the gathering place? Yan Xu is a good example, but Yan Xu was only an orphaned widow from Shanghai. The Jinling Military Region is not the same as the one with thousands of troops. This is one of the seven major military regions in the country. Its conventional combat power is 320,000, which is not comparable to Yan Xu.

If the Jinling Military Region intervenes in the gathering place of Suyang, what will they do? What about the city owner? Life is certainly not as good as it is now. Maybe the requirements for these evolutionaries are the same as the requirements for soldiers. After all, each evolutionary has a lethality that exceeds ordinary people. It is an unstable factor identified by the military. This is unacceptable to free people.

Ye Mo groaned and said, "Thinking that this is useless now, the military will definitely want to control the gathering place. Even if we don't show up, they will find the gathering place after annihilating this corpse tide. This is a fact that cannot be changed. What we can do now is to ascertain the strength of the military and hope that the owner of the city can suppress the military. "

"The city owner must be able to suppress the military," Xiaoqing affirmed firmly, after many months of getting along, many people have blind worship and trust in Jiang Feng.

Others echoed that for Jiang Feng, they could not worship, lightning power, and the same ability as God.

Ye Mo and Tan Feng looked at each other. They didn't think so. Jiang Feng is very strong, but the army is not an ordinary place. With heavy firepower and the support of countless soldiers, it is easy to create a super strong. Jiang Feng wants to fight against the army. It ’s the same as a praying arm, but now it ’s useless to think about it. You can only take one step at a time, not to mention that not all soldiers are like Yan Xu. National soldiers, the patron saints of ordinary people, are mostly upright.