MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 18 Lin Xianxian-[17]

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Lin Xianxian hated the dark and closed environment. Before entering this school, she lived in a small dark room closed on all sides for quite a long time.

Dull, oppressive, suffocating.

Staying in such an environment, Lin Xianxian couldn't help but have some dark thoughts in her heart. Those tiny thoughts are like **** of wool, getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Xianxian sat by the wall, she had difficulty breathing, and the messy thoughts in her mind were infinitely magnified and filled her body.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on her body, and she shivered uncontrollably.

So annoying.

Why does everyone dangle in front of her eyes, why does everyone cause unnecessary trouble to her, why should she be locked up in this place.

Why did she encounter this kind of thing for no reason, why even if she didn't pay attention to it, those hateful guys didn't stop.

Lin Xianxian seemed to be able to vaguely hear the titters of those guys next to her ears, as well as the noisy and harsh voices of women when they taught her a lesson.

These noises suffocated her as much as the dark and closed environment around her.

What's so funny about it.

Lin Xianxian clenched her fingers tightly.

It should make them never laugh, it should make them feel the fear of facing darkness and being closed.

Fear, panic, sadness... She hoped that all these negative emotions would fall on those people, and replace the damned smiles on their faces with distorted and deformed expressions.

to die...

all to die.

The murmurs in the ear became more and more violent, besides those annoying laughter and scolding, there were some other noises.

That sound seemed a little different from the rest because it was so real.

It was someone's wailing for help, and there was a loud noise of tables and chairs being overturned and smashed down.

Lin Xianxian felt that the man's voice was a little familiar, and she seemed to hear this voice chattering in her ears often.

That is…

When she realized who it was, Lin Xianxian became clear in an instant.

She breathed heavily, as if she suddenly regained air when she was suffocated for a long time and was on the verge of death.

She propped herself on the ground, her eyes fixed on the ground, and after a long time, she slowly raised her eyes.

At this time, it was completely dark outside the window. With the faint light, Lin Xianxian saw that the tables and chairs placed around had overturned at some point.

There seemed to be someone lying in the chaos.

The man was wearing the new Ultraman sneakers he bought last week, but one of them was kicked away by himself, and it was buckling upside down on the ground not far away.

Lin Xianxian frowned slightly. She stood up while leaning on the wall, and walked around behind the table and chairs.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Lin Xianxian's eyes paused.

Zhang Chenkang's originally handsome and upright face had been distorted by an overly terrified expression.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth opened unconsciously, and he seemed to be trying very hard to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything, and could only make some breathy sounds of "ho ho".

Lin Xianxian saw a few bloodstains crawling on his cheeks and neck, which looked as if he had scratched them himself.

Lin Xianxian tilted her head slightly in doubt, she didn't know what happened.

She walked up to Zhang Chenkang, touched him with her toes, knelt down and asked:

"What are you doing..."

Lin Xianxian paused before finishing her sentence.

Because in the next moment, Zhang Chenkang moved his eyes to her with difficulty, and then he breathed more and more heavily, and finally let out a meaningless strange cry from his throat, which overshadowed Lin Xianxian's question.

Lin Xianxian saw that Zhang Chenkang seemed to be trying to touch something on the ground with his hands.

When he raised his hand, Lin Xianxian didn't have time to react, until the muffled sound of a sharp weapon plunging into flesh and blood came out, she subconsciously closed her eyes, half of her cheek was splashed with a piece of warm liquid.

She smelled a strong smell of blood.

Lin Xianxian was in a daze. She raised her hand to wipe her face. When she lowered her eyes, she saw the warm and sticky blood on her hand in the dark.

She stared at the heavy color for a long time, then blinked and looked at Zhang Chenkang on the ground.

She knew what Zhang Chenkang was looking for just now - a compasses.

The compasses had been stained crimson by Zhang Chenkang's blood, and it could be seen that the person who used it was very hard, because half of the metal tip of the compasses did not enter Zhang Chenkang's neck.

Warm blood gushed out from the hole in his neck continuously.

Zhang Chenkang tried his best to breathe with his mouth wide open, his expression was a little ferocious because of the pain.

Lin Xianxian looked at his slightly heaving chest, at his school uniform and the blood slowly spreading on the ground under him, and couldn't tell what he was feeling.

She didn't feel afraid, and the emotions in her heart were unclear.

She only looked at Zhang Chenkang, and murmured:

"Why do you want to die? I didn't want you to die, you shouldn't die."

Lin Xianxian was a little confused.

Later, she subconsciously bent her lips slightly, that smile matched with the ferocious bloodstain on half of her face, it was particularly creepy.

"Hey, let me say, it would be great if all those people died too..."

At the end of the memory, Ye Fei heard Lin Xianxian's words.

And the last picture before his eyes was Zhang Chenkang's pale face filled with fear.

Lin Xianxian is different from ordinary children. She is very closed in her heart and has been living in her own world. At the same time, she lacks empathy and empathy, and because she has no one to guide her, she cannot clearly distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

She is naturally resistant to the dark and claustrophobic environment, and after a long period of campus bullying, some dark thoughts that cannot be suppressed in her heart are more and more.

Lin Xianxian couldn't do those things before, so she never took action.

But that time in the equipment room, the long-standing resentment broke out once, and the strong desire affected her supernatural tendency, but Lin Xianxian didn't realize what kind of ability she possessed at the time, and she didn't know how to control it. The innocent boy who got too close became the first victim.

Zhang Chenkang's death opened Pandora's box.

After Lin Xianxian realized the abilities she possessed, her behavior became more and more uncontrollable. She launched a crazy revenge action. Five suicides appeared in Lujiang No. 3 Elementary School in just three days. All of them lost their emotions and died in miserable conditions. On the fourth day, sixteen third-grade students collectively experienced abnormalities. Fortunately, the police arrived in time this time and sent the children to the hospital immediately.

The inexplicable consecutive suicides made it look like a supernatural event. In the end, under the pressure of public opinion, the police locked down Lin Xianxian who appeared at the scene of the crime accurately every time.

Later, Lin Xianxian's abilities were exposed. In order to prevent the news from leaking and causing panic, Lin Xianxian was quickly secretly transferred to the central laboratory at that time, and handed over to the doctors and researchers at that time.

Lin Xianxian was the beginning of the supernatural era.

But at the same time, she is also like a key, opening another irreversible dark future.

Ye Fei frowned, regained consciousness, and a ray of light broke through the darkness in front of her eyes.

He opened his eyes, and the picture he saw was gradually superimposed by countless fuzzy double images, and finally fixed on the ceiling with cold white light tubes.

He hasn't calmed down for a while, looking at the ceiling for a long time, there is only one thought in his mind:

The environment is really bad enough, the walls are peeling off.

"…you're awake?"

A question brought Ye Fei back to God.

He froze for a moment, and looked in the direction of the sound belatedly.

It was a girl sitting in the back seat of him, who seemed to be the girl with supernatural powers who was with Xiao Gao.

"Ah." Ye Fei responded, propped herself up and sat up.

He was placed on several chairs that were put together, which were stiff, and his back hurt from lying down.

He rubbed his waist, looked up, and saw that he was back in the classroom of Class 3, Grade 3, but there was no one else in this place except him and the little girl.

Ye Fei turned on the light screen and looked at the time.

Twenty-three forty-nine.

Ye Fei was still a little dizzy, he put away the light screen, tapped his head, and asked:

"Why am I here?"

Chen Nuo's condition wasn't very good either, her "poor" health made her have a low-grade fever all day long.

Her voice was a little hoarse, and she explained:

"You fainted, sister Qin carried you back."

"I've been dizzy all day?"


"What about them?"

Hearing this question, Chen Nuo paused for a moment.

She looked out the window and said slowly:

"The hidden NPC appeared half an hour ago, as if he wanted to hurt Xianxian. A few of them went after her, but they haven't come back yet. I can't help them with my abilities, so I'll stay here and guard you."

"..." Ye Fei frowned.

No, if things were really as he thought, then the current situation... would be a bit unfavorable.

Ye Fei struggled in her heart for a moment.

In the end, with a strong sense of guilt, he looked at the sickly girl at the back table, and asked tentatively:

"That... girl, in your state, can you still use your powers now?"

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, Chen Nuo still nodded honestly, and asked softly and kindly:

"Barely, do you need me to do something?"

Ye Fei felt more guilty in his heart, he looked away, a little embarrassed:

"Yes. I may need you to bring something to them."


"..." Ye Fei couldn't hold back his old face, he pointed to himself:


There was an odd moment of silence.

Just when Ye Fei felt that he was about to be scolded, Chen Nuo who was opposite suddenly turned his face upright.

She seriously asked:

"Excuse me, is what you are going to do important and important?"

Ye Fei froze for a moment, then put away her joking look, and nodded:


Chen Nuo lowered his eyes, propped himself on the table and stood up unsteadily.

She looked like she could be blown down by a gust of wind, but she still said firmly:

"Okay, I will try my best, and please be sure to succeed."

Moving at a high speed, the wind was whistling by Ye Fei's ears.

No matter how shameless he was, it was impossible for Chen Nuo to carry him away, but he really needed Chen Nuo's speed ability, so in the end he asked Chen Nuo to grab his wrist and run with him as hard as he could.

Of course, it is more accurate to use "drag".

Chen Nuo's thin body exploded with astonishing energy. Her ability rating was not high, and her physical fitness was only in the middle and lower levels. At this time, she was already seriously overstretching herself.

She took Ye Fei to search all the places where Qin Jing and the others might be at the fastest speed. Before she lost her strength, they found the figures of those people on the rooftop.

When Ye Fei and Chen Nuo opened the roof door, the time jumped to 23:58.

As soon as Chen Nuo opened the door, he couldn't hold on any longer and fainted to the ground. Ye Fei hurriedly protected the back of her head, helped her and put her on the ground.

At the same time, he raised his eyes to see the picture in front of him clearly, and his heart tightened:

"Xiao Gao, stop hitting!"

When he arrived, Qin Jing was fighting with Zhang Chenkang, Lin Xianxian hid behind, watching Zhou Zhengning twist the Rubik's Cube indifferently.

Indeed, as Ye Fei said, the black mist behind Zhang Chenkang is not real. Qin Jing suffered a lot from this, but soon she found that as long as Zhang Chenkang's body was restrained, he couldn't distract himself from controlling the fog.

Zhang Chenkang retreated again and again under her offensive, but the strange thing was that he always only defended against Qin Jing, and never really attacked her.

From beginning to end, his target was Lin Xianxian who was behind Qin Jing.

After hearing Ye Fei's voice, Qin Jing froze for a moment and stopped moving.

She looked back subconsciously:

"What's the meaning??"

Ye Fei definitely couldn't explain it to her in this situation.

He got up from the ground, wanting to hug Lin Xianxian first. But just as he was approaching, Lin Xianxian suddenly glanced back at him.

There were no waves in her eyes, and under the gloomy night, there seemed to be a slight light in her eyes.

The night wind passed by the roof, messing up the broken hair on Lin Xianxian's forehead. She narrowed her eyes slightly and moved her lips.

she says:


"You're really nosy."

After saying this, Lin Xianxian suddenly pushed Zhou Zhengning hard, and ran in the opposite direction.

Zhou Zhengning was unprepared and staggered a step by her push. Seeing that Lin Xianxian was about to run, he subconsciously reached out to grab her, but in the end he could only touch a piece of Lin Xianxian's clothing.

Lin Xianxian ran out into the open space just like that, and escaped from Qin Jing's protection.

Zhang Chenkang reacted quickly, and the black mist behind him swam out like lightning, bypassing Qin Jing in an instant, strangling Lin Xianxian's neck.

He was extremely fast, and arrived at Lin Xianxian's side in a few seconds. Then, the one holding her neck changed from the black mist to Zhang Chenkang's hand. He easily lifted Lin Xianxian and stood on the edge of the roof.

Lin Xianxian was so pinched by him that she couldn't breathe. Her face was pale, but she didn't struggle at all, and she was even smiling.

She looked at Zhang Chenkang and asked:

"You caught me again?"

Zhang Chenkang just looked at her silently and didn't answer.

Zhang Chenkang like this is always a little bit different from the appearance in Lin Xianxian's memory. Because in the past, this person always had obvious emotions on his face. He was smiling most of the time. When he smiled, his eyes would bend into crescent moons, making him look ugly and silly.

And in this game, this guy always has a numb expression like a wooden face, even if Lin Xianxian tries hard to control his emotions, it won't help.

Here he doesn't like ham pie, and he doesn't like Altman, like an empty shell with no skin but no soul.

Like last time, Zhang Chenkang pinched her neck and slowly lifted her to the outside.

Lin Xianxian's feet were in the air, but she wasn't afraid at all.

Instead, she gave Zhang Chen Kang a light smile:


Lin Xianxian narrowed her eyes slightly, and her tone suddenly became harsh:

"This time, it's your turn to die."

Just a second before Zhang Chenkang was about to let go, someone pulled Lin Xianxian back by his wrist.

Qin Jing kicked Zhang Chenkang's arm joints, and his arm was instantly bent to the outside. At the same time, the hand on Lin Xianxian's neck loosened.

He was originally standing on the edge of the roof, but at this moment he was hit suddenly, and his body fell out uncontrollably because of the force of the blow.

Everything happens in an instant.

Qin Jing hugged Lin Xianxian and put her in a safe place. And Zhang Chenkang disappeared on the edge of the rooftop together with the black mist behind him.

A moment later, there was a muffled sound from downstairs.

"Damn, Sister Qin is so handsome."

Zhou Zhengning witnessed everything just now, and he was relieved at this moment.

The BOSS is finally resolved, and the time seems to be approaching.

Zhou Zhengning turned on the time bar on the light screen.

Fifty-nine minutes and a half, and in half a minute, everyone will be able to get out of this ghost place.

Zhou Zhengning has never been so relaxed. He twisted the Rubik's Cube all day while sick, and he almost vomited. Relaxing now, he subconsciously wants to see the reactions of his teammates and enjoy the joy of passing the level with them.

Zhou Zhengning looked at Ye Fei.

But he found that Ye Fei's reaction seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

Ye Fei's body was covered with dust dragged from the ground, her hair was much messier than usual, and she looked extremely embarrassed. But he himself didn't seem to care much, he just looked at Lin Xianxian over there with a very calm expression.

Although he found it strange, Zhou Zhengning didn't think too much about it. Maybe the boss just took victory for granted.

He looked back at the time bar on the light screen.

Fifty-nine minutes and forty-five seconds.

Fifteen seconds more...

The idea in Zhou Zhengning's mind just came to the fore, and he got stuck halfway.

Zhou Zhengning opened his eyes slightly, and unconsciously held his breath.

He saw that the time on the light screen seemed to stop at this number.

Zhou Zhengning didn't believe in evil, he counted the seconds silently in his heart, but after three seconds passed, the number still showed no signs of changing.

He hoped that there was something wrong with the light screen.

After a short period of confusion, Zhou Zhengning swallowed, slowly raised his eyes, followed Ye Fei's line of sight, and looked at Lin Xianxian who was opposite him.

At the same time, Zhou Zhengning heard a familiar system prompt.

…that was a nightmare.


[Mainline NPC Lin Xianxian confirmed dead]

【Player game failed】

[NPC forced clearing is in progress]

Lin Xianxian was standing on the edge of the roof, looking down, as if confirming Zhang Chenkang's body.

Afterwards, she straightened her waist, raised her hands expressionlessly and brushed the short hair behind her ears.

She glanced back. At that time, the cold night wind blew by, lifting the hair on her cheeks and slightly blocking the smile on her lips.


[Only one step away from success, what a regrettable ending]

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