MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 24 Games Lobby

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Outside the game, Eden.

Cen Lin raised his chin slightly, looking at the beehive outside the Garden of Eden through the translucent protective cover.

The border of the Garden of Eden is surrounded by a large area of ​​green grass. Because there is a central controller in the protective cover to adjust the temperature and humidity at any time, the Garden of Eden will always stop in the season suitable for survival.

At this time, small daisies were blooming everywhere on the grass, swaying gently with the passing wind, looking peaceful for years.

"Sir." The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses handed Cen Lin a breathing mask.

Cen Lin glanced at him lightly, then raised his hand to tie up his long flame red hair, took the mask and put it on his face.


The female voice came from through the mask, a little muffled.

The guards not far away responded and pressed the button, and the translucent protective cover split a gap in the middle.

The pale white light dissipated, and the inside of the protective cover was full of vitality, while the world outside the gap was a piece of lifeless gray.

Unlike the clear sky in the Garden of Eden, the sky outside the protective cover is covered with dark clouds. At a glance, the gray high-rise buildings similar to buildings are closely attached, and the rooms are densely packed together, which is so oppressive that it is breathless, just like its name - beehive.

A gust of wind blows through, and enters the Garden of Eden along the gap of the protective cover. The grass and daisies that touch the outside air turn yellow and wither instantly, and are particularly eye-catching in the vibrant green.

Cen Lin's eyes fell on the withered little daisy. For a moment, she looked away and stepped out of the protective cover first.

High-heeled prosthetics set foot on the lifeless crimson soil of the hive.

Decades ago, there was a long and large-scale war between supernatural beings and ordinary humans. In the end, ordinary human beings used nuclear weapons in exchange for victory in the war and established the current status of the White Tower, but the price they paid was the irreversible deterioration of the world environment.

Nuclear radiation, acid rain, earthquakes, tsunamis... Disasters are raging, and the planet has lost the tenderness that nourishes the living beings. Human beings have to use protective covers to build "Eden" suitable for survival everywhere on the ruins.

But the capacity of the Garden of Eden is limited, and dangerous elements full of uncertainties like supernatural beings are naturally not qualified to live here.

Cen Lin raised his chin slightly and looked at the residential area not far away.

Afterwards, she raised her hand, and hundreds of guards were ordered to move, and the monthly random inspections began.

The White Tower once tailored a set of laws for the supernatural beings to limit their actions to the greatest extent so as not to affect the daily life of other orthodox humans.

The White Tower also strictly controls the supernatural beings. In addition to the order guards stationed on 24-hour shifts in the hive, there will be a routine inspection in the middle of each month, led by the superiors of the order guards in person, to check for possible abnormalities in the hive. Unstable factors emerged.

Cen Lin was in a good mood today, so he personally participated in this operation.

Because of her arrival, the order guards cleared the area ahead of time, and the people on the street were driven to corners and searched one by one.

The hive residents are all supernatural beings, and they will be forced to wear a bulky black monitoring ring around their necks for surveillance. The monitoring ring can detect the energy fluctuations on them in real time, so that they can call the police in time when they use their abilities without authorization.

The guards locked the hands of the street residents one by one, pressed them to the ground and searched them.

Some people are used to cooperating obediently, while others are struggling in vain. The noise of the crowd fills the street.

"Guardian son of a bitch, what's wrong with me sticking a shield on the dog pen? Why don't I want to be a dog for you?? Stop **** me!"

"Hey, no, I didn't do anything! Why do you say I have a problem?!"

"There is a child in my family, he can't live by himself, please, please don't take me away..."

Cen Lin was walking in the center of the road, with someone cursing and crying beside him.

Hearing the last sentence, she stopped, glanced at the woman kneeling and begging over there, and asked:

"You have children?"

Hearing Cen Lin's question, the woman froze for a moment, as if she had found a life-saving straw, she took a few steps on her knees to face her, clasping her hands together in a begging gesture:

"Yes, my husband is already in Baita Prison, and my child is only two years old. I really can't live without my mother..."

"Well, the little ones do need care."

Cen Lin nodded, there was no emotion in his eyes:

"Then, take the child with you."

The expression on the woman's face was blank for a moment, and then she was pale and limp on the ground.

Cen Lin lightly withdrew his gaze and looked forward again.

That's when she saw a little girl run out from under the guards and stumble into the center of the road.

The girl looked five or six years old, her clothes were very old, her calf-length hair was long, her face was dirty, but her eyes were bright.

When she got to the middle of the road, she didn't continue to run, but stood still not far away, staring straight at Cen Lin.

Cen Lin raised his eyebrows slightly.

The guards next to her came forward to catch her, but she didn't run away.

But just when the guard was about to touch her, there was a sound of piercing through the air and a muffled sound. The guard was hit by something, staggered two steps, and fell to the ground.

A pebble fell, rolled twice on the ground, and did not move.

"Step by step! Run!"

There was a shout from the corner of the street.

When the little girl named Bubu heard this voice, she took two steps back as if she had just woken up from a dream, turned around and ran away.

Some guards wanted to chase them, but within two steps they were blocked by stones smashed through the ground.

A young man with a cropped head rushed out from the corner, he held a pebble between his fingers, and with a flick of his arm, six pebbles rolled and hit, and the stone body almost rubbed sparks in the air.

"Damn it, you **** guards, I've put up with you for a long time!"

Seeing this change, the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses hurriedly stepped forward to block Cen Lin, but was quickly kicked away by Cen Lin.

Cen Lin conveniently removed a laser heavy machine gun from the bodyguard beside him, deflected the cobblestone flying towards him with one shot, and then aimed another shot at the short-haired boy, the bullet was fired, but the boy rolled and dodged .

Someone probably started it. After the short-haired boy cursed, the long-standing grievances of the hive residents could no longer hold back.

Someone tore off the monitoring ring around his neck, knocked down the guards around him with one punch, and resisted with the inch-headed boy. Some people took advantage of the chaos and fled, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

It's a mess.

Cen Lin took a deep breath, and reloaded the machine gun in his hand expressionlessly.

For a moment, gunshots and wailing mixed together, filling the entire block.

Cen Lin stepped on the body of the short-haired boy and shot two more shots with his lowered eyes.

At this time, many corpses were lying in the streets that were already dirty. The surrounding buildings collapsed after being bombed, and the ruins were burning with fire and gunpowder smoke.

The black smoke rose into the sky and melted into the dark clouds, and there were crying sounds from afar. At a glance, it looked like hell.

Cen Lin glanced at the mob that had been controlled, then looked down at the time, and said to himself:

"An unexpected situation occurred, and it took fifteen minutes longer than originally planned."

However, before the end of Cen Lin's words fell, another person ran up in a panic behind him:


Cen Lin dropped the gun in his hand, and took a wet towel from the secretary beside him to wipe his fingers:


The man who came running was panting, his whole body trembling with fear:

"Gilt, Gilt Casino... something happened!"


Cen Lin's face was slightly gloomy.

She raised the corners of her lips coolly, and commented:

"a terrible day."

She kicked away the body of the short-haired boy, turned around and prepared to return to the Garden of Eden, and ordered:

"On May 6th, there was a riot in the southern area of ​​the Hive. Ask the person in charge of the southern area to come to me before afternoon. Remember to remind him to arrange his own funeral before coming."


The secretary had no expression on his face, obviously he was used to this kind of thing for a long time.

Gilt Casino.

The gilt casino, which used to be full of people every day, was now empty and deserted. When Cen Lin came, there were still many people running out with pale faces.

The tables and chairs in the arena were overturned, and there were even shoes that someone lost.

An underground researcher from the casino ran over in a panic, and Cen Lin looked him up and down:

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

"Yes, yes..." The researcher nodded like a chicken pecking rice:

"It's Ye... No, Experiment One. It's Experiment One. He used the ability 'space interference' of Sample No. 8 in the game. This caused an error in the game system, and involved most of the casino's guests in the game!"


Cen Lin looked up at the playback on the side screen.

In the center of the screen is Ye Fei's magnified face.

His hair was slightly disheveled, almost covering his eyes. He put his index finger on his lips, and slightly bent the corners of his lips:


Cen Lin saw a scarlet light flash in his eyes.

In the next moment, the picture distorted and turned into a full screen of variegated light spots, and the video ended here.

Cen Lin had a more difficult expression on her face, and she sneered:

"I underestimated him, but he really dared. It seems that in his heart, giving me trouble is a much higher priority than I imagined."

The researcher didn't dare to answer, and stood there looking down at his toes.

The venue was quiet for a while, and finally the secretary next to Cen Lin asked tentatively:

"Miss, now..."

Cen Lin glanced at him:

"What do you think should be done?"

The secretary was stopped by the question, and after a moment of silence, he chose a well-behaved answer:

"Pause the game process, open the logout channel, and rescue the players who entered the game by mistake first? After all, ordinary people entering the game will endanger their lives..."

"That's right." Cen Lin interrupted him, narrowing his eyes slightly:

"It was my mistake that I did not give him enough restrictions before launching Ye Fei. Now it seems that not only the plan did not have the expected effect, but he is quite comfortable in it, which is really uncomfortable. Go call the secret service team Come."

"Yes." The secretary nodded.

Seeing this, the researcher on the opposite side carefully asked:

"Sir, should the game be paused?"

"Pause? Why stop? The game continues."

"But the guests..."

Someone moved a chair over, Cen Lin sat on it, and untied his long hair tied behind his head:

"It's their bad luck to be involved, and I shouldn't bear the loss for it."

After a pause, she said:

"Remember to completely block the news about what happened today. I don't care what method you use. Tomorrow, I want the Gilt Casino to open normally. If a little bit of news leaks and affects the business, you know the consequences. Ye Fei made me lose a lot of money, so , I don't want to hear any more bad news about it."

Cen Lin raised his eyebrows slightly:


Games Lobby.

"Xiao Gao, hurry up, there is only one person left, and you haven't entered yet."

Ye Fei's call came from a few steps away, and the players next to him looked sideways. Qin Jing noticed those gazes on her, and for a moment just wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Help, why did she come to the central square at this time, why did she go up to talk to Ye Fei, why did she have to agree to join Ye Fei's **** team.

Qin Jing felt that she had never been so ashamed in her life.

"Understood, right away, don't rush!"

Qin Jing had a bit of a breakdown, and finally gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, ready to click on the team invitation on the light screen.

However, just when she was about to touch the word "confirmation", a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy suddenly rushed to the side, slapped her hand away, and then attacked her with a claw.

The surrounding players exclaimed and retreated quickly, no one wanted to affect themselves.

Although it is said that the game lobby does not restrict players from fighting privately, but the same is the world's degenerates, and it is too late for the players inside to save their lives. Unless there are some special circumstances, no one will take the initiative to provoke trouble in the lobby.

Qin Jing didn't expect that she would be attacked suddenly. She didn't know this boy, and she didn't know why he suddenly attacked.

Qin Jing has a bad temper, she was too lazy to ask, she saw that the boy had no room for tricks, so she simply activated the ability, and wanted to deal with him as soon as possible so that she could go to the game.

But to her surprise, this boy is much stronger than she expected.

Qin Jing specialized in physical skills before, and with the increase in her body strengthening, she is already considered a top existence in melee combat. But facing this boy at this time, she was not able to gain the absolute upper hand for a while.

Qin Jing had a bad premonition, she subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei.

It turned out that the **** guy was looking up at the sky, and he didn't know what he was doing. The next moment, a white light flashed, and both he and Zhou Zhengning were drawn into the login space.

At that time, the young man who was entangled with Qin Jing raised his voice and said:

"Boss! Hurry up, this woman is so good at fighting, I can't handle it anymore!"

Qin Jing saw a red shadow flashing by her side.

The man stood in front of the login panel and clicked Confirm very calmly.

Afterwards, he walked through the crowd and looked at Qin Jing, slightly curling his lips with a provocative smile.

Red clothes, long hair.

Even with the eye color modifying mirror on, Qin Jing still recognized that the man was...

Jian Lingxi.


[The number of people in group A of the login port is full, and the dungeon is being distributed...]

【Copy selected】

【Zhouhai Fourth Hospital (Grade A)】

The author has something to say:

Two more and two more later