MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 25 Loading……

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When Zhou Zhengning woke up from the coma, he smelled a nice smell of the sun shining on the green grass.

The strong light made him frown slightly, and he raised his hand to cover his eyes, trying to block the light.

Zhou Zhengning opened his eyes with difficulty.

Everything in front of me was blindingly white at first under the strong light. After a few seconds, the white light dissipated and the surrounding scenes gradually became clear.

Zhou Zhengning finds that you are lying on a piece of grass. This is like a backyard somewhere, surrounded by green metal fences, and the scene outside the fence is nothingness.

The scorching sun above his head made his skin ache, and when he touched it with his hand, even his hair became hot.

He was a little dazed, sat up propping himself up, looked around, and found Ye Fei who was also lying on the grass not far from him.

As for the other teammates... it doesn't seem to be here.

Zhou Zhengning didn't play many games, but the previous loading spaces were all closed spaces without exception, just like the third class classroom last time.

but now…

Zhou Zhengning got up from the ground, ran to Ye Fei and squatted down, reached out and shook his shoulder:

"Ms. Ye, wake up, this loading space seems a bit strange."

Ye Fei's body shook twice under his movements, but did not respond.

He has always slept badly, Zhou Zhengning didn't take it seriously, just increased the intensity of the shaking, as if rolling out noodles. It wasn't until he saw Ye Fei frowned that he stopped the wake-up call.

Zhou Zhengning raised his hand to block the scorching sun above his head, stretched his neck hard to look elsewhere, and said:

"Look, the loading space is actually open this time. Do we have to find teammates?"

Zhou Zhengning didn't pay attention to his side, he only heard the rustling sound of the cloth rubbing against each other, probably Ye Fei got up.

But he waited for a while, but did not wait for Ye Fei's response.

Zhou Zhengning froze for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei.

But when he turned around, he was startled, and he shivered back in fright:


It was true that the person next to him was Ye Fei, but his eyes turned blood red at some point.

When Zhou Zhengning turned his head, this man was staring at him expressionlessly from a short distance away. With his red pupils and Ye Fei's pale complexion, he looked very much like the vampire duke in the story.

Zhou Zhengning thought that he was going to be bitten to death, and his heart beat with fright.

He moved back, his voice trembling:

"You, what's wrong with you, Teacher Ye?"

Ye Fei's eyes are always hidden in the shadow of falling hair, whenever he is expressionless, he always looks a little gloomy.

After hearing Zhou Zhengning's question, Ye Fei narrowed her eyes slightly, then bent her lips and smiled.

The stagnant and dangerous aura dissipated, and he returned to his previous idle appearance.

He stretched himself:

"What's the matter? It's nothing. What can I do?"

That's what he said, but Zhou Zhengning was not completely relieved.

He raised his finger and pointed:

"your eyes…?"

Ye Fei froze for a moment.

He rubbed his eyes:

"It's nothing, it's not a problem, it's an old problem, maybe it will heal after a while."

"Oh..." Zhou Zhengning nodded, but still couldn't help looking at him twice.

It was also at that time that the system prompt sounded in the loading space:


[Game refresh, dungeon loading—]

【Location: Zhouhai Fourth Hospital】

[Mainline NPC: Mo Enthalpy]

【Rating: A】

【Number of people: 6 people】


[Because the loading space is too large this time, the distribution of players is random, please gather players within ten minutes before entering information]

"Sure enough, I'm going to find someone."

After listening to the system broadcast, Zhou Zhengning took a look at Ye Fei and saw that Ye Fei was looking at the surrounding environment with his hands behind his back, so he called out with some uncertainty:

"Let's go? Teacher Ye."

Ye Fei seemed to be in a daze, he stared at something, but didn't respond.

"Ms. Ye?"


After Zhou Zhengning called him again, Ye Fei came back to his senses:

"Well, let's go."

If the dungeon is located in a hospital, then they are probably in the green area circled behind the hospital building. Generally speaking, this area is for patients to relax. After all, as we all know, nine times out of ten the "Fourth Hospital" is a mental hospital.

"Tsk, I don't know if Sister Qin came in."

Zhou Zhengning sighed, and he walked along the path beside the grass, trying to see if he could get around to the front yard, maybe he could find a few other teammates.

The sky is clear and cloudless, and the sun above the head seems to be a whole circle bigger than it is in reality. The opposite is the excessively hot temperature in the space.

Even though the path was shaded by trees along the way, Zhou Zhengning still broke into a thin layer of sweat.

He followed the path along the back wall of the hospital building to the wall, and just after turning the corner, he met the three people on the opposite road.

There was a small square between them, the distance was too far, Zhou Zhengning couldn't see clearly, so he could only confirm that there were three people there.

He jumped up on the spot, waved at the three of them as a signal, and trotted over there.

At the same time, the system sends out a prompt sound entered by the player:

[It has been detected that five players have arrived at the open space on the south side of Zhouhai Fourth Hospital]

[The following is the player entry—]

【Reading ranking—】

【Hope Squad】

[576, Liu Shan]

【573, Zhang Xiuhua】

[080, Ren Huayan]

【A shockingly amazing team】

[160, Zhou Zhengning]

【001, Ye Fei】

Hearing this broadcast, Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment.

All he met in the previous games were individual players. This was the first time he heard the team's broadcasting method, which was a bit novel.


Zhou Zhengning looked back at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was still swaying slowly behind, looking left and right as if sightseeing, he didn't seem to care too much about the system broadcast.

Zhou Zhengning was a little worried:

"Ms. Ye, the last player should be Sister Qin, right?"

Ye Fei shrugged:

"Or maybe not?"

"No way... As long as we tie up the team, the system will definitely divide us into a game, and there will be no mistakes. Unless the last place in the game is occupied by someone before Sister Qin enters the team."

Zhou Zhengning was a little worried, but he thought about it after a while. After all, Qin Jing is a high-ranking 51st player, and there will be no accidents in the single-player game. Even if he can't get together this time, he can be together next time.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother anymore, and trotted towards the three players in the hope team.

But when Zhou Zhengning got closer, he realized that their three teammates seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

I hope that the three players in the team are a combination of one boy and two girls, and one of the little girls looks about fourteen or fifteen years old. She was wearing a beautiful floral suspender dress, she looked sweet, and her long hair was tied in two loose braids. She looks like a gentle and lovely little princess.

It's just that she frowned slightly, as if she was worried about something.

The other two... Zhou Zhengning called the elder grandpa and grandma by visual inspection.

Grandpa is a bit hunchbacked, with short gray hair, dark skin, and wrinkles on his face, but he looks very simple and kind. He was pushing a wheelchair, and an old woman about his age sat in the wheelchair.

Although grandma was old, she was well dressed, her white hair was coiled up, and she was wearing a dark cheongsam with a long shawl hanging down to cover her legs and feet.

"Hi, I'm..." Zhou Zhengning approached, suddenly a little shy.

He scratched his head:

"I am, I am Zhou Zhengning from that team."

Although the name of their team looks very cool, it is somewhat embarrassing for Zhou Zhengning to pronounce it openly.

On the contrary, the little girl opposite seemed to be sizing him up.

Seeing that Zhou Zhengning did not express dissatisfaction with the composition of their team, but greeted him very friendly, Ren Huayan chuckled in relief, revealing two small dimples on her cheeks:

"An amazing team? Your names are so cool. Hello, my name is Ren Huayan."

Ren Huayan stretched out her hand, and Zhou Zhengning noticed that she was wearing a braided red rope on her right hand.

He didn't look much, shook hands with Ren Huayan politely, and asked:

"Have you seen our other teammate? It seems that there is one more person missing."

"No, we came from the courtyard to the west, and there are only people from our team there."

With that said, Ren Huayan looked past Zhou Zhengning, and looked at Ye Fei who was swaying slowly behind him:

"That is…?"

Zhou Zhengning followed her gaze and glanced:

"Oh, that's our captain Ye Fei."

Ye Fei probably heard Zhou Zhengning's words, he smiled and waved to Ren Huayan.

At this moment, Ren Huayan saw Ye Fei's red eyes clearly, she was stunned for a moment, and raised her hand a little at a loss as a response.


At that moment, everyone heard a light sound of the door lock opening and closing not far away.

Zhou Zhengning looked over there subconsciously, and saw that the door of the hospital building was pushed open from the inside. Then, a piece of red clothes floated out, and a person walked out from the door.

The man was tall and had long legs. He was wearing a dark red windbreaker jacket. His half-length hair was **** at the back of his head. He looked...

Very handsome, that's all Zhou Zhengning could describe.

【Individual player】

【002, Jian Lingxi】


Hearing this name, Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded.

who? Jian Lingxi? ?

He subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was standing not far behind him, he looked straight at Jian Lingxi over there, a little surprised, and didn't speak.

Jian Lingxi didn't say anything, he walked down the steps at the gate and walked towards them.

Zhou Zhengning noticed that from the beginning to the end, his eyes were on Ye Fei.

Zhou Zhengning remembered the story he had heard before, about Jian Lingxi squatting on Ye Fei in the central square for several days.

Could it be that these two people really have enmity? won't fight now...

Zhou Zhengning was a little worried, his eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.

He saw that Ye Fei's originally frowning brows stretched out, replaced by a trace of interest in his brows and eyes.

Ye Fei curled her lips and gave a chuckle, her red pupils were full of smiles, she looked at Jian Lingxi who was opposite her, and the ending of her voice rose slightly:

"It is you."

Jian Lingxi squinted her eyes, her eyes seemed a little cold.

He raised his brows lightly, without any expression on his face, and only responded to Ye Fei's words with silence.

Zhou Zhengning hasn't figured out the situation yet:

"Huh? Teacher Ye, didn't you say you didn't know each other? Have you met?"

"Yes, I've seen it." Ye Fei's smile deepened:

"We met once, didn't we?"

The latter sentence was obviously addressed to Jian Lingxi, but Jian Lingxi didn't seem in the mood to answer him.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhou Zhengning seemed to smell a faint smell of gunpowder.

[The player information is loaded, please wait patiently for the dungeon to load, and do not leave the loading space]


[It is detected that the overall strength of the player is far beyond the recommended range of A-level dungeons. For the sake of game balance and player experience, the system will slightly modify the game mechanism]


[Modification plan lock]

[The game has been changed from PVE mode to PVP mode]

【Faction Allocation】

[Hope Squad, A Shocking Magical Squad VS Individual Player 002 Jian Lingxi]


[The copy is loaded, the game is about to log in]

[I wish all players a happy game! 】

The author has something to say:

Starting tomorrow, it will be updated at 15 o'clock normally, kiss kiss kiss kiss