MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 29 Mo Enthalpy-[04]

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Ye Fei received four "treatments", totaling 80 minutes.

He had heard of this "cure."

Formal psychiatric treatment did include electroshock therapy, but it was fundamentally different from what he was experiencing now.

This electric shock method is more like a punishment than a treatment.

In addition to the pain, Ye Fei also felt a deep sense of powerlessness in the electric current.

His memory fell into chaos, he was in the basement at one time, and at another time in the treatment room. The familiar sense of chaos lingered. The doctors around him seemed to be asking him questions non-stop. Ye Fei couldn't hear clearly, so he could only respond instinctively.

He didn't have any specific feelings about how long the time had passed. It wasn't until the doctor behind him smiled and said "The treatment is over" and helped him loosen the binding belt that he felt alive again.

Overall, the end of treatment should be a great thing.

But when he left the treatment room, the four teammates outside the door looked dignified. They didn't look like they were welcoming him to end the treatment, but they seemed to be attending his memorial service.

The electric shock brought Ye Fei only torture, and did not bring him any substantial harm. Ye Fei didn't think it was anything, but obviously other people didn't think so.

Among them, the little girl Huayan was the saddest. She pursed her lips, her eyes were full of tears, but she still pretended to be strong, and whispered to Ye Fei:

"I'm sorry...thank you."

"Hey, don't cry."

Ye Fei raised her hand and rubbed the top of her hair:

"I can't die."


Ren Huayan was even more sad, she lowered her head, tears fell on her toes:

"It won't die, it will hurt."

Hearing this, Ye Fei froze for a moment.

He bent his lips subconsciously, wanting to say something to comfort the little girl, but before he could speak, he frowned slightly.

Ye Fei looked up into the corridor.

The corridors in front of him were layer upon layer, becoming a double image in his eyes.

The nurse next to me is saying:

"Go back after the treatment. Remember that you are not allowed to leave the ward for activities after nine o'clock in the evening. If someone knocks on the door after nine o'clock, you must not open it. Of course, the most important thing is that you are not allowed to run around in the ward, and you are not allowed to contact the outside world privately. If If you need to contact parents, we will arrange for you this weekend."

In the end, the nurse's voice became more and more ethereal, and it fell into Ye Fei's ears, a little hard to hear.

The world in front of his eyes became more and more blurred, and in a trance, he only saw that he seemed to be getting closer to the ground.

Someone nearby is shouting:


"... Teacher Ye!"

If Ye Fei had to choose one word to describe his life in the White Tower Laboratory, "life would be better than death" would definitely be his first choice.

Not to mention other messy experiments, just talking about the one-year "sleep deprivation" is enough to destroy human nature.

Ye Fei didn't know who was clever enough to come up with such a way to torture him.

But I have to say that the man stepped on the spot very accurately.

Although "Absolute Healing" can heal his body and spirit, it cannot replace his needs for food and sleep. All it can do is to maintain Ye Fei's most basic body functions and allow him to maintain his sanity during the long-term torture. As for going crazy.

But compared to death, being unable to die is more terrifying.

Those guys would strap him to a seat, and whenever he couldn't stay awake, they would electrocute him forcibly.

Ye Fei couldn't describe that feeling, in short, nothing could be more uncomfortable than that.

He was afraid of the pain caused by the electric shock, so he tried to stay awake.

But when the drowsiness reached the extreme, he thought again, forget it, the pain will hurt, before that, even if he can earn five seconds.

Such thoughts appeared in his mind again and again, and Ye Feiren was not sober in the end. He didn't know how long the experiment lasted, or what the result was. He only knew that the sleep deprivation had brought him a lot.

For example, the heavy color in the eyes that cannot be removed, the sleepiness that cannot be dissipated after a long sleep, and the physical fitness that is obviously not as good as before.

Ye Fei's memory is not good, and he will selectively forget many things.

It's a pity that the broken treatment in this broken hospital reminded him of the fear of being dominated by electric current.

However, along with those negative feelings came...

There is also a voice in his mind, which is mixed in the broken memory and echoes in his ears, as ethereal as the wind.

That is…

"...Ye Ye."

Ye Fei opened his eyes abruptly, and a panic surged in his heart.

He raised his hand to caress his heart, and when he didn't even realize it, he clenched the cloth around his heart tightly.

It took him a long time to realize that what he saw was not the oppression and darkness of the underground laboratory, but the white ceiling of the ward.

Zhou Zhengning was sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him, studying his Rubik's Cube with his head down. As for Mo Han...Ye Fei took a look, he was still drawing.

"Miss Ye, you're awake. You suddenly fainted in the afternoon and scared me to death. Are you okay, is there any discomfort?"

Zhou Zhengning threw the Rubik's Cube aside.

"It's okay, I won't die, don't worry."

Ye Fei closed her eyes, then sat up.

He frowned, the strangeness in his heart hadn't dissipated, but after a pause, he suddenly forgot what he was palpitating just now.

Ye Fei recalled to no avail, and simply stopped thinking about it.

Most of what he can forget is not important.

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and when she looked sideways, she saw the piece of paper that Zhou Zhengning put beside her.

The paper was crumpled, and on it was written the third-order Rubik's Cube recovery formula. It was written by Ye Fei when he stayed up all night in the last game when he had nothing to do.

At that time, writing this stuff was just a matter of convenience, but I didn't expect Zhou Zhengning to keep it:

"You still have it."

"Yes, I am determined to solve this Rubik's Cube."

Zhou Zhengning handed the Rubik's Cube to Ye Fei. Looking at it, his head was about to grow big.

Ye Fei looked down at the six sides of the Rubik's Cube, twisted it casually, and asked:

"Good pudding, why do you awaken the Rubik's Cube ability if you don't know how to play? Logically speaking, the ability you will awaken should be linked to the strongest desire at the moment of awakening."

"Yeah..." Speaking of this, Zhou Zhengning was a little embarrassed, his face turned red with embarrassment:

"At that time, I was in English class. I was a scumbag and I couldn't understand it. When I was fishing in class, I thought, 'It's so boring, I wish I could have a toy to relieve my boredom. There are more of these."

"Huh?" Zhou Zhengning's experience was outrageous enough, and the more Ye Fei thought about it, the more amusing he became:

"Then you have been in love with this little Rubik's Cube for so many years? Why didn't you learn?"

"I don't have time to learn." Zhou Zhengning suddenly became depressed:

"I was discovered within two days of awakening my ability, and then I set up the ability monitoring ring. With the monitoring ring, we can't use the ability casually. Well, the key point is that I didn't think I would use this ability at the time. One day, I have not learned."

"It was discovered within two days?" Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked up at him:

"I remember that the way to check for supernatural beings at that time was a blood test, which was randomized once a month and screened every March. You wouldn't be so unlucky to just run into it?"

"No, was reported by people around me." Zhou Zhengning scratched his head, apparently not wanting to continue this topic:

"Let's not talk about that... **** it, Mr. Ye, you are awesome."

While the two were chatting, the Rubik's Cube in Ye Fei's hand had been completely restored.

He turned the Rubik's Cube in his hand to look at it, raised his hand and threw it back to Zhou Zhengning.

The Rubik's Cube threw an arc in the air, and when it was separated from Ye Fei's hands, the neat colors on the restored Rubik's Cube changed subtly.

When it returned to Zhou Zhengning's arms, it returned to the disordered state it was when Ye Fei first got it.

This is the characteristic of the ability-carrying object. In the hands of the holder, it is the carrier of the ability, but in the hands of others, it is just an ordinary object.

Zhou Zhengning continued to frown at the restoration formula.

Ye Fei looked past him and landed on Mo Han in the corner.

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, listening to Zhou Zhengning ask:

"Oh, by the way, Teacher Ye, how do you know that identities can be exchanged?"

Ye Fei stretched her waist:

"You idiot, read the first rule of the patient rule."

Zhou Zhengning reached out and took the paper on the bedside:

"Besides the ID card, do you have no other items to prove your identity?"

"Well, it's a loophole. If I lose my ID card, I can't prove that I am me. Similarly, if I have your ID card, they can't prove that I am not you."

"Ah, why didn't I think of that." Zhou Zhengning tasted it carefully, as if it was really the case.

Ye Fei shrugged and didn't answer.

He went around from one end of the ward to the other.

The windows of the ward were still blocked by curtains.

Ye Fei walked over and raised her hand to open the curtain a crack, only to find that the sky outside the window was already dark. He clicked on the player's bracelet and looked at the time:

Eight thirty in the evening.

He looked up and looked around.

The ward was no different from what it was before they went out, Mo Han was still drawing, he didn't even move his position, only a few blank sheets of paper were left under his feet.


Blank paper?

Ye Fei frowned, bent down and picked up the drawing papers.

He had about three of them in his hand. After flipping through them, they were all blank, with no paint on them.

Ye Fei used to be Lin Xianxian's psychiatrist. Coincidentally, Mo Han is also one of his patients this time.

He had seen Mo Han paint before, and the child would habitually peel off a painting and throw it at his feet after he finished drawing. But now, there are a few blank sheets of paper where Mo Han is used to put paintings.

Ye Fei thought of a certain possibility, he frowned slightly, his expression became more serious.

He put the drawing paper in his hand on the hospital bed, and went over to pat Mo Han on the shoulder:

"Mo Han?"

Mo Han didn't respond.

Ye Fei gave a light "tsk", and put her hands in front of Mo Han's face, blocking his sight.

Mo Han paused for a moment.

He slowly put down the paintbrush and palette in his hand, and then turned to look at Ye Fei.

Mo Han looked at Ye Fei for a moment through the messy hair in front of him.

Then, his eyes widened slightly, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Mo Han opened his pale lips, he patted Ye Fei's hand away, and suddenly reacted greatly and fell backwards. At the same time, like a frightened little animal, he uttered fearful cries one after another.

The paint box was overturned, and all kinds of paints were spread on the floor, mixed with the dirty water in the brush container, and Mo Hao's clothes were wet.

Zhou Zhengning next to him was startled.

He trotted over:

"What's the matter, Teacher Ye, does he need help?"

Ye Fei didn't respond, he just waved his hand at Zhou Zhengning to signal that he didn't need it.

Afterwards, he squatted down by himself and grabbed Mo Han's hand which was waving wildly in the air.

Mo Han fell into Ye Fei's hands, he struggled to no avail, and was hugged into Ye Fei's arms.

His body was tense, and he was very resistant to Ye Fei's contact at first. He kept pulling Ye Fei's hair and beating his shoulder, trying to push him away, but Ye Fei never let go.

Ye Fei's body was also stained with paint mixed with dirty water.

Like smoothing the fur of a cat, he patted Mo Han's back lightly:

"Good boy, it's okay, it's okay."

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment.

It was the first time he heard Ye Fei speak in such a gentle tone.

And under his comfort, Mo Han really gradually calmed down. He no longer struggled or yelled, he only took a breath and squeezed the corner of Ye Fei's clothes tightly.

Ye Fei pulled Mo Han up, and he dug out a set of clean hospital gowns from the closet for him.

Both the paint and the bucket were overturned, and Mo Han couldn't continue painting. He stood beside the easel for a while, then turned around and climbed onto the bed to cover himself with the quilt, apparently ready to sleep.

Ye Fei and Zhou Zhengning cleaned up the dirty water and paint that were overturned on the ground.

While doing this, Zhou Zhengning glanced at Mo Han on the bed, and asked the question in a low voice:

"Ms. Ye, what happened to him just now?"

Ye Fei sighed:

"When he saw the 'doctor', he would have a stress reaction."

"You are the doctor?" Zhou Zhengning thought, Lin Xianxian had been referring to him as "doctor" all the time.

"It's not just me, 'doctor' here refers to a profession."

"Oh..." Zhou Zhengning nodded.

He remembered the black-faced doctor who "treated" him with electricity today with a smile. If Mo Han had been living in this kind of hospital, it would be hard not to be afraid.

But not right.

"Miss Ye, you are not a doctor here. Could it be that he, like Lin Xianxian,...?"

They are not ordinary game NPCs, but "people" with self-awareness and memory?

"It's very possible, and if that's the case..." Ye Fei sighed and changed the subject:

"Mo Han is different from Xianxian. He doesn't take the initiative to communicate or provide information. More importantly, he is still a big trouble."

While talking, he caught a glimpse of Mo Han's blank drawing papers from the corner of his eye.

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Pudin, do you still remember what the customs clearance requirements are?"

"Remember." Zhou Zhengning thought for a while:

"It seems to be actively cooperating with the treatment, leaving the hospital as soon as possible, and embracing a new life."

He paused:

"Have you thought of a way to clear the level?"

"Didn't it already tell you how to clear the customs? Get out of the hospital, 'out'."

Ye Fei spoke lazily, and suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly:


He walked to the bed, opened the curtains, and got in by himself.

Zhou Zhengning didn't know why, so he also followed him into the curtain, and followed his gaze to look out of the window.

The glass of the ward seemed to have not been wiped for a long time, and there was a whitish rain stain on the outside of the glass.

Their ward was facing the front yard of the hospital. Looking down, they could see the green belts in the hospital and the bluestone road they walked on when they came.

Go all the way along the Qingshiban Road...

At that moment, Zhou Zhengning heard Ye Fei beside him sigh and say:

"But look, is there a door to the outside world in this hospital?"

Zhou Zhengning's gaze paused, and he froze.

Indeed, as Ye Fei said, looking forward along the Qingshiban road, the place in front of which should be the gate is not the gate.

But a lifeless...

Gray cement wall.

The author has something to say:

Read The Reborn Wife is Farming
FantasyRomanceSci-fiSlice Of Life