MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 30 Mo Enthalpy-[05]

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"If you really want to cooperate with the treatment and wait for discharge according to the system, it is an impossible task. Let alone today's electric shock treatment, even if it is a relatively conventional drug can't just take the medicine casually. Lower your mental value."

Ye Fei yawned, her tone a little casual:

"There should be another way to clear the customs, but we haven't found it yet."

Zhou Zhengning followed his words and thought about it:

"Oh, so we have to find a way to play the true end of the game like last time? So we can't wait for 'discharge', but find a way to get out of here?"

"Very smart, pudding."

Ye Fei praised, and then heaved a sigh of relief:

"A fully enclosed prison of crime is always the best match for 'escape'."

He raised his hand and patted Zhou Zhengning's shoulder:

"Okay, I'm leaving."

"Okay...huh??" Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded:

"Where are you going?"

"Look for the door." Ye Fei came out from the curtain, and took another look at Mo Han's blank drawing papers:

"By the way, to confirm a little thing."

"But it's already nine o'clock." Zhou Zhengning thought he forgot:

"The nurse said today that you can't leave the ward after nine o'clock."

"But it also means that, as long as I don't get caught, I'm free within the confines of the hospital."

Ye Fei waved her hand, and really headed towards the door of the ward.

Zhou Zhengning also got out from the curtain, and hurriedly asked:

"Mr. Ye, when will you be back?"

"I can't tell, I'll knock on the door."

"But the nurse said that you can't open the door casually at night, I'm afraid something strange will come."

"Then give a code, I'll make three long and two short."


The agreement was completed, but before going out, Ye Fei suddenly thought of something, subconsciously touched his pocket, and took out an identity card from it.

The identity card is his own, and it should have been exchanged by other teammates when he was unconscious.

Ye Fei turned the ID card over to the back.

He was warned twice by the nurse, and the red scratch on the ID card became two. The combination of the two scratches forms a 60-degree angle. If there is one more scratch, this thing can probably be assembled into an equilateral triangle.

Ye Fei didn't pay much attention, he threw the card into Zhou Zhengning's arms, not intending to take it with him.

[Identity Superposition (Zhou Zhengning/Ye Fei)]

Zhou Zhengning froze for a moment, and put away Ye Fei's card.

The doctors and nurses in this hospital obviously relied on this card to identify themselves. If Ye Fei ran around with it on her body, she would probably become a living target. If she was caught, she would have to be warned again. He didn't want to know what the "forced treatment" unlocked after collecting three warnings would be.

Ye Fei turned her back to Zhou Zhengning, waved her hand as farewell, opened the door and walked out.

Their ward was on the fourth floor. After nine o'clock, the entire floor was very quiet, except for the sound of the door lock when he closed the door, there was no other sound.

Ye Fei felt a little strange.

Logically speaking, if the rule is that "patients are not allowed to go out after nine o'clock", then someone should come to confirm that the patients are well in the ward. For example, there are several guard nurses on each floor. In short, the whole floor will not be empty like now, allowing Ye Fei to slip away so easily.

Ye Fei swaggered from the ward to the stairwell, and looked down with her probe.

The stairwell is also empty, no one is moving. Even down, there was no one in the hall on the first floor, only the lights from the hospital cast on the ground, casting a long shadow behind Ye Fei.

With her hands behind her back, Ye Fei walked from the open hospital door to the front yard.

It seems that the point of "not going out after nine o'clock in the evening" is not aimed at patients, but at everyone in Zhouhai Fourth Hospital.

In fact, a lot of information can be seen from the patient rules given to them by the nurses before, but it is not enough to figure out everything.

Ye Fei touched his chin.

Since there is such a setting, the code must not only be the one they got. If only he could get his hands on a "Code of Practice for Paramedics" or something.

The idea is very good, so Ye Fei is going to wander around the yard before going to the medical staff floor on the second floor.

He walked along the bluestone road in front of the gate of the hospital building, and finally stopped in front of the gray concrete wall at the end.

Ye Fei stood under the wall and looked up.

The wall is more than five meters high by visual inspection, and it is smooth from top to bottom, with no point to rely on. Therefore, the possibility of "jumping over" can be ruled out.

Ye Fei closed her eyes, raised her hand and pressed her palm against the wall.

The concrete wall felt cold and smooth to the touch, and he slowly moved forward against the concrete wall, making a full circle around the hospital, and finally returned to the original place.

During this period, the thing he touched remained unchanged. It was indeed a fully enclosed cement wall.

So, it's not a blindfold.

That Ye Fei is more inclined to another possibility.

For example, what is the level system of this game? They must first meet certain conditions before they can unlock the next level and plot.

It seems that there is no hope of finding the door tonight.

Ye Fei went back to the hospital building on the original road, and went to the second floor as planned.

The second floor of Zhouhai Fourth Hospital is the outpatient room and the rest room for medical staff. Ye Fei originally wanted to sneak into the office to find a copy of the rules, but when he arrived at the ground, he remembered that there were sensors outside every door in the hospital, and he didn't have the ID card of the medical staff in his hand, so it seemed that he couldn't get in at all.

Ye Fei stood here, recalling the patient rules he got, and suddenly thought of another possibility.

But before he had time to think deeply, his thoughts were interrupted by a sound from the corner.

Ye Fei just went from the fourth floor to the front yard, circled around the front yard, and then returned from the lobby to the second floor. During such a long journey, he did not meet a single living person.

But now standing in the empty corridor, he actually heard a knock on the door from afar.

Ye Fei frowned slightly, and he walked lightly, along the wall, leaning towards the direction of the knock on the door.

The source of the sound is a little behind the corner of the corridor.

The sound was very regular, knocking three times at a time, and then waiting for a while before continuing to knock three more times.

With her back against the cold wall, Ye Fei probed to take a look.

Under the cold light in the corridor, there stood a person dressed as a nurse.

She was wearing a pink nurse uniform and carried a giant syringe in her hand. From Ye Fei's point of view, she seems to be no different from a normal person.

…except for the dry branch-like hand she showed.

Ye Fei stared.

[NPC: Nurse? (??form)】

At that time, the syringe nurse over there raised her hand and knocked on the door three more times.

Unlike the previous few times when there was no response, this time, the door in front of her opened with a "click".

Standing inside the door was a nurse who was also in uniform.

[NPC: Nurse B (original form)]

Ye Fei saw that after seeing the faces of the people outside the door, the nurse's face turned pale instantly.

No matter how many, Ye Fei couldn't see it anymore.

Because the next second, the syringe nurse who knocked on the door suddenly opened her mouth wide and swallowed the nurse's head into her mouth.

She swallowed it together, and there was a terrified scream from the nurse.

Poor lady nurse with her feet off the ground.

The syringe nurse straightened her waist and raised her head, swallowing the nurse little by little.


Ye Fei was thinking, what did he do wrong to look at this kind of thing.

As he reflected in his mind, during the brief moment of his trance, the stuffed syringe nurse turned her face in his direction.

Ye Fei was stunned.

Because he saw a familiar face.

That guy looks weird, with a mouth full of shark fangs. Ye Fei once commented on it: ugly and very concrete.

This is the image of the "nurse" in Mo Han's painting today.

Ah, becoming a real person, the impact of this thing is indeed stronger.

The NPC prompt above the syringe nurse's head also changed after a brief flash:

[NPC: Nurse B (synthesis state)]

Before that, Ye Fei had only seen the "original state" of the NPC in this copy.


When the syringe nurse saw Ye Fei, the two caterpillar-like eyebrows on her face were twisted together:

"This patient, which ward are you from? Why did you come to a floor that doesn't belong to you???"

Ye Fei turned and ran away.

However, just as he turned around to run away, he met another ugly guy in the distance.

The impact was so strong that Ye Fei almost fell down in fright.

In the stairwell, another strange-looking guy showed half of his face, peeking at Ye Fei.

It can be seen that the person who created it is trying to make it look good, but Mo Han's painting style is so characteristic, the "beauty" in his brush is shown on the guy's face, and it becomes big, round and dark eyes , eyelashes that can stab people to death, a small and delicate sausage red mouth, and an awl face.

It looked like a girl with curly hair and a dress.

After meeting Ye Fei's eyes, she suddenly gave a strange laugh, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, don't run!"

After a short shock, Ye Fei called out to the "girl".

"Hey, don't run!"

The syringe nurse behind him called Ye Fei.


The two people who were ordered to "don't run" were not very obedient.

Ye Fei ran for his life while chasing after the girl over there.

Sure enough, the most worrying thing happened.

Seeing the white paper under Mo Han's feet before, Ye Fei felt that something was wrong.

Mo Han's ability is called "Dimension Lifting".

As the name suggests, he can raise two-dimensional things to three-dimensional, and can also reduce three-dimensional objects to two-dimensional. But Mo Han didn't know how to use this ability, nor did he know how to control it. Therefore, this ability on him is similar to a fairy tale - Ma Liang, the magic brush.

Mo Han likes and only draws what he has seen.

For example, he drew a needle nurse today. Under the influence of supernatural powers, the nurse became a real "person". But she is a "black household" in Zhouhai Fourth Courtyard, a place with strict rules. She has no identity, so she needs to find someone like herself to devour her and replace her.

That is, the "merged state" that just appeared.

Then again, Mo Han can only draw what he has seen.

The egg roll girl who appeared just now is very suspicious. After all, Ye Fei has never seen a primitive NPC with those characteristics since entering the hospital.

Ye Fei originally wanted to catch the egg roll back to look for clues, but he overestimated himself, and after an exciting chase, he gloriously lost the egg roll.

Ye Fei felt that this was not his problem, because after he followed the egg roll up to the sixth floor, the egg roll suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The egg roll disappeared, but the syringe nurse who chased after Ye Fei did not.

Ye Fei didn't want to be caught by her at all, after all, he didn't want to be swallowed by that thing.

It's a pity that Ye Fei lost in the end because she didn't know enough about the hospital.

He ran blindly on the sixth floor and rushed into a dead end.

At the end of that corridor, there was only a closed door, and there was also a sensor hanging on the door, so Ye Fei couldn't get in.

The syringe nurse was approaching, and the cold light in the corridor cast a shadow behind her. She raised the syringe, and the silver steel needle shone coldly under the lamp.

It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable.

In fact, Ye Fei didn't want to fight, and if he fought, he would encounter other troubles, but compared to those, he really didn't want to be swallowed by such an ugly thing.

Ye Fei took another half step back, and his back touched the cold door panel at the end of the corridor.

He raised his hand, pointed his fingertips at the nurse, and drew a virtual circle in the air.

However, before he finished drawing a circle, he suddenly heard a "click" from the door lock behind him.

The door panel was pulled inward, and Ye Fei was leaning against the door, the door behind him opened, and he also staggered backwards.

But before he fell backwards, a hand grabbed Ye Fei's wrist, stabilizing his figure.

Ye Fei froze for a moment.

The man easily grasped Ye Fei's wrist and led him to the door.

Then, the grip on his wrist was released, and the man wrapped his arms around his waist, and Ye Fei was turned around to face him.

Ye Fei was manipulated in a daze. He didn't know what happened. He only knew that the door panel was locked behind him. He was pulled into the room before a wonderful battle started.

To put it more strictly, he seems to be maybe rounded up the guy's arms.

Ye Feiren was dumbfounded.

Before being silly, he smelled the familiar and pleasant scent of platycodon flowers on this person.

The author has something to say:

Unlockable Character ID Cards:

【Mo Enthalpy】

Sex: Male

Age: 17 years old

Height: 173cm

Birthday: 4.4

Ability: Dimension Lifting

Condition: Autism

Rating: —[To be unlocked]

Close Ones: —[to be unlocked]

What I am good at and like to do: drawing

Disgusted and Feared:—[to be unlocked]

Identity: Patient of Zhouhai Fourth Hospital/—[to be unlocked]

Participation in the event: 3047 Zhouhai Fourth Hospital fire case