MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 43 Mo Enthalpy - [18]

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The voice-activated lights in the stairs came on successively with the sound of hurried footsteps.

The doctor ran down the stairs, not daring to stop for a moment.

His hair, which he had taken care of carefully, was quite messy at this time, and the sleeves on both sides and the trousers were broken, and the exposed arms and legs were extremely white. Compared with the rest of his body that was covered with dirt, it looked like There is an eerie sense of dissonance.

It was as if the limbs had been cut off and regrown.

The doctor's face was pale, and when he got down to the last flight of stairs, his legs went limp and he rolled down the stairs directly.

He scrambled and grabbed the door of the basement stairwell, trying to pull it open, but there was a sound of metal clashing, and the door panel remained motionless. The doctor looked in through the crack of the door and found that the doorknob on the other side was being used The thick iron chains tied around the wrists could not be broken at all.

A deep sense of despair welled up in his heart, and he clung to the corner, thinking of ways to escape.

His heart was beating like a drum, but he still forced himself to calm down.

In the empty stairwell, a person's footsteps could be heard from afar.

The man walked very slowly, and the soles of the shoes collided with the steps, making a muffled sound. The sound stepped on the doctor's heart, like the prelude to the evil spirit's death.

The man was getting closer and closer, and the footsteps echoing in the stairwell gradually became clearer.

The doctor huddled in a corner, breathing lightly, trying to minimize his sense of existence.

A shadow appeared on the ground in front of him.

The man held a huge scythe in his hand, and the hem of his overlong clothes swayed slightly as he descended the stairs. For a moment, he looked like the **** who harvested death in the story.

The man's shadow spread across the ground for a moment, then stopped moving.

The doctor opened his eyes slightly, thinking that he had escaped, but the next second, he heard the man's voice:

"Give you a chance to escape, you are useless. Tell me, do you want to do it yourself, or should I help you?"

The doctor gritted his teeth.

He was like a cornered animal that had been driven to a dead end. When the crisis came, he forgot his fear and made a final counterattack.

Thick black mist burst out of his palm, and the thick mist spread along the shadow, wrapping around Jian Lingxi's body like a hurricane.

A dense fog that could annihilate everything surrounded Jian Lingxi, they rolled like beasts, trying to swallow this person into their stomachs.

The doctor could hardly see Jian Lingxi through the thick fog.

Jian Lingxi stood in the thick fog, motionless.

The doctor froze for a moment.


An uncertain thought rose in his mind.

But soon, a hand wearing a black glove stretched out from the thick fog.

The man stuck his hand out of the thick fog, as if he was about to wave away some dirty thing, and dispersed the fog around him.

The S-level ability "Absolute Annihilation" recorded by the White Tower is like passing dust in his hands, and it is quickly dispersed by him and disappears.

"How can it be…"

The doctor's eyes widened in horror.

The blade of the blood moon scythe reflected the cold light above the head, and the face of the blade reflected the doctor's distorted face from fright.

He swallowed empty, and suddenly rushed over and grabbed Jian Lingxi's clothes:

"Hey, what exactly do you want? Think about it. I will give you everything he can give. I am him. As long as you help me kill him, I will be the only Ye Fei."

Jian Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly.

He took a step back, and suddenly smiled with bent lips, revealing the canine teeth on both sides.

But unlike the smile on his lips, there was still a cold killing intent in his eyes.

He pressed the back of the sickle against the doctor's chin, forcing him to raise his head.

"Don't make that look with his face."

Jian Ling paused for a moment, and her smile faded away:

"This feeling is really disgusting."

The cold light of the Blood Moon Sickle illuminated the darkness in the corner of the wall, and several bloodstains were splashed on the grayish white wall.

At first someone was screaming, and the scream echoed throughout the stairwell. Later, the scream became fainter, leaving only the muffled sound of a knife cutting something.

When Jian Lingxi left there, the white coat on his body was splashed with a few bloodstains, and the bright red color when it was still wet was particularly eye-catching.


[It is detected that player 002 Jian Lingxi has made behaviors that do not conform to the identity setting, and the violation is determined, and the system will punish the violating player soon]

【Punishment dungeon is in preparation】

After the announcement, the corridor fell into silence again, and the voice-activated lights in the stairwell also went out.

Jian Lingxi disappeared into the stairwell.

Under the corner of the wall, in the shadows, there was only a pool of fuzzy flesh that could no longer grow.

Ye Fei supported the wall and walked towards the basement.

The world in front of him is spinning, and others are not sober.

What is he going to do.

What did he just do.

Ye Fei's mind went blank for a moment, when she stepped down the stairs, she stepped on the ground and fell down the stairs.

Pain all over the body.

He was lying on the cold ground, and the flickering lights above his head seemed to be turning, but when he looked closely, the lights were still in place, and he was the only one who was in a daze.

I can't get up, I'm tired, I don't want to move.

Ye Fei's throat was full of **** smell.

The whole body is surrounded by the unique coldness of the basement, and there is a damp and musty smell that can't go away from the tip of the nose. This is the feeling Ye Fei hates the most.

Has he been locked in again?

Someone seemed to be screaming in the distance. The voice came through several walls, and it sounded familiar, like his own voice.

Why is he here alone?

What about the Pudding Man?

Ye Fei paused and remembered.

Ah, the pudding is dead.

Then he is dead too.

Ye Fei closed his eyes, but the dizziness still persisted. He felt as if he was lying in a whirlpool, and his body and consciousness drifted further and further away.

The player bracelet on his wrist popped up a light screen at some point:

[Mental status: Endangered]

The word "endangered" is bright red like blood. It stays in this state, occasionally self-repairs to "poor", but soon falls again.

In the darkness, the red light of the light screen kept flickering, slightly illuminating Ye Fei's face.

Ye Fei half-closed her eyes, staring blankly at the reddening darkness.

"Ye Ye."

Suddenly, someone called his name.

"Ye Ye."

That voice was like a cold spring, dragging Ye Fei's mind back to Qingming step by step.

The pictures in my mind were stacked layer by layer, and countless long-forgotten memories became clear again.

In one of the pictures, Ye Fei seemed to be locked in a small closed black box, leaning against the cold wall, talking to someone:

"Living is so painful."

He repeated the words in the dark, and finally, he murmured in a low voice:

"This world is scary, do you hear that?"

"…elder sister."


Ren Huayan hid in the corner, she held her breath and tried her best not to make a sound.

She stayed with Ye Fei all the time before, but later, the game system notified Zhou Zhengning's death, and she went to the sixth floor to find Jian Lingxi according to Ye Fei's words.

The dean's elder brother named Jian Lingxi looked a bit fierce, but he was very powerful.

He gave Ren Huayan a protective shield and asked her to take her grandparents and Mo Han to wait for Ye Fei at the gate of the hospital.

The first floor of the hospital is full of strange-looking dimension-enhancing monsters.

Fortunately, Ren Huayan has a third perspective, and her ability guides them to avoid the monster and reach the hospital gate safely.

Ren Huayan opened the protective cover Jian Lingxi gave her at the hospital gate, and a light film protected them around them, blocking the sight of the monsters and marking out a safe space for them.

After finishing all this, Ren Huayan sat on the ground as if exhausted.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Just outside the ward, she saw Zhou Zhengning's body.

Ren Huayan used to experience low-level games with low mortality rates, and because of this, she and her grandparents were able to survive in such dangerous games until now.

This time, it was the first time they encountered an A-level dungeon in the game, the first time they met teammates who did not dislike them, were willing to help them, and were willing to accept their help, and it was also the first time they faced death.

The people who were playing around yesterday turned into cold corpses before her eyes.

Although born in troubled times, Ren Huayan has always been protected by those around her. Although she is strong enough, the departure of people around her still makes her sad.

Obviously everything is going so smoothly, but what comes before the result is always an accident.

When I came out just now, my grandparents saw the tragedy in the corridor.

Grandma took out a handkerchief from her bosom and handed it to Ren Huayan. Grandpa sighed, stroked the top of Ren Huayan's hair soothingly, and blamed himself:

"It's all me. If it was me who went next door, Xiao Zhou wouldn't..."

Grandpa lowered his eyes and murmured.

It's just that before he finished his sentence, Yu Guang first noticed that there seemed to be something strange about the people around him.

Mo Han, who was in the same room as them, came out with them.

This kid doesn't want to communicate with people, and he doesn't seem to understand people's words well. When he ran out just now, it was Ren Huayan who kept holding his hand, so he didn't lose track of him.

But at this time, Grandpa Liu noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Mo Han's expression.

The child stared straight out of the protective cover, his expression seemed a little nervous.

In the next second, he didn't know what he saw, and suddenly stepped up and rushed out.

No one expected that Mo Han would run away suddenly.

Grandpa Liu didn't react, he didn't stop him, and chased him two steps away. But just after he went out, he was spotted by a monster not far away. The monster roared and rushed over. Grandpa Liu had no choice but to retreat back into the protective cover.

Ren Huayan stared blankly at the direction Mo Han left with wide eyes, a tear fell from her eye socket.

After pausing for a few seconds, she propped herself up from the ground and stood up.

Grandma took her by the wrist:

"Girl, where are you going?"

"Go to Mo Han, I promise brother dean to take good care of him."

Ren Huayan's eyes showed a little more determination.

She raised her hand to wipe away her tears:

"I must do it."

Mo Han ran back to the building from the gate of the hospital. Ren Huayan chased Mo Han with her supernatural powers all the way to the lobby on the first floor.

Ren Huayan has a third perspective, so it is not difficult for her to find someone. She saw Mo Han going to the basement along the stairs next to the hall, so she prepared to follow.

Just the next moment, the third perspective issued an early warning, and the monsters in the hall came towards this side.

Ren Huayan hid in the corner between the door and the wall before the monster found her.

She squatted in the corner, listening to the heavy footsteps beside her, holding her breath, not daring to make a sound.

The monster's heavy footsteps were accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing, and it was getting closer.

Ren Huayan watched it from a third perspective.

It seemed that it was a nurse girl drawn on a hospital poster. It had only three heads and a round head with big eyes rolling around.

It passed the stairwell door, seemingly not intending to enter.

Ren Huayan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that before she breathed a sigh of relief, the warning from the third perspective appeared again.

The nurse paused and stopped outside the stairwell.

She turned her head with difficulty and looked into the stairwell.

Seeing this picture, Ren Huayan's breath became stagnant.

The third perspective was released, and after a brief trance, Ren Huayan raised her eyes and looked directly in front of her.

She was shrinking in the corner between the metal door and the wall at this time, she raised her head, and saw the person she was looking for from the gap between the edge of the door and the wall.

Mo Han stood at the corner of the stairs in a hospital gown that was one size bigger.

His eyes were hidden in the overly long hair, but Ren Huayan could still clearly feel that he was looking at herself.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems that only a short moment has passed.

Ren Huayan saw that Mo Han slowly raised his hand.

He stretched out his index finger and pointed in the direction of Ren Huayan.


This was the first time Ren Huayan heard Mo Han's voice.

But obviously, he wasn't talking to her:

"over there."

Ren Huayan's heart sank to the bottom.

Trembling uncontrollably, she took a deep breath and slowly raised her head.

She saw that the glass on the metal door was blocked.

Blocking the glass was a huge human face, its face was tightly pressed against the glass, and its two black and round eyes were fixed on Ren Huayan.

Its lips slowly grinned.

[NPC: Unknown (?? Form)]

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