MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 44 Mo Enthalpy-[19]

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Ye Fei opened his eyes suddenly, and a wave of heart palpitations rushed into his body.

He squeezed the cloth around his heart tightly, curled up on the ground, and waited for the panic to dissipate on its own.

In the light screen of the bracelet, the mental state of "endangered" is jumping back step by step, and finally stops at "healthy".

Ye Fei broke into a cold sweat, it took him a long time to get over the palpitations and regain his energy.

That's why he hates fighting.

His body was not very good, and after death or excessive use of abilities, he would fall into a period of confusion for a long time. The feeling of dizziness and countless memories hit his mind, and the feeling was terribly uncomfortable.

Ah, so, what happened to him just now.

Ye Fei frowned, feeling like she remembered something very important, but when she turned her head, she forgot it again.

So what is he going to do now.

Ye Fei got up from the ground.

Oh, he just fell down the stairs, and now he's going to the basement to find Xu Miao.

Ye Fei stood up with difficulty, he held the doorknob and opened the door.

The structure of the basement is different from the upper floor. There is only one room in the corridor here, which is supposed to be the so-called "treatment room".

Ye Fei's body and spirit have almost healed under the effect of absolute healing, except for some slight discomforts in various parts of his body that can be ignored, there is nothing unusual about him.

He took out his ID card from his pocket and pasted it on the sensor outside the treatment room.

"Dear Doctor Ye Fei, welcome to the negative floor."

"?" Ye Fei froze for a moment when he heard the announcement.

The sensor only said that this was the negative floor, but it didn't say where the room was.

Ye Fei was a little puzzled, but when he raised his eyes and saw the indoor scene, he understood.

It seems that this is not a treatment room.

The best match for the basement is indeed a small black room.

The room was very dark, and there were some unused medical equipment in the corners of the room, which looked nothing special.

Ye Fei raised his hand and turned on the light in the room.

With a "click", the room was filled with lights, allowing Ye Fei to see the whole picture inside.

In the center of the room was an operating table.

The bed was covered with a white cloth, and through the ups and downs of the white cloth, it could be seen that there was a tall and thin person lying on the bed.

Ye Fei had guessed a long time ago, he didn't have any troubles in his heart, so he walked over and lifted the white cloth.

The soft fabric is lifted to reveal the boy underneath.

[Hidden NPC: Xu Miao (original form)]

The boy's complexion was very fair, and his appearance was very handsome. His eyelashes were very long, and his hair looked black and soft.

He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, looking as if he was asleep...

If you ignore the huge wound on his head.

Ye Fei lowered his eyes slightly, he tossed the white cloth aside, turned around and rummaged on the shelf next to him.

He found a pair of gloves, and a set of scalpels.

After seeing the diary, Ye Fei asked Ren Huayan to use the third perspective to find the location of Xu Miao and the key.

At that time, Ren Huayan's face turned pale after seeing it, she swallowed empty, and replied:

"Xu Miao is in the basement, the key is..."

in his stomach.

Through Xu Miao's diary, Ye Fei can probably see Xu Miao's temperament.

This kid is very optimistic and has a good attitude. Even if he is locked up in such a ghost place, he has always remained positive and unyielding. He wanted to be friends with Mo Han, wanted to meet other patients, and wanted to be discharged as a normal person.

His diary kept mentioning a person named "Xiao Ai".

This is probably also Xu Miao's patient friend. During the long hospital life, Xiao Ai and Xu Miao were the only two people who did not succumb to the devil. They looked at their fellow patients who were in the recovery area and were about to be discharged from the hospital at the same time, and finally decided to escape from the hospital together.

But on the day they decided to flee, Xiao Ai seemed to have betrayed Xu Miao, and Xu Miao couldn't escape because of this.

Long torment, plans thwarted, friends betrayed, despair descended. After all kinds of blows fell, Xu Miao finally collapsed.

In his last diary, the text is chaotic, and it can be seen that his mental state is already very bad.

Seeing Xu Miao's body now...

Ye Fei put on gloves and checked his body and wounds.

Apparently, the child died from a fall from a height.

Ren Huayan told him before that the door key was in Xu Miao's stomach, probably something happened to him at the time, and he swallowed the key in order not to be discovered.


There was no emotion in Ye Fei's eyes. He took the scalpel he found just now and cut open Xu Miao's abdomen.

He moved very nimbly, and took out the foreign object in the abdomen of the deceased with tweezers in a short while.

Because of the fall from a high altitude, the bones in his body pierced the internal organs, and the key he took out was also stained with blood.

Ye Fei casually pulled the white cloth that had just covered the corpse, and wiped the blood off the key. He simply sewed up the wound on Xu Miao's body, pulled up the white cloth to cover his body again, threw away the dirty scalpel and gloves, and prepared to leave here with the key.

But after he finished these, when he raised his eyes, he and the person at the door met their eyes.

When Ye Fei was working, he was always very focused. He didn't know when Mo Han came, nor how long he had been watching.

He only saw Mo Han's face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he looked frightened.

Ye Fei recalled something at that time, and he was startled.

"Mo Han..."

Ye Fei took two steps forward, trying to hold him back, but seeing him approaching, Mo Hao reacted and dodged away.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to yell, but he was too frightened to make a sound.

Ye Fei paused.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but the world in front of his eyes seemed to flicker for a moment.

The flashing picture is still the small dark room and corridor in the basement, but what is different from now is that there is a raging fire burning there.

Ye Fei thought it was because he was in a trance again, but soon, the frequency of the two pictures alternating became higher and higher, and in the end, he could even feel the scorching temperature around him.

He saw Mo Han who was terrified but unable to make a sound.

After a while, he finally heard the child's desperate cry.

Mo Han's scream echoed in the corridor of the basement, and with his voice, the world in front of him was completely frozen in a sea of ​​flames.


[The main line NPC is mentally abnormal, causing the story line to jump]

[Additional level: the inescapable midnight sea of ​​flames]

Mo Han fell to the ground.

His hand touched the flames, and the flames burned him, making him regain his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, propped himself up and ran away.

Ye Fei frowned. He held the key to the hospital gate and chased him out.

The fire engulfed not only the basement, but the entire hospital building.

In a daze, Ye Fei really thought that she had returned to the day when Zhouhai Fourth Courtyard caught fire more than a hundred years ago. But he quickly distinguished the game from reality, because when he ran to the lobby on the first floor, he saw the girl sitting on the ground paralyzed in the sea of ​​flames.

The girl was sitting on the ground with a fire ax in front of her. The ax was deeply embedded in the ground, and there were many cracks extending around it.

It seemed that she was being chased by someone, but the person who hurt her disappeared the second the ax fell.

"younger sister!"

Ye Fei coughed twice and shouted at the man.

Ren Huayan over there was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes and looked over.

The expression on her face was blank and confused, but after she saw Ye Fei clearly, her whole body came alive.

She looks like she's about to cry:

"Brother Ye!!"

Ren Huayan got up from the ground, trotted and threw herself into Ye Fei's arms.

She was hiding in the corner just now and was discovered by the monster. Fortunately, there was an early warning from the third perspective, which allowed her to escape from the monster in time.

She was terribly frightened, and when she saw someone she was familiar with, it was inevitable that her heart would be disturbed.

She hugged Ye Fei's waist tightly.

Ye Fei was thrown back two steps by her:

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, brother Ye, I'm so useless, the dean brother told me to keep an eye on Mo Han, but I didn't take care of it. I almost..."

Ren Huayan spoke with a weeping tone, she seemed to be really frightened.

Ye Fei rubbed the top of her hair soothingly:

"You've done a good job. What just happened?"

Although Ren Huayan was sad, she also knew that now was not the time to chat.

After a short period of vulnerability, she sniffed:

"I was discovered by a monster, and it chased me with an axe. But just now, for some reason, the surrounding suddenly caught fire, and the monster disappeared."

Hearing this, Ye Fei frowned slightly.

He walked over, pulled out the fire ax from the ground, held it in his hand, and walked towards the door of the hospital building:

"Game reality."


Ren Huayan didn't understand.

Ye Fei simply explained:

"In the copy of the game we are in, Mo Han is the mainline NPC, which means that everything here is related to him. I don't know what went wrong now. The Zhouhai Fourth Courtyard in the game copy is the same as the Zhouhai Fourth Court a hundred years ago. The yards are reunited."

Ye Fei held the door handle of the hospital building. The metal door handle was hot due to the surrounding fire, but Ye Fei seemed to feel no pain, so she pulled it hard.

Unsurprisingly, nothing happened.

The copy of the game they are in, the hospital building will not be closed. But now, this door seems to be stuck with super glue, trapping all the evil and raging fire inside.

Ye Fei's heart sank, and he said:

"In reality, in Zhouhai Fourth Hospital a hundred years ago, everyone except Mo Han died in this fire."

The Fourth Hospital of Zhouhai is fully enclosed. In order to prevent patients from escaping, there is a very strict security system. Especially after a patient tried to escape, the access control became more stringent. At night, the door was automatically locked, and no one could open it except for certain special permissions.

It was late at night when the fire started, and by the time someone realized the fire, the door lock had been burned out.

Everyone was trapped in the flames, lying in the burglarproof window, waiting hopelessly for death.

Ren Huayan followed behind Ye Fei. She wanted to say something, but she was choked by the thick smoke and couldn't speak.

She hoarse voice:

"Brother Ye, shall we..."

Ye Fei picked up the ax and slammed it heavily on the glass door, trying to break through the door and escape from here.

In fact, Ye Fei knew the answer.

But he still forced a smile and replied:


But the glass of this door is unique, and Ye Fei left a few scratches on the glass door after a few strokes.

He slashed at the glass in front of him like crazy, and he saw himself with a grim expression through the reflection of the glass.

Occasionally, in a trance, he saw Zhou Zhengning whose face was half covered in black mist.

He remembered a sentence someone said to him a long time ago:

"Ye Fei, you can't save anyone."

"Shut up…"

The ax and the glass collided and made a loud noise, mixed with a desperate howl:

"I can save it!!"

Over there, the old man inside the protective cover anxiously looked in the direction of the hospital building.

"Where did Yanyan go? Why is the hospital building on fire? She'll be fine..."

Grandpa was walking back and forth anxiously, squinting his presbyopic eyes, trying to see the figures in the distant fire clearly.

Finally, he gritted his teeth:

"I don't see any monsters around here, I'll go and have a look."


Grandma stretched out her hand, as if trying to stop him.

Grandpa only took out a thermos cup from his small bag:

"There's still some hot water in here, you stay here well, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Grandma looked at the thermos in her hand, and then at the burning building in the distance, but she still didn't ask to stay.

Grandpa said a few words to comfort her, and finally took a look at grandma, and trotted out of the protective cover.

The hospital building is still burning.

Ren Huayan fell to the ground at some point, but Ye Fei hadn't given up yet, coughing non-stop, and smashed the glass door with an axe.


...didn't work.

Ye Fei mechanically raised his arm again, but this time he exhausted all his strength, the fire ax fell to the ground, and he fell to his knees on the ground, choking and coughing non-stop.

He persisted in an inaudible voice:

"I... can be saved... cough..."

He leaned against the glass door, and in a daze, he saw someone running towards him outside the door through the night.

It was a little old man with a hunchback. He ran tremblingly, but his expression was extremely resolute.

Ye Fei opened her mouth:


He couldn't make a sound.

Even though his strength is so weak, he always wants to help others.

Obviously kindness is the most useless thing in troubled times, but he always meets such kind fools.

Ye Fei exhausted all her strength, but her voice was still hoarse and pitiful:

"Let's go!"


The top of the burning door of the hospital fell.

It blocked the night outside the glass door, and also covered the person rushing towards the sea of ​​flames.

The author has something to say:

This copy ends tomorrow.

Suffering is the only way to grow up, Teacher Ye will cheer up soon!

Read Chaplain!