MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 135 Failed start

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I found it.

The scene emerged again.

In the current situation, there is no room for thinking too much, he glanced at Shen Ti, "Protect Yirou."

After instructing, An Wujiu walked out from behind the container alone.

Shen Ti wanted to hold him, but his outstretched hand fluttered, and behind him was Zhong Yirou, who had just lost his lover. Abandon her now.

The other party came from the main entrance. It was so quiet outside. It was very likely that Nan Shan and Wu You had already been killed.

Although Yang Erci is a woman, she is not an ordinary person. She can kill her so quickly this time. In the last round, she quietly ambushed in the factory and killed Wu You by surprise. Human strength is not ordinary.

Shen Ti didn't know if the opponent had a gun in his hand. If he took a gun and attacked directly, he would have a certain chance of winning, but if it was really like what Zhong Yirou said, the opponent had a pre-judgment of the action, then he Now the sneak attack may kill An Wujiu who has already left.

He looked back and glanced at the dark steps behind the container.

The masked man was standing outside the door, staring at An Wujiu through the mask and walking out, he didn't seem to want to do it directly.

An Wujiu stepped forward and asked him calmly, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

This person is likely to be someone they know, otherwise they wouldn't wear a mask, and they even used a voice changer, I'm afraid they just wanted to hide their identity.

Or maybe he is a skilled murderer who knows that he will be witnessed, so he habitually covers up the traces that may be recognized.

The two parameter bars displayed on his head, the Sanity value is full, and the health value has hardly changed.

If he can also reincarnate, why hasn't his health changed?

The masked man's processed voice was low, without a trace of emotion, as cold as a machine.

"You don't have to know."

“Don’t you want an email?” An Wujiu offered this point, “Yang Erci’s email, isn’t it?” He said, took off the assault rifle behind him and put it on his feet Edge, walking towards the masked man, "Maybe we can make a deal."

The other party sneered, "You?"

He seemed to think it was ridiculous and felt that he was not worthy, but An Wujiu was not mocked by him, he just wanted to explore more possibilities and delay for a while.

What Yang Erci has to do is actually very simple, find his father and find out what the altar and Chauvin are going to do.

Since this person is asking for Yang Erci's email, it has nothing to do with these two things.

“She is already dead.” An Wujiu said calmly, “You know, there are very few people she trusts in this world, at least I have the information she shared, such as… Her father was a member of the Human Renewal Project."

The other person is silent.

It seems that he is someone who really knows the inside story, as well as Yang Erci's father.

"So what?" the masked man asked coldly, "I advise you not to play tricks in front of me. I know what you think."

With such a probe, An Wu Jiu understood a lot.

Yang Ce is already dead, and he died in the game. If this email was sent by him, it could only be sent in the game.

As for the others, An Wujiu thinks, I'm afraid this masked man won't be so troublesome. Generally, he is desperately looking for a letter because he can't find the other party, so he can only Desperately questioning the recipient.

"I didn't think about anything else." An Wujiu was relaxed, "It's not necessary to go around, let's talk about it, I know you want her father's email, I can think of a way to get it for you.

Similarly, there should be many more valuable objects out there waiting for you to kill, right? "

The other party did not respond, this mask covered up all clues that could be observed by An Wujiu, no expression, no demeanor, everything could only be guessed.

An Wujiu guessed that what he thought was right, the email he wanted should have been sent by Yang Ce, but he couldn't get any other information.

Because he acted as if he was not familiar with himself in the last reincarnation, let alone the matter of killing Wu You.

In the abandoned factory, another blocked Zhong Yirou and Yang Erci.

Too many questions and many doubts, An Wu Jiu feels that he is trapped in the dark fog, unable to find an exit.

"Are you sure not to try?"

An Wujiu tried to get further out of his mouth, but the result was not satisfactory.

The other party laughed, suddenly turned around, and stabbed the knife in his hand directly.

But this is still a step too late, because the gun in Shen Ti's hand has now touched the masked man's forehead.

"Take off your mask." Shen Ti ordered coldly.

An Wujiu's long knife pressed against the spine behind him.

Faced with the front and back pincers, the masked man did not resist, he flicked his wrist, dropped the dagger, slowly raised his hand, stretched his hand to the back of his head, and with a click, the mechanical buckle of the mask opened .

In the next second, the masked man whistled.

An Wujiu frowned, feeling wrong, there were very heavy and dense footsteps outside the door, and there were even some sound of solid corrosion.

As expected, in just ten seconds, countless pollutants appeared outside the door and even inside the door. They approached quickly because of the whistle of the masked man, like a group of people The beasts were looking for food and found this stronghold.

With a bang, a tentacle with a thick bowl slapped the door, rolled it up, and smashed the iron door!

Without this door, everything becomes clearer.

Those dense pollutants are not only lurking here, but also appearing from farther places, countless, like zombies crossing the border.

“What did you do?” An Wujiu looked at the masked man, but found that the health value above his head had decreased.

Did he also use the card, he has the ability to control these pollutants!

They, who were originally numerous and powerful, have completely reversed the situation at this moment, becoming a weak party surrounded by them, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

The masked man unhurriedly re-buckled the buckle of his mask, the metallic electronic sound was very indifferent, he said to An Wujiu: "Now you understand?"

An Wujiu frowned slightly, "What?"


He said, looking back at Zhong Yirou, "There is a living person and a corpse inside."

These monstrous contaminants will almost tear the house apart.

"These guys like corpses the most."


An Wujiu held the knife tightly, he wanted to kill the person in front of him now, but...


“Shen Ti, put down the gun.” An Wu Jiu first put down the knife in his hand that was against him.

He must compromise.

Shen Ti was obviously not reconciled, but he also had no choice. He turned around and rushed into the group of pollutants, running towards Nan Shan and Wu You.

Through the broken glass window, he saw Nan Shan, who had a knife in his back, block Wu You, the co-pilot, with his own body.

They are silent.

“Nanshan, Nanshan?”

Shen Ti desperately tried to open the car door, those pollutants kept coming to kill, those disgusting tentacles and mucus corroded his last patience, trying to be a normal person.

Why can't I open it?

The tentacles came together when he was on his back, the tip was like a blooming flower, and the **** mouth opened, and inside were rows of white fangs, each All smeared with sticky liquid.

Shen Ti turned around impatiently, raised his hand to shoot, facing these difficult monsters, he almost ran out of bullets.

He and the car were like a piece of carrion, constantly attracting the eagles and raptors.

Shen Ti's coat was corroded, his flesh and blood were exposed, his whole body was wounded, and the green in his eyes became deeper under the moonlight and blood.

At this moment, those monsters seemed to be stunned suddenly, and suddenly stopped encircling him.

Not far away, An Wujiu, who was leading Zhong Yirou to break through another encirclement, felt a severe pain in his heart.

Same telepathy.

Shen Ti quickly realized that he lost his consciousness as a "human" at that moment, or self-control. He witnessed the appearance of the pollutants retreating in front of him. Those ugly monsters used to be human, ordinary people, but now they were polluted by the same power as him and degenerated into their current appearance.

I can't say what I'm feeling, Shen Ti turned around and continued to open the door. This time he finally opened the door, but he also knew that Nan Shan might not be able to save him.

“Southern fir?”

Nan Shan's body was seriously injured, her right arm disappeared, and the cross section looked like it was bitten off alive by some monster, her back was pierced, and her neck was also bruised by tentacles.

It seems that he was right, the masked man had already attacked them before they came to the house.

Shen Ti stretched out his hand, tugged at Nan Shan's only remaining arm, and tried to pull him away, but a piece of paper fell to the ground. Shen Ti looked down and saw that it was an invalid talisman paper.

Nanshan is no longer breathing.

In the end, he was still trying his best to protect Wu You.

Time was running out, Shen Ti could only move him away from Wu You, but found that Wu You under Nan Shan was still moving!

"Wu You!"

In just one second, this joy turned into a shock.

Wu You, who originally thought she had breath, turned into a different look at this moment.

His throat was slit and the wound was deep. For some reason, Shen Ti felt familiar with such wounds, as if he had seen Wu You's throat cut with his own eyes.

The skin on Wu You's body was purple, her eyes had no black pupils, only two white eyeballs were left, and her hair was all white.

Nan Shan's body showed a strange embrace.

Shen Ti clearly saw that the sanity value above Wu You's head had been cleared and completely polluted.

This is how this talisman is used.

"Shen Ti!"

Hearing An Wujiu's voice, Shen Ti turned around, he didn't know how to tell An Wujiu about this, or just tell him that Wu You is dead.

Now he is more troublesome than death. He is no longer a human. If he stays, he will only kill each other, not to mention that the masked man still has the ability to control these pollutants.

Shen Ti wanted to kill Wu You himself, and then went to help him.

At least the killing of his comrades can't be done by An Wujiu.

The gun in his hand has the last bullet left.

Shen Ti put the muzzle of the gun on Wu You's head.

But suddenly, a strange feeling arose in his body, as if he had a connection that he had never had before with the polluted Wu You in front of him.

He could even hear Wu You's voice.

[Hello, what's wrong with me? ]

[Am I dead? Shen Ti, why are you pointing a gun at me? ]

Wu You in front of him didn't open his mouth at all, and couldn't speak, but Shen Ti just heard his voice, as if it came from his mind.

Shen Ti put down his gun, stretched out his hand, and the moment his fingers touched his forehead, Wu You blinked, even though his eyes were still completely white.

"Wu You?"

He tried to scream, but he actually heard the other party's response in his mind.

[What happened? Am I really dead? ]


Wu You's entire body seemed to come alive, his limbs twisted and moved, like a doll with misspelled hands and feet, any movement seemed stiff and weird.

"Can you hear me?" Shen Ti asked.

[Yes, I can hear it. ]

Shen Ti understood.

Now there is at least one good news, no, two.

One is that Wu You is not dead, and the other is that perhaps because of him, Wu You's humanity has been awakened.

Unlike other pollutants that have completely lost their humanity, Wu You is not crazy and can communicate, but the body has become a pollutant.

[But I can't see clearly, I can feel Nanshan around me and smell him...]

[Where is Nanshan? Is he okay? ]