MTL - Swallowed Star-v27 Chapter 59 Between palms

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After the hustle and bustle, the two emptiness of the true gods commanded the natural high-spirited momentum. Although Luo Feng frowned, he also understood. 〾:〾%飘天文网%〾网〾

The two leaders themselves are also right.

The rank of the military camp is very strict. There is too much difference between the sergeant of a ruler and the emptiness of the true god. The leader of the law can offend him and kill him directly.

"Hey, I am lifting my bricks and licking my own feet." Luo Feng secretly.


Upon completion of the title task, Luo Feng automatically obtained the seal. But this news is a very high secret, even if the four leaders of Shenwang Valley are staring at the task list, and found that the title task disappeared to confirm Luo Feng's success. Obviously they can't find the news of Luo Feng's seal.

Apparently, the King of the King of Jin, the original intention is not to know the world.

When Luo Feng was in the Valley of the Gods, the general of the Eastern Army, "Snow", asked: "Galaxy, you get a seal, you have to be open? Once open, the Fourth Army will soon know everything, and you will be very respectful."

"No need." Luo Feng was so simple to refuse at the time.

At the time, Luo Feng seemed to be a passing passenger in the world of Jin. I am afraid that I will leave silently and will not come back in the future. I don’t need to know the four major military forces.

And their own enemies, also some enemies of the universe.

I can handle it alone.


It is precisely because of this that the two leaders of the Hou, the fire and the afternoon are also unclear about Luo Feng's identity. Therefore, this arrival has a hostile spirit. Seeing Luo Feng's attitude is even more dissatisfied.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with him." He later said, "He suspects that he is an outside life, but he is born later. I directly use illusion and let him directly call out... If he is not outside life, but in the world of my Jin Life, just punish him for treating a disrespectful sin. If it is outside life, it will be serious."

"Yeah." The fire said in the afternoon, "After you, you shot."

The two commanders passed each other and made a decision in an instant.

"Two systems -" Luo Feng just opened.


Silent and incomparable but powerful and powerful. Instantly covering Luo Feng, wanting to introduce Luo Feng into a illusion, with the top means of the emptiness of true God, Luo Feng is more powerful than just the Lord of the universe can resist?


Luo Feng is in the world of Jin, but it is not ordinary.

"Hey!" The power of Jin’s world exists everywhere. It is easily controlled by Luo Feng. When relying on the manipulation of the power of the world, and instantly sensing the invisible vain power, Luo Feng is shocked. This commander dares to directly start with himself.


Luo Feng was angry and immediately screamed.


The ‘the power of the world’ around the world of Jin’s world slammed into a shock, and instantly annihilated those imaginary powers. The two leaders of Luo Feng’s anger dared to start with themselves. Ben still wants to say good things, but at the moment it is too lazy to say, directly anger and turn the palm of his hand.

Suddenly in the sky above the two empty gods, there is a huge palm entirely composed of the power of the world. This palm is full of silky gray air, and the lines on the palm are faintly visible. The huge palm appears in the fire. At the top of the afternoon and afterwards, the two leaders were shocked.

"How is it possible!" The two leaders are just about to dodge.


This huge palm is shot directly! Let the fire be noon, and the two powerful virtual gods. It feels like the whole world is pressing against itself and has no resistance.

"He is only the master of one law, how can it..." The two empty gods, who were directly photographed, were blasted into the earth, revealing two deep caves on the rocky ground of the island.

"Come out." Luo Feng snorted.

boom! boom!

The two figures came out in an instant, and I saw the original leader who was full of endless charms. At the moment, it was a messy feather. At the same time, the rope condensed by a stream of air is bound by a circle, and the fire next to it is also uncomfortable, and is also bound by a circle of airflow rope.

After the command of the squadron, the fire squadrons all felt that they were completely bound, and they struggled to struggle.

"How could it be..." After the command, the fire squadron fell to the ground and looked at each other. Both eyes are full of horror, they can defeat them in the hands of the hand, this is definitely the strength of the eternal true God! And it is the top presence in the eternal true God.

"Does this sergeant Galaxy, the owner of the law, is actually an eternal true **** disguised? Yes, an eternal true god, as long as he does not touch the general, others who can't see his disguise. A noble eternal true **** It is better to disguise the master of a law, there must be a big attempt. It seems that he has ten ** is the outside life!" After the command of the commander, the fire of the afternoon leader is to think of this moment.

The eternal true God in the world of Jin is so much, even if it is a new breakthrough, at least it must be a vain god, it should be a bit famous.

This sergeant Galaxy?

They don't know.

But turned over and beat them!

"Why are you two coming to me?" Luo Feng stood there, indifferently watching the wolverines who fell on the ground and the commander of the fire. "And you, why attack me directly? Why, because I am a trace Disrespect, so kill me?"

That vain power came.

Luo Feng does not know whether the other side wants an illusion attack or a soul kill. He can't gamble.

"Who are you?" After he led the commander, "The ruler of a rule is not so strong."

"I am a river army, there is such a strong presence, I am the commander of the Weihe army, I did not know before." The fire was also on the side of the road, they both deliberately delayed the time.

In the moment of being defeated.

Both of them both communicated to the Eastern Army General 'Snow' through a communication token. When the two of them thought about it, this is the Eastern Army barracks. General Xueyu is also in the Eastern Army barracks. It is said that they can... They only need to delay the time and wait for the snow to come. .


"Well?" Luo Feng just left the two commanders, and his brow wrinkled and turned to look at the void in the distance.

Although the two leaders were captured, and the emptiness of the emptiness was broken, Luo Feng was isolated from the outside world by the power of the world, so that the sergeants of the Weihe River could not see everything inside.

"Hey!" There was a door in the void.

A figure flew in the door.

He wore silver-white armor, graceful and luxurious, with a white face and flew directly to the island. The invisible power was far superior to the previous two leaders.

It was tied to the back of the ground, the fire was noon, and it was a big surprise.



Both leaders eagerly shouted.

"Snow General." Luo Feng turned his head and smiled.

"Galaxy." General Xue Yu came down with a smile. He came over and looked at the two leaders who were bound on the ground. He screamed, "When, after the fire, how are you two here?"

After the fire, the fire was noisy.

Because they thought that the generals of the scorpion would come together, and they would be tempted with this outside life, but the two actually talked and laughed at each other, like friends.

"Snow General." After the squad leader eagerly said, "This sergeant Galaxy, he is likely to be the spies of the outside world into the world of my Jin, the generals are careful."

"The general is careful, don't be fooled by him easily." Afterwards, the commander also eagerly said, "He has the power of eternal God, even if he is perfect and can not easily believe, it is necessary to find out from birth to the rule of the Lord until now, A series of experiences can confirm his identity and cannot be easily believed."

General Sledant glanced at the shackled shackles, and the fire glanced at the afternoon, and they both closed their mouths.

"How can I do it, but also teach you?" General Xue Yu coldly said, "Galaxy identity, you can know, you dare to offend the Galaxy adults... I hope that the Galaxy adults will not be angry, convict For you, kill you."

After the hustle and bustle, the fire was suddenly overdue.

Galaxy adults?


Of course, the two of them immediately understood that the status of this Galaxy adult should be high! Even if you want to kill them, the two gods are all a word. The world that can be promoted is now the highest-ranking. Isn’t it the four generals? What existence can provoke the four generals to be called the Galaxy adults?

After a while, the fire suddenly understood that they should be exposed to some core secrets.

"This, this..." After the command, the fire-fighting team suddenly panicked.

They saw the distant snow sergeant and the sergeant Galaxy talking to each other, but they couldn't hear the content, but they couldn't help but fear that the Galaxy adults would kill them.


"Galaxy." Snow sergeant general said, "You should have listened to me long ago, open your strong identity. As a strong title, naturally no one dares to disrespect you."

"No," Luo Feng shook his head.

The King of Jin’s expectations for himself can be very high, be careful or be careful.

"How are you going to deal with them?" General Xue Yu asked. For Jin, even if it is to destroy the country, the two empty gods are nothing. Luo Feng wants to kill, no one can stop it.

"You ask them first, why did they come to me and start with me." Luo Fengdao.

"Good." General Xue Yu nodded, and immediately turned to the head to ask the two commanders, the two leaders naturally said one by one.

General Sergeant turned his head and looked at Luo Feng: "It is a sergeant of the rule of the army in the army. It is called Chengmu. And it is said that you are an outside life by death." General Xue Yu did not doubt Luo Feng. Because he knows that this sergeant, the Milky Way, has been confirmed by the 'God of the Kings'.

What is the means of His Majesty the King? Will you let the spies mix into the position of the heir to the gods?

"Chengmu?" Luo Feng's eyes passed a trace of killing.


The Lord of the Wood, one of the cosmos of the universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land. The Ziyue Holy Land universe may think that in the world of Jin, Luo Feng can have some influence, so some fundamental names are not changed.

"Is they?" Luo Feng suddenly killed, "To kill me, then I will kill all of your Purple Moon Holy Land in the world of Jin!"


After the tomato got up today, it was pleasantly surprised to find that the monthly ticket was really in the first place, and yesterday’s expectation became a reality. Very excited and very grateful. Also remind me to rest tomorrow on Saturday~~~ (to be continued.)