MTL - Sweet Heart in Honeyed Desire-Chapter 26 ,

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After the night, Yu Yi woke up in his luxurious bed.

The familiar environment gave him a little peace of mind, and he immediately found out that he was wearing pajamas and pink-blue.

He frowned almost invisibly, quickly walked to the cloakroom and changed to another set of light gray pajamas, and then threw the powder blue cloth on the ground.

Half of the clothes in the cloakroom are melancholy. At first, when melancholy woke up, he would take out his clothes and throw them away, but the next time melancholy he would buy more clothes. Will no longer throw clothes.

After all, all his money was used.

He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water, as if thinking of something, and opened the refrigerator door and looked at it.

There are many ingredients in the refrigerator in an orderly manner. A half-eaten cake is like an uninvited guest, and it is abruptly placed in the middle.

Yu Yi took out the cake and put it on the table. He took a sip of white water from the quilt and sat down at the table.

The Charlotte cake exudes a scent of rich mangoes, picks up the knife and fork set aside, and cuts a small piece into the mouth.

The sea cake is not soft enough, and the concentration of Bavarian cream is a little worse. If this is a cake for him to try, he will definitely not pass it.

But this is Tang Mi who gets up early in the morning and instructs Bai Xiao to make a birthday cake for himself.

He sat at the table alone and ate it spoon-by-spoon.

After solving for a little while, he took another sip of white water and got up and returned upstairs.

When walking to the bed, I found a note beside the pillow.

"I promised that sweetie wouldn't give her flowers anymore, you would send flowers to write your own name."

Yu Yi stared at the note for a while, then set it aside and lay down again.

The next morning, he was woken up by Luo Hao's phone. After the call was connected, Luo Hao tentatively called out, "General Yu?"

Depressedly said: "Well."

Luo Hao breathed a sigh of relief: "Yu Xin came out again yesterday. Do you need to call Dr. Zhang?"

Yu Yi thought for a while, and said, "No, I'll go directly to the company, and you'll wait for me at the company."


In the morning, the company had a regular meeting. From the entrance to the meeting room, Yu Yi continued to say hello to him one after another. He did not react habitually, but this still could not stop the enthusiastic eyes of female employees.

After coming out of the elevator, Luo Hao was waiting at the door of the conference room. Yu Yi walked over, took the papers in his hand, and walked into the conference room.

After Yu Yi sat down, the managers of various departments began to report.

The propaganda department manager said: "The new edition of the dessert special has begun to be produced. In this issue, we are going to select the dream pastry chef to promote the dessert and also promote the new store.

Depressed nodded: "Yes."

"Then I will send someone to contact me today, and I will make a special within this week and formally promote it on the official website and official Weibo next week."


After the meeting, Luo Hao returned to the office with depression. Yu Yi stepped onto the boss' chair and asked him, "How did you tell my parents yesterday?"

Luo Hao said: "I said that you have a temporary meeting and can't go to eat. Mr. Yu Lao seems a little dissatisfied."

"Um." Yu answered indifferently, it seems that he does not care about Mr. Yu's dissatisfaction at all.

Luo Hao stood for a while and asked, "Do you want to continue to send flowers to Tang Mi today?"

Yu Yi was silent for a while, and replied, "I don't have to give flowers anymore."

Luo Hao's eyes turned quickly, without asking anything.

Tang Mi trembled from work, afraid that the younger brother who loves the flower shop popped out. By 11:20, she was relieved before seeing the familiar figure.

The manager and Lu Yu came in from the outside. Tang Mi was surprised when he saw Lu Yu.

The manager went to the baking room and smiled at her: "This is Lu Yu of the propaganda department. You have already cooperated at the baking exhibition. I won't introduce more. She came here mainly to discuss with you. Let's talk about the dessert special. "

Tang Mi nodded suddenly. She still knows about dessert specials. Yu ’s official Weibo will release a gourmet special every so often, with a variety of themes. Among them, desserts are the most popular. Tang Mi paid attention to their official Weibo before joining Yu's. If they saw something they wanted, they would eat it.

"Lu Yu will tell you the specifics, you two go to the lounge to talk."

"Okay." Tang Mi led Lu Yu to the staff lounge and poured her a glass of juice by the way. "Do I need to cooperate with this special?"

Lu Yu smiled at her: "We decided to choose you as the star pastry chef of this period!"

Tang Mi said for a moment: "Star Pastry Chef?"

"Well, I'm here to do a small interview with you, and then take a few photos by the way." She blinked at Tang Mi. "Have you seen our previous special? In addition to chef clothes, we will also For casual photos, a dedicated photographer will come to the store to take pictures for you. The appointment time is three days later, remember to dress up beautifully! "

Tang Mi: "..."

There was indeed a photo of the chef on the previous special. She thought that the official number was close to ten million fans, and a sweat dripped on her forehead: "Are you sure you want a photo?"

"Yeah, don't be shy. Now you have to pay attention to packaging. You see Lin Che, haven't you packed yourself into a baking prince? Well, I thought of it, you're called a baking princess!"

Tang Mi: "..."

"And your photo was posted when the last baking show, don't be afraid!"

Tang Mi: "..."

Lu Yu took out a recording pen and gave her a short interview, and asked, "I need to put a new cake for you in the special, is it okay?"

Tang Mi thought for a while and thought, "I try, but I don't know if I can pass President Yu's try."

Lu Yu patted her shoulder: "I'm sure it's okay. The strawberry bavaro cake sold well last time, even my boyfriend loved it!"

Tang Mi: "..."

He was shown unsuspectingly again.

Lu Yu packed his things and got up from the small sofa: "Then let the manager contact the company as soon as possible, and make an appointment with Mr. Yu for a try, just before taking photos."


After Lu Yu left, Tang Mi went to the store manager, and at lunch, the store manager told her that the secretary had made an appointment, and it would just be three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Carrying the cake again to Yu's, Tang Mi's heart is not as embarrassing as before. Yu Yi was the same as last time, sitting in the office waiting for her. After Tang Mi pushed open the door, she saw the depression of a suit and leather shoes, and suddenly her mind came out of a printed shirt and cropped pants.

She shook her head and smiled at Yu Yi: "Yu is always good."

Yu Yi nodded to her and motioned her to sit down.

Tang Mi opened the cake. This time without waiting for depression, she introduced herself: "This is a cream cheese caramel cake. The bottom layer is made from the crumbs of almond chocolate cookies. The main body of the cake is cream cheese. The texture is soft and the flavor is very rich and mellow. I also added the original yogurt and lemon juice to flavor. The cream cheese is filled with fresh blueberries and raspberries. These two fruits not only increase the level of flavor, but also make the cake have more after cutting. Contrast of bright colors. The top layer is the caramel layer. I used these garnished lemon zest to cook with sugar water. The almond flakes are also coated with caramel. "

Tang Mi passed the plate with the cake and waited for Yu Yi to try it.

Yu Yi picked up the spoon and did not start eating directly as before, but commented rare: "The caramel dessert is very famous all over the world, and its strong caramel aroma makes many people obsessed."

With his spoon in his hand, he approached the cake slowly, and Tang Mi couldn't help being attracted by his long fingers.

When the spoon lightly broke through the caramel layer, the slight crunch sounded like the sound of an iced lake breaking through ice.

Tang Mi looked at Yu Yi and put the spoon into her mouth. I don't know why. Every time I watched Yu Yi eating cake, she always felt a feeling of being hooked.

"Cream cheese is very mellow. The sweetness of caramel and the unique acidity of cheese complement each other. The fruity flavors of blueberries and raspberries are combined. This kind of contrast is delicious. "

Tang Mi opened her eyes slightly and looked at him with a shudder.

Yu Xin's eyebrows moved and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Mi shook her head and smiled at him: "No, it's just the first time I heard you comment on my cake, a little bit happy, huh, huh."

Yu Yi looked at her, and narrowed the corners of her mouth slightly. There was a bit of caramel sweetness on her lips: "Sorry the day before yesterday, Yu Xin has troubled you again."

"It's okay, children ... what's your birthday." Tang Mi swallowed back the words "Children's Day", which she almost nodded in her heart.

Speaking of Yuxin Children's Day Children's Day, now I can't stop the car.

"I ate the birthday cake you and Bai Xiao made. Thank you."

"Ah, that cake was made by Bai Xiao, I just pointed from the side."

Yu Yi was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you anyway."

Tang Mi shook her head, and then suddenly said a little nervously: "Yu Xin went to Bai Xiao, will she ..."

"I will find a solution."

Don Miene nodded his head: "Oh, that's good. This cake ..."

"Passed, I will inform the propaganda department."

"Thank you." Tang Mi smiled happily at him. "Then I ... leave first."

Yu Yi paused, then nodded: "I'll send the driver back to you."

You can also enjoy the special car transfer treatment, Tang Mi stood up with a smile, but he stood still for a while.

Yu Yi looked at her and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Hmm ..." Did you actually send the flower that day ...

Tang Mi struggled for a long time, still dare not ask. Since he wrote Yu Xin's name, he didn't want to be recognized by her, so she should cooperate without breaking through him.

"It's nothing, goodbye President Yu." Tang Mi smiled and waved to him, leaving the president's office. 2k novel reading network