MTL - Sweet Love 1V1: Spoiled by The Executive-Chapter 2474 Lolo is back (5)

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Mu Guosheng was very moved to look at William and his assistant, and he was particularly relieved. It can be seen that they all treat his Lolo as the closest person, so this will be the performance. Doesn't this prove that Lolo is an excellent and kind girl? Because only such a good girl, will anyone be willing to follow her so desperately to do things.

Thinking of this, Mu Guosheng glanced at Xiao Chu beside him and two bodyguards behind him, both of whom were his life and death. Regardless of the danger, he has been with him for many years and worked for him.

After the excitement, Yu Luoluo remembered Mu Guosheng who came back with her, so he hurried back to Mu Guosheng's side, holding his arm, "William, I want to introduce you to this grandly!"

William looked at Mu Guosheng in doubt, confirming that he had never seen him before, but seeing that Yu Luoluo was so excited and so close to him, presumably his status was not ordinary.

Yu Luoluo's eyes flashed with light, "This is my dad! My biological dad! He's amazing, he's a policeman!"

Mu Guosheng watched Yu Luoluo proudly introduce himself, excited in his heart. He finally waited for this day, when his baby daughter proudly introduced herself to her friends. At this moment Mu Guosheng is really glad that he is a people's policeman, a policeman who can bring glory and pride to his daughter.

Thinking about this, Mu Guosheng straightened his body, and politely bowed slightly to William and others. "Hello, I am Lolo's father. Thank you very much for your care and care of my daughter. I annoy you to continue to get along with her. "

Mu Guosheng used to be the beginning of Laozi Laozi, and then spoke loudly and coarsely. Suddenly it became crepe-filled, and it was both profuse and annoying. It made Xiao Chu and the two bodyguards behind him quite uncomfortable. Even Yu Luoluo looked at his dad with a strange expression.

Mu Guosheng really enjoyed this kind of crepe-speaking feeling, with a smug look on his face.

When he heard that the other party was a police officer, William and his assistant and Cindy stood in triumph, and immediately bowed 90 degrees, saying in unison, "Uncle Mu!"

The reason why Yu Luoluo is still alive should be related to this uncle Mu. It is estimated that he was in charge of Cai Kun's case, and by the way he rescued Yu Luoluo.

After the introduction of Mu Guosheng, Yu Luoluo remembered to call his mother Yu Qingzi. In the past, she would make a phone call to her home almost every two or three days to report her safety. During this time, she was isolated from the world. It has been a long time since the King ’s family had called.

"William, my phone wasn't found when the bar exploded last time. Give me your phone."

Hearing that Yu Luoluo wanted a cell phone, William was nervous. "What do I want my cell phone to do?"

Yu Luoluoha smiled, "What else can you do, call my mother."

Seeing that Yu Luoluo was actually calling the family, William knew that eventually Yuluo Luo could not be concealed, and his face became embarrassed.

Yu Luoluo saw that William's face had changed, and he didn't give her phone slowly, and she had a bad feeling in her heart, "What's wrong? Is something happening in my house?"

Hearing Yu Luoluo's words, Mu Guosheng's expression also became serious, and he looked at William instantly.