MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1179 Pick a green armor (a monthly ticket)

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Chapter 1179 picking green armor (quick ticket)

Chapter 1179

In fact, from the time of being trapped in the hall, the amazing strength of the singularity and accidental exhibition of the squadron has caused many taboos of heavenly masters. Although they are happy to design, the groups are already aware of the blue. The strength and mystery of the hyperthyroidism poses no small threat to each of them.

But for the white-shirt boy who is a low-key but good-natured, the feeling of a group of heavenly masters is very complicated...

Although the white-shirt boy is equally arrogant, but has the strength of loneliness, and is not the kind of coldness that is not close to human feelings, at least in dealing with the Scorpio Swordsman, he has a lot of strength, unlike the green armor, has always saved strength, one The deputy disdain shot is not willing to shoot.

In contrast, the white-shirt boy is much more pleasing to the eye than the green armor. Even Bi Xuan, who was the first to resent the white-shirt boy, has already eliminated the negative sense of the white-shirt boy.

Nowadays, I heard the ridicule and ridicule of the white-shirt boy’s name. Bi Xuan’s head was picked. The accident was full of joy and joy, and he looked at the direction of the green armor.

For the green armor, Bi Xuan is relatively taboo. Since the show of the Qingjia fangs show, the death of many subordinates in the hall has been attributed to the cold blood of the other party. Now I see someone. It’s hard to see it for the green armor.

At the same time, accidents and interest are also Ye Gucheng, evil king, Yin Xia, and Osaya and Qin Lao, who are in alliance with Happy.

In other words, in addition to the undefeated behavior of the East, it is not a cold, and everyone else pays close attention to the two at this moment.

As soon as the voice fell, the green armor sneered...

Under the sense of sensation, happy and clear capture of a murderous flash from the mask of the green armor, which contains a shocking cold heart.


"You kid is not stinky... I think that hiding under the woman's skirt is qualified to speak with the deity? The deity wants to take your life, no one can stop it. Today, let you know that it is a price to pay for the offense."

The words of the green armored singer fell, leaving an elusive afterimage in the original place, disappearing directly from the happy spirit.

Although happy in my heart, my face did not show the slightest panic.

Even if the Qingjia fangs show a striking body, the movement will get rid of the lock of the sensation, showing the more exciting strength than Bi Xuan, but I know that the scorpion screaming under the anger The stronger the strength, the more your own goals will be achieved.


There is Osaya, the right-handed master of heaven, and it is not so easy for the youngsters to threaten themselves.


Almost at the moment when the green armor disappeared from the place, Osaya disappeared from the place.

Hey! !

In the air of the hall, the two exchanged one palm.

The green armor was finally intercepted by the air...

This scene is expected by Bi Xuan and others. When the first white-shirt boy was attacked by the green armor, Osaya had a shot, and this time is no exception.


Just when the group once again speculated that Osaya had a relationship with the white-shirt boy, let all the unexpected things happen...

Osaya and the green armored scorpion didn’t seem to have a single blow. This is the meaning of the retreat after the air is exchanged. The green armor snoring and the snoring of the body of the scorpion In this palm, he has a clear advantage, and a follow-up power of lightning has caught up with Osaya's backward retreat.


Osaya’s figure trembled in the air, and the speed of the retreat suddenly increased.


Hey! !

After landing, he stepped back seven or eight steps, stepping out a clear footprint from the ground of the hall, so it was easy to stop, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth.


Seeing this scene, the six heavenly masters who were ready to appreciate the blue-handed scorpion's hand reaching out were shocked.

A group of mythical masters almost took out the eyes.

Although Osaya is the youngest in the hands of Tiandao Gao, but the performance in the Scorpio Swordsman is remarkable, its strength will not be significantly inferior to any one other than Wu Zun Bi Xuan.

Therefore, the fact that one face was injured by the green armor was out of the expectations of everyone!


The blue-handed scorpion smashed away Osaya, and the domineering was more prosperous. He screamed "the light of the firefly, and dared to compete with the moon!", his eyes turned, and the white-shirt boy not far away voted for the slightest Do not hide the violent eyes of the murder: "I want you to watch your lover die in front of you!"

The voice has not fallen...

Happy is a serious and urgent system prompt:

"Using Osaya, I succeeded in angering mysterious heavenly masters, but I was inaccurate in judging the strength of mysterious heavenly masters. The masters of heaven and earth were photographed in the strength of mysterious heavenly masters. I am not planning to help. I am asking for more happiness, and working hard in mysterious heaven. Preservation of life in the pursuit of the master."


Although Osaya has been prepared in advance, forcing the squadron to make a full effort to create the illusion that the latter's strength overshadows the group;

However, Osaya was shocked by a face-to-face squad, which was unexpectedly unexpected and slightly disrupted his steps.

But happy didn't panic immediately...

There is Tianjing in hand, even if there is no counter-force, support for a while is no problem.

"A million years, back."

Take out Tianjing, happy first to help the thousands of foxes who can't help, to avoid being distracted, or being slaughtered by the green armor.

Thousand-faced fox knows that he can't access this level of fighting, does not say anything, stares deeply at the happy back, plunges away and falls to Osaya's side.

"Take your servant away, do you still want to be alone with me?" The scorpion scorpion bears his hands, and the mighty power of the heavens emerges from the latter, his feet slowly leaving the ground, looking down from the ground. A white-shirted boy with a smacked face and a strong face, a flash of color in his eyes.


At this moment, happy has not allowed to hide identity, the sword is shaking, the realm is open! Under the support of strong willpower, there is no way to counter the pressure and spiritual pressure of the green armor and the savage, and the eyes are stunned.

The eyes of Mr. Qin Lao, Bi Xuan and others have flashed a look of surprise and appreciation...

Aside from the status quo, with such a low-level cultivation as a positive counterbalance to a strong person and a strong realm of heaven and humanity, it is difficult to do all the masters of the mythology.


"Unfortunately, it is Osaya's person, otherwise, it is indispensable to accept as a disciple." Bi Xuan slowly blinked his eyes, but actually moved the heart of love.


There are two people who don't think about it!

Evil king, yin!

The two are very happy and happy.

In those days, when I was happy, I was not able to make a fuss. I used a not-so-skilled "Yangyang Finger" to help the Tiandao Song deficiency to reject the evil king from the Song-valve cliff. The thousand strokes did not win or lose. Now, some time has passed. The repairs are refined and refined. Even if the strength of the green armor is amazing, it is impossible to kill them in a short time.

"This kid won't be so easy to die... I don't believe you will watch it." The evil king raised his chin and was very cautious about making a judgment on happiness.

Silent after the yin.



The green armor and the shackles feel the resoluteness of the white-shirted teenager and the will of the body. The scorn of the original eyes has finally faded, but the murder and coldness are more intense.

The green armor has opened again:

"Actually... give you enough time. In time, the Central Plains will definitely have a strong master of heaven, but unfortunately... Insulting the deity, you will die today!"

"Then talk nonsense."

Happy and calm looking at the green armor, the words are not at all polite.

The voice has not fallen, and if there is a real cold and sullen thunder, it sounds from the heart:


Boom! ! !

The real gas field starts up by itself.

But happy or unbearable body shock, as if hit by something, unconsciously step back half a step...

This retreat seems to have fallen into the abyss.

In a moment of the scene, the whole world was completely controlled by the green armor, and the surrounding haze was boundless, and there was a borderless death atmosphere.

The green armor is completely disappeared from this bleak world!

The eyelids jerked, and it was almost unthinking to start "Lingbo Weibu"...

Just as the body just moved, a strong sense of crisis came from the front of the wind.

Small dragon shape!

Outside the battlefield, the evil king, Bi Xuan and others saw it really, and the faces of a group of people became extremely dignified.

Not only for the strength of the green armor, but also for the heart of the green armor!

At a glance, they saw through the green armor and the smugglers using the sound of the sounds of the spirit of the waves to shock themselves and temporarily lose their minds, and then released the heavens in a moment, the whole person is integrated into it.

This is not to mention, the trend of the heavens of the green armor is very weird. Ordinary Heavenly Masters like to integrate themselves into the heavens, silently approaching the target, launching attacks at the nearest distance, or subduing the enemy when the other party's mind is affected by the eyes.

The green armor is completely different...

In the eyes of the master of heaven, the green armor does not take the initiative to attack, but after judging the movement track of the white-shirt boy, he will go to the trajectory in advance to wait for the rabbit.

The moment when the master of Heaven’s masters will reveal the body, revealing the traces; but when the green armor is not moving, it carefully grasps the more detailed and threatening attack distance.

Dealing with a young genius who has been reduced to a low level, not only sent out the secret skills, the trend of heaven, but also used such a terrible mind. For a time, all the masters of heaven and earth felt a strong chill from the green armor.

In addition to the heart-wrenching, the group of people was very surprised to find that the reaction of the white-shirt boy was also very difficult.

The death threat in the immediate vicinity was also reacted, and the claws of the neck of the blue armor were passed by...

I avoided it!