MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1180 "Supreme Heaven and Earth" (seeking recommendation)

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Chapter 1180, "Surprising to the World" (Recommended)

Chapter 1180

At the time of the crisis, I was finally happy to enter the state completely. The dragon shape started, and the poor ones avoided the claws of the green armor.

When the cold wind blows from the face, happy has a relaxed feeling of escape.

But it doesn't last long.

I haven’t had time to be proud, and the one leg of the blue armor’s fast-moving lightning will be happy to hammer the ground...

Hey! !

Presented from the void, happy immediately felt that a force of incomparable resistance was drawn at the waist, and the whole man was thrown into the ground like a cannonball.

Half body is almost crisp!

Fortunately, most of the damage was absorbed in the real gas field, and the body and muscles have been strengthened to the point where it is not like the words. The one-shot strike of the green armor has not caused much damage to him.

After landing, hold your hands with your hands and make a gentle touch!


A strong suffocation rushed out from the ground beneath him.

Under the gaze of the heroes, the white-shirted boy who was hit by the squadrons of the squadrons turned over and jumped up, and did not retreat to the ground and greeted the scorpion scorpion. His eyes were as firm and cold as ever, and he was reluctant to make his character. Amazing.

Happy and reluctant to make the green armor also surprised.

Although Osaya suffered his full blow, but the white-shirt boy was so low-minded as a realm, and he was able to react immediately when he was caught off guard. The huge contrast in the middle made him slightly stunned. A bit.

"court death!"

Surprised to be surprised, seeing the latter greeted with the loss of the ground, the green armor and the indifference of the lips, involving a hint of indifference.

The devil-like big hand suddenly came out...


The timing is just right.

A sword swept away, and the residual image of the green armor was torn by the sword;

Happy has not yet had time to move, the hand of the devil has been explored from the nearby void, the five fingers are like a dark blue metal, calm and with the magic that people can not resist, suddenly caught in front of the speed, fast, and implied infinite mysterious People can't escape.

"Give me a roll!"

Happy is the first time so passive in front of people, seeing that their attacks are so easily ignored by the other party, as if adults are teasing children, the heart is finally forced out of the real fire, eyes are cold, Xiaolong shape starts again...


Surrounded by crowds:

The green armor has lost his hand again! !

However, this time, many people have seen that the loss of the green armor is not because the white-shirt boy’s body is powerful, but because the green armor seems to be thinking about humiliating the white-shirt boy. When I got into my hands, the trick of opening and closing the big ones was too simple. The tricks of the white-shirted teenagers’ swaying dodge contained some escaping mysteriousness in it. The timing was right, and it really avoided the second attack of the green armor. .


The green armored scorpion seems to expect that there will be a situation of missing the hand, so the technique is re-applied, and the other is on the happy body.

Hey! ! !

The sturdy ground squat is a happy crack of a turtle crack road, which shows that the strength of the green armor has not been kept.

"The deity wants to see, you can avoid me a few times."

The green armor squats in the air with his hands on his back, staring at the white-shirted boy who is once again rising from the ground. His tone is cold.

Happy and sinking.

Heavy two hits, "Yi Jin Jing" running at full speed!

In the widening of the eight classics, the endless stream of buzz from the dantian, the whole body, while quickly recovering the power of the dragon-shaped loss, and the internal forces consumed by the real gas field, while raising the momentum.

A breathing effort, the internal force consumed will be restored to 7788, and the gaze will be fixed on the green armor: "I want to see this less, the master of heaven and earth, how many tricks I need to take me down." The more dangerous the more angry, the more calm, the more calm, the more you enter the state.

Hearing the joyful and ironic sarcasm, the pupil under the mask shrank slightly:

"The tip of the tooth is sharp."

The voice did not fall, and the person disappeared from the air again.

Happy brows, no words, a little under the feet, the body retreat.

"Be careful behind you!"

At this moment, Osaya’s voice suddenly plunged into the ear, happy and refreshed, without saying anything, the long sword reflective retrace...

Just as soon as I met, I was greeted by the blue-colored scorpion, the blue color of the dragon, like a dragon, and a pair of indifferent and noisy eyes.

clang! !

In a hurry, the two met in the air.

The green armor became a shot, and the palm of the hand was like a **** soldier. It was shot on the top of Tianjing. The big hand was safe and sound. Instead, it was happy to be shaken by a majestic force. The blood has been tumbling for a long time.


Happy chest and chest retreat a few feet, trying to calm down the intense blood in the chest, looking at the eyes of the green armored teeth more than a little dignified.

The same as the master of heaven, the evil king and the green armor are not on the same level...

It is no wonder that Osaya will be injured by the green armor in one stroke. The strength of the latter is the strongest one in the realm of heaven. Even the master ‘mad monk’...

I thought of the mad monk who had been detained for decades on the peak of punishment. I was very happy and frowned. I felt that both of them were somewhat unfathomable, but the latter was more dangerous.

"I can pick up three tricks from me. It is no wonder that I can enter the Great Desert Palace. I can have this repair at a young age. It is enough to be proud of the martial arts, but unfortunately..." The blue-eyed scorpion eyes looked at the white-shirted teenager and faced himself with a palm. After calming down, another flash of color in the eyes, a heartfelt praise, but the eyes that are transmitted from under the mask are even more cold and cruel, killing.

"Which is so much nonsense, if you say this again, you don't want to leave the desert palace in this life."


The scorpion scorpion seems to be reminded: "The desert palace is open for one day, and it is not outdated. It really can't waste too much time on you, but as a thank you, I will leave you all the corpse." The cold is very strong.

"Don't patronize and talk big."


The two started at the same time.

This time.

The situation is different from the last time...

There is Osaya secretly helping, even if there is no sense of sensation, it can also determine the position of the green armor, without the use of eyes and ears, a sword can hit the green armor.

Hey! !

Since you have mastered the position of the green armor, you will not continue to entangle with the latter. The wind will start in the sky, and a sword with six times of damage will directly bring out a half-foot-long blood from the arm of the blue armor. The wound.

The latter was also not observed for a while. After being happy and kindly reminded, he wanted to hurry up. As a result, he did not expect to use the killer directly with the help of Osaya.

Fortunately, the green armor was aware that the sword was not right at the crucial time, and promptly made the action of withdrawing the move, otherwise it would not be a simple wound...

Maybe an arm will be abolished!


In the exhalation of the heroes, the blue armor flies directly to fly back to dozens of feet, looking down at the injured arm...

Bi Xuan and others saw the wound on the arm of the green armor, but also felt a chill from the heart!

"This kid is really embarrassed."


Several heavenly masters held their breath and looked at the white-shirted teenager's eyes.

Before I was happy, I was stunned by the green armor and I didn’t seem to be able to fight back. I could only avoid it. I didn’t expect that this shot was a completely different effect from everyone’s expectations.

Bi Xuan's face is incredible.

Amazed in my heart!

In fact, he has already made a final conclusion in his mind. The green armor is indeed better than himself, but... he was stabbed by a white shirt boy's sword... This somewhat made him unexpected.


The green armor was unexpectedly unexpected.

I didn’t think that the sword of the white-shirt boy had such power. The injured arm was lifted slightly, the five fingers slowly became a fist, and I felt some damage to the meridians, and I looked up and looked back here:

"Good means."

"Everything is said, old age, don't patronize bragging..." Happy one sword did not greedy to chase, to make up for the internal forces consumed by the wind and sky is the right thing.

And the next shot takes 30 seconds to cool down, and it’s not that people are kicking back like sandbags?

The only surprise in the field is the Thousand Faces Fox and Osaya!

For Osaya, this happy sword is a revenge for her, but also shocked the other heavenly masters present...

From this moment on, no one will treat happiness as a common cultivation role.

In the face of happy satire, the green armor sneer smiled slightly:

"I am very curious, this is a waste of your internal strength. In a short time, what qualifications do you have in front of me?"

After a pause, the following sentence made the many heavenly masters in the temple once again frowning and the atmosphere became tense!

"Even without this hand, I can easily kill you."


This time, the green armor has no polite wait for a happy response. The words just exited, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow from the string.



I was prepared to use words to stimulate the green armor, but I didn’t expect the latter to go directly, and...

This time, I did not use the power of heaven, so I rushed over in the light!

I don't know why, happy heart flashed a little bit of uneasiness.

Osaya has no secret voice;

The green armor has slowed down the attack speed...

All of this makes happiness a little discomfort, and there is a feeling that the rhythm is destroyed.

More terrible!


Sound waves hit the ear...

The heart seems to be smashed by the giant hammer, and the body is trembled, and the eyes of the scorpion scorpion are lost.

I haven’t had time to respond from the shackles, and the boundless pressure is accompanied by the cold wind and the palm of the hand, as well as the raging heat of the temperament of the sun.

"Pure yin sigh! Lieyang suffocating! You are practicing "Supreme sacred to heaven and earth"! It is you! It is you!!" The scorpion scorpion touches two distinct internal airflows, let the hall The seven heavenly masters within the same color change at the same time.

Mr. Qin Lao even couldn't help but exclaimed, and the metal was scratched and harsh before the sound was gone. Hey! ! Hey! !

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction