MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1516 Scroll of Aeons

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The door leading to the communication room opened, and a tall and thin figure walked out of it. Diana, who was already waiting in the hallway, quickly greeted her. The face was as cold and serious as before, and this time there was more unclear weight in the coldness.

It seems that what happened at the meeting, perhaps it was the new information that His Majesty Gawain Cecil brought, or it was the elves or dragons who discovered new problems in the refuge plan in Diana’s mental core. There was some speculation, but she didn't ask anything, just lowered her head slightly: "Do you need to take a break first?"

"...No need," Rosetta glanced at the maid standing in front of him, and his mind was still circling the content discussed in the meeting about the unity of mind and the ultimate disobedience, about the adulthood and the gods of the mortal race. Disaster, about Gawain’s "final plan" and the fate that everyone may face, his face was solemn, and he stood in the corridor for two seconds before suddenly speaking, "Matilda is in the Obsidian Palace? ?"

"His Royal Highness just returned half an hour ago," Diana said, lowering her head. "Do you need to call her here?"

"Let her come to the study to find me," Rosetta said in a deep voice, and then he seemed to think of something again, frowning slightly, "What's the progress of the exploration on Violet Island?"

"Our exploratory team has entered the depths of the southeast forest and has not found any traces of the city. Only some stone relics like'monuments' have been found in the forest." Diana reported the latest intelligence from the north. At present, the vanguard troops have built a security camp near one of the monuments, and set up a mage tower and a supply station. The follow-up forces are continuing to land on the island from the southeast coast and are expected to join the vanguard forces in two days."

Rosetta pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "Go yourself."

Diana glanced at the emperor with some surprise. It seemed that she didn't expect the other party to give this order suddenly, but this did not affect her response to the order: "Yes, I will leave tomorrow."

Rosetta nodded, and then seemed to feel the need to explain a few words, and then said: "...What happened on Violet Island is very important. I am not relieved that others are responsible. After you get there, the first task is to find the place in Violet. The city of a thousand towers in the depths of the island, and to provide assistance within its capacity to the exploration team of the Cecilites."

Diana bowed her head deeply: "I will follow your orders."

After a while, Matilda Augustus was walking in the deep corridor deep in the Obsidian Palace. She received the order from her father to be summoned, but she didn't know why her father wanted to see herself in such a hurry.

All she knows is that her father once again participated in the "virtual network conference" convened by His Majesty Gawain Cecil today. The leaders of the three empires and the dragon kingdom will finally determine the plan to resist the demonic wave at the meeting, maybe...and What was discussed at the meeting?

The sound of the boots hitting the marble floor was crisp and rhythmic.

After entering the inner court, Matilda withdrew from all her entourages around her. She hurriedly walked through the corridor that she had walked countless times in her memory, and the skirt swept across the decorative armor and hero sculptures in the corridor.

She still remembered that when she was a child, she would often climb onto those sculptures, which caused the maids and guards who took care of herself to exclaim, and also caused her serious father to laugh and cry. In the end, she always jumped from the highest point of the sculpture. On her father, in a pounce and exclamation, she would see his father show a smile that would never have appeared in the past. It was one of the few pleasures of her childhood, and it was the only thing she could think of at that time that she could have with her father. "game".

But later, as her father’s mental state was deteriorating, and the atmosphere of depression and tension filled this gloomy palace, she never had such joy again. Now, in a blink of an eye, the Augustus family is finally in her father’s This generation got rid of the frenzied curse that lasted for two centuries, but the childhood that has passed away will never come back.

Now she is the dazzling jewel of the Tifeng Empire, the noble crown prince, she has passed from here, and she can only put on a serious and solemn expression to help her father deal with those solemn and serious things.

Matilda opened the last door at the end of the corridor, and she saw the figure as tall as she remembered, but much thinner than she remembered, sitting on a high chair, like a figure in the sunset near dusk Against the backlit sculpture, she gently closed the door and bowed her head respectfully to salute: "Father, are you looking for me?"

"...Remember, before the decisive battle of Winterhold, we started a project to gather scholars and clerks from across the country to compile and compile all the empire's historical, natural, technical, and artistic classics," Rosetta said in thought When he woke up, he looked at his daughter and said in a calm voice, "I remember that Hardyren and you were in charge of this work in the end."

Matilda was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted: "Yes, the situation was turbulent at the time, and the future is not optimistic. We initiated such a project to preserve the history and history of the Typhons in the worst case. Cultural heritage..."

"This matter should continue, right?"

"Yes," Matilda nodded hesitantly, "Although the war ended, we found that the compilation of such an "Encyclopedia" still had its meaning, so this work has continued, and it is now approaching. At the end. Why did you bring it up suddenly?"

Rosetta did not speak immediately. He seemed to be meditating, and it took a long time to break the silence: "Matilda, how do you think the "Encyclopedia" we compiled will be preserved for a longer period of time when civilization is destroyed. And have the opportunity to pass on to future generations?"

The anti-gravity lift quietly passed through the shaft leading to the depths of the ground. The Silver Queen Belcetia Morningstar stood inside the protective barrier of the lift, staring thoughtfully at the layer after layer of alloy frame and The reinforced rock strata continued to rise in sight, until a slight tremor suddenly came from under her feet, and the elevator platform was clamped by the mechanical devices on both sides of the passage and began to slow down, and she blinked and returned to the way she was when she was facing her subjects on weekdays. Kind of indifferent, calm expression.

The shaft gate slid open on both sides amidst the sound of mechanical friction, and Bersetia stepped out of the elevator platform. The space in front of her suddenly opened up. In this well-protected bunker facility, there were bright lights everywhere.

This is the deep underground of the Elf King City. For tens of thousands of years, this underground bunker has been directly controlled and supervised by the Elf Royal Family. There are no less than ten similar bunker facilities in and around the King City. Some of them are material warehouses and some are backed up. Some of the industrial bases are doomsday fortresses for all the residents of the royal city to take refuge, and some are highly classified research centers and storage vaults containing dangerous magical artifacts. Similar facilities exist in every country, and the elves have passed on this land. For tens of thousands of years, they certainly did.

At this moment, the underground bunker serving as a research facility is in a busy state. Bersetia is here in person to inspect a project that has been secretly carried out for a period of time.

In the huge hexagonal hall, hundreds of senior scholars and experienced mages are watching the operation of a huge magical device. There are several people tall, and the alloy shell is smooth and precise. In some areas, you can see a transparent crystal window on the shell. In the window, you can clearly see the complex rune structure and the running mechanical module.

This huge icosahedron just floated, and there was a low and pleasant hum inside its body. The brilliance of magic wandered through the gaps in its shell, and it responded to the instructions sent to it by the surrounding wizards from time to time. , Or interact and communicate with some equipment in the hall on her own, while Great Astrology Master Verania floats directly above the device, carefully sensing the flow of magic within the device. Valley

It wasn't until the Silver Queen came near the device that Verania's work came to an end. The great astrology master slowly descended to the ground and paid tribute to the Queen: "Your Majesty, the meeting is over?"

"Yes, as we had previously expected, the final result is the home planet barrier," Bersetia nodded, and then his gaze fell on the magic device behind the Great Astrology Master, "The operation of the'Secretary Organization' how?"

Verania was a little surprised, because the Silver Queen took the event related to the final plan for the defense of the magic tide so lightly, but then she reacted and nodded gently: "It has been running steadily for more than thirty-six. Hours, all parameters are normal. But we may need to do more tests to determine whether it can run and repair itself as designed. After all, it uses both the original blueprint of the original wizard and modern magic technology. The combination of the participants still needs data accumulation."

Bersetia nodded slightly, and Verania seemed to feel something from the Queen’s attitude at the moment: "Your Majesty, the secretarial agency is just a machine. It can record and teach knowledge, but it can’t after all. It represents the silver elves, and after a long period of time, whether a machine buried deep underground can really see the sky again is unknown..."

"It can't represent the silver elves, but it can represent that a civilization called the silver elves once existed in this world," Bersetia interrupted the great astrology master. The "Great Split" occurred, the exiles were scattered in the Loren continent, and the elven subspecies had forgotten their original culture and heritage. Even the silver elves that preserved the most heritage can only start from a pile of scrap machines that cannot be activated. Some messy legends and deified stories were barely pieced together with old books that no one understood. But if we had a teaching machine similar to the "secretary organization" at that time, this situation might not have happened."

She raised her head and stared at the magic device floating in the middle of the hall. The huge magic device calmly responded to the queen's gaze. Its perception module recognized the figure in front of her, and a body of cold and hard steel came out. String special buzzing sound.

This thing was not built recently, and the start of the entire project can even be traced back to the first communication between the Neues and the Loren Alliance.

Compared with the other younger races on this continent, the silver elves faced the disruption of civilization earlier and fully experienced rebirth in the ruins. In the matter of "left inheritance", this has a long history. The race is more sensitive and active than everyone else.

And the meeting that just ended made the Silver Queen more sure of the correctness of this kind of precaution.

"Secretary agency, can you hear me?" Bersetia said suddenly.

A deep and mechanical response came from the huge magic device: "Yes, please give me orders."

Bersetia took a breath: "Describe your mission."

"It is the mission of the secretarial agency to continue to collect and record knowledge, and to wait for the doomsday instruction. When the doomsday instruction is activated, the bunker will be closed and turned into a waiting mode. During the waiting period, it will take all means to maintain itself and the operation of the shelter facilities until the intelligent species meet the conditions. Reappear on the surface, take the initiative to contact him and execute teaching instructions..."

The heavy alloy walls blocked the biting cold wind blowing from the direction of the wilderness, and the thermal field diffuser maintained a comfortable indoor environment. Herragor, dressed in plain robes, came to the laboratory. Several dragons were busy in front of the operation desk. The scholars immediately greeted them and bowed their tribute to their leader.

Herragor replied indifferently, and then his gaze swept across this spacious laboratory. What you see is the dazzling operating table, the holographic image floating in the air, the culture vessels lined up by the wall, and many different kinds of things. In the eyes of other races, these devices may represent the incredible "Talrond technology", but a real dragon can tell at a glance that everything here is pieced together.

Compared with the laboratories of those technology companies in Tarrond during its heyday, this place can almost be described as shabby.

"I'm sorry, but I can only provide you with such conditions," Herragor said to the scholars in front of him. "It can't be compared with the original enterprise R&D center."

"Don't you say that," a black-haired dragon scholar hurriedly waved his hand. "This is much better than we thought. We never even thought that such a gene editing could be established after the war. room…"

Herragore nodded, and then stepped to one of the consoles. His gaze fell on a set of holographic images. The center of the holographic images was not mysterious or mysterious. It was a worm. , A ugly, ugly worm.

And beside the holographic projection of this worm, there are large swathes of genetic factors compiled data.

"Which step is it?" Herragor looked back and asked the technician who came next to him.

"At present, a brief history of Tarrond has been successfully compiled and injected into the redundant genetic fragments of the Erbito worm, and it has maintained a stable transmission after the sixteenth generation of catalyzed reproduction. As we already know, The redundant genetic fragments of the Bitto worm are very, very stable, and are an excellent carrier of information."

"Yes, very, very stable..." Herragor muttered to himself softly, "From 1.87 million years ago to the present, these worms living in silt and volcanic ash have always maintained this appearance, these structures Simple low-level lives even have a longer history than giant dragons."

"The more basic life forms are, the more ancient history they have," a red-haired gene editor exclaimed. "Worms are older than dragons, bacteria are older than worms, and bacteria are older than bacteria. It is the simple and fragile primitive molecular structures of the ancestor protein group that can survive for 1.6 billion years in the mud of the seabed, and the brilliant civilization of intelligent creatures briefly flicks in front of these blindly creeping creatures..."

Another scholar shook his head, with a sigh in his tone: "In fact, the Erim fungus is a more stable'carrier' than the Erbito worm. It is a pity that the genetic factors of the Erim fungus are not suitable for this kind of compilation. "

"The Erbito worm, with a history of three million years, is enough to undertake this mission. Its genetic structure is sufficient to accommodate all of our history and most of our knowledge," Herragor said lightly. "Even if we perish, these worms It will continue to multiply in every corner of this planet. The magic wave and the divine disaster are like harmless breeze to them, and everything we have will be steadily passed on in their genetic factors."

Several dragon scholars looked at each other, and one of them finally couldn't help but speak: "But...who will read these tombstones that are invisible to the naked eye?"

"Latecomers, the next civilization that has developed to a certain height and is well prepared, and the next race that is as curious as we are and can observe keenly. This may take a long, long time, and it may take a little bit of luck, but'waiting' is for As far as life and the stars are concerned, it has never been a problem."