MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1534 Visitor of the Shadowlands

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Although it is still impossible to directly spy on the real situation inside the kingdom of the gods, there are already a lot of indirect clues that allow Gawain to speculate what happened to the gods - the high-level believers of various sects can no longer perceive the "watching" of the gods, The invocation process for higher-level divine arts becomes a sort of mechanical "call" and "answer", both of which are typical characteristics of "pure divinity".

At this point, Veronica, who is a saint of the Church of the Holy Light, and who has personally visited the Holy Light Kingdom with ideology, has the highest voice, because the God of Holy Light is in this state now.

And all of this happened after Ms. Ye "visited" the gods, and thinking about the clues she found in the church before, it's no wonder that Gawain suspected that Ms. Ye actually beat the gods into a vegetative state. (God)...

He also knew that this guess was too unbelievable, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help but say: "Did... Lady Ye destroyed the humanity of the gods? Or did they lose their ability to think in some way?"

"I was so suspicious at one time, but there's something untenable about this," Veronica said with a slight frown and shook her head, "Why did Lady Night destroy the humanity of the gods? Or in other words, since He has This ability, and he chose to take action, why didn't he destroy the divinity of the gods? You must know that when a divine disaster occurs, the real threat to mortals should be the divinity of mechanized operation, and the human side of the gods should be us. just doesn't make sense.

"What's more, we have also discussed before that if Ms. Ye really wants to help this season of civilization, then he should not directly 'destroy' anything."

Gawain frowned slightly and stared at Veronica: "So you mean..."

"I don't think the humanity of the gods has been destroyed," Veronica pondered for a while, and said her guess, "I'm more inclined to... The method gives their human parts a certain ability to 'autonomy', so that these human natures can actively choose to avoid earthly prayers."

Gawain instantly understood what the other party meant, and this conclusion was obviously beyond his expectations: "Ms. Ye's 'attack' caused the gods to gain a certain degree of freedom from the human nature? And those human natures who have obtained freedom are actively isolating at this moment. Connection to the world?"

"Perhaps more than that," Veronica looked into Gawain's eyes with a calm expression, "The Theocratic Council's actions have always been to 'unbind' the gods in a planned way, and it can still be done with the power of mortals. In this regard, if a powerful ancient **** like Lady Ye took action personally, he should not just want to give the gods a little freedom of humanity."

A lot of speculations popped up in Gawain's mind for a while, and at the end of all the speculations, all his doubts finally converged into one place: "If what we speculate at the moment is true, then... the 'human nature' of the gods is now Where have you been?"

If Lady Night really freed the human side of the gods by some means (forcible beating to separate the walls), and even completed the separation of divinity and humanity, then these human half bodies that can move freely should always be Do something, but now no gods are trying to communicate with the world, which is completely inconsistent with Gawain's impression of the gods after they were humanized!

Think of Miermina, who ran wild in the Shadow Realm all day after she was freed, and Amoen, who turned her disobedient courtyard into a vegetable garden within a few days after she finally stood up, and thinks that she has been completely released now. Self, even the tea eggs that "I am two years old this year", any example is enough to illustrate one thing: none of these gods who have been holding back for thousands of years is safe, and mortals are for them. Shaped the solemn shell of Baoxiang, but under these shells are all hearts that are about to be suffocated out of neuropathy, and this is also completely in line with the concept of "human nature", then the problem comes -

Now that Lady Ye has freed the human nature of the gods, will these gods who have loosened their chains be happy to continue to be imprisoned in their own kingdom of gods? It must be unwilling, but none of them have come forward to breathe. There are only two explanations. Either they have another mission and must continue to plan something in the kingdom of God, or Ms. Ye is trying hard. Big, the victim may not even wake up...

Gawain accidentally thought of something strange again, but this time his association was interrupted as soon as he appeared: a rapid humming sound suddenly came from the edge of the desk. He followed the sound and looked at it. The runes on the surface of the magic net terminal were flashing rapidly, and a very special symbol projection appeared above the terminal.

That is the high authority communication mark of the Theocratic Council, and when this mark lights up, it means that something directly related to the gods has happened.

Gawain immediately signaled Veronica to close the door of the study, and activated the isolation barrier in the room. After confirming that a series of protection and monitoring systems were operating normally, he reached out and connected the communication.

The holographic projection above the magic net terminal flickered and flickered a few times, and soon a clear image was formed, and the figure of Julu Amoen appeared in the holographic projection.

Gawain didn't expect this guy to contact him suddenly, his voice was a little surprised: "What happened? This seems to be the first time you use this channel..."

"There's an emergency," Amoun leaned his head here, a shimmering light flickered beside him, as if there were other figures moving outside the screen, "You'd better come over in person—there are three A special 'guest' wants to meet you."

Gao Wen was stunned when he heard the words, and in the next second, he vaguely guessed something, and his expression instantly became serious.

"I'll go check the situation," Gawain said while nodding to Veronica, standing up from behind the desk, and then he waved to the air beside him, "Amber."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shadow crack appeared in the air, and a petite figure shouted as he drilled out: "I'm here, let's go together, wait... Hey, who is next to me, help me? Bundle…"

Veronica glanced blankly at Amber who was stuck in the shadow fissure, stretched out her hand and dragged the latter out of it and handed it to Gawain. Folder, stride to the study door.

In the shadow world, against the depths of the courtyard, a huge golden oak tree stands quietly as always in a darkened world. The slight brilliance around the oak tree gently illuminates the entire courtyard, illuminating the lush plants and distribution. A large magic machine among the nurseries.

Amoen had just finished the communication with Cecil City. At this time, he was lying quietly beside the golden oak tree, and in front of him there were three more petite figures than him. They were three temperaments. An elegant and beautiful woman, with long blond hair like wheat ears and a bright face, with graceful upper body lines and elk lower body, she is the three goddesses in charge of the harvest and the earth - the mother earth Gaia, the **** of harvest Yi. Fu, and Flora, the goddess of spring.

The three goddesses who were supposed to live in the Garden of Harvest and receive the worship of mortals on the throne were standing in front of Amoen like this, standing in the middle of the lush nursery. Moen looked at them and seemed to be a little troubled. After hesitating again and again, Amoen finally couldn't help but say: "Then what, why don't you just wipe the blood on your face? It looks scary..."

"Thank you for your kindness, respected master of nature," Gaia, the eldest sister of the three goddesses, immediately shook her head slightly, her voice low and soft, "but this is the wound left after the penetration of the shadow power, only time can heal ."

Listening to the other party's words, Amoen was instantly shocked: "If you don't wipe it, don't wipe it. Can you forget the words 'Nature Master', I'm a little nervous when I hear this title now..."

Eve, who was standing beside Gaia, was slightly startled, but quickly reacted: "This... ok, then it should be fine for us to call you Lord Amoen? After all, the three of us sisters learned from your Although we don’t have a clear memory of that period, in terms of inheritance, you should be equivalent to our brother…”

Before Eve finished speaking, Flora, who had not spoken just now, couldn't help but interject: "Actually, it can also be regarded as a parent - more strictly speaking, a mother."

The blue veins that Amoen listened to are almost getting up, but he can't just attack the three juniors who are humble and friendly, and he also knows that these three belong to the group who just slipped out to let the wind out, and they must be still in their words and deeds. I couldn't get rid of the previous influence, so I patiently said: "You don't have to care about these, and I don't care, the inheritance of the priesthood and the division of the field are irrelevant to us now, you have to learn It's easy to get used to this new way of looking at things, or it's easy to reconnect with your divinity - and you're more dangerous than I am at this point, because your 'unbinding' was not done by normal means."

The three goddesses glanced at each other subconsciously. The eldest sister Gaia's expression looked particularly solemn. She bowed in a serious attitude that was a bit exaggerated in Amoen's opinion: "Thank you very much for your warning!"

"You don't need to be so excited..." Amoen's tone was a little embarrassed, "It's just some experience."

"These experiences are very important," Eve, the goddess of harvest, looked at the former master of nature seriously, "We don't have any experience in life, and the lady has never told us about this, so your suggestion is meaningful to us. major."

"Ms. Ye didn't tell you anything?" Amoen raised his brows subconsciously, "He gave you... er, I mean, after finishing the 'treatment', he just left?"

Flora, the goddess of spring, recalled and shook her head, but just as she was about to say something, a low humming sound suddenly came from the large magic devices set up between the surrounding nurseries. After breaking the movements of the three goddesses, Flora looked vigilant: "What is this?"

"Don't be nervous, it's just that the anti-divine barrier generator is turning into high-power mode," Ammon said calmly, "The entrance to the outside world is opening, and it looks like the person you want to meet is here."

As if to confirm what Amoen said, as soon as his voice fell, the dense protective barrier at the end of the path in the courtyard suddenly opened a gap, and then two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in the halls of several gods who were off-duty. In the sight, Amoen glanced over there, and said casually to the three guests: "Well, that is Gawain over there, the Theocratic Council was established by him, and the little dwarf next to him... eh? You are this What's wrong?"

Halfway through his words, Amone suddenly noticed that the expressions of the three goddesses were a little weird. They were staring at Gawain who was walking towards him... The petite figure beside him, Flora, the goddess of spring, even Subconsciously took a half step back, and then heard the goddess of harvest, Eve, whispering nervously there: "No... Didn't the treatment course end..."

Amon: "...?"

Not to mention Amoen's forehead question mark, Amber, who was walking forward beside Gawain, was really startled at this time. She saw three people standing under the golden oak tree from a distance. The figure, and recognized at a glance that they were the three female gods enshrined in the temple of abundance, and knew on the spot that a major event was going to happen today, but did not expect that the three goddesses immediately turned their attention to himself. On the body—she couldn't tell the meaning of the three goddesses' eyes, she just felt horrified, and in the next instant she flashed directly behind Gawain, and at the same time exclaimed in a low voice, "What's wrong with those three?"

Gawain's heart moved when he saw the three figures. Although he had guessed what the "three guests" mentioned by Amoen were before he came, he couldn't help feeling ups and downs after seeing them. Seeing the abnormal reactions of the three goddesses, the various clues in his mind were connected to one place almost instantly, he looked back at Amber, who was hiding behind him, and said in a low voice, "Relax, I think ...The pot is still on Lady Ye."

"That's not me!" Amber's tone almost made him cry, "You know my ability, you have to cover me when things go wrong, anyway, I'm your guard..."

Listening to the incoherent babble of this guy, Gawain didn't even know where to start to find the faults in her words. The goddess's gaze almost never changed direction, but because Amber hid behind him, these three gazes fell directly on him. Although there was no hostility in these gazes, and no extra power, they were just the power of powerful creatures. The gaze itself is enough to make people feel particularly uncomfortable - fortunately, Gawain has had the experience of confronting various gods, and this pressure is not a big deal.

He first nodded and said hello to Amoen, and then looked at the three goddesses-their bodies were relatively petite, but that was compared to Amoen's size that was still like a house after being compressed. In front of Gawain, the three female gods were still "large creatures" nearly two people tall, but even with such a height difference, when Gawain's calm gaze came over, the three gods of abundance instantly felt something... none the power of words.

That is, no matter what kind of personality difference there is, no matter what kind of glorious theocratic crown he has, all beings will be watching on an equal footing in front of his eyes, and he can stand head-to-head with the dragon of confusion, confront the upper-level narrator, and fight with the most powerful narrator on this planet. The ancient and craziest creatures treated each other as equals... Attitude, under this calm and calm gaze, the giant **** also lowered his head subconsciously.

At this time, Gaia suddenly realized that his gaze was quite rude: "Sorry, we are just... a little surprised. May I ask this is..."

Obviously, at this moment, she has recognized that the short figure is just an ordinary mortal from the breath. Although the nervousness and fear in her heart have not subsided, she knows that she may have made a mistake.

"This is Amber, my bodyguard." Gawain said calmly.