MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1551 departure day

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The Sword of Dawn Text Chapter 1551 The Day of Departure For the next half a minute, Ophelia's eyes were fixed on the platform in the center of the laboratory, which was covered with a series of black She couldn't see or feel anything on the platform surrounded by the obelisk, like some kind of weird ritual altar, but the data was sending a clear signal:

On that empty platform, an invisible nightmare has been born at this moment, an incarnation of destruction bound by the power of mortals in the real world, the multi-gravity field superimposes the body of this destroyer, and the powerful dark blue magic power binds it in reality. The state of the world, it is currently stretching its new limbs in the ripples, and one lick of it is enough to make the most powerful intelligent creatures in this world die instantly.

What would happen if I stepped onto that platform now? What does the moment when the observer effect spirals out of control look like? Will I see another face of the universe in the last second before death? Or will they lose their minds in an instant and die in madness? Can you briefly touch the "border" of the magic tide? Or will it not feel its presence from beginning to end?

These bizarre and terrifying thoughts suddenly appeared in the virtual processing thread of Ophelia Matrix, just like a person standing in front of a cliff, with fear in his heart, but also the urge to jump forward, This kind of terrifying thought like a moth to a flame is enough to make people tremble, but Ophelia in the laboratory just maintains a motionless posture. The unnecessary "thoughts" were closed one by one, and at the same time, she heard Gawain's voice: "What happened? Why is there no movement on your side?"

"...the experiment was successful," Ophelia said after a moment's hesitation. "Three sensors sent back offset data showing an unknown perturbation at very close range, which may be what we were trying to simulate and capture." Magic Tide'."

The communication device fell silent, Ophelia couldn't see Gawain's expression at the moment, and her surrogate body in the imperial capital was not by Gawain's side at the moment, but she could imagine her trusted ally's face at this moment. What will the meeting look like? It must have been mixed with great surprise and caution before she heard the other party's calm voice: "One data is not enough to prove anything, we need to reproduce it many times."

"Yes, I have been resetting the system parameters of the laboratory," Ophelia said very calmly, "then I will repeat this experiment seven more times, and after the last test to check whether the mental unity field is effective , All the test data will be sent to the Empire Magic Energy Technology Department and the Alliance Magic Tide Countermeasure Office synchronously. If you think there is no problem, I will organize another data and send it to the Thorin Giant Tree, which will be compiled by the star solvers and sent to Noy Star ."

The voice from Gawain on the opposite side of the communicator was still calm and powerful: "Very good, I'll leave the follow-up to you, I hope to receive good news from you on the road."

Ophelia was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded: "Are you ready to set off?"

"A lot of things have been arranged, Heidi and the others are on the domestic affairs side, you and Wright are sitting on the Theocratic Council, and Amoen is in charge of contacting the gods. I should also go to my appointment," Gawain said. The voice seemed to have a little smile, "It's not a good idea to make an ancient **** wait too long, not to mention that the ancient god's temper doesn't seem to be very good."

"...I don't feel that you have the slightest sense of reverence for that ancient god," Ophelia's delicate doll-like face finally showed a smile, "but no matter what, I wish you all the best All goes well, I hope you return safely as soon as possible."

After finishing the communication with the Deep Blue Well, listening to the low humming sound of the magic net terminal, he calmed down a little, Gawain let out a sigh of relief, leaned back on his high-back chair, and the sunlight pouring in from the window was just right. It shone on the desk in front of him, making the many furnishings on the table glow with a hazy and warm glow...

He narrowed his eyes slightly in the shimmering light. Although the breath of cold winter had not completely left this northern country, he still seemed to feel the comfortable temperature from this ray of sunshine.

A familiar aura appeared in the study, and Amber's figure emerged from a shadowy fissure, shouting while drilling out, "Are you ready? It's almost time to leave... eh? You look in a good mood? What happened? good thing?"

"The experiment on the Ophelia Matrix has been successful," Gawain said with a smile on his face as he saw the amber drill halfway through, "We successfully simulated the magic wave in the laboratory and bound it to the force Field Center."

What happened in the next second was just as Gawain had expected: Amber fell out of the shadow fissure with a "Mom" sound, and fluttered on the floor like a salted fish. Anxious: "You did it on purpose! You must have done it on purpose! Tell me this when I'm halfway through the climb! You know the news... Ophelia really succeeded?!"

She was still yelling in front of her, but at the end she couldn't help turning the topic to the shocking news, and then she seemed to have forgotten the shame she had just dropped on the floor, and rubbed it in three or two steps. Going to the desk, he stared straight at Gawain behind the desk: "She really succeeded? This kind of... According to what you said, a project like welding a detonator and sawing a light bulb has really come true?!"

"It's not complicated in principle, the hardest part is how to get the original reading of the magic tide while ensuring survival. This step was seven hundred years ago when the most powerful empire in the world collapsed and the humanity of a **** was annihilated. The price has been fulfilled, and we are left with a legacy that can be achieved by following the steps," Gawain looked at Amber calmly, although he was quite excited when he received the news just now, but at the moment It is still a wonderful enjoyment to watch others stunned with a calm face. "Ophelia restored the magic tide in the laboratory. Although we cannot directly observe it, the equipment on the scene confirmed it with data. The presence."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then added: "Of course, the follow-up still needs to be repeated several times and verified after changing the conditions. We must completely eliminate the possibility of misjudgment by the equipment, so there is still no red wine for celebration. when you take it out."

"...Mom!" Amber held back for a while, and finally only managed to say this, and it took a few seconds for her to react, and then she said, "What about now? The simulated magic tide will not leak. Right? Although the entire experimental facility is buried underground, that thing is a magic tide after all..."

Gawain looked at the Shadow Assault Goose with a half-smile, he knew that the other party was a little too excited, so many common sense mistakes in one sentence: "I have to correct you one thing: we simulated a magic tide, but It's not some kind of...thing that can 'slip' out of the container, strictly speaking, it's just a constantly oscillating force field, and it needs to be constantly replenished by powerful energy to maintain stability. So that thing didn't 'leak' at all. In other words, it can only stay in the center of the force field generation array, and even if it is offset by a few millimeters, it will dissipate because the force field is out of focus.

"Secondly, do you know why this experiment must be done by the Ophelia Matrix, and no outsiders are allowed to intervene in the middle? Even myself and my most trusted experts are not allowed to approach the underground laboratory of Tarash Plain. It is because the magic tide is very likely to have an impact on the mind of the experimenter. The loss of control of the observer effect is the main force of the magic tide, but it is not necessarily its only power. Judging from its effective mechanism, ordinary people who are easily influenced by the mind are experimenting. There is a potential for loss of control around the unit.

"But the Ophelia Matrix can minimize this probability.

"If necessary, the Ophelia Matrix can terminate the experiment by remotely shutting down one of its own bodies or directly deleting some of its own threads, and it can even abandon some of the polluted computing nodes by physical fuse to avoid mental problems. , This is something that ordinary people can't do. Although this still cannot ensure 100% safety, at least within the scope of our ability, the Ophelia Matrix can make the safety of this project the highest.

"So you don't have to worry about what's missing, we still have things to do... The Dawn of Earth is ready, right?"

"Ah... well, anyway, you always know better than me about this kind of professional field," Amber scratched the back of his head, and finally turned his attention away temporarily, "The Earthly Dawn has arrived over the city of North Shore, and there is one more The Royal Dragoons are on call at the Council Hall, and we'll take that one for a while and head to the Dawn of the Earth, and then set off for the Violet. But then again... you're really sure you're driving an air fort to go to Lady Night's appointment Does this seem a little... too virtuous?"

"According to my judgment, Ms. Ye may like the style of painting that is full of martial arts," Gawain thought for a while, and said with a serious face, "and secondly, there are many conveniences in moving the Earthly Dawn over the Violet Island. Our exploration of that island has reached a point, and the current small group of exploration troops is almost at its limit. Logistics and security environment.

"On the other hand, the Earthly Dawn has recently completed a national cruising mission, and it is parked over the Sorin Plain. It is better to simply move to the open sea to the north, and save Bertiera talking to me all day about what has affected her. Photosynthesis, the leaves on the head are falling off..."

Gawain explained the reason why he decided to take the Dawn of the Earth to Violet to make an appointment, but there were still some words in his heart that he didn't say: Violet Island is now a barren and otherworldly land, but sooner or later, such a big place will have to be explored. , Ms. Ye doesn't want it anyway, it's close to Cecil, go to take a base earlier, maybe you can get a claim or something, even if you can't get it, it's not a loss to take a piece in advance. It doesn't like the homeland of Gondor. Historical disputes and sensitive issues, it is not too much for me to send an empty police boat to protect our Tan Ji?

He didn't say these words, but who is Amber? That is the ancestor of the thief who had to pry open the coffin lid to see what stuffing was inside when he passed by the grave of the ancestors, not to mention that he had been following Gawain for so many years, and Gawain coughed and she could even punctuate the paragraphs. After sorting out the rhetoric that Emperor Cecil didn't say, how could he not imagine what the other party was thinking about driving the Sky Fortress to go to the Covenant of Ancient Gods?

But she didn't break it. Anyway, Gawain and Typhon should have passed the qi. There have always been a lot of small tacit understandings and secret deals between the top leaders of the three major empires of the alliance. She is the general intelligence officer. Even if you don't handle it directly, you can smell some odors, so you don't say anything at all, just wave your hand: "Okay, you have a good reason, then let's go..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped again, and patted her forehead as if remembering something: "Ah, by the way, I forgot something, someone asked me to hand you a note."

Under Gawain's somewhat puzzled gaze, Amber reached out and took it out in his arms, and finally took out a crumpled note and handed it over, saying it was a note, but the material of this thing seemed a little weird, not like Gawain's Any kind of paper I know looks a bit like tough cloth or rubber, and there are clear and sharp handwriting on it:

"If you go out, there will be no accident, if there is an accident, there will be a way out, disasters will be far away, and your home will be peaceful."

Gawain looked bewildered and looked up at Amber: "...What does this mean?"

"It was written by the goddess of the curse, and it was brought to you by Amorn," Amber shrugged. "It is said that it was written at the strong request of the gods, but she herself has no such intention... There are words on the back."

Listening to Amber's words, Gawain reacted in his mind before he took the number. He recalled the black gauze and black dress who was sitting on the boulder at the edge of the assembly hall last time when he met the gods. The goddess, who seemed to be a little slow to respond, then turned the note in her hand and saw that there were words on it:

"Reverse curses are useless, utilitarian blessings are not desirable, and I actually don't have the ability to interfere with fate. I told them, but they didn't listen to Jizna."

There is a line of small characters under this line of words, and Gao Wen glanced at it for a long time before he could see it clearly: "So you have to be careful yourself, which you forgot to add just now."

Gawain thought about it carefully, but still felt that the goddess of the curse might indeed have been beaten to death...

"Knowing that the two of us are going to go to the ancient gods' covenant, the gods seem to be very... concerned," Amber's voice came from the side, awakening Gawain from his stupor, "Actually, they were planning to see them off, but After discussing it, I found that it was not feasible. I wanted to give a gift but I didn’t know what to give, so I pushed the goddess of curses out and wrote a talisman. I also think this is a bit strange, but it’s theirs anyway. That's right, just put it away."

At that time, Gawain had an idea in his heart: God TM cursed the amulet written by the goddess! This sentence is written on the test paper of the grammar test. If you don't know the cause and effect, you will be deducted three points on the spot, okay?

But this idea was just passed over in his mind, and he finally showed a complicated smile and put away the "talisman" seriously.

In a sense, this is the first "personal thing" that the gods did after breaking free from their divine bondage.

"What are they doing now?" After putting away the amulet, he asked again casually.

"They met in the courtyard of disobedience as agreed. They should be taking the arms maintenance class at this time. Do you want to go over and take a look?"

"...No," Gawain thought for a while, then shook his head with a smile, "They have their business to do, we have ours. Let's go, let's go to Violet."