MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1564 ancient **** shocked

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For today's Loren Alliance, most of the truth that can be revealed in the poem left by the sailors is already known information, and these information no longer have any warning and guiding significance. On the one hand, even just finally knowing the true meaning of these ancient messages was of extraordinary significance to Gawain.

This brought him a time and space cycle and finally came to the right place. After millions of years of memory inheritance, he finally touched the emotion of the ancestors' thoughts. After the reincarnation, the last look back on the planet left by the sailor finally has an answer, and this answer may be the meaning of a journey of exploration.

This made him sigh again in his heart: the ultimate problem facing the world, the answer turned out to be at the very beginning.

After this sigh, he immediately thought of another question: "Wait, if these are the phenomena that can be observed before the magic tide arrives on the planet, then why the corresponding records have not been handed down? Dragon and Kraken Theory It has gone through at least a dozen complete magic tide cycles..."

"It's very simple, the dragons rely on the protection of the gods to resist the magic tide. When the magic tide comes, they will return to the big shield and 'close the information loop' like the dragon gods. In this case, they can't observe the truth at all. The starry sky, and the sea monsters you mentioned..." Ms. Ye smiled, "they didn't know how to observe magic at that time, and the 'stars twinkling' mentioned in the poem happened in the magic horizon phenomenon in.”

Gawain reacted, and he sighed in a thoughtful voice: "No wonder... Those who have lived through the magic tide have never seen the real starry sky, and those who have seen that scene have no time to leave any records."

"Actually, it doesn't mean that there are no records left," Amber next to him suddenly interjected, "At least the 'red spot eruption on the surface of the sun' is in the records of the Gondor Empire, I remember There is also a corresponding record on the Kraken side."

"This is a change at the visible light level, and it has indeed left a record," Gawain nodded thoughtfully, and then his thoughts began to diverge, "So to put it this way, when the pre-shaking wave 700 years ago arrived in Gondor Maybe someone saw the 'stars twinkling' scene. If someone happened to look up at the starry sky at that time, and opened the magical horizon... It is a pity that the observation records at that time were not preserved.

"However, there may be places in the Silver Empire where the anomalies in the starry sky at that time can be observed. In theory, such anomalies in the universe should be visible globally, but no one had a correct understanding of the magic tide back then. No one would have thought that the disaster spreading on the earth was actually a 'projection' from space, and the observational records in this area have never entered the sight of later scholars... After returning, I can let Belsetia investigate. "

The thoughts in his heart were quickly smoothed out, and Gao Wen also sighed with relief. He liked the feeling that the various information were finally closely intertwined and intertwined, which would make him feel that his past efforts were all meaningful.

Now, the short poem left by the sailors finally has a complete answer, and the "sun vision" observed by scholars during the Gondor period has finally been explained. Extending this line of thinking, he even thinks that the Noi people's The principle behind the "Magic Tide Observation Device" is also very consistent with the description of this poem. It is based on the "disturbance" generated by the magic tide when it is close to large high-energy celestial bodies, and to observe this disturbance. In essence, this is a kind of advance Watch the "stars twinkle" and quantify it to analyze the magic tide technology!

He raised his head and once again looked up at the star map covering the entire kingdom of God, but this time he looked up, but there were many different emotions in his heart...

In the dazzling starlight, in the interconnected routes and the beacon flickering on the edge, he seemed to feel the "look back" millions of years ago, and felt that the already very distant expectations. Left, and will never return, this universe is still running forever in its icy rules, but in such a vast star space, there must be other civilizations that set sail from their home planet to serve this dark belt. Come for a moment of warmth and fire, this candle may be weak, but it is passed down like a fire.

"In my opinion, the Voyager's Crusade was a lonely journey, and they were committed to reaching the end of the universe as the last test of their people, and in this crusade with no end in sight, they In fact, there is no real 'travel companion' in the fleet," Ms. Ye's voice entered Gawain's ears, "but the sailors are always full of hope, they never consider themselves lonely, on the contrary, they think that in this long journey The successor is always with them, the successor is behind them, in the galaxies they have explored and caressed, although it may be many years later, but they firmly believe that there will be new adults to leave Home planet, become the next 'Navigator fleet'.

"This is a kind of 'common travel' that spans time and space. The travelers on the journey can't see each other, and they can't even be sure whether there really is a group other than themselves on this road. The only people who accompany them are Beacon and boundary markers left by the pioneers on the roadside, and fragmented messages from the ancients.

"The sea of ​​​​stars is very vast, and the survival of civilization is difficult. Groups entering space will inevitably be penetrated and engulfed by an endless sense of loneliness, and they will be forced to witness the graves of planets left after the magic tide. I think... The sailor It should be because of the deep realization of this that countless relics are left in the starry sky, and there are 'star map administrators' like me as regional nodes, and try to leave a concept of passing down the fire to those who will soon. The 'latecomers' born in the ruins and tombs make them realize that they are not alone, and in this long journey across the universe, there are always unseen companions moving forward with them."

Gao Wen listened to Ms. Ye's words quietly, and suddenly he asked: "Then do you believe in the concept of the sailor? Do you think that there have been many journeys that we can't see each other but have set sail on this journey? Who?"

"I don't know," Ms. Ye said calmly, "I have sat on this throne for 1.8 million years, and I have not received any navigation applications from the new fleet at the beacon relay station on the border of the star map, but Even so, I still believe in the concept of the sailor, and I still believe that in those distant waterways, in the depths of the galaxy that I cannot perceive, there are other mature civilizations, and they are the ancient beacons left by the sailor. Fumbling between them is like the footsteps you are about to take."

"...The ancient gods chose to firmly believe in the future, but the sentinels who gained humanity gave up waiting in despair," Gawain couldn't help sighing, "The world is unpredictable."

"The Sentinel is a pity, although it tried to destroy the world and regarded me as a mortal enemy, but in the final analysis, it was the reverse tide that endowed it with humanity in the wrong way at the wrong time... If the process of its awakening can Slow down a little bit, you can have enough time to learn how to face the world, maybe there will be another ending."

Gawain was noncommittal, and just asked curiously: "Listen to what you mean, there should be other star map custodians besides you? Do you know their situation?"

"There are indeed more star map keepers, because even with the ability of the navigator, it is difficult to establish a communication and transportation network that can cover the entire universe synchronously. So the star map custodians are in charge of different regions, but you have to say the information of other custodians... Unfortunately, there is no direct communication between us. I can only confirm that the other custodians are still sticking to their posts."

Speaking of this, the ancient **** lowered his gaze, and some kind of expectant gaze fell on Gawain: "They are waiting for your visit."

"But it may take many, many years," Gawain responded calmly to this sight, "Even if we survive the tide of magic, even if we and the Neuyi people living next to each other have entered the era of big space, our primitive It will take a long time for an aircraft to develop to a height that can cross a galaxy."

Lady Ye laughed: "Compared to the days we've been waiting for, it's just a click away."

"...That's true," Gawain also laughed. He looked at the throne standing under the starry sky, and saw that the radiance emanating from the edge of the throne seemed to be connected with the starlight above. The navigation letter where the starlight connects. The sign shone brightly, "So now the Loren civilization has taken over the legacy of the Navigator? As you mentioned, the navigation authority of all beacons and the entire star map are important for a civilization that has not really stepped out of its home planet. In other words, this legacy arrived a little early."

"Yes, it's early," Ms. Ye blinked, His voice sounded quite pleasant, "At this moment, I have activated and opened up Loren, Noy, and all letters within a certain range around you. The target navigation service, these old antiques are no longer young, but for the mortal race at this stage, they can still serve for a long time. But as you said, if you want to truly enjoy this legacy, mortals must at least have the ability to Walk from your cradle to the door."

"...Put out gifts before you reach adulthood, but you can't eat them," Gawain raised his eyebrows, "Is this some kind of incentive?"

"Yes, there is some kind of incentive because you don't necessarily need to step into the starry sky to survive the magic tide. It is possible for the ethnic groups that survived the extinction crisis to fall into a new cradle of comfort. I think you should have worried about this kind of thing. So... now I put the gift in your hands, let this be the driving force for all beings in this world to move forward, and don't let the barrier of the mother star become the end point of the development of this planet."

Feeling the deep meaning of Ms. Ye's arrangement, Gawain nodded lightly, and at the moment he nodded, the sudden data access knocked on his thought thread. In the data communication directly from the sky station, He "saw" a connection application, and after a moment of stunned, he allowed the application, and in the next second, a huge amount of information entered his mind directly!

In this moment of trance, he found himself in the stars, an unprecedented broad perspective covering all his senses, he saw the universe unfolding in front of his eyes, and the stars were lighting up beside him, one after another. , beacons, ancient space facilities that he never knew existed were displayed among the stars!

The next second, he realized that this was the "gift" that Ms. Ye handed to him.

After a while, the data transmission ended, and Gawain's mind slowly calmed down. He pulled his consciousness away from this "illusion" and saw the endless gray desert, the starry sky covering the desert, and the ancient gods under the starry sky again. appear in front of you.

Gawain laughed. He had witnessed the stars, and an inexplicable force was stirring in his chest: "I saw them, I think... Even for this sight, I have to find a way to destroy the Loren Alliance. Just send the mother star."

He could clearly feel that the moment he said these words, Lady Ye's eyes softened a little.

Afterwards, the ancient **** returned to his throne, and at the moment when he returned to his place, the star map covering the kingdom of God also converged instantly, the endless brilliance was taken back to the throne within a few seconds, the chaos pale The sky also appeared in front of Gawain and Amber again, and the wind in the desert began to flow again, but unlike before, what this endless desert and invisible breeze brought to Gawain was no longer a sense of desolation and alienation, but With some inexplicable kindness and...warmth.

This most important inheritance has been taken over, both Gao Wen and Ms. Ye seem to have taken off a heavy burden, and after relaxing a little, Gao Wen finally found a chance to confirm another thing he wanted to mention for a long time: "By the way, there is something else I want to consult with you."

"If I can help," Ms. Ye replied casually, leaning on the throne in a slightly lazy posture. If it was when we first met, Gawain could only see from the ancient god's posture. Boundless majesty and grace, but at this time he can already see at a glance that this "lazy" posture is actually the "salted fish paralysis" when amber fish is usually caught. The aura is exactly the same, but the size is enlarged. After thousands of times, it just gives the illusion of majesty, "What do you want to ask?"

Gawain tried hard to distinguish the other person's posture from the "salted fish paralysis" in his memory, and at the same time said while organizing the language: "It's about the coming-of-age ceremony, I know you have made some arrangements to ensure that the home star barrier is activated in the Loren Alliance. In this regard, we have already made contact with the gods…”

"Ah, have you established contact..." Ms. Ye finally adjusted her sitting position a little bit. From the point of view of the salted fish paralyzed, it means that the salt content has been slightly reduced, "I ignored this matter, but although it is a pity, But I had to make this arrangement, and this matter has been obtained by them..."

Gao Wen quickly waved his hand: "No, what I want to say is, first of all, we understand your arrangement very well and thank you for your efforts, and secondly... We have optimized this 'adult plan' a little bit."

"Optimization?" Madam Ye finally made a confused voice. Obviously, although he can understand the changes in the world to a certain extent, he still has some information about the recent secret operations between the Loren Alliance and the gods. Lag, "What do you mean?"

"That's it, I have conceived a 'Twilight of the Gods plan'," Gawain pondered for a while, and explained his own method, "I want to confirm the feasibility of this plan with you. Its core idea is first Yes…"

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Following Gawain's eloquent words, the invisible wind in the gray-white desert gradually stopped flowing for some reason.

I don't know how long it took, the boundless shadow kingdom finally echoed the Lord of the Night's sigh to all beings in the world: "...Awesome."

Ancient God shocked.jpg.