MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 9 Incineration

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Gao Wen looked at the direction of the horizon for a long time. In the first few minutes, the huge cognition of cognition even made him guess what he saw - no matter what it was, with his only sun. far cry.

The broad and magnificent arc continued to rise, and in the initial stage it was much faster than the sun, so after a while, Gao Wen saw a small part of it, and the arc was indeed Illuminated, the edges have a sinuous color and a structure that is not really cut, like a cloud. The light and heat of this world should be provided by this thing, but its light is not as dazzling as the sun can not look directly - the fact On the contrary, Gao Wen can not only look directly at the curved surface, but also can see some fine lines from the arc.

After roughly judging the curvature of the thing, Gao Wen realized that this is a thing whose visual diameter is several times or even hundreds of times larger than the sun - of course, its true size should be smaller than a normal star, just It is too close to the earth.

At this distance, if it rises, it may cover about one-fifth of the sky... Of course, this is only a rough sense of Gao Wen, because the touch he receives is really big, and the intuition will inevitably be very Large deviation.

Looking at a giant celestial body rising in front of your eyes, the sense of oppression is hard to say.

Quickly retrieve the memory of Gao Wen Cecil, and sure enough, found the same spectacular "sunrise" in that memory. The thing in the sky is not an abnormal sky, but the most normal landscape in the world.

So what about the explanation?

Gao Wen quickly made a lot of interpretations based on his own knowledge, perhaps because the physical rules of the world are very different from the universe of his hometown, so the light and thermal efficiency of the stars are quite low, and the planet at his feet is very far from the stars. Nearly, so that you can see such a huge sun, while the earth is not burnt; it is also possible that it is not a sun at all, but a hole that emits light and heat radiation, or something else. Scientific but magical stuff...

But more likely, the planet under his feet does not run around the sun, but is surrounded by a giant giant planet. It is not a planet at all, but a satellite of the latter. The sky rises...

It is the parent star of this satellite.

At this moment, Gao Wen’s feeling of “outside the world” is stronger than ever.

"The ancestor? The ancestor of the ancestors?" Herti's voice came from the side, and finally woke up Gao Wen, who was in a state of sluggishness and contemplation.

"Ah... ah?" Gao Wen suddenly woke up with God, and looked at the N-grandaughter next to him with amazement.

The beautiful lady left the dark tunnel that was so dark and dangerous. At this time, she recovered a little bit of her former style. She succumbed to Gao Wen: "The ancestor, you were just in a daze, but we must leave here first. ”

Gao Wenzhi had two perfunctory pasts, only to notice that the authentic exit was an unobstructed hill. It was not a wise move to stand here in an unclear situation, so he nodded: "Let's go to the heights first and check out the nearby situation. What I know is the terrain of 700 years ago. It is not necessarily good to use today."

Then the group of people walked on the hillside not far from the instructions of Gao Wen, and on this road, Gao Wen couldn't help but look up at the huge "sun".

"Ancestral adult, have you been watching the sun?" Rebecca, who walked behind Gao Wen, couldn't help but ask with a little concern, "Is there any problem?"

Next to Amber, he said casually: "Your ancestors slept for seven hundred years without seeing the sun. If you can see the sun, you must look at it more."

Gao Wen ignored Amber, and looked at the N+1 layer granddaughter, and shook his head slightly, and the heart confirmed the name of the world's local people about the thing in the sky - it really called the sun.

Or, no matter how the word is read, in the minds of people in this world, what the word refers to is the sun, nothing else.

Gao Wen once again retrieved the memory of the original owner of the body. After trying several keywords and fuzzy information, she finally looked up and looked at the slightly darker sky on the other side.

In the sky that was not completely bright and still had many stars, he found a "star" that was about the size of a grain of rice and brighter than all the stars.

The humans of this world call that special star "Olympic" and give it a lot of symbolism in religion and magical rituals.

The previous two guesses may be overturned, and only the third guess is reliable.

"Ao" is the star of this galaxy, far away from the incredible, its brilliance sprinkled on the ground under the foot of Gao Wen, almost as cold as other stars.

In the cold winds of the morning, Gao Wen climbed to the top of the hillside.

A piece of land that was burnt down by war and presented a strange and festering state appeared in the distance.

It is like the strong acid splashing on the flesh, the earth is rotten, and the large pieces of rock and soil become gray-black. The cracks of the turtle are everywhere, and the vegetation on the land has been corrupted, and the remaining trunks have been twisted into It is like a devil's claw-like demonized state. Further away, you can see the collapsed wall, the burnt houses, and the Cecil family castles shrouded in smoke.

A monster like a giant is swaying in the waste land.

The fields and crops have long been annihilated in the magic tide that the monsters have rolled up, and they are completely indistinguishable.

"The family's territory..." Rebecca squatted on the hillside, biting his teeth, his eyes were reddish, and the anger or sad tears turned around in his eyes. The man who just inherited his family, not even The girl who adapted to the lord’s identity seems to have lost everything at the moment.

“The land that has been corrupted by the magic tide is like this,” Gao Wen sighed. “The empire was corrupted from the inside out, and I guess that until today, those corruptions should still be in the old empire. On the waste soil - the result of new corruption has appeared in the territory of civilization."

Amber took a cold sweat: "The **** of shadows is on... We have been surrounded by these things before?"

Hetty is thinking about the possibility of the family recovering: "Is there still to save?"

"Not saved," Gao Wen shook his head. "You didn't block the offense's attack. They have formed a group resonance, and the elemental infestation caused by the magical wave is irreversible. Even if all the monsters are destroyed, they are entrenched in this land. The pollution on it will also last for a long time."

“How long will it last?” Hetty looks a little bit unrelenting.

"Now human civilization has returned to the land of the Gangster Empire?" Gao Wen asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"... there is still a restricted area of ​​life, and the land on the other side of the magnificent barrier is uninvited."

Gao Wen shrugged: "It seems that the corruption of Cecil's collar will last at least seven hundred years."

Rebecca and Herti looked at the ancestor with amazement. They couldn't understand why the great man who created the Cecil family was so calm when faced with the scene of the last piece of the family being destroyed by monsters. There is neither anger nor sorrow, just like watching things that have nothing to do with them. This attitude even makes them a little scared.

However, Gao Wen quickly noticed the eyes of the two and asked: "Is there any problem?"

"An ancestor, you are not... angry?" Rebecca asked cautiously. "This is the last piece of the Cecil family..."

Gao Wenyi, immediately realized that he still could not fully substitute for the role, which revealed a flaw, so he quickly pulled out all his acting skills: "Indulging in these things does not help. Gao Wen·Sei Xi Seoul is a pioneer. Every inch of land and wealth in this family is built from scratch. There is no land in the territory. It’s a big deal to find a place to go to the land. What does the mother-in-law do?

Herti and Rebecca quickly nodded, nodding their heads and admiring the five ancestors who admire the ancestors in their hearts. The heart is really a legendary ancestor. This eye and mind are really different - just don't know all the land in this place. Already divided by the existing aristocratic system, the land of no ownership is basically all in the era of the restricted area, and the ancestors are going to go to the desert...

"There is nothing to look at here. Let's plan and plan the journey. The next step is to find the town first, and then find a way to meet the people who broke out." With his own X-way Weishang, Gao Wen quickly shifted the topic. "I remember that a knight named Philip took the people out of the way? Have you discussed the meeting place?"

Rebecca replied quickly: "It is agreed that the town of Tanzan in the north, if Tanzania is also attacked by monsters, continue north along Kingdom Avenue."

Gao Wen nodded and was about to leave. A strange feeling suddenly stopped him.

After a while, he and the Byron Knight next to him shouted almost at the same time: "Your Majesty! Hide!"

Although it is unknown, Rebecca and Hedi immediately followed the Byron Knight to hide under a nearby boulder, and Amber had already smashed into the shadow at the moment of Gaowen's opening and did not know which corner. Gao Wen was hidden behind Rebecca, but suddenly saw that the little waitress Betty, who looked a bit stupid, still stood in the pan with a panic, so she slammed out and smashed each other. Come back - and almost at the next moment, a sense of oppression that makes everyone tremble from the sky.

In the gradual rise of the "giant day", an elegant and huge creature slowly flies through the sky.

It is a dragon with a length of tens of meters.

In the panic, Herti subconsciously cast a third-order spell "curve stand", concealing everyone's body shape, but she is not sure whether this superficial spell can pass the eyes of a legendary creature.

But the dragon did not find the people on the ground - and it might be that they didn't bother to pay attention. He or she just flapped its wings and flew gracefully and majesticly across the sky. The huge eyes reflected the land of Cecil, which was destroyed by the magic tide.

Then it had a salt soda... Oh, breathe the place.