MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 836 season finale

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  Chapter 836 Finale

   After a few breaths of silence, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly burst out laughing.

   "Don't you know why? That's because your future is blank. You are destined to die today, so where does the future come from?"

  Chen Fan's face also froze, he miscalculated, and his heart sank slightly, the future of reincarnation has revealed the secret, which indicates that he has no future, which means that he must die today.

  On the ground, Qin Xian'er, Mu Yunshui and others even covered their mouths, it was hard to believe the result.

   "Husband..." The eyes of the two were moist, unable to accept that Chen Fan would die.


   "Why are you so happy, I am going to die, but how do you know you won't?" Chen Fan looked at the Emperor of Heaven lightly, his emotions were not affected, he was about to come, and he already had the mood of dying.

   "I am the sky, how can I die?" The Heavenly Emperor looked down at Chen Fan, his pressure was extremely powerful.

  Chen Fan ignored it, slowly raised the sharp sword in his hand, then suddenly took a step under his feet, the sharp sword came out of his hand, and slowly turned in the air!

   "Sword swings all over the world!"

  Chen Fan urged the sword style that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, this is a sword that must die!

  The fat Taoist priest was startled, but in the end he just opened his mouth and did not stop him. He also stepped forward to kill the Emperor of Heaven, buying time for Chen Fan's sword art.

   "Even the sword demon can't kill me, what can you do?" The Emperor of Heaven sneered, he raised his hand lightly, a huge palm suddenly formed in the dark void, and slammed down on Chen Fan and the fat Taoist priest.

   What is even more shocking is that the giant hand has condensed infinite supreme restraining power, and the Emperor of Heaven spared no effort to make a move.

   "As long as you die, no one in the world can stop me." The Heavenly Emperor shouted, clapping his hands down.


  Everyone on the ground felt that death was about to come. When this palm fell, the world of cultivating immortals would also be shattered. They couldn't help but close their eyes and wait for death to come.

  But after a long time, there was silence around, and there was no movement at all.

  Some people thought, is it like this after death? I feel nothing at all!

  They opened their eyes one after another, and everything around them was still there. Someone looked up, but saw a figure falling under the sky, and immediately there was a bang, and the whole person turned into a cloud of blood mist.

   "Stinky Taoist priest..." Mo Long stared wide-eyed, and stayed where he was with his mouth open, unable to recover for a long time.

   "Oh!" Fighting Monkey Qitian shook his head and sighed, turned the Dinghaishen needle in his hand, and prepared to fight against the Emperor of Heaven.


  At this moment, Chen Fan's eyes turned red, and he roared in a low voice.

Just then the fat Taoist priest went out, and he exchanged his life for that giant hand, which was equivalent to exchanging most of the Supreme Restriction in the body of the Heavenly Emperor. Immortality is no longer possible.


  The sharp sword in front of Chen Fan erupted, and the sword swayed all over the world, destroying all of them!

  The entire dark void trembled, and a huge ripple contained the powerful aura of the Burning Heaven Technique, rushing towards the Heavenly Emperor directly.

   That was all the Fen Tianjue in Chen Fan's body, and he tried to enlarge it with the help of his sword, so as to kill the Heavenly Emperor.

   This sword also made the vitality in his body fly away, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted, wanting to watch the Emperor of Heaven die under this sword.

  A vast ripple passed by, and the Emperor of Heaven was washed thousands of miles away, blood was scattered all over the ground, and at the same time, an arm fell, smashing into the world of cultivating immortals, turning into a huge pothole.

  Many people on the ground stared blankly at the sky, unable to react.

   "Win...won?" Someone said in disbelief.

   Without waiting for other people to cheer, a huge coercion suddenly struck again, overwhelming, directly shaking many low-level monks into blood mist.


  The roar of the Emperor of Heaven came from afar, and then the whole person manifested in the void. He broke an arm, and he couldn't recover it, but his body was still filled with powerful power, and he didn't die.

   On the other hand, Chen Fan, the vitality in his body is passing away quickly, he is about to die!

  People can't help being overwhelmed by despair again, the last ray of hope is gone, but they will always remember Chen Fan and the fat Taoist priest!

   "Old Emperor of Heaven, I'll meet you here." Qi Tian leapt up and soared into the sky.

   "Senior, wait!"

   But at this time, Chen Fan suddenly spoke.

  He looked at Qi Tian calmly, and smiled faintly: "Let me try again, I don't want them to die."

  His voice was extremely flat, and the only ones he was talking about were Qin Xian'er and the others!

  Qi Tian was slightly stunned, and stopped in the air, it was a little puzzled, Chen Fan was exhausted, how could he still have the strength to fight.


  Chen Fan said two words softly in his mouth, and once again used the Dao Yun of Samsara.

   It's just that this time it's not the future of reincarnation, but the past of reincarnation. He sacrificed his lifespan in exchange for the self before he used his sword to sweep the world.

   This time, he succeeded. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Chen Fan disappeared from the spot, and then the void was opened, and he stepped out from it, recovering the strength he had a moment ago.

   But that's the case, his strength is still too far behind the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven has broken an arm, but his strength has never declined.

   "Okay, very good!" The Emperor of Heaven laughed angrily, "In this way, I will let you suffer for a while longer!"

   "You don't have this chance!"

  Chen Fan smiled faintly, he turned around and looked towards the lower world, his eyes fell on Qin Xian'er and the others. No need to say anything, everyone understood that his eyes were saying goodbye!

  The Taiji diagram was spinning in front of Chen Fan. Since he realized this dao rhyme, he has only used the reincarnation dao rhyme, the white side of the Taiji diagram.

   But no one has ever seen the power of the black side, not even Chen Fan!

  But during the previous battle, he entered the world of the starry sky and Taiji diagram, and suddenly found that he was only one step away from the Dao Yun of life and death.

  That piece of light actually means controlling life and death.

  Dao Yun of life and death, he finally understood what was going on!

  He can dominate the life and death of anyone, but the price is himself!

   "This is..." The Emperor of Heaven seemed to have sensed something, his brows were suddenly frowned, and a feeling of uneasiness enveloped him.

   "You are not the sky, so I can control your life and death after all!" Chen Fan looked at the Emperor of Heaven, and stretched out the black side of the Taiji diagram. In the dark void, this black color looked very bright and dazzling.

  Chen Fan stepped into it, and then his soul flew away. He used his own life to cast this life and death dao rhyme!

  The Emperor of Heaven finally reacted at this moment, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"No...impossible, how can you be in charge of life and death, I am the sky, I am only one step away from becoming the way of heaven, you can't..." The emperor of heaven roared wildly, but before he could say anything, the blackness suddenly wrapped him up, and he was also in an instant. Swallowed it in, and then everything was suddenly quiet.

  Everything seemed too abrupt, and it was difficult for countless monks to react.

  The Emperor of Heaven was engulfed by the darkness in front of them like this, and then his soul was scattered, without the ability to resist at all. His life and death were controlled by Chen Fan, and the price was Chen Fan's own death!

  The gap in the sky was widened, and only the Tai Chi picture was left in the dark void, turning quietly, and then gradually faded away.

  The owner of the Tai Chi diagram is dead, so there is no reason for this diagram to exist!


  At the moment when the Taiji Diagram disappeared, six glows of different colors suddenly flew in all directions, and with a faint breath, they fell to all parts of the world. The speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all.

   Qi Tian was taken aback for a moment, and shot suddenly, just in time to intercept the red glow that was rushing towards him.

  Then quickly wrapped Huimang with true essence, and when he opened it, it turned out to be Chen Fan's soul, carrying a strong aura of fire essence.

   "Fen Tian Jue! That's right, he has reincarnated in the past, and the Burning Tian Jue has recovered, and he is not dead!" The bald bird was the first to react, screaming frantically, and cheering wildly.



  Thousands of years later, in a secret realm in Daxiu Immortal World!

A peach grove with lush branches, the bald bird and a little golden monkey are running around in it, the little golden monkey is holding a big peach while gnawing and running, the bald bird is chasing after him angrily, shouting: "Dead monkey!" , you have no inheritance, and you still dare to steal the old man's peaches, let's see how you can escape the old man's palm this time."

  Qin Xian'er and Mu Yunshui sat outside a small wooden house, looking at the sky with their eyes, very calm.

   "It's been a thousand years, I don't know if Yi'er is still used to being in the fairy world." Mu Yunshui sighed.

   "Senior sister, don't worry about him, no one in the fairy world dares to provoke him." Qin Xian'er covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

  Mu Yunshui rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "I'm worried that he is still playing tricks. After all, he is now the Emperor of Heaven, and he is in charge of all creatures. It would be bad if he went astray."

   "Then why don't you accompany him, with you by his side, he will not be too lonely." Qin Xian'er smiled again.

   "I want to go, but it's useless if I can't go. If Chen Fan doesn't wake up for a day, how can I leave at ease." Mu Yunshui shook his head and said in a low voice.

   "Senior Sister, will he... just leave like this, if he doesn't wake up, his soul will also disappear." Qin Xianer's eyes slightly wet.

Mu Yunshui's body also trembled, and after a long silence, he reached out and patted Qin Xian'er's head, and said, "We all believe that he will wake up, don't we? He has never let us down before. ,Is not it?"


At this moment, in the wooden house, an extremely weak soul is lying in a magic circle. It is Chen Fan, and that magic circle is a kind of spirit lock circle. After exhausting all the life energy, even if the soul is still alive by relying on the Fen Tian Jue, the power of the soul is still passing away.

  Qi Tian tried his best to set up this spirit lock formation, but he couldn't hold on for much longer!

   A thousand years have passed, and this soul will completely dissipate with only a few decades left, but he still hasn't woken up.

  Until one day, a green lotus suddenly bloomed in the dantian of Chen Fan's soul.

  Chen Fan's eyes trembled slightly, and the green lotus became bigger and bigger until it covered his entire soul.

  At that moment, Chen Fan's eyes finally opened!

  【End of this testimonial!

   Yes, it's over! At this moment, my heart is still a little hard to calm down, and I don’t know what to say. It has been almost a year since the book was opened, and many brothers and sisters have accompanied me to this day. In fact, without your support, there would be no completion of this book. It is your support that accompanies me to persevere until now!

   Now it's over, I didn't mention too many people's endings at the end, because I didn't want to write the truth!

  Many people are real characters, and the book is over, but I still think of them.

It has been a thousand years since Chen Fan woke up, the only people left in the secret realm are Mu Yunshui and Qin Xian'er, the bald bird and the little golden monkey are still there, and Xiao Chenyi inherited the way of heaven and became the emperor of the fairy world. Body, a thousand years is long enough for him to aspire to the fairyland! And the fat Taoist priest is indeed dead, he died as he wished, he has lived too long and is too tired. Fei Fengxuan and Cai Teng even gave their lives for that battle. They were recorded in the history of Daxiu Immortal Realm. People will always be grateful to those who died in that battle.

In fact, there is still a lot to say, but I think it is time to end here. Chen Fan has fulfilled all his dreams, he has achieved the realm of the sword fairy, and he has no rivals in this life. Xianer and the others are reunited.

If it continues to be written, it should be classified as an external volume. It is probably about other people's affairs after the war, some trivial things, such as the sons of Jian Tianmo and Su Jingyun mentioned just now, such as other things, so if the next If I have time, I will write some rumors and upload them to the group, so that everyone can see them in the group.

  Okay, now that the book is finished, there will always be a new book, this time I will save the manuscript, and I will keep it full, so I won’t be urged to update every day like this one, and there won’t be nothing explosive, hehe. The book will probably be released in mid-August. The title of the book has not yet been decided. I will publish another chapter to tell everyone at that time, so please remember to pay attention. The content of the new book will be more interesting. At least I think so, lol!

  So remember to bookmark and read when the time comes, I will always remember you, thank you everyone! 】

  (end of this chapter)