MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 146 Devastated everywhere, Qishan is in decline! [Two in one, please

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  Chapter 146 Devastated everywhere, Qishan is in decline! [Two in one, ask for a monthly pass! 】

  In the fifth year of Qianyou, on the 28th day of the seventh month, the Devil's Cult launched an attack and Qishan was robbed.

   On July 30, Duan Chong arrived.

  On the third day of August, Cao Xin and his master Ning Shuhua rushed to Qishan.

  On the eighth day of the eighth month of August, the divine eagle defected, and Cao Xin began to explore the cliff.

  On the ninth day of August, in the evening, Cao Xinfei wrote to Hezu Cave.

  On the tenth day of the eighth lunar month, in the early morning, Cao Xin obtained five volumes of cheat books, slandering the Fushan School.

   On the same day, in the evening, Cao Xin climbed Siguoya again, gave the antidote, and the battle of Siguoya broke out.

  From the evening of this day to the whole day of the next day, Qishan fought non-stop.

   Another day.

  August 12th.

  A catastrophe, flipped and flipped, finally came to an end.

  In the morning of this day, Cao Xin climbed Qishan Mountain and joined Duan Chong and Ning Shuhua.

  From them, Cao Xin got a detailed report of the Battle of Qishan.


   This battle.

  Be it Qishan or the Devil's Cult, neither is the winner, and they can all be said to have suffered disaster.

  Demon Cult side—

  Two envoys, four protectors, ten elders, sixteen scattered people, a total of twenty-six people gathered in Qishan, only fourteen escaped down the mountain alive, and twelve people were lost, nearly half of them.

  The rest, most of them are also being tracked and killed by the righteous way.

  Going down ordinary disciples, masters, and leaders, more than 300 people were killed or injured.

  The members of the Demon Cult fled in all directions, panicked and lost their way in the jungle of Mount Qi.

  You don’t see people when you’re alive, and you don’t see corpses when you’re dead.

  The real casualties may exceed 400, and the various vassals are hard to count.

  As for the Qishan side—

  The high-level and masters of the Eastern and Western sects, the most representative ones can be summarized as: the five elders of the Eastern sect, the ten heroes of the Western sect, the ten elders of the Jianqi hall, the seventeen flying immortals, and the thirty-three swordsmen.

  After this battle—

   Three of the five elders of Dongzong died in battle.

  There are only four of the ten heroes of Xizong.

   Out of ten elders in Jianqi Hall, three out of ten.

  Seventeen flying immortals and the remaining ten people.

  Thirty-three swordsmen and eighteen left.

   The Demon Cult made a surprise attack, and Qishan was humiliated.

   Therefore, in this battle, Qishan's disciples were all fighting for their lives, rushing to the front, and the casualties were the heaviest, which was shocking.

   Not just masters.

  The casualties of ordinary disciples and handymen were also not small.

The Demon Sect was insane, planted gunpowder everywhere in Qishan, ignited fuses before leaving, and bombed indiscriminately, blowing up many buildings and burying too many Qishan disciples, including some Qishan masters, and many of them were killed unexpectedly of.

  After this battle, Qishan was injured and his background was exhausted.

   In the next few decades, it may be difficult to recover.

   To add insult to injury—

   "The Xizong people, headed by Xue Ren, were extremely ashamed in this battle. They descended the mountain one after another, vowing not to kill all the remnants of the Demon Cult and vow not to return to the mountain."

   "As soon as they leave, the remnants of Qishan will go halfway."

  Ning Shuhua introduced the current situation in Qishan to Cao Xin, with sadness on her face.

No one would have imagined that more than ten days ago, it was clear that the sky was still in full swing. Even if the Eastern and Western sects were in conflict, they could be called the Qishan sect full of talents. In such a huge Qishan faction, there are actually less than twenty first-rate masters!

   And among the twenty people, only half of them are actually stationed in Qishan.

  The other half scattered all over the place, got married and set up a business. They returned to Qishan because of the Qishan Grand Competition and the two sects' rivalry. They participated in the battle, watched the ceremony, and had to go back afterwards.

   Like Duan Chong and Ning Shuhua.

  Of course, it is impossible for the masters of Qishan to sit on the mountain and eat nothing. Most of the masters in the school go down the mountain early after becoming famous.

   There are those who are impatient with the hardships in the mountains and greedy for the prosperity of the world.

   There are also those who only want to return to their hometown and defend their hometown, such as Wei Feifei and Wei Baoju. If they travel thousands of miles to join the Qishan School, they will definitely return to Weijiabao after they have learned something.

   Some of them are in charge of various industries in Qishan outside.

   Or those disciples supported by Qishan who are determined to make contributions.

   In short.

   Qishan masters were originally scattered in all directions, and most of them stayed in Qishan on weekdays. If you subtract those who like to travel around the world and travel around, the number of people will be even smaller.

But this time, the Qishan Grand Competition, the competition between the East and the West, is related to the orthodox orthodox affiliation, coupled with the rumors of the 'Nine Deaths' and 'Three Generations of Patriarchs', the wandering masters rushed back as soon as they received the news .

  For example, Duan Chong and Ning Shuhua, who had already been expelled from Qishan Mountain, but after learning that Qishan Mountain was in trouble, they still made a decisive decision and rushed to Qishan Mountain.

  A cloud piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other!

   This is the embodiment of Qishan's strength, background and comprehensive influence.

  Masters gather, stars shine.

  Even if the two sects are fighting among themselves, this is also a great opportunity to show Qishan's muscles.


  Gathering together, they were almost taken over by the Demon Sect.

  Hundred years of accumulation, lost in one day!

  Looking at the dilapidated and desolate appearance of Qishan, let alone the disciples of this sect, it is the other six sects who are also the Seven Mountain Sword Sect, including the major sects that have made friends with each other. Who can't feel sad?



   Cao Xin couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.

  He finally knew how big Qishan's blow was this time.

  Without enough masters, the Qishan faction's various industries will have to shrink and then shrink, and then the income will drop sharply and then sharply.

  The annual income of money is reduced, and the practice of masters, the training of disciples, and the discovery of talents are all restricted.

   One ring after another.

   This is a vicious circle!

   It can be foreseen that the Qishan faction will decline year after year until it hits the bottom.

   After silence and precipitation.

   It may be more than ten years, or decades, before there is a chance to bottom out and rise again.

   Even more.

  If things don’t go well, it’s unknown what misfortune happened in the middle, and it’s never recovered.

  Time is the most ruthless.

  The world is the most unpredictable.

   Throughout the ages, there are many such examples.

  No one knows what will happen to Qishan in the future.


"Many masters from various sects and sects fell in Qishan this time, and there were some complaints in their hearts. Fortunately, on the cliff, I, Qishan, brought out three unique skills, which gave everyone a chance of survival. It's also me, Qishan, who is leading the battle, and all sects and sects see it, so there is no chance of enmity, but the favor is always owed, how we will get along with each other in the future is hard to say."

   Ning Shuhua continued talking.

  When Cao Xin heard this, he asked 'curiously': "I'm confused. The masters of various sects are imprisoned on Siguo Cliff, and the Demon Sect guards Siguo Cliff. How did they escape?"

"It is said that it is a mysterious master who calls himself 'Hunyuan Thunderbolt' and named 'Cheng Kun'. He sneaked into Siguo Cliff somehow. This person asked Qishan Fushan for his unique knowledge, and I gave it to Qishan. The Fushan School is dishonest. His mind was exposed on the spot, and it almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, that person was kind and didn't care too much. He gave the antidote, and all the masters were able to get out of trouble. Xizong Xueren and others went down the mountain in shame, a large part of which was because they had Fushan looked up to Bai Qianxing, thinking that Bai Qianxing was an outstanding person. As a result, this time, the masters of various sects almost fell for Bai Qianxing's pettiness, they couldn't accept it, and stayed in Qishan without face, so they all descended from the mountain. "

  Ning Shuhua shook her head, she also had little understanding of what happened on the 'Thinking Cliff'.

  For example, Cheng Kun, what is his background? How did you get on the Cliff of Thoughts?

  Such as cheats, fake? Bai Qianxing offended all major factions?

too complicated.

   What I personally experienced is still vague, so I can’t explain clearly.

   Not to mention Ning Shuhua who heard second-hand information.

   Cao's confidence moved, knowing that his little trick against Fushan had worked.


   Cypress Qianxing.

   Was slandered out of thin air, and her previous image, including the "idol filter" in the minds of Qishan Xizong and other unification factions, was also shattered.

   As for justification—


  Then Cheng Kun can still slander you?

  Then why doesn't he slander Fushan?

   Or is that person arranged by Qishan?

  If Qishan has this ability, what is he trying to do? He wants to show you Fushan's two unique skills?

   Don't explain!

   To explain is to cover up, and to explain is to sophistry.

   The Fushan School cannot argue with anyone.

   Cao Xin has expected these.

  But Qishan Xizong's entire staff went down the mountain because of this, which he did not expect.

  Qishan is full of ruins waiting to be rebuilt. These people just left and went down the mountain to escape because of shame and a little bit of face.

   Too irresponsible.

  Cao Xin was disdainful.


"Qishan is now in ruins and almost bankrupt. It seems to be a good opportunity for me to buy the bottom!" Cao Xin thought to himself, seeing that Duan Chong was silent and that Ning Shuhua was not in high spirits, he immediately asked: "Master, uncle." How do you plan in the future? "

   Return to Qishan and stay in Qishan?

   Or continue to return to Xijing to run Juyi Escort?


Ning Shuhua glanced at Duan Chong, hesitating for a while, Duan Chong raised his head and said with a wry smile: "Qishan is short of people, but it is even more short of money and food. It is useless for us to stay in Qishan, so why not go back to Xijing and focus on running the gathering place?" The Righteous Escort Bureau, it is true to do a little bit for Qishan."

  Qishan has a century-old history and a deep foundation.

  The accumulation of wealth is also quite a lot.

  But in this battle, almost all the buildings in the gate were blown up by the Demon Cult. In addition, the battle damage of the masters of various sects and sects, as well as the casualties of their own disciples, all need compensation and pensions.




   This would be an astronomical number.

   Qishan's savings alone may not be enough, and he has to sell various properties outside to make up for it.

   But after that, you have to live in poverty for a while.

  In the future, if Qishan wants to develop and revive, money and food are very important, and they will rely on them, disciples who have property and business at the foot of the mountain, to transport them.

  Duan Chong is very aware of this.

   "That's the truth."

  Cao Xin also nodded for a while.

  Duan Chong is a member of the Juyi Escort, and he transports hundreds of taels every year, which is not without a small benefit for Qishan now.


   Money and food is one aspect.

  Talent reserve and training are equally important.

  The Qishan School suffered a disastrous loss this time. Not only were there not many masters left, but the bottom disciples suffered a devastating blow.

  And good seedlings—

   It's hard to find at first, just looking for a needle in a haystack. In the current situation of lack of money and silver, it is even more difficult to cast a wide net, which is especially scarce and makes the situation worse.

  Secondly, even if it is found, it is difficult to achieve it overnight, and there is a lack of sufficient and comprehensive master guidance and teaching.

  Maybe five years.

   Or even ten years.

  It doesn't happen overnight.

   "Caojiazhuang still has some savings, and many children from the village have a high degree of compatibility with Qishan martial arts. They are barely geniuses when they come to Qishan."

   "Master and uncle were born in Qishan."

   "My eldest brother and I are also considered Qishan disciples, and if we donate money and people, we can also count as contributing a small amount to the revival of Qishan."

  Cao Xin is benevolent and spares no expense in money.

  Duan Chong listened to Nuan Xin, feeling a little better, patted Cao Xin on the shoulder and forced a smile: "You have a heart."


  Qishan is about to fall, or in other words, has already fallen, and anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

   With the sudden eruption of the "Fourth Great War between Righteousness and Demons", the aftertaste gradually fell.

  Qishan, which was turned upside down by the Demon Sect, also suddenly calmed down.

  Experts from various sects and sects stayed in Qishan for quite a long time, wandering around, and the Demon Cult searched once, but there was no trace of 'Nine Deaths' or 'Qishan Patriarch'.

   Coupled with the fact that the Demon Cult made such a fuss and severely damaged Qishan, it has never been seen that the so-called "Qishan Patriarch" who lived out the third life with the help of the "Nine Deaths" was unmasked and tried his best to turn the tide.

  The masters who came here after hearing the news were more inclined that this was fabricated by the Demon Cult, just to confuse Qishan and overthrow Qishan.


   With the Demon Cult receding.

   With Qishan ruined.

  The people from all corners of the world rushing to the "nine death skills" also gradually gave up their hearts and left one after another after searching for nothing.

  The six factions such as Fushan and Qingqiu stayed longer and helped a lot.

  Seven Mountains Sword Sect, united with each other.

   This is not an empty slogan.

  At the moment when Qishan was being hit hard, the six factions extended a helping hand one after another, even the Fushan faction, which was suffering so much, didn't help.

  The six factions made various promises, and they also provided a lot of money and food.


   Qishan fell.

  Fushan lost the hearts of the people.

  Under this situation, no one can predict where the "Seven Mountains Sword Sect" and "Seven Mountains Alliance" will go.

   Another ten days later.

  The end of the song.

  Six Mountains and Six Sects also left one after another.

  Even the disciples of Mount Qi, who had property abroad, went down the mountain with a heavy burden.

   Only the devastated Qishan was left, licking the wound alone.



  Cao Xin and his group finally returned to Xijing.

  It's only been two months, it seems like a lifetime ago.

   Qishan was robbed.

  The Demon Cult is back.

  The news of the Siguoya battle had already been one step ahead of them. It spread to Xijing and spread all over the rivers and lakes. It became the biggest talking point recently and shocked the martial arts.

  In this atmosphere.

  Duan Chong and Ning Shuhua put more energy into the operation of the Juyi Escort, in order to earn more money and contribute to Qishan.

But at the same time.

  After personally experiencing this drastic change, Ning Shuhua seemed to have some different thoughts about Cao Xin's future.


   "Over the past two months, ever since Liu Tianyi and others attacked the Escort, various things have been overwhelming and have never stopped."

   "After returning from Qishan, Senior Uncle Ni and I have time to sort it out. The teacher has to ask your thoughts about you."

  Ning Shuhua pulled Cao Xin, as if holding a long talk.

   Cao Xin listened quietly.

   Vaguely guessed what Ning Shuhua was going to say.

   "In July, when Liu Tianyi and others came to attack, you broke through in front of the battle, and your attainments in Eagle Claw Kung Fu have reached its peak."

   "I thought that even if you are a genius, it will take five or eight years to reach this point, but your cultivation progress is too fast and your talent is too high."

Talking about Cao Xin's performance at the beginning, and talking about 'Ning's Eagle Claw Kung Fu', Ning Shuhua was both emotional and proud, and at the same time very complicated: "Your current Eagle Claw Kung Fu is not even much worse than being a teacher. After the 'Eagle Snake Life and Death Struggle' was passed on to you, the Ning family has no new tricks. If you continue to be detained under the sect and in the Ning family, it will be a mistake."


   Two-in-one, slow down the pace, I will save some drafts first.



  (end of this chapter)