MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 173 Worry-free township

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As true as the false flower said, the night of the night, the Great Black Mountain was quiet, and only Montenegro was a horrific scene of the great destruction of the universe.

Qin Mu no longer accepts the dew, but let the false flower suits reveal the way, and he helps the false flowers to treat the injury.

This is because there is still a big battle in the virtual flower, that is, in the middle of the night, the prehistoric strong will exploratory invasion, if the virtual flower does not have enough strength, it will not be able to withstand this wave of invasion.

Finally, a cracked mountain swayed, like a terrible monster on the ground trying to get out of the mountains.

The imaginary flower got up, walked down the world tree, and walked there.

Qin Mu collected Dalu and took it himself.

When it was dawn, Qin Muxiu recovered six or seven percent, so he walked down the world tree. The false flower was burying the prehistoric powerhouses who died in his hands. Qin Mu came to his side and saw that he was still planning to be a spirit. Official tomb.

"Can't stop, just retreat." Qin Mudao.

The imaginary flower looked up and said, "You are too."

Qin Mu stepped away and the voice came from a distance: "I have no way to go."

The illusion of life is stunned. After a while, this will continue to build a monument.

Qin Mu raised his speed to the extreme, rushed out of the ancestral court and went to the Yuan Dynasty. His heart was still anxious. He spent a night in the ancestral court and ran from the ancestral court to the Yuan, even though he was on his way. It will only reach the Yuan Dynasty after five days!

At that time, is Yun Tianzun still there?

Can he still hold that moment?

Yuan Jie.

The moment when Qin Mu left the Yuan dynasty and rushed to the ancestral court, it was the time when the ancestral king led the army of Xuan Du to cross the worry-free township and was entangled by the moon and the moon.

The ancestral king controls the body of the celestial body, and countless mysterious suns keep the moon and keep the sun and the moon. The sun sizzles the earth, and countless fire ravens fly from the sun to kill Yankang, while the moon has three feet. The first six eyes of the decapitated man jumped out and spurred the magical powers. The sky was full of six-eyed eyes, and the eyes shot a ray of light to the Yankang below!

This is definitely a horror scene of the end.

The moon gods and the two men personally blocked, but they could only stop the ancestral king, but they could not stop so many Xuandu army.

For these mysterious army, the worry-free township has no military force to block, and Yankang’s strength is much less than that of the worry-free township. It is difficult to stop the Xuandu army that is covered with the sky.

In the Shenkang city of Shenkang, the shooting of Japanese gods and cannons has started. Hundreds of Shencheng, with more than a thousand shots of Japanese guns, cannons leave a trail of darkness in the sky. After a blow, there will be one The sun is falling, or the sun is being bombarded by the sun in the sky!

Even so, the magical army of Xuan Du is still unstoppable!

Numerous Ravens of the Ravens rushed down, and the three-legged fire crows flew their wings and rushed to Yankang’s city of gods. In the floating city of Cannon, a mouthful of real guns was launched, and numerous guns greeted the fire crows. People shot.

There was a fire in the sky, but the rush of the fire crows was still close, close to the city wall!

In addition, there are also moon guards who lead the six-eye star gods, the sky is full of strange eyes, the strange eyes shoot out the light, bombard the real yuan cannon on the city, destroy a mouthful of artillery!

The first to bear the brunt is the western Kangcheng. The first wave of fire crows and gods hit the wall of Kangcheng. The three feet buckled the wall and ran wildly. Some ran to the wall, while others ran to the lower part of Kangcheng. Trying to break through from the back of Cannes and dig through the city below to break into the city.

The guns couldn't shoot them. On the wall, there was a man of God who launched the speeding car. The sword building opened, and countless swords flowed out, pouring down the wall, and the sword pill exploded on the way to the fall, turning it into a sword. Sting in all directions, shuttle like weaving!

In the center of the city of Cannes, a statue of Zun Yankang is shrouded in the gods of the gods. Even the helmet is incomparably tight, only showing eyes and mouth.

Some of them carry various squadrons, and some hold the swords and swords in their hands. Many of the gods are on the battlefield for the first time, staring nervously at the constantly shaking ground.

The ground vibration in the center of the city is getting more and more urgent. Suddenly there is a loud noise, the ground melts, the golden juice and copper liquid rises to the sky, and the ground of Kangcheng is burned through!

In the golden juice copper liquid, countless fire crows and gods fly out of it, like insects that come out from the bottom of the earth are generally killed in all directions!


On the city tower of Cannes, some people blow the Yanxi imitation of the Western Emperor artifacts, and strengthen the qi and blood of the defending city soldiers. However, even so, they are still in a **** battle, and there are constant casualties!

Kangcheng is just one of the many **** cities in the west. The scenery of other Shencheng is not much better than that of Kangcheng.

There are more and more troops in Xuandu, and the Yankang Shencheng in the sky is surrounded. Under the Yankang Shencheng, there are many cities and villages in the west of Yankang. They live with mortals and supernatural powers. If the **** city is broken, Then, to meet these mortals and supernaturals, it will be a massacre!

"Heavenly brother, don't have to wait any longer!"

A ugly singer said: "The ancestral king will not reveal flaws for a moment. At this time, only you can motivate the heavens to the treasure and block the gods of the mysterious capital!"

Tiangong looked up and stared at the ancestral king who was killing him with the moon. He suddenly slammed his teeth and screamed, urging the heavens to the Baotiangang soldiers, and flying to heaven in the sky. The gods are killed.

A ugly Tubo sighed and joined him to kill.

Both of them are the existence of Tianzun class, joined the battlefield, suddenly blocked the Xuan Du Shen Mo army, so that the Xuan Du Shen De difficult to fall!

At this time, the left and right dragon Wuwei 100,000 Gods and Magic Army smashed out and formed a battle, rushing to the two!

In the town of worry-free township, the situation of Wushou Township has gone. The emperor’s translation of the moon, Yan Yunqi and others began to break through the crowds, and they smashed from the heavens. The battle of the thirty-three heavens in the town of worry-free town was beyond the imagination. Every day, almost every day is a tug-of-war. The gods and demons of the two sides used the bodies of the enemy and the corpse to pile up into mountains. The blood was stained with red and no worries in the towns. Only Taiqingjing did not station troops, and it was still peaceful.

But the worry-free hometown has gone, and the emperor has to shed tears and lose the worry-free township.

The Heavenly Masters and the Navy's two great army and other military ranks chased after the killing. The geographer occupied the worry-free township and attacked the Taiqingjing. In Taiqing, only the last one was left, that is, Lan Yutian.

There are countless terracotta warriors and horses, and they continue to climb from the other 32-day sources of Wushou Township, gathering the dominant forces and attacking Taiqing.

In the Taiqing environment, Lan Yutian manipulated his own sacred artifacts to kill the squadron, and the entrance to the Taiqing border smashed the sound!

On the other hand, Red Emperor Qi Yuyu, Nandi Suzaku, Chi Ming Erdi and Zhu Yaner led the Feng, Chiming and Yankang army, and they were killed from the South Xinjiang, preparing to meet the defeated army in the road.

At the same time, Wei Suifeng and the Northern Emperor Xuanwu smashed the spirit of the ancient gods, and killed the army of the Northern Heavens. The Wei Suifeng left the bastion of the basalt army and the squadron, and together with the Xuanwu Emperor Going all the way to the southwest, come to meet.

In the West, the gods were attacked, and Yueting songs were driven into the heavens. Long Qilin led the army of the beasts and the Western Tigers to march from the West, trying to attack the army of the heavens in the rear and ease the pressure on the town.

"Opening the emperor, you can start."

Wen Tiange gathered in the worry-free township and defeated the army. He merged with the emperor and the moon. This battle of worry-free townships caused the loss of the worries of the worry-free townships, and the wounded and wounded were 60%. The remaining soldiers were also wounded.

The soldiers in their hands have been ruined, and their armor has been riddled with holes. The medicinal herbs have been exhausted and the weight has been exhausted. The arrays, chariots and other various soldiers sent by Yankang have been lost. In the midst of war.

Even the heavy tools such as the other side of the Ark were not used, and they were abandoned by the emperor.

Worry-free townships will continue to fight, and only the whole army will destroy this one.

The emperor's translation of the moon is complex, looking at the town of worry-free, the voice is hoarse: "Wen Tianshi, Lan Yutian is still resisting the enemy in the Taiqing environment..."

"Don't care about him. He can escape."

Wen Tiange said: "This time I asked him to meet Mrs. Yuan in Taiqing, and also let him attract more enemies in Taiqing. Only when he stayed there can he bring the power of worry-free town to the extreme! ”

The emperor translated a sigh: "So, let's get started..."

The leaders of the Worry-Free Township, who are heavily attached to the heavens, each stepped out and led the remnants of the cloth. They looked at the town of worry-free and looked complicated.

Worry-free township is their second hometown, but now it is destroyed and destroyed in their own hands!

"Our first hometown is the Yuan Dynasty, the town of worry-free, is the place we are hiding for a while. Now, in order to kill the enemy, to destroy the place for the first hometown, it is also to break the worry in our hearts!"

Wen Tiange’s voice is low: “Jun Jun, let the worry-free township burst out of its brilliance.”

His eyes fell on Su Maiqing, Su Maiqing is the founder of Yankang Daomen, mastering the first sword of Kaidao Qinye, Taiping Pingtianjian!

Su Maiqing and His Majesty's soldiers gave a low drink, spurred the magical powers, and worshipped the first heaven in the worry-free township, Taihuangtian!

Wen Tiange’s eyes fell on the second day of the worry-free township. The main body of the sun will be warm, and the warm sun is the ancestor of Yankang Sun Shouyan Jingjing, majoring in the second sword of the imperial kendo, Taiming Qitianjian!

The third day is too tomorrow, the four minors and the lesser houses are based on the foundation, and the third sword of the Kaihuang Kendo is cultivated, and the Qingming robbery sword!

The fourth day of the mysterious day, the four minors and the auxiliary high hundred quests, the cultivating the fourth sword of the imperial kendo, the Xuantai town Tianjian!

The fifth heavy day, too Fu Zhou, dreams, Yuan Mingwen lifts the sword!


Thirty-two heavens, the 32-member generals of Kaihuang Qinye, including Yan Yunxiao, will master the thirty-two heavy kendo of the imperial kendo, but the thirty-third heaven of the kendo is unmastered.

"Mastering the thirty-third heavenly kendo is the blue Yutian Yutianzun of Taiqingjing. He stayed there to promote all the power of the worry-free township."

Wen Tiange suddenly screamed: "Journey, start worry-free township!"

His voice just fell, all the soldiers together to force the mana, in the distance, the worry-free town suddenly shocked, and then numerous mountains and rocks flew, the mountains fell, the sea dried up, the soil turned open, revealing the reinforced iron bone buried deep underground!

The internal structure of the thirty-three heavens is a magnificent building made up of incomparably grand gods, and there are countless kendo runes on it!

From Taihuangtian to Jia Yutian, one heavy day!

At this moment, the torrent of kendo flooded the town of worry-free, and in the Taiqing environment, Lan Yutian glanced at Mrs. Yuan, who was still missing, and immediately flew up.

A statue of Zun Yutian, who is next to him, flies with him, floats with him in the sky, parallels the ground in Taiqing, looks up from below, and the blue Yutian four arms open, like being released. The blue kite flutters up and down with the wind.

Blue Yutian right hand sword refers to the same, to refer to the sword, hey, to promote the kendo!

"The thirty-third sword of Kendo, the sword of Taiqing, the road! No worries, start!"