MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 179 extra inheritance

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Wei Cheng didn't know if it was worth it.

With mixed feelings, while avoiding the pursuit of the empty city, she kept connecting to that world. Finally connected, I saw Wei Shuxun for the first time.

This grandfather has always admired and revered, but the great-grandfather who caused his tragedy and death was just a teenager at this time. According to Grandpa's diary, throwing the learning machine at him at that time will stop him from being a gangster? Thinking of my grandfather and father who died miserably, sure enough, it would be better to kill him!

Failed, I didn't expect that the learning machine actually has the function of protecting the host, but knowing the future, will Wei Shuxun change it?

If Wei Shuxun doesn't adopt grandpa, what will happen to grandpa and father? As for yourself, will you be born again?

At most, the father won't meet the mother, and he can't be born, it's no big deal.

Since the death of his family, Wei Cheng has no idea what it means to live. He hated the Lin family, the ruler of the empty city. If it wasn't for them to get in the way, grandfather and father would not have been left on the ground and exposed to radiation. He hated Wei Shuxun. If he didn't leave a criminal record, he wouldn't have given the Lin family an excuse to harm grandpa. Although he understands that this is just anger, but if he doesn't hate anything, he has no motivation to survive.

In any case, although he failed to kill Wei Shuxun, he was also frightened, and he must not dare to adopt grandpa again!

I didn't expect to see Wei Shuxun again when he was injured. He didn't seem to care about being killed at all. He was obviously just a 17-year-old kid. After knowing that he was his great-grandson, he calmly assumed the identity of his elder and tried to help him.

I actually found what Wei Shuxun left in the old house of the Wei family. After so long, even if Wei Shuxun wrapped it with a vacuum compression tape, it was almost broken. However, it once again confirmed the fact that they belonged to the same world.

So, the future cannot be changed?

Even if Wei Shuxun doesn't go to jail, in the end, grandpa and dad will still die?

Slowly, I can often get in touch with Wei Shuxun.

Every time I see him, he will be slightly different. The impetuous aura on his body disappeared, and his clothes were full of student spirit. He had a calm and peaceful temperament. Only when he occasionally raised his eyebrows and laughed, he could still see the scumbag of the bad guy.

The person that grandfather admires still has merit. It seems that as long as he works hard, there is nothing he can't do. Even if he hates reading, when he seriously wants to be a good student, he does a great job.

He is only 17 years old now, when he is 45 years old, he must already be a very good man!

So gradually, I no longer object to Wei Shuxun's adoption of grandpa.

The Lin family pursued him more and more. The empty city and the war on the ground gave the Lin family an excuse to send a large number of troops to round him up. Wei Cheng could only leave a last word at the end, and die with the chasing army.

The huge pain of self-explosion swept over, and when I felt the pain, my consciousness had fallen into darkness. The only consciousness at the last moment was: unfortunately, I couldn't watch Gu Weishuxun until the end.

It should be dead, why do I still feel it?

In the darkness, I heard low voices, men and women. However, the hands and feet can't move at all! Damn, got caught?

Wei Cheng struggled hard, but felt himself being picked up by a pair of big hands: "The baby is awake."

This sound is…

Wei Cheng opened his eyes, his vision was hazy, and he could not see the figure. But he would not admit his mistake. The familiar figures surrounding him were his parents and grandfather who had long since passed away?

"He's looking at me!" he heard Dad laugh.

"The new born child can't see clearly, he just follows the moving things." Grandpa said.

"Dad, I'm not a thing... I'm not... Forget it..." He heard his father's brisk voice. In his memory, his father was not so happy.

"Give me a hug, really, your hands are too strong!" Wei Cheng was turned into a soft embrace, and a gentle female voice coaxed him: "Baby, I It's mom!"

"...!" When Wei Cheng was born, he was attacked by mutant beasts, his mother was frightened, and without medicine, he died soon after giving birth. So Wei Cheng has never seen his mother.

Obviously he's an adult, he shouldn't be so excited, he still can't control his eyes wide to see his mother, but the newborn baby's vision is not well developed, he can only see hazy image.

"Baby? Why is the baby crying? My dear, did your mother hurt you?"

I don't know when, tears flowed down, my parents and grandpa surrounded him anxiously coaxing, Wei Cheng couldn't help laughing again.

, there is no such easy time.

So, has the future changed?

After being born for a period of time, Wei Cheng's eyesight gradually became clear, and he could finally see the appearance of his parents. Grandpa and Dad are still the same, but they are more spiritual, healthy, well-dressed, and have a high-class temperament. Grandpa is still a scientist, originally a businessman's father, Wei Cheng occasionally hears people who come to visit him call him... Mr. President...? !

, smiled before saying a word.

When Wei Cheng wanted to change the future, he was ready for not being born. Because if my father went to the sky city, he would never have the chance to meet his mother on the ground. Unexpectedly, his father would still see his mother and fall in love with her as an ordinary person.

Because she was still a small baby, Wei Cheng didn't know what was going on outside. Things didn't look bad, though. They lived in quiet, spacious villas, with plenty of food and too many toys every day, and it didn't look like a disaster had happened. Could it be that there are no meteorites in this world?

When Wei Cheng was 100 days old, his parents held a small banquet and invited relatives and friends to come to celebrate. It is said that they are relatives and friends, but the guests are all big figures in both the military and the government. I really don't know how the Wei family has established a "family and friend" relationship with these people.

"Yo, this baby is so cute, do you have a name?" An officer who looked somewhat familiar pinched Wei Cheng's face and asked Wei Xiaoyang.

Wei Xiaoyang nodded and replied with a smile: "It's ready, it's called Wei Cheng, this is the name set by Grandpa Zhou Quan, he said that if our child is born, it must be called Wei Commit."

Wei Cheng was stunned, Zhou Quan?

The officer sighed: "It's the name of the uncle, he really loves this child!"

Wei Cheng suddenly understood why he thought this officer was familiar, Zhou Quan! This officer looks a bit like Zhou Quan, and at first glance, he knows that he is related by blood. He is a descendant of the Zhou family!

So, this world is the world of Wei Shuxun and Zhou Quan that he knew? !

They really changed the future!

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy suddenly came over and said, "I want to see Wei Cheng."

His voice is a flat electronic sound, it sounds like a robot, his face is expressionless, and his facial features are very beautiful, as if they were made perfectly.

Wei Xiaoyang and the Zhou family officer obviously loved the young man very much. When they saw him, they all showed extremely gentle expressions, held Wei Cheng in front of him, and said, "Xilin, this is the Wei Cheng, do you want a hug?"

"Wei Cheng?" Xilin stretched out his finger and smeared Wei Cheng's face: "Too small."

Wei Xiaoyang chuckled: "Because he was born a hundred days ago, he will grow up soon, and Xilin will play with him at that time."

Xilin shook his head: "Shu Xun asked me to teach Wei Cheng."

"Really? Since grandpa said so, I will trouble you in the future."

Although Xilin is a robot, in the eyes of the Wei family, he is also a family member. Wei Nan was even taught by Xilin when he was a child. Wei Xiaoyang always regarded him as his elder brother when he was a child, and naturally he had no objection to what he wanted to teach Wei Cheng. Although I am very puzzled that grandpa still gave such an order, do they like his first child so much? It was arranged before he was born, and even the name was set in advance, and they did not think about the birth of the child. What if it's a girl?

Xilin has always been the mascot of Xilin Aviation Center. After so many years of careful care by Xilin aviation scientists, he is no different from humans in terms of intelligence and flexibility. It looks exactly like real skin. If it wasn't for Xilin's refusal to replace his voice control system, no one would have seen him as a robot.

When Wei Cheng was two years old, Xilin came to his home and started tutoring.

Because Shu Xun said that Wei Cheng's personality is extreme and easy to take detours, Xilin has studied a lot of educational psychology in recent years, and feels that he should start from the baby and give Wei Cheng early education.

From the electronic sound of this tablet, Wei Cheng had long suspected that Xilin was a learning machine. He had a rare opportunity to be alone. He asked directly: "Are you a learning machine?"


"The learning machine I threw to Wei Shuxun?"

Xilin put down the storybook and stared at Wei Cheng: "Who are you?"

Wei Cheng smiled: "I am Wei Cheng, Wei Cheng from another world."

Although I don't understand why he returned to this world with his memories after his death, Wei Cheng has always been grateful to Wei Shuxun and Zhou Quan. Because of their efforts, his most important family members are all alive and well. Wei Shuxun even created 10 empty cities. Although not all humans can live there, pregnant women and children are protected by the empty cities and there will be no danger of radiation. The comrades in the past no longer need to **** the empty cities for the sake of their children. .

Wei Cheng has a lot to tell Wei Shuxun and Zhou Quan, but these two have passed away, and his gratitude has nowhere to convey.

So when he came across a learning machine that knew his origin, he finally couldn't help but talk about his feelings.

Xilin quietly recorded every sentence of Wei Cheng, with a smile on his face that had never been expressionless, the flat electronic voice lowered a few degrees, showing a hint of gentleness: "Shu Xun heard Those words will be happy, he's been worried about you."

Wei Cheng was stunned for a moment, then said softly, "If only he could hear it, I owe him an apology."

A tall monument was erected where Wei Shuxun and Zhou Quan were buried together, and there was also a Wei Shuxun Memorial Hall, which Xilin specially brought Wei Cheng to visit.

To be honest, even though I am grateful to Wei Shuxun, when Wei Cheng died, Wei Shuxun was only a student who barely managed I don't know how he went from a gangster to a scientist, and he developed a ghost town with his own hands.

The exhibition hall of the memorial hall first displayed photos and transcripts of Wei Shuxun when he was a gangster. The photos of wearing trousers and the transcripts of Man Jianghong were really terrible. After entering the A University, his grades were not much better, but he could see a little improvement. After Wei Cheng died in battle, it was discovered that after his death, Wei Shuxun began to study engineering mechanics.

He seems to be a natural fit for this major, and soon he soared into the sky and entered Xilin Airlines, followed by admirable and amazing achievements.

"Why did you come here?" Wei Xiaoyang ran over to pick up his son, hugged Wei Cheng and kissed him, looked at the photos around him, showing a look of nostalgia. He carried Wei Cheng to the innermost exhibition hall, which was blank on all sides, except for the large wall facing the door, with a picture the size of the wall.

In the photo, two young men in black and white suits clasped their hands and looked at each other with deep affection.

Wei Xiaoyang pointed to the photo and said to Wei Cheng: "Look, that's Grandpa Zeng, the baby should remember their achievements well, and become someone as great as them in the future."

Wei Cheng nodded, he also saw the nameplate in the center of the exhibition hall, and Zhou Quan wrote the words that were often left behind: At least here, you belong to me alone - Zhou Quan.

Dad think I'm superfluous? — Wei Nan

Am I too much, grandpa? — Wei Xiaoyang

Wei Cheng laughed, if Zhou Quan saw these words, I don't know what his expression would be...Unfortunately, Zhou Quan and Wei Shuxun are no longer there.

Wei Xiaoyang pinched his son's face and smiled: "What are you laughing at, can you understand these words?"

Wei Cheng withdrew his smile and said, "Give me a pen and I will write too."

"You can't read..."

Wei Xiaoyang disagreed, Xilin had already handed the pen to Wei Cheng. Wei Cheng leaned out of Wei Xiaoyang's arms and began to write on the small nameplate.

"You can't doodle... eh...?"

In the corner of the nameplate, Wei Cheng solemnly wrote: Thank you - Wei Cheng.

"It's amazing, the baby can write." Wei Xiaoyang patted Wei Cheng's head and said seriously: "However, what I want to say to Grandpa Zeng will be written when you grow up. !"

He thought that Wei Cheng just happened to be able to write a few words.

"Yes." Wei Cheng nodded.

Wei Xiaoyang kissed him happily: "Baby is so good, let's go and call grandpa home for dinner. He has been in the laboratory for too long, Xilin, you too."


He was carried away from the exhibition hall by his father, Wei Cheng lay on his shoulders and looked at the two people who were gradually moving away from the wall.

This thank you is what Wei Cheng in the previous life said to you, so it is written in the corner, because Wei Cheng in this life has something new to tell you in the future.

As a great-grandson.

【This time is really over, thank you for your continued support, love you! 】