MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 178 Extra technical support

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On this day, Kim Chun-nam, the leader of the South Korean research team, suddenly discovered that the Chinese researcher had stopped working. Their captain Deng Ningwei was scolding Wei Shuxun again. At the same time, the Russian researchers were still around, staring at Wei Shuxun with weird eyes. Come to think of it, what big mistake did this young man make?

During dinner the next day, while Wei Shuxun was alone, Jin Chuannan sat next to him and sighed: "Life is really hard!"

He is the only Korean researcher who can speak Chinese. Although it is very jerky, he feels that his Chinese is good.

So Wei Shuxun, who was eating, turned his head, and inexplicably saw a crooked fruit man sighing to him in Chinese that he could barely understand: "Life is really hard, when I was studying, I often Being reprimanded and insulted by seniors..."

Half guessed, Wei Shuxun could barely understand what he meant.

But we don't know each other, right? Why are you complaining to me? Is it because he was excluded from the Korean side, so he had to come to him, a crooked fruit person to complain?

I heard that seniors often bully juniors in Japan and South Korea, Wei Shuxun can only pat him on the shoulder sympathetically and hand him a glass of water.

And Jin Chuannan thought that he finally had a conversation with Wei Shuxun, and said happily: "You must be able to come here to study, right? Are you still a college student?"

His Chinese is really bad, Wei Shuxun simply answered him in English: "No, I am a master student now."

Jin Chuan choked for a while, this kid can speak English! It made him so hard to speak Chinese, but as he guessed, he was a master's student. With such an education, he was just a chorus in their research institute, and this kid was probably similar.

"The master's degree is also very remarkable. We at Seoul University welcome you such an excellent graduate student. I can recommend you to enroll."

"..." Wei Shuxun was even more inexplicable.

South Korea has not even launched a satellite, what did he have to go to South Korea to learn? If he wants to study abroad, he should also go to the United States! However, in view of Dunningwei's situation, he probably won't be able to come back when he goes, so it's better not to take risks.

"No thanks, I'm fine now."

"Are you really not thinking about it?" Because Wei Shuxun seldom was alone, Jin Chuannan couldn't waste the opportunity, whispered and said bluntly: "If you go abroad, you need a lot of money, right? I can help you if you want."

Wei Shuxun finally understood what he meant. This was the first time in his life that he had been bought off. He asked curiously, "How much can you give me?"

Jin Chuannan's eyes lit up, and he leaned closer to him and whispered: "It depends on the value of the technology you provide. Whether it's Chinese or Russian, the more valuable the technology you provide, the more money we give you. more."

Wei Shuxun also approached him and whispered, "Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you for a long time."


"If you had directly asked China to help you build rockets, you would have saved at least $50 million. You are too stupid."

Jin Chuannan stared at Wei Shuxun and shook his head: "No, China's technology is not good."

Wei Shuxun also glared back: "China has launched so many rockets and satellites, has it ever fallen off? You're telling me where it doesn't work?"

"There is no Samsung in China." Jin Chuannan blurted out.

Wei Shuxun snorted coldly: "Then why don't you ask Samsung to launch satellites?"

Jin Chuan choked, he also thought about it at this time. Their impression of China is that its technology is backward. There is no high-tech company like Samsung, and there is no outstanding technology in the technology market, but when it comes to aerospace and military, South Korea is really far behind. That is, they have never launched a satellite, and have no military weapons developed by themselves. They basically rely on buying them all. According to the international market situation, it may actually be cheaper to find China. Knowing that China has launched countless satellites, they are unwilling to admit that their technology is superior to their own.

Now it has been pointed out, although I understand it, but Jin Chuannan is still stubborn: "Anyway, China is not good, no better than Russia, if you want to sell the technology you learned to me, if you don't want to, forget it. ."

Wei Shuxun simply said: "I don't want to."

Jin Chuannan was stuffy, and the others looked shrewd. Wei Shuxun was the only suitable target. His refusal made him very angry. You are good at technology, and you can’t compare to us. We are here to help Russia, you are here to learn, you can’t.”

"..." Wei Shuxun just wanted to say what a scumbag, how careful this person is, and if he is rejected, he will focus on attacking him.

However, he didn't grab a man to emphasize the hobbies of "I'm very good", but when he talked to Dunningwei, he made Dunningwei laugh.

A few days later, an exchange agreement was reached, and Wei Shuxun and others continued to work. Now that the technology has been exchanged, he naturally wants to do a good job in the technology of ring laser vibration. Although there is a case in mind, there are still mistakes in the actual implementation, and the deviations need to be improved and corrected. Because it has been discovered, Wei Shuxun and Deng Ningwei no longer hide and mumble, but discuss openly and openly. At this time, the Russian side discovered that Wei Shuxun, who they thought was the most useless, was actually the main force of this group of researchers. .

These despicable Chinese people even want to hide him after taking the money!

However, technical cooperation between countries is like this. You know that he has higher and better technology. If you want better, you have to pay in exchange. The Russian side was unwilling to pay more, and could only try to soften Wei Shuxun with warm hospitality.

So Wei Shuxun was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic researchers all the time, pulling him to discuss various aviation technologies, trying to get him to say something. Wei Shuxun really likes this kind of exchange meeting. If these people want to seduce him, they naturally have to say something useful. With so many people, he can gain a lot with a few words per person, so he sometimes says Some things attracted a more enthusiastic response from the crowd.

Jin Chuannan felt resentment against Wei Shuxun after he was rejected by Wei Shuxun that day, and found that he was surrounded by a group of Russian researchers. What kind of misfortune has been blamed by thousands of people, and he happily asked the translator: "What happened there?"

"Oh, they're asking Wei Shuxun some questions."

"What, what? Ask me?!"

"Yes, I heard that the young researchers sent by China this time are very good, especially Wei Shuxun, everyone wants to dig out some new technology from him, after all, it is a flower They were invited for $100 million!"

"One, one hundred million!" Jin Chuannan couldn't believe it: "But, but, they are so young, aren't they here to learn?"

The translator glanced at him: "No, I'm here to help, unlike you." The Europa man said honestly and bluntly: "At least the Chinese don't need to steal our first-stage rocket technology. "

Although Russia was reluctant, after Wei Shuxun threw some high-tech temptations intentionally or unintentionally, he couldn't help but carry out a technology exchange with China. At present, the third-stage rocket is their most important research and development project. For this project, countless expenses have been spent, and it can be replaced with a few existing technologies. It is not a loss if you think about it, at least a lot of money has been saved. After such self-comfort, Russia became more comfortable in exchanging technology, and China also took the opportunity to get a lot of coveted military technology.

It took more than four months for Wei Shuxun and others to complete their work, and they also learned a lot through exchanges with Russian researchers. Of course, the happiest part was the military department, who had exchanged a lot of military technology through Wei Shuxun, so when he came to pick him up, he specially sent a major general, um, Zhou Quan.

We haven't seen each other for four months, Zhou Quan stared at Wei Shuxun intently, both of them are restrained people, they didn't show excessive affection, just the kind of interjection when standing together The atmosphere of not entering other people's kisses is enough to blind the eyes of all single dogs. When the plane arrived at the military airport, Zhou Quan immediately took Wei Shuxun and said to Deng Ningwei, "I have already asked for a leave of absence for Shuxun, and I hope not to disturb him within a month."

What else can Dunningwei say?

Blind eyes.

Wei Shuxun and Zhou Quan were not the newlyweds that everyone imagined, and then they were just like that, just soaked in the jacuzzi of the villa for a while, Wei Shuxun was already tired and fell asleep . He would be over-excited every time he researched, and after the end he was so exhausted that he had no energy at all. Zhou Quan was also used to it. After Wei Shuxun fell asleep against him, he carefully pulled the bath towel, wrapped him up and carried him back to the bed. The two fell asleep hugging each other.

Equally after every study, Wei Shuxun would empty his head for a period of time and think about nothing. At this time, he was dumb and cute. So when he wakes up the next day, Zhou Quan can enjoy his sweet and cute lover to the fullest.

More than three months after Wei Shuxun and others left, the first-stage rocket purchased by South Korea from Russia was finally completed. South Korea's first satellite launch is about to begin after a hype in the national media.

Because China has launched too many satellites, and half of them are spy satellites, the launch of satellites is not much reported now. At most, it will be mentioned in the news for a few minutes. Unlike South Korea, this is the first satellite launch in the country. They can't wait to publicize it to the world, so even CCTV specially carried out a special report.

Wei Shuxun has returned to the aviation center from his vacation at this time. He and his colleagues also stopped work and sat in front of the big screen to watch the news. Now that the pre-launch preparations are being broadcasted, Dunningwei looked at the work on the screen and suddenly said, "I don't know why, but I have a hunch that the satellite will fall."

"I also feel the same." Zheng Le said: "I always feel that they are missing some work, although I don't see it."

"No way..." Wei Shuxun frowned: "They studied with Russia... But, I don't know why, I feel the same way."

At 9:20 am, the rocket lifted off, and the picture turned to the excited faces of the president and the people. Then, when the president announced the successful launch of the satellite and the people cheered excitedly, the screen just turned to the scene where the technician at the console jumped up and cheered excitedly.

At the same time, Wei Shuxun and others were stunned, and almost fell on the big screen.

"Wait a minute, what's that data?"

"If I read it right, did it fall?"

The author has something to say:

When the satellite has not reached the predetermined orbit, the satellite cannot be connected, and the rocket flight scene cannot be seen. But the computer will simulate the data fed back by the rocket, so the console can clearly know how the rocket is flying.

So, while the technicians cheered and jumped up, Wei Shuxun and others who were sitting in front of the big screen clearly saw the data of the rocket falling on the computer screen.

The cheering news came to an abrupt end, and a minute later, the President of South Korea solemnly announced that the satellite launch failed and the rocket had crashed.

Wei Shuxun almost choked to death with saliva: "Cough, cough, it really crashed!"

Half an hour later, a South Korean expert came forward to explain: "This satellite launch was jointly manufactured by South Korea and Russia. We have confirmed through research that the problem is the part made in Russia, and the part made in my country. There is no problem with the copy, so the satellite launch is still a success.”

Hearing this explanation, the whole aviation center sprayed.

Wei Shuxun laughed until he was almost speechless: "This is the first time I heard this explanation. Next time we launch a rocket, can we also explain it like this?"

Guan Cheng slapped him: "Don't learn the good ones, just learn the bad ones."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

To Wei Shuxun and others, this was just a joke, but Russia stopped doing it. When Russia and South Korea signed the contract, it was agreed that Russia would help South Korea make the first-stage rocket, and South Korea would make the second-stage rocket itself. If the satellite launch fails, the responsibility is on Russia's side, and Russia will help South Korea launch two satellites for free. If the responsibility is on South Korea's side, Russia will help them launch a satellite for free.

Russia's problem.

But less than half a month later, South Korea issued a statement on its own, saying that the satellite launch was a technical mistake by the South Korean side.

Later, Wei Shuxun and others learned through internal information that South Korea wanted to ask Russia to help them launch satellites again according to the contract, but Russia refused, claiming that if the truth could not be found out, they would not Then help South Korea launch satellites. So South Korea had to admit that it was because the second-stage rocket they developed did not escape normally, which caused the satellite to fail to enter the predetermined orbit, and finally was attracted by the earth's gravity and crashed.

When Wei Shuxun heard this explanation, thinking about the scene of the poor satellite being dragged back into the earth by a heavy rocket, he felt sympathy for that satellite and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Fortunately they didn't look for China, otherwise they would be wronged to death."

The whole day was filled with schadenfreude in all four aviation centers across the country.



I personally don't want to target Korea in particular, but almost every funny thing I see is related to Korea, and I'm quite helpless.

South Korea launched a satellite for the first time and fell down, then wronged Russia, was rejected by Russia, and finally admitted that it was its own fault, it was true. You can search for keywords such as "South Korea failed to launch a satellite". South Korea's reaction is simply speechless. This is really not something that a country can do. It feels like seeing a wet market hawker.

Also, there are two extras to write. One is the Wei Cheng fan that everyone is looking forward to, and the other is Wei Shuxun in the textbook, which will be included in Chapter 175.