MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4197 Accidental aid

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Flying to the middle, her figure was slightly blurred, and actually changed two incarnations.

Compared with the body, the breath is the same, powerful and extreme, but the spiritual attributes that are emitted are quite different.

They represent the Jinmu water and the fire soil, and the attributes of the five elements are all included. With a slap in the face, the five Yutong Fairies will face the sword at the same time.

Five-coloured glaze, the color of each Jianguang property is very simple, but together, it exudes incredible power.

"this is……"

Tian Xiaokong has shrunk and his face has an incredible look: "The law of Hongmeng, the power of the source, is impossible. There is a lower bound in your district. Even if you can break through the difficulties and become a true fairy, how can you master this power source?"

This has already touched the existence of the Taoist realm. It is no wonder that Tian Hao will change his face.

His pupils were miniature, and his eyes flashed a deep shade of haze. Besides, he spurted an egg-sized ball of light.

The same five-colored glaze exudes the atmosphere of Hongmeng's law, and the intricate runes in the 10,000-volume book also fly out, such as the long whales, which are absorbed into the ball of light.


Tian Hao went to the point with a law.

The light ball was slightly blurred, and then it became a five-color long Ge, and it collided with the oncoming glass Jianguang.


An earth-shattering loud noise, the whole small space is oscillating... No, not shock, the sky, with the collision of two kinds of power, has cracked a gap, varying in size, but like a spider The net is generally horrible, and the entire small space has reached the brink of collapse.

To know the space here, the area is not large. However, the stability of space is better than that of the spiritual world, and there is also the help of the power of the law of Tian Hao. It is reasonable to say that it should be ruined.

However, there is an exception to everything.

For example, in front of you...

Fortunately, the place where they are fighting is not at the three major interfaces, or if the interface falls apart, the charcoal will be hundreds of millions of people...

Lin Xuan’s face also showed a hint of sorrow.

I did not expect that Li Yutong still hides such a killing, but he also understands that it is better to rely on Yutong Fairy, no matter what. It is impossible to evenly compete with Tian Hao.

The attack in front of the other party is mostly a flash in the pan.

Therefore, Lin Xuan did not hesitate to inject more mana into the sword and fist.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air, the sky attack, has wrapped the layers of Tian Hao.

This time, although Lin Xuan did not use the treasures that were not allowed, the mana was fully opened. It is also enough to kill the general robbing ancestors.

Tian Hao is just a brow.

The sleeves roared and suddenly a light flashed from his sleeve, and a low-pitched voice became a thunder.

Each head is long and long, and the pressure is not to mention the general Mahayana ancestors. It’s just that the real fairy is too late, shaking his head and swaying like those fists and swords.

Suddenly, the roar was loud.

At the same time, Xiaolong is a real person. Hail, Yuanyuan and others also joined the attack.

They certainly didn't think they could kill Tian Hao, but the offense is the best defense.

They dare not wait for each other to break. Only with full attack can it be possible to trap the other side here.

For a time, the humming sounds, the cracking sound, and the continuous incoming ear...

The entire small space had already fallen apart, and it was even more faltering. However, this is not the most surprising.

At the same time, there were attacks outside the space, and it was very frequent.

Lin Xuan and others face each other, but Tian Hao is also somewhat suspicious.

However, before they even thought about it, the loud noise of the earth-shattering has been introduced to the ears.

The whole space can no longer be supported, and it is broken into nothingness.

Suddenly, the power of space is everywhere.

Fortunately, both sides of the battle are top-ranking powers. Otherwise, the aftermath of the collapse of space alone will be enough to kill them.

But Rao is so, Lin Xuan still sacrificed the treasures of defense, one is to resist the aftermath, and second, there is also the effect of guarding against the sneak attack of Tian Hao.

Although this small space is sturdy, the area is not outrageous, so after the collapse, it quickly dissipated itself.

Everything is clear.

As soon as it is in sight, it is a shadow, and countless figures appear in front of you.

Lin Xuan and other eyes swept away, his face could not help but reveal the look of overjoyed.

It is a strong person from the three thousand worlds.

Tian Hao’s expression is extremely gloomy.

These guys can actually find here, what are the real immortals, and have they fallen?

How is this possible?

Tian Hao is very surprised.

What he is worried about is fact.

The narrow road meets the brave and wins. The true immortal is the strongest of the three thousand worlds. Although the latter is more numerous, it is obviously playing the true fairy. However, at the crucial moment, the true spirit has come to blend.

The addition of this new force suddenly changed the pattern of strength and weakness, and there were not many good rivals. Moreover, the strength of the powerful real spirits such as the real dragon and the wind is better than that of the real fairy, which is more than nothing.

In a big war, the celestial people lost and lost, and many strong people fell. In the face of such a situation, the remaining true immortals are all panicked. Their strength may be good, but the experience of fighting the law is far less than the three strong players.

This kind of thing has never been seen, and Tian Hao is no longer there. There is no heart in the heart. I don’t know which immortal screams and flees. The rest of the real fairy sees, the morale is even lower, and there are different kinds of learning. Also made the birds and beasts scattered.

As the saying goes, the poor are not chasing, not to mention the fact that the immortal is not easy to provoke, it is a good choice to be able to stun them. The big powers of the three worlds will not expect to kill anything.

What surprised them the most was that when the immortal went, the true spirits did not stay, and they also broke open the space and left.

This was a surprise, and the big guys looked at each other and then began to discuss the next step.

After experiencing so many twists and turns, they have also had an interest in cooperation, and they have warmed up together. Only by working together can they get a nine-day interest. Once the Xianling Passage is opened, with their strength, there are plenty of opportunities to fly up to the upper bound.

After a simple negotiation, they set off together.

At this time, there are still more than a thousand people in the three realms who are still alive. In other words, more than half of them are depraved, which is why they choose to cooperate.

And this idea, obviously did not take the wrong, then, they did not encounter any danger, even if there are small twists and turns, with so many strong players, it is easy to solve.

All the way to find it, I got the clues of the nine-day interest, chasing the outside of the small space.

However, it is impossible to tear the void, and when the public can be angry, it will start a mad attack, and there should be such a result. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
